141 research outputs found

    Building case-based reasoning applications with myCBR and COLIBRI Studio

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    myCBR and COLIBRI Studio are two well-established opensource frameworks for building case-based reasoning (CBR) applications, though they follow different approaches and support different phases of the CBR application development. In a nutshell: Where myCBR supports its users in developing a knowledge model for representing cases, it more or less leaves the software developers alone when they try to develop an application that uses the generated knowledge model. COLIBRI Studio, on the other hand, is focused in the development of applications that use that knowledge model. As soon as you have a knowledge model COLIBRI Studio offers templates for a variety of application types and supports in generating its source code. This paper explains the strengths and weaknesses of both frameworks regarding the rapid development of CBR applications. It also shows how to use both of them in conjunction

    Knowledge modelling with the open source tool myCBR

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    Building knowledge intensive Case-Based Reasoning applications requires tools that support this on-going process between domain experts and knowledge engineers. In this paper we will introduce how the open source tool myCBR 3 allows for flexible knowledge elicitation and formalisation form CBR and non CBR experts. We detail on myCBR 3 's versatile approach to similarity modelling and will give an overview of the Knowledge Engineering workbench, providing the tools for the modelling process. We underline our presentation with three case studies of knowledge modelling for technical diagnosis and recommendation systems using myCBR 3

    Clood CBR: towards microservices oriented case-based reasoning.

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    CBR applications have been deployed in a wide range of sectors, from pharmaceuticals; to defence and aerospace to IoT and transportation, to poetry and music generation; for example. However, a majority of these have been built using monolithic architectures which impose size and complexity constraints. As such these applications have a barrier to adopting new technologies and remain prohibitively expensive in both time and cost because changes in frameworks or languages affect the application directly. To address this challenge, we introduce a distributed and highly scalable generic CBR system, Clood, which is based on a microservices architecture. This splits the application into a set of smaller, interconnected services that scale to meet varying demands. Experimental results show that our Clood implementation retrieves cases at a fairly consistent rate as the casebase grows by several orders of magnitude and was over 3,700 times faster than a comparable monolithic CBR system when retrieving from half a million cases. Microservices are cloud-native architectures and with the rapid increase in cloud-computing adoption, it is timely for the CBR community to have access to such a framework

    Portugal dos Pequenitos as an urban laboratory for rehearsing national identity

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    Portugal dos Pequenitos (literally, ‘Portugal for the Little Ones’), a theme park built in Portugal as part of the Centenarian Commemorations of the Portuguese Nation of 1940, has been considered one of the most controversial pieces of Portuguese architecture in the 20th century. Designed between 1937 and 1962 by Architect Cassiano Branco, at the initiative of Bissaya Barreto, it features reproductions of uniquely typical Portuguese architecture built to a child's scale. It includes buildings from mainland Portugal, from the Azores and Madeira islands and from the colonial territories in Africa and Asia. The main aims of this paper are twofold: firstly, to frame Cassiano Branco's architecture in its specific context, in terms of historical contingencies and architectural controversies during the Estado Novo (New State) Portuguese dictatorship (1933–1974), and secondly, to assess the importance of Portugal dos Pequenitos as a laboratory for rehearsing an idyllic urban environment, applying hypothetical principles of national identity.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A viewpoint-based case-based reasoning approach utilising an enterprise architecture ontology for experience management

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    The accessibility of project knowledge obtained from experiences is an important and crucial issue in enterprises. This information need about project knowledge can be different from one person to another depending on the different roles he or she has. Therefore, a new ontology-based case-based reasoning (OBCBR) approach that utilises an enterprise ontology is introduced in this article to improve the accessibility of this project knowledge. Utilising an enterprise ontology improves the case-based reasoning (CBR) system through the systematic inclusion of enterprisespecific knowledge. This enterprise-specific knowledge is captured using the overall structure given by the enterprise ontology named ArchiMEO, which is a partial ontological realisation of the enterprise architecture framework (EAF) ArchiMate. This ontological representation, containing historical cases and specific enterprise domain knowledge, is applied in a new OBCBR approach. To support the different information needs of different stakeholders, this OBCBR approach has been built in such a way that different views, viewpoints, concerns and stakeholders can be considered. This is realised using a case viewpoint model derived from the ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 standard. The introduced approach was implemented as a demonstrator and evaluated using an application case that has been elicited from a business partner in the Swiss research project.This work was supported in part by the Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI) of the Swiss Confederation under Grant 14575.1 PFES-ES and the ELO Digital Office CH AG.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/teis202018-04-30hb2017Information Scienc

    Embedded Control System for Agricultural Machinery implemented in Forage Harvesting

