143 research outputs found

    An Object-Oriented Framework for Designing Reusable and Maintainable DEVS Models using Design Patterns

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    Design patterns are well practices to share software development experiences. These patterns allow enhancing reusability, readability and maintainability of architecture and code of software applications. As simulation applies computerized models to produce traces in order to obtain results and conclusions, designers of simulation explored design patterns to make the simulation code more reusable, more readable and easy to maintain, in addition to design complex software oriented simulation modeling. In DEVS (Discrete Event System specification), the designers have successfully designed simulations, frameworks, tools, etc. However, some issues remain still open and should be explored like how a piece of code that implements a set of states, events and transitions may be reused to design a new DEVS model? How may a DEVS model be extended to a new formalism? Etc. In this paper, we address these issues and we propose a set of patterns that may serve as guidelines to designers of DEVS models and its extensions and may contribute to the design of an operational simulation framework. These patterns are inspired partly by the available designs of DEVS community and software engineering developers

    Multi-level agent-based modeling - A literature survey

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    During last decade, multi-level agent-based modeling has received significant and dramatically increasing interest. In this article we present a comprehensive and structured review of literature on the subject. We present the main theoretical contributions and application domains of this concept, with an emphasis on social, flow, biological and biomedical models.Comment: v2. Ref 102 added. v3-4 Many refs and text added v5-6 bibliographic statistics updated. v7 Change of the name of the paper to reflect what it became, many refs and text added, bibliographic statistics update

    A DEVS-based pivotal modeling formalism and its verification and validation framework

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    System verification is an ever-lasting system engineering challenge. The increasing complexity in system simulation requires some level of expertise in handling the idioms of logic and discrete mathematics to correctly drive a full verification process. It is recognized that visual modeling can help to fill the knowledge gap between system experts and analysis experts. However, such an approach has been used on the one hand to specify the behavior of complex systems, and on the other hand to specify complex requirement properties, but not simultaneously. This paper proposes a framework that is unique in supporting a full system verification process based on the graphical modeling of both the system of interest and the requirements to be checked. Patterns are defined to transform the resulting models to formal specifications that a model checker can manipulate. A real-time crossing system is used to illustrate the proposed framework

    Scheduling of a Cyber-Physical System Simulation

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    The work carried out in this Ph.D. thesis is part of a broader effort to automate industrial simulation systems. In the aeronautics industry, and more especially within Airbus, the historical application of simulation is pilot training. There are also more recent uses in the design of systems, as well as in the integration of these systems. These latter applications require a very high degree of representativeness, where historically the most important factor has been the pilot’s feeling. Systems are now divided into several subsystems that are designed, implemented and validated independently, in order to maintain their control despite the increase in their complexity, and the reduction in time-to-market. Airbus already has expertise in the simulation of these subsystems, as well as their integration into a simulation. This expertise is empirical; simulation specialists use the previous integrations schedulings and adapt it to a new integration. This is a process that can sometimes be time-consuming and can introduce errors. The current trends in the industry are towards flexible production methods, integration of logistics tools for tracking, use of simulation tools in production, as well as resources optimization. Products are increasingly iterations of older, improved products, and tests and simulations are increasingly integrated into their life cycles. Working empirically in an industry that requires flexibility is a constraint, and nowadays it is essential to facilitate the modification of simulations. The problem is, therefore, to set up methods and tools allowing a priori to generate representative simulation schedules. In order to solve this problem, we have developed a method to describe the elements of a simulation, as well as how this simulation can be executed, and functions to generate schedules. Subsequently, we implemented a tool to automate the scheduling search, based on heuristics. Finally, we tested and verified our method and tools in academic and industrial case studies

