30 research outputs found

    Circuit Techniques for Low-Power and Secure Internet-of-Things Systems

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    The coming of Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to connect the physical world to the cyber world through ubiquitous sensors, actuators and computers. The nature of these applications demand long battery life and strong data security. To connect billions of things in the world, the hardware platform for IoT systems must be optimized towards low power consumption, high energy efficiency and low cost. With these constraints, the security of IoT systems become a even more difficult problem compared to that of computer systems. A new holistic system design considering both hardware and software implementations is demanded to face these new challenges. In this work, highly robust and low-cost true random number generators (TRNGs) and physically unclonable functions (PUFs) are designed and implemented as security primitives for secret key management in IoT systems. They provide three critical functions for crypto systems including runtime secret key generation, secure key storage and lightweight device authentication. To achieve robustness and simplicity, the concept of frequency collapse in multi-mode oscillator is proposed, which can effectively amplify the desired random variable in CMOS devices (i.e. process variation or noise) and provide a runtime monitor of the output quality. A TRNG with self-tuning loop to achieve robust operation across -40 to 120 degree Celsius and 0.6 to 1V variations, a TRNG that can be fully synthesized with only standard cells and commercial placement and routing tools, and a PUF with runtime filtering to achieve robust authentication, are designed based upon this concept and verified in several CMOS technology nodes. In addition, a 2-transistor sub-threshold amplifier based "weak" PUF is also presented for chip identification and key storage. This PUF achieves state-of-the-art 1.65% native unstable bit, 1.5fJ per bit energy efficiency, and 3.16% flipping bits across -40 to 120 degree Celsius range at the same time, while occupying only 553 feature size square area in 180nm CMOS. Secondly, the potential security threats of hardware Trojan is investigated and a new Trojan attack using analog behavior of digital processors is proposed as the first stealthy and controllable fabrication-time hardware attack. Hardware Trojan is an emerging concern about globalization of semiconductor supply chain, which can result in catastrophic attacks that are extremely difficult to find and protect against. Hardware Trojans proposed in previous works are based on either design-time code injection to hardware description language or fabrication-time modification of processing steps. There have been defenses developed for both types of attacks. A third type of attack that combines the benefits of logical stealthy and controllability in design-time attacks and physical "invisibility" is proposed in this work that crosses the analog and digital domains. The attack eludes activation by a diverse set of benchmarks and evades known defenses. Lastly, in addition to security-related circuits, physical sensors are also studied as fundamental building blocks of IoT systems in this work. Temperature sensing is one of the most desired functions for a wide range of IoT applications. A sub-threshold oscillator based digital temperature sensor utilizing the exponential temperature dependence of sub-threshold current is proposed and implemented. In 180nm CMOS, it achieves 0.22/0.19K inaccuracy and 73mK noise-limited resolution with only 8865 square micrometer additional area and 75nW extra power consumption to an existing IoT system.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138779/1/kaiyuan_1.pd

    Temperature attacks on TRNG and QRNG devices

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    This research work analyzes the performances of different TRNG and QRNG devices used for the production of random numbers after having subjected them to different low cost attacks. The aim of this thesis is to test the resilience of these devices, i.e. if and how much they are able, even after being attacked, to perform their work correctly. This analysis is performed by means of different statistical tests which measure the behavior of above mentioned devices: beside the most known statistical tests in commerce such as Ent, TestU01, BoolTest and PractRand, the performance comparisons have been analysed also using BitReps, a novel statistical test built by the University of Kent, UK. This being said, the proposed work aims also at analysing the performances of this novel statistical test, which until now had not yet been tested except with test data.This research work analyzes the performances of different TRNG and QRNG devices used for the production of random numbers after having subjected them to different low cost attacks. The aim of this thesis is to test the resilience of these devices, i.e. if and how much they are able, even after being attacked, to perform their work correctly. This analysis is performed by means of different statistical tests which measure the behavior of above mentioned devices: beside the most known statistical tests in commerce such as Ent, TestU01, BoolTest and PractRand, the performance comparisons have been analysed also using BitReps, a novel statistical test built by the University of Kent, UK. This being said, the proposed work aims also at analysing the performances of this novel statistical test, which until now had not yet been tested except with test data

