190 research outputs found

    Adaptive Caching of Distributed Components

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    Die ZugriffslokalitĂ€t referenzierter Daten ist eine wichtige Eigenschaft verteilter Anwendungen. Lokales Zwischenspeichern abgefragter entfernter Daten (Caching) wird vielfach bei der Entwicklung solcher Anwendungen eingesetzt, um diese Eigenschaft auszunutzen. Anschliessende Zugriffe auf diese Daten können so beschleunigt werden, indem sie aus dem lokalen Zwischenspeicher bedient werden. GegenwĂ€rtige Middleware-Architekturen bieten dem Anwendungsprogrammierer jedoch kaum UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr diesen nicht-funktionalen Aspekt. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht deshalb, Caching als separaten, konfigurierbaren Middleware-Dienst auszulagern. Durch die Einbindung in den Softwareentwicklungsprozess wird die frĂŒhzeitige Modellierung und spĂ€tere Wiederverwendung caching-spezifischer Metadaten gewĂ€hrleistet. Zur Laufzeit kann sich das entwickelte System außerdem bezĂŒglich der Cachebarkeit von Daten adaptiv an geĂ€ndertes Nutzungsverhalten anpassen.Locality of reference is an important property of distributed applications. Caching is typically employed during the development of such applications to exploit this property by locally storing queried data: Subsequent accesses can be accelerated by serving their results immediately form the local store. Current middleware architectures however hardly support this non-functional aspect. The thesis at hand thus tries outsource caching as a separate, configurable middleware service. Integration into the software development lifecycle provides for early capturing, modeling, and later reuse of cachingrelated metadata. At runtime, the implemented system can adapt to caching access characteristics with respect to data cacheability properties, thus healing misconfigurations and optimizing itself to an appropriate configuration. Speculative prefetching of data probably queried in the immediate future complements the presented approach

    From Static and Dynamic Websites to Static Site Generators

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    DĂŒnaamilised sisuhaldustarkvara paketid, nĂ€iteks WordPress, on kasutusel peaaegu pooltel maailma aktiivsetest veebilehtedest. Paljudel neist lehtedest on peamiselt eelloodud sisu – nĂ€iteks blogiartiklid, uudised ja isiklikud vĂ”i ettevĂ”tete veebilehed. Sellise iseloomuga veebilehtede esitamine lĂ€bi igakordse dĂŒnaamilise genereerimise ei lisa mingit vÀÀrtust vĂ”rreldes sellega, kui lehed oleksid eelgenereeritud ehk staatilised.\n\rKĂ€esolevas töös on analĂŒĂŒsitud staatiliste ja dĂŒnaamiliste veebilehtede pĂ”himĂ”ttelisi erinevusi. On leitud, et staatilised lehed omavad sisulisi eeliseid dĂŒnaamiliste ees – nĂ€iteks turvalisus ja kiirus – kuid dĂŒnaamiliste veebilehtede eelised seisnevad peamiselt kĂŒpsemate tööriistade olemasolus.\n\rTöös on vĂ”rreldud kolme populaarseimat staatilise veebilehe generaatorit – Jekyll’i, Hexo’t ja Hugo’t. On leitud, et Hexo sobib hĂ€sti blogimiseks, kuid Jekyll ja Hugo ka universaalsete veebilehtede loomiseks. Hugo’t tasub eelistada suurte veebilehtede puhul tĂ€nu selle oluliselt suuremale genereerimiskiirusele, kuid peab arvestama selle keerulisema laiendatavusega. \n\rStaatiliste veebilehtede ökosĂŒsteemi on pĂ”gusalt tutvustatud ning toodud vĂ€lja vahendeid lehtede majutamiseks, graafilisi kasutajaliideseid jmt. On pakutud ideid, mida tasuks staatiliste veebilehtede tööriistades edasi arendada.Dynamic Content Management Systems like WordPress are used on almost half of the world’s active websites. As many of these sites are content-driven, like blogs, news sites, personal, company and organisation websites, rendering them dynamically does not offer any value compared to if they were static. \n\rParadigmatic differences between static and dynamic websites are analysed and the bene-fits of each described. It is found that for static-by-nature websites, static approach has core benefits such as security and end-user performance, as benefits of dynamic platforms come mainly from the more mature toolset.\n\rFeatures and usability of three popular Static Site Generators – Jekyll, Hexo and Hugo are analysed. It is found that Jekyll and Hugo are more suitable for universal websites, as Hexo is oriented for blogging. Hugo should be preferred for a large website, as its site generation speed is significantly faster than Jekyll’s. However, the extensibility of Hugo is more complicated. \n\rAdditional tools in the growing static websites ecosystem are pointed out. Some ways of combining these to create a complete toolset are given and ideas for future development proposed

