80 research outputs found

    Analysis and identification of possible automation approaches for embedded systems design flows

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    Sophisticated and high performance embedded systems are present in an increasing number of application domains. In this context, formal-based design methods have been studied to make the development process robust and scalable. Models of computation (MoC) allows the modeling of an application at a high abstraction level by using a formal base. This enables analysis before the application moves to the implementation phase. Different tools and frameworks supporting MoCs have been developed. Some of them can simulate the models and also verify their functionality and feasibility before the next design steps. In view of this, we present a novel method for analysis and identification of possible automation approaches applicable to embedded systems design flow supported by formal models of computation. A comprehensive case study shows the potential and applicability of our method11212

    On the development life cycle of distributed functional applications: a case study

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    [Abstract] In a world where technology plays a major, increasing role day after day, efforts devoted to develop better software are never too much. Both industry and academia are well aware of this, and keep on working to face the new problems and challenges that arise, more efficiently and effectively each time. Companies show their interest in cutting-edge methods, techniques, and tools, especially when they are backed up with empirical results that show practical benefits. On the other hand, academia is more than ever aware of real-world problems, and it is succeeding in connecting its research efforts to actual case studies. This thesis follows the mentioned trend, as it presents a study on software applications development based on a real case. As its main novelty and contribution, the integral process of software development is addressed from the functional paradigm point of view. In contrast with the traditional imperative paradigm, the functional paradigm represents not only a different way of developing applications, but also a distinct manner of thinking about software itself. This work goes through the characteristics and properties that functional technology gives to both software and its development process, from the early analysis and design development phases, up to the final and no less critical verification and validation stages. In particular, the strengths and opportunities that emerge in the broad field of testing, thanks to the use of the functional paradigm, are explored in depth. From the analysis of this process being put into practise in a real software development experience, we draw conclusions about the convenience of applying a functional approach to complex domains. At the same time, we extract a reusable engineering methodology to do so

    Bidirectional finite state machine based testing

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Computer ScienceThis thesis aims to develop a new methodology that combines model-based testing and bidirectional transformations. More precisely, the method of software testing used is blackbox testing, where the system under test is a black-box. Without knowledge of the blackbox’s internal structures or implementation, the focus is on the inputs and outputs. To infer a model for this black-box, machine learning algorithms are used by submitting test cases against the black-box and observing the correspondent output. The resulting model is a finite state machine that produces the same outputs of the black-box when submitted the same inputs used in its making. Usually, in this approach, new test cases are provided to infer better models. In this thesis, bidirectional techniques will be studied in order to guarantee the conformity between both the model and the instance evolution. This way, it is allowed not only the evolution of the test cases and co-evolution of the model, but also the evolution of the model and the co-evolution of the test cases.Esta tese visa desenvolver uma nova metodologia que combina Model-Based Testing (MBT) e Bidirectional Transformations (Bx). Mais precisamente, o método de teste de software usado é Black-Box Testing (BBT), onde o System Under Test (SUT) é uma black-box. Sem o conhecimento das estruturas internas da black-box ou da sua implementação, o foco está nos inputs e outputs. Para inferir um modelo para esta black-box, são usados algoritmos de aprendizagem através de interrogações à black-box (i.e., casos de teste) e da observação do output correspondente. O modelo resultante é uma Finite State Machine (FSM), que produz os mesmos outputs da black-box, quando lhe são submetidos os mesmos inputs usados na sua criação. Geralmente, nesta abordagem, novos casos de teste são fornecidos para inferir melhores modelos. Nesta tese, serão estudadas técnicas bidireccionais com o objetivo de garantir a conformidade entre as evoluções do modelo e dos casos de teste. Desta forma, é permitida não só a evolução dos casos de teste e co-evolução do modelo, mas também a evolução do modelo e a co-evolução dos casos de teste

    Estratégias de automação para desenvolvimento de projetos de sistemas embarcados baseados em modelos formais de computação