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    Koneiden tehokas käyttö on erityisen tärkeää rehunkorjuussa lyhyen korjuuajan ja koneiden kalleuden takia. Parhaan tehokkuuden saavuttamiseksi noukinvaunun kaltaisen korjuukoneen kuormituksen tulisi olla optimaalinen. Ylikuormitustilanteessa noukin voi tukkeutua, kun taas alikuormitus kuluttaa aikaa ja heikentää rehusilpun laatua. Laatua voidaan myös parantaa säilöntäaineen tarkalla annostelulla. Tässä diplomityössä kehitettiin kaksi ISO 11783 ohjainta parantamaan rehunkorjuun tehokkuutta. Ohjaimet kehitettiin käyttäen työkaluketjua, joka on suunniteltu ISO 11783 ohjainten kehitykseen. Työkaluketjun pääosat ovat Matlab Simulink C-koodin generoinnilla, PoolEdit ja siihen liittyvät parserit sekä Visual Studio ja Windows CE tietokonemoduuli. Rehun massavirtaa noukkimella estimoidaan Kalman-suotimella nopeuden, karhon koon, kuorman massan sekä kosteuden perusteella. Massaestimaatin perusteella säilöntäainetta voidaan levittää rehuun siten, että säilöntäaineen ja rehun suhde on optimaalinen. Traktorin nopeutta säädetään sumealla säätimellä koneen kapasiteetin, estimoidun massavirran sekä karhon koon perusteella. Lopputuloksena massavirta pysyy optimaalisena riippumatta karhon koon muutoksista eikä tukoksia pääse syntymään. Peltotesteissä laitteiston todettiin toimivan määrittelyn mukaisesti.Efficient use of machines is especially important in forage harvesting due to the short harvesting period and expensive machinery. To achieve the best efficiency, a harvesting machine, such as a loader wagon, should be used with optimal loading. Whereas overloading the machine can cause blockages in the cut-and-feed unit, underloading consumes more time and reduces the quality of the resulting silage. In addition, the quality can be improved by optimizing the dosage of the additive. In this thesis, two ISO 11783 compatible electronic control units were implemented for optimizing the harvesting process. The electronic control units were developed using a tool chain designed for developing ISO 11783 systems. The main parts of the tool chain are Matlab Simulink with C code generation, PoolEdit with the associated parsers, and Visual Studio with a Windows CE embedded target. Mass flow of forage in the cut-and-feed unit of the wagon is estimated with a Kalman filter according to tractor speed, swath size, mass of the load, and moisture content of the forage. The mass flow estimation is used to derive the optimal spreading rate of additive so that the ratio of additive and forage is precisely what is desired. The speed of the tractor is controlled with a fuzzy controller according to the capacity of the machine, the mass flow estimation, and the swath size. As a result, the mass flow in the cut-and-feed unit is always optimal regardless of the swath size and thus no blockages will be formed. In the field tests, the performance of the system proved to be in line with the specification

    Adaptation in Pronoun Resolution: Evidence from Brazilian and European Portuguese

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    Previous research accounting for pronoun resolution as a problem of probabilistic inference has not explored the phenomenon of adaptation, whereby the processor constantly tracks and adapts, rationally, to changes in a statistical environment. We investigate whether Brazilian (BP) and European Portuguese (EP) speakers adapt to variations in the probability of occurrence of ambiguous overt and null pronouns, in two experiments assessing resolution towards subject and object referents. For each variety (BP, EP), participants were faced with either the same number of null and overt pronouns (equal distribution), or with an environment with fewer overt (than null) pronouns (unequal distribution). We find that the preference for interpreting overt pronouns as referring back to an object referent (objectbiased interpretation) is higher when there are fewer overt pronouns (i.e., in the unequal, relative to the equal distribution condition). This is especially the case for BP, a variety with higher prior frequency and smaller object-biased interpretation of overt pronouns, suggesting that participants adapted incrementally and integrated prior statistical knowledge with the knowledge obtained in the experiment. We hypothesize that comprehenders adapted rationally, with the goal of maintaining, across variations in pronoun probability, the likelihood of subject and object referents. Our findings unify insights from research in pronoun resolution and in adaptation, and add to previous studies in both topics: They provide evidence for the influence of pronoun probability in pronoun resolution, and for an adaptation process whereby the language processor not only tracks statistical information, but uses it to make interpretational inferences.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Sistema CBR para presentación de entrenamientos físicos personalizados en Internet

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    El proyecto ha consistido en el desarrollo de un sistema experto que asesora a los usuarios sobre entrenamientos físicos personalizados que resulten adecuados para cada condición física y cada objetivo de entrenamiento. El sistema hace uso de razonamiento basado en casos (Case Based Reasoning), siendo el dominio de conocimiento el entrenamiento médico-deportivo. Los casos describen tanto las características de los usuarios, como los entrenamientos que les corresponden. Los entrenamientos completos están formados secuenciando apropiadamente unidades de entrenamiento individuales. Los usuarios acceden al sistema por medio de una interfaz Web que permite tanto consultar la realización de ejercicios individuales como la obtención de un entrenamiento adaptado. La presentación que se muestra a los usuarios incluye, además de la explicación de cada unidad de entrenamiento, modelos que ejemplarizan las distintas posiciones que debe adoptar el cuerpo para ejecutar un ejercicio correctamente. Esos modelos consisten en representaciones humanoides creadas con programas de diseño gráfico de 2D y 3D. [ABSTRACT] The aim of this project was to develop an expert system that advises the users on the customized physical training that suits best each physical condition as well as training goals. The systems works with case-based reasoning (CBR) and the knowledge used is of the medical - sports training domain. The cases describe the user’s characteristics and the advised training programs, which are created by sequencing individual training units in an appropriate way. The users access the system via a web interface that allows them to consult how a specific exercise has to be executed as well as to request a training program generated to suit their individual needs. The presentation includes an explanation of each training unit and graphic models that visualize and exemplify the different positions the body has to adopt to perform the exercise correctly. These models are humanoid representations created with software for the design 2D and 3D graphics

    Sistema de razonamiento basado en casos, para la mejora de atención de salud en un centro rural

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    Diseña un modelo de sistema utilizando el razonamiento basado en casos (RBC) como apoyo al médico, para diagnosticar enfermedades más comunes en pobladores de un centro rural, con la finalidad de paliar en parte las necesidades básicas de salud en aquellos lugares.Tesi