1,424 research outputs found

    Fusion of monocular cues to detect man-made structures in aerial imagery

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    The extraction of buildings from aerial imagery is a complex problem for automated computer vision. It requires locating regions in a scene that possess properties distinguishing them as man-made objects as opposed to naturally occurring terrain features. It is reasonable to assume that no single detection method can correctly delineate or verify buildings in every scene. A cooperative-methods paradigm is useful in approaching the building extraction problem. Using this paradigm, each extraction technique provides information which can be added or assimilated into an overall interpretation of the scene. Thus, the main objective is to explore the development of computer vision system that integrates the results of various scene analysis techniques into an accurate and robust interpretation of the underlying three dimensional scene. The problem of building hypothesis fusion in aerial imagery is discussed. Building extraction techniques are briefly surveyed, including four building extraction, verification, and clustering systems. A method for fusing the symbolic data generated by these systems is described, and applied to monocular image and stereo image data sets. Evaluation methods for the fusion results are described, and the fusion results are analyzed using these methods

    Semantic evidential grid mapping using monocular and stereo cameras

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    Accurately estimating the current state of local traffic scenes is one of the key problems in the development of software components for automated vehicles. In addition to details on free space and drivability, static and dynamic traffic participants and information on the semantics may also be included in the desired representation. Multi-layer grid maps allow the inclusion of all of this information in a common representation. However, most existing grid mapping approaches only process range sensor measurements such as Lidar and Radar and solely model occupancy without semantic states. In order to add sensor redundancy and diversity, it is desired to add vision-based sensor setups in a common grid map representation. In this work, we present a semantic evidential grid mapping pipeline, including estimates for eight semantic classes, that is designed for straightforward fusion with range sensor data. Unlike other publications, our representation explicitly models uncertainties in the evidential model. We present results of our grid mapping pipeline based on a monocular vision setup and a stereo vision setup. Our mapping results are accurate and dense mapping due to the incorporation of a disparity- or depth-based ground surface estimation in the inverse perspective mapping. We conclude this paper by providing a detailed quantitative evaluation based on real traffic scenarios in the KITTI odometry benchmark dataset and demonstrating the advantages compared to other semantic grid mapping approaches

    Odometria visual monocular em robôs para a agricultura com camara(s) com lentes "olho de peixe"

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    One of the main challenges in robotics is to develop accurate localization methods that achieve acceptable runtime performances.One of the most common approaches is to use Global Navigation Satellite System such as GPS to localize robots.However, satellite signals are not full-time available in some kind of environments.The purpose of this dissertation is to develop a localization system for a ground robot.This robot is inserted in a project called RoMoVi and is intended to perform tasks like crop monitoring and harvesting in steep slope vineyards.This vineyards are localized in the Douro region which are characterized by the presence of high hills.Thus, the context of RoMoVi is not prosperous for the use of GPS-based localization systems.Therefore, the main goal of this work is to create a reliable localization system based on vision techniques and low cost sensors.To do so, a Visual Odometry system will be used.The concept of Visual Odometry is equivalent to wheel odometry but it has the advantage of not suffering from wheel slip which is present in these kind of environments due to the harsh terrain conditions.Here, motion is tracked computing the homogeneous transformation between camera frames, incrementally.However, this approach also presents some open issues.Most of the state of art methods, specially those who present a monocular camera system, don't perform good motion estimations in pure rotations.In some of them, motion even degenerates in these situations.Also, computing the motion scale is a difficult task that is widely investigated in this field.This work is intended to solve these issues.To do so, fisheye lens cameras will be used in order to achieve wide vision field of views

    Improving Semi-Supervised and Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation with Self-Supervised Depth Estimation

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    Training deep networks for semantic segmentation requires large amounts of labeled training data, which presents a major challenge in practice, as labeling segmentation masks is a highly labor-intensive process. To address this issue, we present a framework for semi-supervised and domain-adaptive semantic segmentation, which is enhanced by self-supervised monocular depth estimation (SDE) trained only on unlabeled image sequences. In particular, we utilize SDE as an auxiliary task comprehensively across the entire learning framework: First, we automatically select the most useful samples to be annotated for semantic segmentation based on the correlation of sample diversity and difficulty between SDE and semantic segmentation. Second, we implement a strong data augmentation by mixing images and labels using the geometry of the scene. Third, we transfer knowledge from features learned during SDE to semantic segmentation by means of transfer and multi-task learning. And fourth, we exploit additional labeled synthetic data with Cross-Domain DepthMix and Matching Geometry Sampling to align synthetic and real data. We validate the proposed model on the Cityscapes dataset, where all four contributions demonstrate significant performance gains, and achieve state-of-the-art results for semi-supervised semantic segmentation as well as for semi-supervised domain adaptation. In particular, with only 1/30 of the Cityscapes labels, our method achieves 92% of the fully-supervised baseline performance and even 97% when exploiting additional data from GTA. The source code is available at https://github.com/lhoyer/improving_segmentation_with_selfsupervised_depth