22 research outputs found

    Information needs for rural development

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    In a special issue of Information development, v. 6, no. 1, Jan. 1990 (ARCHIV 45259)French version available in IDRC Digital Library: Besoins d'information pour le développement rura

    Terminology policies and communication for social change

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die PR- und Kommunikationsstrategie südafrikanischer Regierungsinstitutionen hinsichtlich der Sprach- und Terminologiepolitik des Landes. Südafrika nutzt derzeit noch nicht alle Möglichkeiten konsequent aus und vergibt auf diese Weise viele Gelegenheiten, die linguistische und kulturelle Vielfalt der Nation zu kommunizieren, sowie Fachkommunikation in den offiziellen Sprachen, mit Ausnahme von Englisch, zu fördern. Um diese Hypothese zu unterlegen, untersuche ich den Prozess der Politikgestaltung, wie er in den UNESCO Guidelines for Terminology Policies beschrieben wurde, um auf diese Weise Kommunikationsprozesse zu identifizieren, die besondere Planung erfordern. Dabei wird die Entwicklung und Umsetzung der Strategie als komplexe Management-Aktivität beschrieben, die eigene Regeln und Charakteristika besitzt. Weiterhin werden Erkenntnisse aus den Kommunikationswissenschaften, insbesondere des Unterbereiches Development Communication, bzw. Communication for Social Change sowie Beispiele aus anderen Fachgebieten untersucht auf deren Anwendbarkeit im Bereich Terminologiepolitik. Erfolgskriterien werden extrahiert, gegen welche anschliessend die reale Situation in Südafrika verglichen wird. Den Hauptteil der vorliegenden Studie stellt eine Analyse der südafrikanischen Geschichte, Gesellschaft, sowie des Politik- und Mediensektors. Diese Faktoren haben einen besonderen Einfluß auf die Sprach- und Terminologiepolitik des Landes, wie auch mögliche und tatsächliche PR-Strategien. Die Studie schliesst mit Empfehlungen für eine Verbesserung dieser Strategie sowie einem Ausblick auf die erwartete Richtung der nächsten Generation südafrikanischer Terminologiepolitik und die Entwicklung des Mediensektors.This doctoral thesis examines the communication strategy employed by the South African government institutions concerning their terminology and language policy. South Africa does not make consequent use of all possibilities to the best possible extent, thus giving away many opportunities to promote linguistic and cultural diversity in the country and facilitate subject-field communication in the official languages other than English. To prove the hypothesis I examine the policy-making process as it is described in the UNESCO Guidelines for Terminology Policies in order to identify communication processes that require careful planning. By doing so, the policy process is exposed as a complex management activity with its own rules and characteristics. Furthermore, communication science, and there especially the fields of Development Communication or Communication for Social Change, as well as benchmarking from other fields, is analyzed with the aim to evaluate these fields for their application in terminology policies. Success criteria are derived from this analysis against which the actual situation is compared. The main part of the thesis is a thorough analysis of South Africa’s history, society, as well as political and media sector. These factors have an important impact on the country’s language and terminology policy as well as on possible and actual communication strategies. The study concludes with recommendations to improve the communication strategy and an outlook on the expected direction of the next generation terminology policy, as well as media and communication development

    Terminological Equivalence and Variation in the EU Multi-level Jurisdiction: A Case Study on Victims of Crime

