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    Modelling of cross-country transport in raster format

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    The content of this paper refers to the modelling of the geographic environment impact on the off-road vehicles movement in raster format. The common influences of relief slope, micro-relief forms, soils, vegetation, hydrology, built-up areas, meteorological factors, etc. on the vehicle speed deceleration are calculated. To determine the impact of various geographic environment types on the vehicle movement, many field tests and laboratory analysis were provided using military and rescue vehicles. Modelling principle of cross-country vehicle mobility in raster format is based on the idea that each geographic factor "F" located at given elementary terrain area and affecting vehicle speed has its own value of deceleration coefficient Ci. The value of this coefficient expresses the fact of how many times (or percent) a certain geographic factor will decelerate the vehicle speed. The final vehicle deceleration is calculated using synthesis of corresponding raster cells in elementary terrain area in which the influences of geographic factors on vehicle speed are constant. The ArcGIS software suite was used for building the cross-country movement (CCM) database and constructing the CCM map. The database, which has been developed for selected vehicles by the Military Geographical Service of the Czech Armed Forces, should serve as a military geographical support tool during the military and civil operations to improve vehicle navigation.Obsah tohoto příspěvku se týká modelování vlivu geografického prostředí na pohyb terénních vozidel v rastrovém formátu. Jsou vypočítány společné vlivy reliéfního svahu, mikroreliéfních forem, půd, vegetace, hydrologie, zastavěných ploch, meteorologických faktorû apod. na zpomalení rychlosti vozidla. K určení dopadu různých geografických typů prostředí na pohyb vozidel bylo provedeno mnoho terénních zkoušek a laboratorní analýzy pomocí vojenských a záchranných vozidel. Princip modelování mobility mobilních vozidel v rastru je založen na myšlence, že každý geografický faktor "F", který se nachází v dané oblasti a ovlivňuje rychlost vozidla, má svou vlastní hodnotu zpomalovacího koeficientu Ci. Hodnota tohoto koeficientu vyjadřuje, kolikrát (nebo procentuálně) určitý geografický faktor zpomaluje rychlost vozidla. Konečné zpomalení vozidla se vypočte pomocí syntézy odpovídajících rastrových buněk v základní ploše terénu, ve které jsou vlivy geografických faktorů na rychlost vozidla konstantní. Softwarová sada ArcGIS byla použita pro vytváření databáze průchodnosti - cross-country movement (CCM) a pro sestavení mapy CCM. Databáze, která byla vyvinutá pro vybraná vozidla Vojenskou geografickou službou Armády ČR, by měla sloužit jako nástroj vojenské geografické podpory během vojenských a civilních operací s cílem zlepšit navigaci vozidel.The content of this paper refers to the modelling of the geographic environment impact on the off-road vehicles movement in raster format. The common influences of relief slope, micro-relief forms, soils, vegetation, hydrology, built-up areas, meteorological factors, etc. on the vehicle speed deceleration are calculated. To determine the impact of various geographic environment types on the vehicle movement, many field tests and laboratory analysis were provided using military and rescue vehicles. Modelling principle of cross-country vehicle mobility in raster format is based on the idea that each geographic factor "F" located at given elementary terrain area and affecting vehicle speed has its own value of deceleration coefficient Ci. The value of this coefficient expresses the fact of how many times (or percent) a certain geographic factor will decelerate the vehicle speed. The final vehicle deceleration is calculated using synthesis of corresponding raster cells in elementary terrain area in which the influences of geographic factors on vehicle speed are constant. The ArcGIS software suite was used for building the cross-country movement (CCM) database and constructing the CCM map. The database, which has been developed for selected vehicles by the Military Geographical Service of the Czech Armed Forces, should serve as a military geographical support tool during the military and civil operations to improve vehicle navigation

    A gis-based analysis of the rationale behind roman roads. The case of the so-called via XVII (NW Iberian Peninsula)

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    Training of Crisis Mappers and Map Production from Multi-sensor Data: Vernazza Case Study (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy)

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    This aim of paper is to presents the development of a multidisciplinary project carried out by the cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action). The goal of the project was the training in geospatial data acquiring and processing for students attending Architecture and Engineering Courses, in order to start up a team of "volunteer mappers". Indeed, the project is aimed to document the environmental and built heritage subject to disaster; the purpose is to improve the capabilities of the actors involved in the activities connected in geospatial data collection, integration and sharing. The proposed area for testing the training activities is the Cinque Terre National Park, registered in the World Heritage List since 1997. The area was affected by flood on the 25th of October 2011. According to other international experiences, the group is expected to be active after emergencies in order to upgrade maps, using data acquired by typical geomatic methods and techniques such as terrestrial and aerial Lidar, close-range and aerial photogrammetry, topographic and GNSS instruments etc.; or by non conventional systems and instruments such us UAV, mobile mapping etc. The ultimate goal is to implement a WebGIS platform to share all the data collected with local authorities and the Civil Protectio

    Pre-Deployment Testing of Low Speed, Urban Road Autonomous Driving in a Simulated Environment

