1,135 research outputs found

    Tempora mutantur

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    Elke tijd vraagt om zijn eigen godsdienstige opvoeding, maar waarden verouderen niet

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    Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis, ofwel: de tijden veranderen en wij veranderen mee. Tot dit inzicht kwamen de Romeinen reeds. Haydn wijdde er zijn 64ste symfonie aan. Toegepast op de opvoeding leidt deze wijsheid eveneens tot een zinvolle aanpak

    Senior Recital: Seth Waters, composition

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    Welcome to Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems (BAMS)

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    Fifty years NILR 1953-2003, As Time Goes By - Tempora Mutantur

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    Patrimônio iconográfico: um olhar para as pinturas de Pedro Weingärtner como lugar da memória e identidade

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    Pedro Weingärtner foi um artista gaúcho que viveu na transição do século XIX para o século XX, entre idas e vindas entre Brasil e Europa. Em sua vasta produção artística retratou, entre outros temas, a imigração europeia. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa visa compreender as pinturas deste artista e desta temática, como sendo um patrimônio artístico e iconográfico, portador de uma memória e que retrata uma identidade teuto-brasileira, principalmente ao representar os imigrantes europeus no processo de estabelecimento das primeiras colônias no Sul do país, ou ainda representando-os dentro de seus espaços de sociabilidade e lazer, como no caso dos bailes do Kerb

    Good-Bye, Dr. Wombat!

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    Wombat Manor had always had an air of distinction that set it apart from any other house, but now in the dying afternoon sunshine, even after a surprise Southern California September thunderstorm, its windows blankly reflected the light of the declining daystar and seemed to have lost their whilom sparkle

    The Roman Catholic Church in Poland after the Fall of Communism

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    Had I written a paper about the Roman Catholic Church in Poland after the Fall of Communism in 2019, when Paul Mojzes asked me to (thank you, Paul, for your unceasing encouragement!), the writing would have been so much easier than it is now. Not easy, but easier. At that time, the situation of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland, just like life in Poland in general, seemed relatively stable, much more so than throughout most of Poland’s turbulent history or even during those 30 years since the Fall of Communism. The Church, too, seemed to be on the way to “getting back on track” after having experienced a few somewhat difficult years. In 2019 one could think that all (almost all) is well with the Church in Poland–or, will be well soon
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