    An Overview of DRAM-Based Security Primitives

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    Recent developments have increased the demand for adequate security solutions, based on primitives that cannot be easily manipulated or altered, such as hardware-based primitives. Security primitives based on Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) can provide cost-efficient and practical security solutions, especially for resource-constrained devices, such as hardware used in the Internet of Things (IoT), as DRAMs are an intrinsic part of most contemporary computer systems. In this work, we present a comprehensive overview of the literature regarding DRAM-based security primitives and an extended classification of it, based on a number of different criteria. In particular, first, we demonstrate the way in which DRAMs work and present the characteristics being exploited for the implementation of security primitives. Then, we introduce the primitives that can be implemented using DRAM, namely Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) and True Random Number Generators (TRNGs), and present the applications of each of the two types of DRAM-based security primitives. We additionally proceed to assess the security such primitives can provide, by discussing potential attacks and defences, as well as the proposed security metrics. Subsequently, we also compare these primitives to other hardware-based security primitives, noting their advantages and shortcomings, and proceed to demonstrate their potential for commercial adoption. Finally, we analyse our classification methodology, by reviewing the criteria employed in our classification and examining their significance

    Security Aspects of Printed Electronics Applications

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    Gedruckte Elektronik (Printed Electronics (PE)) ist eine neu aufkommende Technologie welche komplementĂ€r zu konventioneller Elektronik eingesetzt wird. Dessen einzigartigen Merkmale fĂŒhrten zu einen starken Anstieg von Marktanteilen, welche 2010 \$6 Milliarden betrugen, \$41 Milliarden in 2019 und in 2027 geschĂ€tzt \$153 Milliarden. Gedruckte Elektronik kombiniert additive Technologien mit funktionalen Tinten um elektronische Komponenten aus verschiedenen Materialien direkt am Verwendungsort, kosteneffizient und umweltfreundlich herzustellen. Die dabei verwendeten Substrate können flexibel, leicht, transparent, großflĂ€chig oder implantierbar sein. Dadurch können mit gedruckter Elektronik (noch) visionĂ€re Anwendungen wie Smart-Packaging, elektronische Einmalprodukte, Smart Labels oder digitale Haut realisiert werden. Um den Fortschritt von gedruckten Elektronik-Technologien voranzutreiben, basierten die meisten Optimierungen hauptsĂ€chlich auf der Erhöhung von Produktionsausbeute, ReliabilitĂ€t und Performance. Jedoch wurde auch die Bedeutung von Sicherheitsaspekten von Hardware-Plattformen in den letzten Jahren immer mehr in den Vordergrund gerĂŒckt. Da realisierte Anwendungen in gedruckter Elektronik vitale FunktionalitĂ€ten bereitstellen können, die sensible Nutzerdaten beinhalten, wie zum Beispiel in implantierten GerĂ€ten und intelligenten Pflastern zur GesundheitsĂŒberwachung, fĂŒhren SicherheitsmĂ€ngel und fehlendes Produktvertrauen in der Herstellungskette zu teils ernsten und schwerwiegenden Problemen. Des Weiteren, wegen den charakteristischen Merkmalen von gedruckter Elektronik, wie zum Beispiel additive Herstellungsverfahren, hohe StrukturgrĂ¶ĂŸe, wenige Schichten und begrenzten Produktionsschritten, ist gedruckte Hardware schon per se anfĂ€llig fĂŒr hardware-basierte Attacken wie Reverse-Engineering, ProduktfĂ€lschung und Hardware-Trojanern. DarĂŒber hinaus ist die Adoption von Gegenmaßnahmen aus konventionellen Technologien unpassend und ineffizient, da solche zu extremen MehraufwĂ€nden in der kostengĂŒnstigen Fertigung von gedruckter Elektronik