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    Orientador: Denis SIlva LoubachDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: Sistemas embarcados de alta performance estão presentes em cada vez mais áreas de aplicação. Com o aumento da complexidade, se torna mais difícil atender ao requisito de se projetar o sistema mais otimizado utilizando menos recursos. Nesse contexto, os métodos de projeto de sistemas embarcados baseados em modelos formais têm sido estudados para tornar esse processo mais robusto e escalável. O uso de modelos de computação (MoC), que consistem na modelagem de uma aplicação utilizando um alto nível de abstração com base formal, possibilita uma análise sistemática do sistema antes de sua implementação. Ferramentas e frameworks têm sido desenvolvidos para a modelagem baseada em MoCs. Algumas dessas ferramentas suportam a simulação dos modelos, possibilitando a verificação das funcionalidades do sistema antes das próximas fases do projeto. O aumento do nível de abstração, proporcionado pelo uso dos MoCs, dificulta a fase de implementação pela falta de detalhes nos modelos de alto nível de abstração. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar possíveis estratégias de automação para o desenvolvimento de sistemas embarcados baseado em modelos formais de computaçãoAbstract: Sophisticated and high performance embedded systems are present in an increasing number of application domains. As the complexity grows, it gets harder to satisfy the requirement of getting the most optimized system using less development resources. In this context, formal-based design methods have been studied to make the development process robust and scalable, using the correct-by-construction approach. Models of computation (MoC), which consists on modeling an application at a high abstraction level by using a formal base, enables a systematic application analysis before its implementation. Different tools and frameworks have been developed supporting MoCs. Some of them can simulate the models and also verify its functionality and feasibility before the next design steps. As MoC elevates the abstraction level, the implementation steps get more complex, creating an abstraction gap. In view of this, the present research aims to identify possible automation approaches for embedded systems design flowsMestradoMecatrônicaMestre em Engenharia Mecânic

    Revealing Behaviours of Concurrent Functional Programs by Systematic Testing

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    We aim to make it easier for programmers to write correct concurrent programs and to demonstrate that concurrency testing techniques, typically described in the context of simple core languages, can be successfully applied to languages with more complex concurrency. In pursuit of these goals, we develop three lines of work: Testing concurrent Haskell We develop a library for testing concurrent Haskell programs using a typeclass abstraction of concurrency, which we give a formal semantics. Our tool implements systematic concurrency testing, a family of techniques for deterministically testing concurrent programs. Along the way we also tackle how to soundly handle daemon threads, and how to usefully present complex execution traces to a user. We not only obtain a useful tool for Haskell programs, but we also show that these techniques work well in languages with rich concurrency abstractions. Randomised concurrency testing We propose a new algorithm for randomly testing concurrent programs. This approach is fundamentally incomplete, but can be suitable in cases where systematic concurrency testing is not. We show that our algorithm performs as well as a pre-existing popular algorithm for a standard set of benchmarks. This pre-existing algorithm requires the use of program-specific parameters, but our algorithm does not. We argue that this makes use and implementation of our algorithm simpler. Finding properties of programs We develop a tool for finding properties of sets of concurrency functions operating on some shared state, such as the API for a concurrent data type. Our tool enumerates Haskell expressions and discovers properties by comparing execution results for a variety of inputs. Unlike other property discovery tools, we support side effects. We do so by building on our tool for testing concurrent Haskell programs. We argue that this approach can lead to greater understanding of concurrency functions

    Automated Test Generation Based on an Applicational Model

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    Context: As testing is an extremely costly and time-consuming process, tools to automatically generate test cases have been proposed throughout the literature. OutSystems provides a software development environment where with the aid of the visual OutSystems language, developers can create their applications in an agile form, thus improving their productivity. Problem: As OutSystems aims at accelerating software development, automating the test case generation activity would bring great value to their clients. Objectives: The main objectives of this work are to: develop an algorithm that generates, automatically, test cases for OutSystems applications and evaluates the coverage they provide to the code, according to a set of criteria. Methods: The OutSystems language is represented as a graph to which developers can then add pieces of code by dragging nodes to the screen and connecting them to the graph. The methodology applied in this work consists in traversing these graphs with depth and breadth-first search algorithms, employing a boundary-value analysis to identify the test inputs and a cause-effect graphing to reduce the number of redundant inputs generated. To evaluate these test inputs, coverage criteria regarding the control flow of data are analysed according to node, branch, condition, modified condition-decision and multiple condition coverage. Results: This tool is able to generate test inputs that cover 100% of reachable code and the methodologies employed help greatly in reducing the inputs generated, as well as displaying a minimum set of test inputs with which the developer is already able to cover all traversable code. Usability tests also yield very optimistic feedback from users. Conclusions: This work’s objectives were fully met, seen as we have a running tool able to act upon a subset of the OutSystems applicational model. This work provides crucial information for assessing the quality of OutSystems applications, with value for OutSystems developers, in the form of efficiency and visibility