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    2011/2012Il progetto di ricerca ha lo scopo di analizzare la terminologia giuridica in lingua inglese e italiana relativa alla figura della vittima di reato e radicata nello spazio giuridico europeo, caratterizzato dalla coesistenza dell’ordinamento giuridico sovranazionale dell’Unione europea (UE) e degli ordinamenti giuridici nazionali del Regno Unito e dell’Italia. Secondo l’ipotesi principale alla base del progetto, il linguaggio giuridico è intrinsecamente caratterizzato da un certo grado di dinamismo terminologico, che si esprime sia a livello linguistico, con una serie di termini utilizzati per riferirsi a uno stesso concetto, sia a livello concettuale, dove si riflettono le diverse concettualizzazioni della stessa area del diritto. Poiché la terminologia giuridica analizzata nella presente tesi si colloca in uno spazio giuridico che vede il sovrapporsi di vari ordinamenti, si presume che detto dinamismo si manifesti in due diversi contesti linguistici. Nel primo contesto, che è di tipo intralinguistico, viene presa in considerazione la terminologia utilizzata nelle varianti nazionale e sovranazionale della stessa lingua, mentre nel secondo contesto, di tipo interlinguistico, la terminologia è esaminata da una prospettiva multilingue. Al fine di verificare la veridicità di tale ipotesi, è stata sviluppata una metodologia per l’analisi della terminologia giuridica in cui la distinzione tra genotipi e fenotipi introdotta da Sacco (1991) si unisce ai principi metodologici proposti da Cabré (1999a) per il lavoro terminografico. Per poter applicare detta metodologia è stato necessario costruire un corpus bilingue di testi dell’Unione europea e una collezione di testi di origine nazionale, entrambi incentrati sulla figura della vittima di reato. L’analisi della terminologia estratta ha rivelato che, nel primo contesto linguistico, il dinamismo intralinguistico si riflette nella variazione terminologica, che può interessare sia la sfera linguistica della terminologia (variazione denominativa) sia la sfera concettuale (variazione concettuale). La variazione denominativa consiste nell’esistenza di più unità terminologiche per designare uno stesso concetto, che però non comporta modifiche sostanziali nei relativi fenotipi. Nel caso della variazione concettuale, invece, è possibile riscontrare un certo anisomorfismo nei fenotipi. In entrambi i casi, tuttavia, tutti i termini interessati dal fenomeno della variazione terminologica mantengono la relazione con uno stesso genotipo. Si è proposta una classificazione della variazione denominativa prendendo in considerazione quattro variabili, ossia il livello di specializzazione, il periodo temporale, l’ordinamento giuridico e la valenza giuridica. Visto l’approccio metodologico adottato nel presente progetto di ricerca, in cui la terminologia giuridica dell’Unione europea è presa come punto di partenza ai fini dell’analisi terminologica e della strutturazione preliminare del sistema concettuale relativo al dominio, la variazione concettuale è stata riscontrata con minor frequenza rispetto alla variazione denominativa. Nell’analisi del secondo tipo di variazione terminologica, ossia della variazione concettuale, è stata presa in considerazione un’unica variabile, ovvero l’ordinamento giuridico. In base a tale variabile, la variazione concettuale è stata classificata come intra-sistemica, qualora sia riscontrata nell’ambito dello stesso ordinamento giuridico, ed inter-sistemica, qualora l’ordinamento sovranazionale e quello nazionale elaborino due fenotipi concettualmente diversi che, a prescindere dalle divergenze concettuali, possono essere ricondotti allo stesso genotipo. Nel secondo contesto linguistico, ovvero quello multilingue, la terminologia giuridica si è dimostrata caratterizzata da diversi gradi di equivalenza interlinguistica. Essendo la terminologia esaminata radicata in tre sistemi giuridici diversi, sono stati individuati due diversi tipi di equivalenza terminologica, ossia l’equivalenza intra- e inter-sistemica, e tre diversi gradi di equivalenza terminologica, ovvero l’equivalenza assoluta, l’equivalenza relativa e la non equivalenza. Altro scopo della presente tesi era quello di registrare le informazioni terminologiche raccolte in una base di conoscenza terminologica orientata alla traduzione giuridica. Giacché la terminologia esaminata è caratterizzata da un alto tasso di dipendenza dall’ordinamento giuridico a cui fa riferimento, la base di conoscenza terminologica MuLex è stata concepita specificamente come ausilio alla traduzione giuridica. MuLex ha quindi lo scopo di esplicitare le differenze riscontrate tra i sistemi giuridici esaminati e spiegare le peculiarità dell’uso di tale terminologia giuridica agli utenti finali. Al