fĂŒhren wĂŒrden. Aus diesem Grund liefert diese Arbeit eine Technologie-spezifische Bewertung von Bedrohungen auf der Hardware-Ebene und dessen Gegenmaßnahmen in der Form von Ressourcen-beschrĂ€nkten Hardware-Primitiven, um die Produktionskette und FunktionalitĂ€ten von gedruckter Elektronik-Anwendungen zu schĂŒtzen. Der erste Beitrag dieser Dissertation ist ein vorgeschlagener Ansatz um gedruckte Physical Unclonable Functions (pPUF) zu entwerfen, welche SicherheitsschlĂŒssel bereitstellen um mehrere sicherheitsrelevante Gegenmaßnahmen wie Authentifizierung und FingerabdrĂŒcke zu ermöglichen. ZusĂ€tzlich optimieren wir die multi-bit pPUF-Designs um den FlĂ€chenbedarf eines 16-bit-SchlĂŒssels-Generators um 31\% zu verringern. Außerdem entwickeln wir ein Analyse-Framework basierend auf Monte Carlo-Simulationen fĂŒr pPUFs, mit welchem wir Simulationen und Herstellungs-basierte Analysen durchfĂŒhren können. Unsere Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass die pPUFs die notwendigen Eigenschaften besitzen um erfolgreich als Sicherheitsanwendung eingesetzt zu werden, wie Einzigartigkeit der Signatur und ausreichende Robustheit. Der Betrieb der gedruckten pPUFs war möglich bis zu sehr geringen Betriebsspannungen von nur 0.5 V. Im zweiten Beitrag dieser Arbeit stellen wir einen kompakten Entwurf eines gedruckten physikalischen Zufallsgenerator vor (True Random Number Generator (pTRNG)), welcher unvorhersehbare SchlĂŒssel fĂŒr kryptographische Funktionen und zufĂ€lligen "Authentication Challenges" generieren kann. Der pTRNG Entwurf verbessert Prozess-Variationen unter Verwendung von einer Anpassungsmethode von gedruckten WiderstĂ€nden, ermöglicht durch die individuelle Konfigurierbarkeit von gedruckten Schaltungen, um die generierten Bits nur von Zufallsrauschen abhĂ€ngig zu machen, und damit ein echtes Zufallsverhalten zu erhalten. Die Simulationsergebnisse legen nahe, dass die gesamten Prozessvariationen des TRNGs um das 110-fache verbessert werden, und der zufallsgenerierte Bitstream der TRNGs die "National Institute of Standards and Technology Statistical Test Suit"-Tests bestanden hat. Auch hier können wir nachweisen, dass die Betriebsspannungen der TRNGs von mehreren Volt zu nur 0.5 V lagen, wie unsere Charakterisierungsergebnisse der hergestellten TRNGs aufgezeigt haben. Der dritte Beitrag dieser Dissertation ist die Beschreibung der einzigartigen Merkmale von Schaltungsentwurf und Herstellung von gedruckter Elektronik, welche sehr verschieden zu konventionellen Technologien ist, und dadurch eine neuartige Reverse-Engineering (RE)-Methode notwendig macht. HierfĂŒr stellen wir eine robuste RE-Methode vor, welche auf Supervised-Learning-Algorithmen fĂŒr gedruckte Schaltungen basiert, um die VulnerabilitĂ€t gegenĂŒber RE-Attacken zu demonstrieren. Die RE-Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die vorgestellte RE-Methode auf zahlreiche gedruckte Schaltungen ohne viel KomplexitĂ€t oder teure Werkzeuge angewandt werden kann. Der letzte Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist ein vorgeschlagenes Konzept fĂŒr eine "one-time programmable" gedruckte Look-up Table (pLUT), welche beliebige digitale Funktionen realisieren kann und Gegenmaßnahmen unterstĂŒtzt wie Camouflaging, Split-Manufacturing und Watermarking um Attacken auf der Hardware-Ebene zu verhindern. Ein Vergleich des vorgeschlagenen pLUT-Konzepts mit existierenden Lösungen hat gezeigt, dass die pLUT weniger FlĂ€chen-bedarf, geringere worst-case Verzögerungszeiten und Leistungsverbrauch hat. Um die Konfigurierbarkeit der vorgestellten pLUT zu verifizieren, wurde es simuliert, hergestellt und programmiert mittels Tintenstrahl-gedruckter elektrisch leitfĂ€higer Tinte um erfolgreich Logik-Gatter wie XNOR, XOR und AND zu realisieren. Die Simulation und Charakterisierungsergebnisse haben die erfolgreiche FunktionalitĂ€t der pLUT bei Betriebsspannungen von nur 1 V belegt