    Learning and testing stochastic discrete event

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de InformáticaSistemas de eventos discretos (DES) são uma importante subclasse de sistemas (à luz da teoria dos sistemas). Estes têm sido usados, particularmente na indústria para analisar e modelar um vasto conjunto de sistemas reais, tais como, sistemas de produção, sistemas de computador, sistemas de controlo de tráfego e sistemas híbridos. O nosso trabalho explora uma extensão de DES com ênfase nos processos estocásticos, comummente chamado como sistemas de eventos discretos estocásticos (SDES). Existe assim a necessidade de estabelecer uma abstração estocástica através do uso de processos semi-Markovianos generalizados (GSMP) para SDES. Assim, o objetivo do nosso trabalho é propor uma metodologia e um conjunto de algoritmos para aprendizagem de GSMP, usar técnicas de model-checking estatístico para a verificação e propor duas novas abordagens para teste de DES e SDES (respetivamente, não estocasticamente e estocasticamente). Este trabalho também introduz uma noção de modelação, analise e verificação de sistemas contínuos e modelos de perturbação no contexto da verificação por model-checking estatístico.Discrete event systems (DES) are an important subclass of systems (in systems theory). They have been used, particularly in industry, to analyze and model a wide variety of real systems, such as production systems, computer systems, traffic systems, and hybrid systems. Our work explores an extension of DES with an emphasis on stochastic processes, commonly called stochastic discrete event systems (SDES). There was a need to establish a stochastic abstraction for SDES through generalized semi-Markov processes (GSMP). Thus, the aim of our work is to propose a methodology and a set of algorithms for GSMP learning, using model checking techniques for verification, and to propose two new approaches for testing DES and SDES (non-stochastically and stochastically). This work also introduces a notion of modeling, analysis, and verification of continuous systems and disturbance models in the context of verifiable statistical model checking

    Second Generation General System Theory: Perspectives in Philosophy and Approaches in Complex Systems

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    Following the classical work of Norbert Wiener, Ross Ashby, Ludwig von Bertalanffy and many others, the concept of System has been elaborated in different disciplinary fields, allowing interdisciplinary approaches in areas such as Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Cognitive Science, Economics, Engineering, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Medicine, Artificial Intelligence, and Philosophy. The new challenge of Complexity and Emergence has made the concept of System even more relevant to the study of problems with high contextuality. This Special Issue focuses on the nature of new problems arising from the study and modelling of complexity, their eventual common aspects, properties and approaches—already partially considered by different disciplines—as well as focusing on new, possibly unitary, theoretical frameworks. This Special Issue aims to introduce fresh impetus into systems research when the possible detection and correction of mistakes require the development of new knowledge. This book contains contributions presenting new approaches and results, problems and proposals. The context is an interdisciplinary framework dealing, in order, with electronic engineering problems; the problem of the observer; transdisciplinarity; problems of organised complexity; theoretical incompleteness; design of digital systems in a user-centred way; reaction networks as a framework for systems modelling; emergence of a stable system in reaction networks; emergence at the fundamental systems level; behavioural realization of memoryless functions

    A Language-centered Approach to support environmental modeling with Cellular Automata