fine di ottimizzare la rappresentazione della conoscenza soggiacente la terminologia giuridica, le schede terminografiche in MuLex sono dotate di uno strumento di visualizzazione che consente la rappresentazione grafica delle strutture relazionali concettuali che raffigurano i concetti analizzati registrati nella base di conoscenza stessa.The research project aims at studying the English and Italian legal terminology related to the area of law of victims of crime and embedded in the multi-level jurisdiction provided by the supranational legal system of the European Union (EU), on the one hand, and the British and Italian national legal systems, on the other. The main hypothesis is that legal language is inherently characterised by terminological dynamism, which emerges both at the linguistic level – with different terms used to refer to individual legal concepts – and at the conceptual level, where different conceptualisations of the same legal domain are reflected. Since the bilingual legal terminology that has been examined occurs within a judicial space in which several legal systems are interconnected, such dynamism is expected to manifest itself in two different linguistic settings. In the first, the terminology in a national and an EU variety of the same language is taken into consideration, while in the second setting, terminology is studied from a multilingual perspective. In order to verify the main hypothesis, a methodological framework has been set out, on the basis of both the methodological premises for terminological analysis proposed by Cabré (1999a) and the distinction between genotypes and phenotypes introduced by Sacco (1991). Such a methodology required the compilation of a bilingual corpus of EU legal texts and a collection of national legal texts focusing on the figure of the victim of crime. The examination of the terminology extracted has shown that in the first linguistic setting envisaged, intralingual dynamism is reflected in terminological variation, which can affect either the linguistic layer (denominative variation) or the conceptual layer (conceptual variation) of terminology, with denominative variation consisting in the co-existence of several terminological units in which no substantial difference in the phenotypes involved is produced, while in conceptual variation anisomorphism among the phenotypes can be observed. In both cases, all the terms affected by the phenomenon of terminological variation are related to the same genotype. A classification of denominative variation has been proposed based on four variables, i.e. degree of specialisation, time span, legal system, and legal force. Due to the methodology adopted in this research project, in which the EU legal terminology has been taken as the starting point for both the terminological analysis and the preliminary conceptual structuring of the legal area of the study, conceptual variation has emerged to be less frequent than denominative variation. By taking the legal system as a variable in the analysis of conceptual variation, such variation has been subdivided into intra-systemic variation, occurring within a single legal system, and inter-systemic variation, when the supranational and the national legal systems elaborate two conceptually different phenotypes which, in spite of their conceptual anisomorphism, can be linked to the same genotype. In the second linguistic setting, where terminology is studied from a multilingual perspective, legal terminology has turned out to be characterised by different degrees of interlingual equivalence. On account of the embeddedness of the legal terminology examined in three different legal systems, different types and degrees of terminological equivalence have been identified and discussed: the types of terminological equivalence are intra-systemic and inter-systemic equivalence, while the degrees of equivalence are absolute equivalence, relative equivalence and non-equivalence. Another aim of this thesis was to record the collected terminological data in a legal translation-oriented terminological knowledge base (TKB). The terminology under discussion is characterised by a high degree of dependency on the legal system it refers to and the MuLex terminological knowledge base was specifically designed for helping the work of legal translators. This TKB aims at capturing the differences among the legal systems involved in the study and showing the peculiarities in the usage of legal terminology in such legal systems to its end users. For optimising the representation of the domain-specific knowledge implied by legal terminology, in MuLex terminographic entries integrate a tool enabling the graphic representation of the conceptual relational structures among the concepts analysed and recorded in the TKB.XXV Ciclo198