    Hardware security design from circuits to systems

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    The security of hardware implementations is of considerable importance, as even the most secure and carefully analyzed algorithms and protocols can be vulnerable in their hardware realization. For instance, numerous successful attacks have been presented against the Advanced Encryption Standard, which is approved for top secret information by the National Security Agency. There are numerous challenges for hardware security, ranging from critical power and resource constraints in sensor networks to scalability and automation for large Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The physically unclonable function (PUF) is a promising building block for hardware security, as it exposes a device-unique challenge-response behavior which depends on process variations in fabrication. It can be used in a variety of applications including random number generation, authentication, fingerprinting, and encryption. The primary concerns for PUF are reliability in presence of environmental variations, area and power overhead, and process-dependent randomness of the challenge-response behavior. Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNFETs) have been shown to have excellent electrical and unique physical characteristics. They are a promising candidate to replace silicon transistors in future very large scale integration (VLSI) designs. We present the Carbon Nanotube PUF (CNPUF), which is the first PUF design that takes advantage of unique CNFET characteristics. CNPUF achieves higher reliability against environmental variations and increases the resistance against modeling attacks. Furthermore, CNPUF has a considerable power and energy reduction in comparison to previous ultra-low power PUF designs of 89.6% and 98%, respectively. Moreover, CNPUF allows a power-security tradeoff in an extended design, which can greatly increase the resilience against modeling attacks. Despite increasing focus on defenses against physical attacks, consistent security oriented design of embedded systems remains a challenge, as most formalizations and security models are concerned with isolated physical components or a high-level concept. Therefore, we build on existing work on hardware security and provide four contributions to system-oriented physical defense: (i) A system-level security model to overcome the chasm between secure components and requirements of high-level protocols; this enables synergy between component-oriented security formalizations and theoretically proven protocols. (ii) An analysis of current practices in PUF protocols using the proposed system-level security model; we identify significant issues and expose assumptions that require costly security techniques. (iii) A System-of-PUF (SoP) that utilizes the large PUF design-space to achieve security requirements with minimal resource utilization; SoP requires 64% less gate-equivalent units than recently published schemes. (iv) A multilevel authentication protocol based on SoP which is validated using our system-level security model and which overcomes current vulnerabilities. Furthermore, this protocol offers breach recognition and recovery. Unpredictability and reliability are core requirements of PUFs: unpredictability implies that an adversary cannot sufficiently predict future responses from previous observations. Reliability is important as it increases the reproducibility of PUF responses and hence allows validation of expected responses. However, advanced machine-learning algorithms have been shown to be a significant threat to the practical validity of PUFs, as they can accurately model PUF behavior. The most effective technique was shown to be the XOR-based combination of multiple PUFs, but as this approach drastically reduces reliability, it does not scale well against software-based machine-learning attacks. We analyze threats to PUF security and propose PolyPUF, a scalable and secure architecture to introduce polymorphic PUF behavior. This architecture significantly increases model-building resistivity while maintaining reliability. An extensive experimental evaluation and comparison demonstrate that the PolyPUF architecture can secure various PUF configurations and is the only evaluated approach to withstand highly complex neural network machine-learning attacks. Furthermore, we show that PolyPUF consumes less energy and has less implementation overhead in comparison to lightweight reference architectures. Emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) heavily rely on hardware security for data and privacy protection. The outsourcing of integrated circuit (IC) fabrication introduces diverse threat vectors with different characteristics, such that the security of each device has unique focal points. Hardware Trojan horses (HTH) are a significant threat for IoT devices as they process security critical information with limited resources. HTH for information leakage are particularly difficult to detect as they have minimal footprint. Moreover, constantly increasing integration complexity requires automatic synthesis to maintain the pace of innovation. We introduce the first high-level synthesis (HLS) flow that produces a threat-targeted and security enhanced hardware design to prevent HTH injection by a malicious foundry. Through analysis of entropy loss and criticality decay, the presented algorithms implement highly resource-efficient targeted information dispersion. An obfuscation flow is introduced to camouflage the effects of dispersion and reduce the effectiveness of reverse engineering. A new metric for the combined security of the device is proposed, and dispersion and obfuscation are co-optimized to target user-supplied threat parameters under resource constraints. The flow is evaluated on existing HLS benchmarks and a new IoT-specific benchmark, and shows significant resource savings as well as adaptability. The IoT and cloud computing rely on strong confidence in security of confidential or highly privacy sensitive data. As (differential) power attacks can take advantage of side-channel leakage to expose device-internal secrets, side-channel leakage is a major concern with ongoing research focus. However, countermeasures typically require expert-level security knowledge for efficient application, which limits adaptation in the highly competitive and time-constrained IoT field. We address this need by presenting the first HLS flow with primary focus on side-channel leakage reduction. Minimal security annotation to the high-level C-code is sufficient to perform automatic analysis of security critical operations with corresponding insertion of countermeasures. Additionally, imbalanced branches are detected and corrected. For practicality, the flow can meet both resource and information leakage constraints. The presented flow is extensively evaluated on established HLS benchmarks and a general IoT benchmark. Under identical resource constraints, leakage is reduced between 32% and 72% compared to the baseline. Under leakage target, the constraints are achieved with 31% to 81% less resource overhead