    Automated intrusion recovery for web applications

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 93-97).In this dissertation, we develop recovery techniques for web applications and demonstrate that automated recovery from intrusions and user mistakes is practical as well as effective. Web applications play a critical role in users' lives today, making them an attractive target for attackers. New vulnerabilities are routinely found in web application software, and even if the software is bug-free, administrators may make security mistakes such as misconfiguring permissions; these bugs and mistakes virtually guarantee that every application will eventually be compromised. To clean up after a successful attack, administrators need to find its entry point, track down its effects, and undo the attack's corruptions while preserving legitimate changes. Today this is all done manually, which results in days of wasted effort with no guarantee that all traces of the attack have been found or that no legitimate changes were lost. To address this problem, we propose that automated intrusion recovery should be an integral part of web application platforms. This work develops several ideas-retroactive patching, automated UI replay, dependency tracking, patch-based auditing, and distributed repair-that together recover from past attacks that exploited a vulnerability, by retroactively fixing the vulnerability and repairing the system state to make it appear as if the vulnerability never existed. Repair tracks down and reverts effects of the attack on other users within the same application and on other applications, while preserving legitimate changes. Using techniques resulting from these ideas, an administrator can easily recover from past attacks that exploited a bug using nothing more than a patch fixing the bug, with no manual effort on her part to find the attack or track its effects. The same techniques can also recover from attacks that exploit past configuration mistakes-the administrator only has to point out the past request that resulted in the mistake. We built three prototype systems, WARP, POIROT, and AIRE, to explore these ideas. Using these systems, we demonstrate that we can recover from challenging attacks in real distributed web applications with little or no changes to application source code; that recovery time is a fraction of the original execution time for attacks with a few affected requests; and that support for recovery adds modest runtime overhead during the application's normal operation.by Ramesh Chandra.Ph.D

    Metadata-Aware Query Processing over Data Streams

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    Many modern applications need to process queries over potentially infinite data streams to provide answers in real-time. This dissertation proposes novel techniques to optimize CPU and memory utilization in stream processing by exploiting metadata on streaming data or queries. It focuses on four topics: 1) exploiting stream metadata to optimize SPJ query operators via operator configuration, 2) exploiting stream metadata to optimize SPJ query plans via query-rewriting, 3) exploiting workload metadata to optimize parameterized queries via indexing, and 4) exploiting event constraints to optimize event stream processing via run-time early termination. The first part of this dissertation proposes algorithms for one of the most common and expensive query operators, namely join, to at runtime identify and purge no-longer-needed data from the state based on punctuations. Exploitations of the combination of punctuation and commonly-used window constraints are also studied. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate both reduction on memory usage and improvements on execution time due to the proposed strategies. The second part proposes herald-driven runtime query plan optimization techniques. We identify four query optimization techniques, design a lightweight algorithm to efficiently detect the optimization opportunities at runtime upon receiving heralds. We propose a novel execution paradigm to support multiple concurrent logical plans by maintaining one physical plan. Extensive experimental study confirms that our techniques significantly reduce query execution times. The third part deals with the shared execution of parameterized queries instantiated from a query template. We design a lightweight index mechanism to provide multiple access paths to data to facilitate a wide range of parameterized queries. To withstand workload fluctuations, we propose an index tuning framework to tune the index configurations in a timely manner. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategies. The last part proposes event query optimization techniques by exploiting event constraints such as exclusiveness or ordering relationships among events extracted from workflows. Significant performance gains are shown to be achieved by our proposed constraint-aware event processing techniques

    A cache framework for nomadic clients of web services

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    This research explores the problems associated with caching of SOAP Web Service request/response pairs, and presents a domain independent framework enabling transparent caching of Web Service requests for mobile clients. The framework intercepts method calls intended for the web service and proceeds by buffering and caching of the outgoing method call and the inbound responses. This enables a mobile application to seamlessly use Web Services by masking fluctuations in network conditions. This framework addresses two main issues, firstly how to enrich the WS standards to enable caching and secondly how to maintain consistency for state dependent Web Service request/response pairs

    Scalable hosting of web applications

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    Modern Web sites have evolved from simple monolithic systems to complex multitiered systems. In contrast to traditional Web sites, these sites do not simply deliver pre-written content but dynamically generate content using (one or more) multi-tiered Web applications. In this thesis, we addressed the question: How to host multi-tiered Web applications in a scalable manner? Scaling up a Web application requires scaling its individual tiers. To this end, various research works have proposed techniques that employ replication or caching solutions at different tiers. However, most of these techniques aim to optimize the performance of individual tiers and not the entire application. A key observation made in our research is that there exists no elixir technique that performs the best for allWeb applications. Effective hosting of a Web application requires careful selection and deployment of several techniques at different tiers. To this end, we present several caching and replication strategies, such as GlobeCBC, GlobeDB and GlobeTP, to improve the scalability of different tiers of a Web application. While these techniques and systems improve the performance of the individual tiers (and eventually the application), an application's administrator is not only interested in the performance of its individual tiers but also in its endto- end performance. To this end, we propose a resource provisioning approach that allows us to choose the best resource configuration for hosting a Web application such that its end-to-end response time can be optimized with minimum usage of resources. The proposed approach is based on an analytical model for multi-tier systems, which allows us to derive expressions for estimating the mean end-to-end response time and its variance.Steen, M.R. van [Promotor]Pierre, G.E.O. [Copromotor
