103 research outputs found

    Compound Models for Vision-Based Pedestrian Recognition

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    This thesis addresses the problem of recognizing pedestrians in video images acquired from a moving camera in real-world cluttered environments. Instead of focusing on the development of novel feature primitives or pattern classifiers, we follow an orthogonal direction and develop feature- and classifier-independent compound techniques which integrate complementary information from multiple image-based sources with the objective of improved pedestrian classification performance. After establishing a performance baseline in terms of a thorough experimental study on monocular pedestrian recognition, we investigate the use of multiple cues on module-level. A motion-based focus of attention stage is proposed based on a learned probabilistic pedestrian-specific model of motion features. The model is used to generate pedestrian localization hypotheses for subsequent shape- and texture-based classification modules. In the remainder of this work, we focus on the integration of complementary information directly into the pattern classification step. We present a combination of shape and texture information by means of pose-specific generative shape and texture models. The generative models are integrated with discriminative classification models by utilizing synthesized virtual pedestrian training samples from the former to enhance the classification performance of the latter. Both models are linked using Active Learning to guide the training process towards informative samples. A multi-level mixture-of-experts classification framework is proposed which involves local pose-specific expert classifiers operating on multiple image modalities and features. In terms of image modalities, we consider gray-level intensity, depth cues derived from dense stereo vision and motion cues arising from dense optical flow. We furthermore employ shape-based, gradient-based and texture-based features. The mixture-of-experts formulation compares favorably to joint space approaches, in view of performance and practical feasibility. Finally, we extend this mixture-of-experts framework in terms of multi-cue partial occlusion handling and the estimation of pedestrian body orientation. Our occlusion model involves examining occlusion boundaries which manifest in discontinuities in depth and motion space. Occlusion-dependent weights which relate to the visibility of certain body parts focus the decision on unoccluded body components. We further apply the pose-specific nature of our mixture-of-experts framework towards estimating the density of pedestrian body orientation from single images, again integrating shape and texture information. Throughout this work, particular emphasis is laid on thorough performance evaluation both regarding methodology and competitive real-world datasets. Several datasets used in this thesis are made publicly available for benchmarking purposes. Our results indicate significant performance boosts over state-of-the-art for all aspects considered in this thesis, i.e. pedestrian recognition, partial occlusion handling and body orientation estimation. The pedestrian recognition performance in particular is considerably advanced; false detections at constant detection rates are reduced by significantly more than an order of magnitude

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    Recent Advances in Indoor Localization Systems and Technologies

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    Despite the enormous technical progress seen in the past few years, the maturity of indoor localization technologies has not yet reached the level of GNSS solutions. The 23 selected papers in this book present the recent advances and new developments in indoor localization systems and technologies, propose novel or improved methods with increased performance, provide insight into various aspects of quality control, and also introduce some unorthodox positioning methods

    Human perception capabilities for socially intelligent domestic service robots

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    The daily living activities for an increasing number of frail elderly people represent a continuous struggle both for them as well as for their extended families. These people have difficulties coping at home alone but are still sufficiently fit not to need the round-the-clock care provided by a nursing home. Their struggle can be alleviated by the deployment of a mechanical helper in their home, i.e. a service robot that can execute a range of simple object manipulation tasks. Such a robotic application promises to extend the period of independent home living for elderly people, while providing them with a better quality of life. However, despite the recent technological advances in robotics, there are still some remaining challenges, mainly related to the human factors. Arguably, the lack of consistently dependable human detection, localisation, position and pose tracking information and insufficiently refined processing of sensor information makes the close range physical interaction between a robot and a human a high-risk task. The work described in this thesis addresses the deficiencies in the processing of the human information of today’s service robots. This is achieved through proposing a new paradigm for the robot’s situational awareness in regard to people as well as a collection of methods and techniques, operating at the lower levels of the paradigm, i.e. perception of new human information. The collection includes methods for obtaining and processing of information about the presence, location and body pose of the people. In addition to the availability of reliable human perception information, the integration between the separate levels of paradigm is considered to be a critically important factor for achieving the human-aware control of the robot. Improving the cognition, judgment and decision making action links between the paradigm’s layers leads to enhanced capability of the robot to engage in a natural and more meaningful interaction with people and, therefore, to a more enjoyable user experience. Therefore, the proposed paradigm and methodology are envisioned to contribute to making the prolonged assisted living of elderly people at home a more feasible and realistic task. In particular, this thesis proposes a set of methods for human presence detection, localisation and body pose tracking that are operating on the perception level of the paradigm. Also, the problem of having only limited visibility of a person from the on-board sensors of the robot is addressed by the proposed classifier fusion method that combines information from several types of sensors. A method for improved real-time human body pose tracking is also investigated. Additionally, a method for estimation of the multiple human tracks from noisy detections, as well as analysis of the computed human tracks for cognition about the social interactions within the social group, operating at the comprehension level of the robot’s situational awareness paradigm, is proposed. Finally, at the human-aware planning layer, a method that utilises the human related information, generated by the perception and comprehension layers to compute a minimally intrusive navigation path to a target person within a human group, is proposed. This method demonstrates how the improved human perception capabilities of the robot, through its judgement activity, ii ABSTRACT can be utilised by the highest level of the paradigm, i.e. the decision making layer, to achieve user friendly human-robot interactions. Overall, the research presented in this work, drawing on recent innovation in statistical learning, data fusion and optimisation methods, improves the overall situational awareness of the robot in regard to people with the main focus placed on human sensing capabilities of service robots. The improved overall situational awareness of the robot regarding people, as defined by the proposed paradigm, enables more meaningful human-robot interactions