    TOTh 2011 Proceedings - Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications

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    International audienceAvant-proposLa Terminologie est un domaine scientifique par nature pluridisciplinaire. Elle puise, entre autres, à la linguistique, la théorie de la connaissance, la logique. Pour que cette diversité soit une richesse, il faut lui offrir un cadre approprié au sein duquel elle puisse s’exprimer et s’épanouir : c’est une des raisons d’être des Conférences TOTh. Dans ce contexte, la formation et la transmission des connaissances jouent un rôle essentiel. La Formation TOTh, programmée sur un jour et demi précédant la conférence, se déroule depuis 2011 sur deux années consécutives dédiées pour l’une à la dimension linguistique et pour l’autre à la dimension conceptuelle de la terminologie, deux dimensions intimement liées. La Disputatio, introduite à partir de cette année, renoue avec une forme d’enseignement et de recherche héritée de la scolastique. Elle vise, à travers une lecture commentée effectuée par un membre du comité scientifique, à donner accès à des textes jugés fondateurs de notre domaine, trop souvent oubliés voire ignorés.La cinquième édition des Conférences TOTh a également été l’occasion de mettre en place un Prix « Jeune chercheur ». Décerné par le comité scientifique lors de la conférence, il récompense le travail soumis à TOTh d’un de nos jeunes collègues. Notre collègue Michele Prandi, professeur à l’Università degli Studi di Genova, a ouvert la Conférence TOTh 2011 par un exposé passionnant sur : « Signes, signifiés, concepts : pour un tournant philosophique en linguistique ». Le ton était donné.Ont suivi douze communications (hors conférence d’ouverture et disputatio) réparties sur deux jours en six sessions animées par différents présidents. Elles ont permis d’aborder en profondeur – chaque intervention dure au minimum 45 minutes – de nombreux sujets tant théoriques que pratiques rappelant qu’il ne peut y avoir de terminologie sans langue de spécialité ni savoir spécialisé.Les douze communications, équitablement réparties sur les deux langues officielles de la conférence et provenant de sept pays différents, confirment l’audience internationale acquise aujourd’hui par TOTh.Avant de vous souhaiter bonne lecture de ces actes, j’aimerais terminer en remerciant tous les participants de TOTh 2011 pour la richesse des débats et des moments partagés. Christophe RochePrésident du comité scientifiqu

    Terminology language policy in the internationalisation of universities

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    Предмет овог истраживања јесте менаџмент терминологије на српском и енглеском језику у процесу интернационализације универзитета која представља предуслов за успешну интеграцију српског академског простора у европску сферу високог образовања. Истраживање се фокусира на мобилност студената, с претпоставком да међународна покретрљивост будућих генерација академаца јесте кључни предуслов за успешну личну и друштвену афирмацију у академској и професионалној интернационалној заједници. Рад се састоји од теоријског и емпиријског истраживања. Теоријски део рада обухвата две целине. Прва целина односи се на терминологију као науку, почевши од XIX века па до данас, док се друга теоријска целина бави концептом интернационализације универзитета, и то с фокусом на универзитетску наставу страних језика, као предуслов за интернационализацију универзитета. У емпиријском делу рада представљене су три врсте истраживања: корпусно истраживање, експериментално истраживање на основу анализе попуњених анкета и квалитативно фокусгрупно истраживање. Корпусно истраживање обављено је на два корпуса паралелизованих текстова на енглеском и српском језику, односно, на упареним преводима на енглески с матерњег језика студената, те од два корпуса, од којих један чине само од текстови на српском језику, а други само текстови на енглеском језику. Циљ овог дела истраживања јесте да се идентификују најфреквентнији кључни двочлани и вишечлани термини на српском и енглеском језику који се користе при процесу интернационализације универзитета. Први део теренског истраживања спроведен је путем упитника који су наменски припремљени за потребе истраживања ове докторске дисертације. Истраживање је обављено на Факултету организационих наука у Београду и на Високој пословној школи струковних студија у Новом Саду, а у њему је учествовало укупно 187 судената с обе академске установе. Трећи део емпиријског истраживања јесте квалитативно фокусгрупно истраживање, спроведено у онлајн формату, путем Скајп платформе, због пандемије везане за вирус ковид-19. Резултати истраживања у потпуности потврђују постављене хипотезе у овом раду: Х1: Студенти су у великом проценту заинтересовани за учешће у програмима међународне размене. Х2: Постоји директна корелацијска повезаност процене испитаника о познавању терминологије везане за међународну размену студената и њихове спремности за учешће у програмима мобилности. Х3: Постоји разлика у процени студената о степену познавања терминологијe из области међународне академске размене, и њиховог стварног познавања ове терминологије. Х4: Постоји разлика у познавању терминологије која се користи при процесу интернационалне размене студената, између студената који су учествовали у програмима мобилности и оних који нису. Маја С. Лемајић Терминолошка језичка политика у интернационализацији универзитета - докторска дисертација 5 Х5: Постоји разлика у нивоу знања енглеског језика између студената који су учествовали у програмима мобилности и оних који нису.The topic of this research is terminology management in Serbian and English in the process of the internationalisation of universities which constitutes a prerequisite for the successful integration of the Serbian academic sphere into the European sphere of higher education. The research focuses on student mobility with the assumption that the international mobility of future generations of academics is a key prerequisite for successful personal and social affirmation in the academic and professional international community. The thesis consists of theoretical and empirical research. The theoretical section of the paper consists of two sections. The first section refers to the terminology as a science, from the nineteenth century to the present day, while the second theoretical section deals with the concept of the internationalisation of universities, with a particular focus on university teaching of foreign languages as a prerequisite for the internationalisation of universities. Three types of research are presented in the empirical section of the thesis: corpus research, experimental research based on the analysis of completed surveys and qualitative focus group research. The corpus research was conducted on two corpora consisting of parallel texts in English and Serbian, that is pairs of translations in English and the student’s mother tongue, and two corpora of which one is composed of texts in Serbian only and the other of texts in English only. The aim of this section of the research is to identify the most frequent key terms comprising two or multiple components in English and Serbian which are used in the process of the internationalisation of universities. The first and second parts of the field research were carried out through questionnaires which were specifically created for the purpose of research for this doctoral dissertation. The research was carried out at the Faculty of Organisational Sciences in Belgrade and the Higher School of Professional Business Studies in Novi Sad, with a total of 187 students from both academic institutions. The third section of the empirical research involves qualitative focus group research, carried out in an online format, via the platform Skype, due to the Covid-19 related pandemic. The results of this research fully confirm the hypotheses set forth in this research proposal: X1: A large percentage of students are interested in participating in international exchange programmes. X2: There is a direct correlation between the assessment of the respondents’ knowledge of terminology related to international student exchanges and their willingness to participate in mobility programmes. X3: There is a difference in the assessment of students’ degree of knowledge of terminology in the field of international academic exchange and their actual knowledge of this terminology. X4: There is a difference in the knowledge of terminology used in the process of international student exchanges between students who participated in mobility programmes and those who did not. X5: There is a difference in the level of English language proficiency between students who participated in mobility programmes and those who did not