    Model construction, evolution, and use in testing of software systems

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    The ubiquity of software places emphasis on the need for techniques that allow us to ensure that software behaves as we expect it to behave. The most widely-used approach to ensuring software quality is unit testing, but this is arguably not a very efficient solution, since each test only checks that the software behaves as expected in one single scenario. There exist more advanced techniques, like property-based testing, model-checking, and formal verification, but they usually rely on properties, models, and specifications. One source of friction faced by testers that want to use these advanced techniques is that they require the use of abstraction and, as humans, we tend to find it more difficult to think of abstract specifications than to think of concrete examples. In this thesis, we study how to make it easier to create models that can be used for testing software. In particular, we research the creation of reusable models, ways of automating the generalisation of code and models, and ways of automating the generation of models from legacy unit tests and execution traces. As a result, we provide techniques for generating tests from state machine models, techniques for inferring parametrised state machines from code, and refactorings that automate the introduction of abstraction for property-based testing models and code in general. All these techniques are illustrated with concrete examples and with open-source implementations that are publicly available

    Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering 2019

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    This open access book provides an overview of the dissertations of the five nominees for the Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering in 2019. The prize, kindly sponsored by the Gerlind & Ernst Denert Stiftung, is awarded for excellent work within the discipline of Software Engineering, which includes methods, tools and procedures for better and efficient development of high quality software. An essential requirement for the nominated work is its applicability and usability in industrial practice. The book contains five papers describing the works by Sebastian Baltes (U Trier) on Software Developers’Work Habits and Expertise, Timo Greifenberg’s thesis on Artefaktbasierte Analyse modellgetriebener Softwareentwicklungsprojekte, Marco Konersmann’s (U Duisburg-Essen) work on Explicitly Integrated Architecture, Marija Selakovic’s (TU Darmstadt) research about Actionable Program Analyses for Improving Software Performance, and Johannes Späth’s (Paderborn U) thesis on Synchronized Pushdown Systems for Pointer and Data-Flow Analysis – which actually won the award. The chapters describe key findings of the respective works, show their relevance and applicability to practice and industrial software engineering projects, and provide additional information and findings that have only been discovered afterwards, e.g. when applying the results in industry. This way, the book is not only interesting to other researchers, but also to industrial software professionals who would like to learn about the application of state-of-the-art methods in their daily work

    Scaling Reliably: Improving the Scalability of the Erlang Distributed Actor Platform

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    Distributed actor languages are an effective means of constructing scalable reliable systems, and the Erlang programming language has a well-established and influential model. While the Erlang model conceptually provides reliable scalability, it has some inherent scalability limits and these force developers to depart from the model at scale. This article establishes the scalability limits of Erlang systems and reports the work of the EU RELEASE project to improve the scalability and understandability of the Erlang reliable distributed actor model. We systematically study the scalability limits of Erlang and then address the issues at the virtual machine, language, and tool levels. More specifically: (1) We have evolved the Erlang virtual machine so that it can work effectively in large-scale single-host multicore and NUMA architectures. We have made important changes and architectural improvements to the widely used Erlang/OTP release. (2) We have designed and implemented Scalable Distributed (SD) Erlang libraries to address language-level scalability issues and provided and validated a set of semantics for the new language constructs. (3) To make large Erlang systems easier to deploy, monitor, and debug, we have developed and made open source releases of five complementary tools, some specific to SD Erlang. Throughout the article we use two case studies to investigate the capabilities of our new technologies and tools: a distributed hash table based Orbit calculation and Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO). Chaos Monkey experiments show that two versions of ACO survive random process failure and hence that SD Erlang preserves the Erlang reliability model. While we report measurements on a range of NUMA and cluster architectures, the key scalability experiments are conducted on the Athos cluster with 256 hosts (6,144 cores). Even for programs with no global recovery data to maintain, SD Erlang partitions the network to reduce network traffic and hence improves performance of the Orbit and ACO benchmarks above 80 hosts. ACO measurements show that maintaining global recovery data dramatically limits scalability; however, scalability is recovered by partitioning the recovery data. We exceed the established scalability limits of distributed Erlang, and do not reach the limits of SD Erlang for these benchmarks at this scal