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    Die Anwendung von Methodiken und Technologien aus dem Bereich der Softwaretechnik auf den Bereich der Umweltmodellierung ist eine gemeinhin akzeptierte Vorgehensweise. Im Rahmen der "modellgetriebenen Entwicklung"(MDE, model-driven engineering) werden Technologien entwickelt, die darauf abzielen, Softwaresysteme vorwiegend auf Basis von im Vergleich zu Programmquelltexten relativ abstrakten Modellen zu entwickeln. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil von MDE sind Techniken zur effizienten Entwicklung von "domänenspezifischen Sprachen"( DSL, domain-specific language), die auf Sprachmetamodellen beruhen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, wie modellgetriebene Entwicklung, und insbesondere die metamodellbasierte Beschreibung von DSLs, darüber hinaus Aspekte der Pragmatik unterstützen kann, deren Relevanz im erkenntnistheoretischen und kognitiven Hintergrund wissenschaftlichen Forschens begründet wird. Hierzu wird vor dem Hintergrund der Erkenntnisse des "modellbasierten Forschens"(model-based science und model-based reasoning) gezeigt, wie insbesondere durch Metamodelle beschriebene DSLs Möglichkeiten bieten, entsprechende pragmatische Aspekte besonders zu berücksichtigen, indem sie als Werkzeug zur Erkenntnisgewinnung aufgefasst werden. Dies ist v.a. im Kontext großer Unsicherheiten, wie sie für weite Teile der Umweltmodellierung charakterisierend sind, von grundsätzlicher Bedeutung. Die Formulierung eines sprachzentrierten Ansatzes (LCA, language-centered approach) für die Werkzeugunterstützung konkretisiert die genannten Aspekte und bildet die Basis für eine beispielhafte Implementierung eines Werkzeuges mit einer DSL für die Beschreibung von Zellulären Automaten (ZA) für die Umweltmodellierung. Anwendungsfälle belegen die Verwendbarkeit von ECAL und der entsprechenden metamodellbasierten Werkzeugimplementierung.The application of methods and technologies of software engineering to environmental modeling and simulation (EMS) is common, since both areas share basic issues of software development and digital simulation. Recent developments within the context of "Model-driven Engineering" (MDE) aim at supporting the development of software systems at the base of relatively abstract models as opposed to programming language code. A basic ingredient of MDE is the development of methods that allow the efficient development of "domain-specific languages" (DSL), in particular at the base of language metamodels. This thesis shows how MDE and language metamodeling in particular, may support pragmatic aspects that reflect epistemic and cognitive aspects of scientific investigations. For this, DSLs and language metamodeling in particular are set into the context of "model-based science" and "model-based reasoning". It is shown that the specific properties of metamodel-based DSLs may be used to support those properties, in particular transparency, which are of particular relevance against the background of uncertainty, that is a characterizing property of EMS. The findings are the base for the formulation of an corresponding specific metamodel- based approach for the provision of modeling tools for EMS (Language-centered Approach, LCA), which has been implemented (modeling tool ECA-EMS), including a new DSL for CA modeling for EMS (ECAL). At the base of this implementation, the applicability of this approach is shown

    Toward composing variable structure models and their interfaces: a case of intensional coupling definitions

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    In this thesis, we investigate a combination of traditional component-based and variable structure modeling. The focus is on a structural consistent specification of couplings in modular, hierarchical models with a variable structure. For this, we exploitintensional definitions, as known from logic, and introduce a novel intensional coupling definition, which allows a concise yet expressive specification of complex communication and interaction patterns in static as well as variable structure models, without the need to worryabout structural consistency.In der Arbeit untersuchen wir ein Zusammenbringen von klassischer komponenten-basierter und variabler Strukturmodellierung. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Spezifikation von strukturkonsistenten Kopplungen in modular-hierarchischen Modellen mit einer variablen Struktur. Dafür nutzen wir intensionale Definitionen, wie sie aus der Logik bekannt sind, und führen ein neuartiges Konzept von intensionalen Kopplungen ein, welches kompakte gleichzeitig ausdrucksstarke Spezifikationen von komplexen Kommunikations- und Interaktionsmuster in statischen und variablen Strukturmodellen erlaubt

    A Continuous-Time Microsimulation and First Steps Towards a Multi-Level Approach in Demography

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    Microsimulation is a methodology that closely mimics life-course dynamics. In this thesis, we describe the development of the demographic microsimulation with a continuous time scale that we have realized in the context of the project MicMac - Bridging the micro-macro gap in population forecasting. Furthermore, we detail extensions that we have added to the initial version of the MicMac microsimulation.Mikrosimulation ist eine Prognosetechnik, die sich hervorragend eignet, um Bevölkerungsdynamik realitätsnah abzubilden. In dieser Dissertation beschreiben wir die Entwicklung einer demografischen Mikrosimulation, die wir im Rahmen des Projektes MicMac - Bridging the micro-macro gap in population forecasting erstellt haben. Zudem erläutern wir Erweiterungen, die wir an der ursprünglichen MicMac- Mikrosimulation vorgenommen haben