    The global monsoon system: research and forecast

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    The main objective of this workshop was to provide a forum for discussion between researchers and forecasters on the current status of monsoon forecasting and on priorities and opportunities for monsoon research. WMO hopes that through this series of quadrennial workshops, the following goals can be accomplished: (a) to update forecasters on the latest reseach findings and forecasting technology; (b) to update researchers on monsoon analysis and forecasting; (c) to identify basic and applied research priorities and opportunities; (d) to identify opportunities and priorities for acquiring observations; (e) to discuss the approach of a web-based training document in order to update forecasters on developments of direct relevance to monsoon forecasting

    Book Reviews

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    The WWRP Polar Prediction Project (PPP)

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    Mission statement: “Promote cooperative international research enabling development of improved weather and environmental prediction services for the polar regions, on time scales from hours to seasonal”. Increased economic, transportation and research activities in polar regions are leading to more demands for sustained and improved availability of predictive weather and climate information to support decision-making. However, partly as a result of a strong emphasis of previous international efforts on lower and middle latitudes, many gaps in weather, sub-seasonal and seasonal forecasting in polar regions hamper reliable decision making in the Arctic, Antarctic and possibly the middle latitudes as well. In order to advance polar prediction capabilities, the WWRP Polar Prediction Project (PPP) has been established as one of three THORPEX (THe Observing System Research and Predictability EXperiment) legacy activities. The aim of PPP, a ten year endeavour (2013-2022), is to promote cooperative international research enabling development of improved weather and environmental prediction services for the polar regions, on hourly to seasonal time scales. In order to achieve its goals, PPP will enhance international and interdisciplinary collaboration through the development of strong linkages with related initiatives; strengthen linkages between academia, research institutions and operational forecasting centres; promote interactions and communication between research and stakeholders; and foster education and outreach. Flagship research activities of PPP include sea ice prediction, polar-lower latitude linkages and the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) - an intensive observational, coupled modelling, service-oriented research and educational effort in the period mid-2017 to mid-2019