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    Low speed autonomous shuttles emulating SAE Level L4 automated driving using human driver assisted autonomy have been operating in geo-fenced areas in several cities in the US and the rest of the world. These autonomous vehicles (AV) are operated by small to mid-sized technology companies that do not have the resources of automotive OEMs for carrying out exhaustive, comprehensive testing of their AV technology solutions before public road deployment. Due to the low speed of operation and hence not operating on roads containing highways, the base vehicles of these AV shuttles are not required to go through rigorous certification tests. The way the driver assisted AV technology is tested and allowed for public road deployment is continuously evolving but is not standardized and shows differences between the different states where these vehicles operate. Currently, AVs and AV shuttles deployed on public roads are using these deployments for testing and improving their technology. However, this is not the right approach. Safe and extensive testing in a lab and controlled test environment including Model-in-the-Loop (MiL), Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) and Autonomous-Vehicle-in-the-Loop (AViL) testing should be the prerequisite to such public road deployments. This paper presents three dimensional virtual modeling of an AV shuttle deployment site and simulation testing in this virtual environment. We have two deployment sites in Columbus of these AV shuttles through the Department of Transportation funded Smart City Challenge project named Smart Columbus. The Linden residential area AV shuttle deployment site of Smart Columbus is used as the specific example for illustrating the AV testing method proposed in this paper

    Reaaliaikaisen mittausmenetelmän kehittäminen renkaan maaperäkontaktin vaikutuksen analysoimiseksi maatalouden maataloustraktorien liikkuvuuteen

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    Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli suunnitella, rakentaa ja testata helposti asennettava ja käytettävä mittauslaitteisto, joka pystyisi mittaamaan reaaliajassa yksinkertaisia suureita, joiden avulla olisi mahdollista arvioida renkaiden ja maaperän välisen kontaktin vaikutusta maataloustraktorien liikkuvuuteen. Kehitetty mittauslaitteisto perustuu Arduino Uno mikrokontrolleriin kytkettyihin kiihtyvyys- ja etäisyys antureihin sekä traktorin väylätietojen lukemiseen. CAN-väylän lukeminen ja tietojen tallentaminen tapahtui RaspberryPi pienoistietokoneeseen liitetyn CAN-väylä kortin avulla. Anturit kalibroitiin ja niiden herkkyys tarkistettiin ennen kokeiden suorittamista peltoajossa. Kiihtyvyysanturit sijoitettiin traktorin taka-akselin päälle molempiin päihin koteloihin ja etäisyysanturit kiinnitettiin akselin takapuolelle. Kaikkia antureita luettiin RaspberryPi:n sarjaporttiin liitetyn Arduinon välityksellä ja tiedot tallennettiin tehdyllä python ohjelmalla. Raspberry Pi valittiin tietokoneeksi sen vähäisen tilavuusvaatimuksen, alhaisen hinnan sekä liitäntöjen monipuolisuuden vuoksi. Pellon ominaisuuksia seurattiin kuukausittain suoritetuilla penetrometri mittauksilla sekä maahan upotetuilla SoilScout antureilla, jotka kertoivat maan kosteuden sekä lämpötilan kyseisessä syvyydessä reaaliajassa. Tämän tarkoituksena oli saada selville pellossa kasvukauden aikana tapahtuvat muutokset, jotka vaikuttaisivat myös traktorin liikkumiskykyyn. Mittaukset onnistuivat hyvin ja tulokset arvioitiin olevan laadultaan luotettavia, joten ne tarjoavat monia muita mahdollisuuksia tulevaisuudessa. Tulokset osoittivat selvästi traktorin liikkuvuuteen vaikuttavat tekijät ja maanmuokkauksen eri vaiheet pystyttiin havainnoimaan. Tulevaisuuden haasteina säilyvät edelleen suuren tietomäärän suodattaminen sekä mittauslaitteiden soveltaminen jatkotutkimuksissa. Työssä kehitetty mittauslaitteisto soveltuu tarkoitukseensa mittaustarkkuuden sekä kustannustehokkuutensa puolesta hyvin. Tulevaisuudessa parempaan tarkkuuteen voitaisiin päästä tarkemmilla mittalaitteilla sekä tämän työn pohjalta saaduilla tiedoilla.The purpose of this thesis was to design, build and test a system, which is capable of measuring in real time simple quantities influencing on tire-soil contact of agricultural tractors mobility. The measuring equipment is based on acceleration and distance sensors connected to the Arduino Uno microcontroller. The tractor’s CAN bus was logged and the data was saved using a CAN bus card connected to a Raspberry Pi minicomputer. The sensors were calibrated, and their sensitivity checked before performing the experiments while driving in the field. Accelerometers were placed on top of the rear axle of the tractor at both ends in housings printed for them and distance sensors were mounted behind the rear axle. All sensors were logged by using Raspberry's Raspbian operating system with a python program. The Raspberry was chosen as a computer because of its demanding low space, low cost, and versatility of interfaces. The properties of the field were monitored by monthly penetrometer measurements as well as SoilScout sensors embedded in the ground, which indicated the moisture and temperature of the ground at that depth in real time. The purpose of this was to find out the changes in the field during the growing season, which would also affect the tractor's mobility. The measurement were carried out successfully and the result were considered to be reliable and provide many other opportunities for the future. The results clearly indicated the factors influencing the tractor’s mobility and the different stages of the tillage could be recognized. Future challenges remain the filtering of large amounts of data and the application of measuring equipment in further research. The measurement equipment developed in the work is well suited for its purpose in terms of measurement accuracy and economical affordability. In the future, better accuracy could be achieved with more accurate measuring devices as well as data obtained from this work