    Human-robot interaction and computer-vision-based services for autonomous robots

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    L'Aprenentatge per Imitació (IL), o Programació de robots per Demostració (PbD), abasta mètodes pels quals un robot aprèn noves habilitats a través de l'orientació humana i la imitació. La PbD s'inspira en la forma en què els éssers humans aprenen noves habilitats per imitació amb la finalitat de desenvolupar mètodes pels quals les noves tasques es poden transferir als robots. Aquesta tesi està motivada per la pregunta genèrica de "què imitar?", Que es refereix al problema de com extreure les característiques essencials d'una tasca. Amb aquesta finalitat, aquí adoptem la perspectiva del Reconeixement d'Accions (AR) per tal de permetre que el robot decideixi el què cal imitar o inferir en interactuar amb un ésser humà. L'enfoc proposat es basa en un mètode ben conegut que prové del processament del llenguatge natural: és a dir, la bossa de paraules (BoW). Aquest mètode s'aplica a grans bases de dades per tal d'obtenir un model entrenat. Encara que BoW és una tècnica d'aprenentatge de màquines que s'utilitza en diversos camps de la investigació, en la classificació d'accions per a l'aprenentatge en robots està lluny de ser acurada. D'altra banda, se centra en la classificació d'objectes i gestos en lloc d'accions. Per tant, en aquesta tesi es demostra que el mètode és adequat, en escenaris de classificació d'accions, per a la fusió d'informació de diferents fonts o de diferents assajos. Aquesta tesi fa tres contribucions: (1) es proposa un mètode general per fer front al reconeixement d'accions i per tant contribuir a l'aprenentatge per imitació; (2) la metodologia pot aplicar-se a grans bases de dades, que inclouen diferents modes de captura de les accions; i (3) el mètode s'aplica específicament en un projecte internacional d'innovació real anomenat Vinbot.El Aprendizaje por Imitación (IL), o Programación de robots por Demostración (PbD), abarca métodos por los cuales un robot aprende nuevas habilidades a través de la orientación humana y la imitación. La PbD se inspira en la forma en que los seres humanos aprenden nuevas habilidades por imitación con el fin de desarrollar métodos por los cuales las nuevas tareas se pueden transferir a los robots. Esta tesis está motivada por la pregunta genérica de "qué imitar?", que se refiere al problema de cómo extraer las características esenciales de una tarea. Con este fin, aquí adoptamos la perspectiva del Reconocimiento de Acciones (AR) con el fin de permitir que el robot decida lo que hay que imitar o inferir al interactuar con un ser humano. El enfoque propuesto se basa en un método bien conocido que proviene del procesamiento del lenguaje natural: es decir, la bolsa de palabras (BoW). Este método se aplica a grandes bases de datos con el fin de obtener un modelo entrenado. Aunque BoW es una técnica de aprendizaje de máquinas que se utiliza en diversos campos de la investigación, en la clasificación de acciones para el aprendizaje en robots está lejos de ser acurada. Además, se centra en la clasificación de objetos y gestos en lugar de acciones. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis se demuestra que el método es adecuado, en escenarios de clasificación de acciones, para la fusión de información de diferentes fuentes o de diferentes ensayos. Esta tesis hace tres contribuciones: (1) se propone un método general para hacer frente al reconocimiento de acciones y por lo tanto contribuir al aprendizaje por imitación; (2) la metodología puede aplicarse a grandes bases de datos, que incluyen diferentes modos de captura de las acciones; y (3) el método se aplica específicamente en un proyecto internacional de innovación real llamado Vinbot.Imitation Learning (IL), or robot Programming by Demonstration (PbD), covers methods by which a robot learns new skills through human guidance and imitation. PbD takes its inspiration from the way humans learn new skills by imitation in order to develop methods by which new tasks can be transmitted to robots. This thesis is motivated by the generic question of “what to imitate?” which concerns the problem of how to extract the essential features of a task. To this end, here we adopt Action Recognition (AR) perspective in order to allow the robot to decide what has to be imitated or inferred when interacting with a human kind. The proposed approach is based on a well-known method from natural language processing: namely, Bag of Words (BoW). This method is applied to large databases in order to obtain a trained model. Although BoW is a machine learning technique that is used in various fields of research, in action classification for robot learning it is far from accurate. Moreover, it focuses on the classification of objects and gestures rather than actions. Thus, in this thesis we show that the method is suitable in action classification scenarios for merging information from different sources or different trials. This thesis makes three contributions: (1) it proposes a general method for dealing with action recognition and thus to contribute to imitation learning; (2) the methodology can be applied to large databases which include different modes of action captures; and (3) the method is applied specifically in a real international innovation project called Vinbot


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    この博士論文は内容の要約のみの公開(または一部非公開)になっています筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    Mobile Robots Navigation

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    Mobile robots navigation includes different interrelated activities: (i) perception, as obtaining and interpreting sensory information; (ii) exploration, as the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; (iii) mapping, involving the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; (iv) localization, as the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; (v) path planning, as the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and (vi) path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. The book addresses those activities by integrating results from the research work of several authors all over the world. Research cases are documented in 32 chapters organized within 7 categories next described