2,351 research outputs found

    Research of current postgraduate nursing training courses in ICU: a systematic review.

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    INTRODUCTION Critical care nurses need the ability to integrate advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills to meet the needs of critical patient care. OBJECTIVE The study presented in this paper wants to research the postgraduate training courses for critical care nurses the techniques that improve more their knowledge and skills. METHODS The authors conducted a systematic review lasting 7 months on three different databases. A search string was placed, based on the selected PICO. A PRISMA flow chart was drawn up. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were established. Several quality assessment tools were used. Results: the search string yielded 506 articles. After the removal of duplicates, the selection with the inclusion and exclusion criteria and the qualitative evaluation; the review included 41 studies. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The survey affirms the importance to continuously update the knowledge and skills of the staff who give assistance in high care complexity situations. A lack of uniformity in the definition of standardized training courses emerged from the study. Australian research has given the possibility to develop a tool to evaluate the expected practice level after a training program. Simulation is identified as the best teaching strategy for postgraduate courses in the critical area

    Telemedicine in Intensive Care Units: Protocol for a Scoping Review

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    Background: Telemedicine has been deployed to address issues in intensive care delivery, as well as to improve outcome and quality of care. Implementation of this technology has been characterized by high variability. Tele-intensive care unit (ICU) interventions involve the combination of multiple technological and organizational components, as well as interconnections of key stakeholders inside the hospital organization. The extensive literature on the benefits of tele-ICUs has been characterized as heterogeneous. On one hand, positive clinical and economical outcomes have been shown in multiple studies. On the other hand, no tangible benefits could be detected in several cases. This could be due to the diverse forms of organizations and the fact that tele-ICU interventions are complex to evaluate. The implementation context of tele-ICUs has been shown to play an important role in the success of the technology. The benefits derived from tele-ICUs depend on the organization where it is deployed and how the telemedicine systems are applied. There is therefore value in analyzing the benefits of tele-ICUs in relation to the characteristics of the organization where it is deployed. To date, research on the topic has not provided a comprehensive overview of literature taking both the technology setup and implementation context into account. Objective: We present a protocol for a scoping review of the literature on telemedicine in the ICU and its benefits in intensive care. The purpose of this review is to map out evidence about telemedicine in critical care in light of the implementation context. This review could represent a valuable contribution to support the development of tele-ICU technologies and offer perspectives on possible configurations, based on the implementation context and use case. Methods: We have followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) checklist and the recommendations of the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology for scoping reviews. The scoping review and subsequent systematic review will be completed by spring 2021. Results: The preliminary search has been conducted. After removing all duplicates, we found 2530 results. The review can now be advanced to the next steps of the methodology, including literature database queries with appropriate keywords, retrieval of the results in a reference management tool, and screening of titles and abstracts. Conclusions: The results of the search indicate that there is sufficient literature to complete the scoping review. Upon completion, the scoping review will provide a map of existing evidence on tele-ICU systems given the implementation context. Findings of this research could be used by researchers, clinicians, and implementation teams as they determine the appropriate setup of new or existing tele-ICU systems. The need for future research contributions and systematic reviews will be identified. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/1969

    Expanding Technology in the ICU: The Case for the Utilization of Telemedicine

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    Introduction: Telemedicine has been utilized in various healthcare areas to achieve better patient outcomes, lower costs of providing services, and increase patient access to care. Tele-intensive care unit (ICU) technology has been introduced as a way to provide effective ICU services to patients with reduced access, as well as to decrease costs and improve patient care. Materials and Methods: The methodology for this qualitative study was a literature search and review of case studies. The search was limited to sources published in the last 10 years (2003–2013) in the English language. In total, 55 references were used for this research exploration inquiry. Results: Tele-ICU was found to be an effective way to use technology to decrease costs of providing intensive care, while improving patient outcomes such as mortality and length of stay. Several case studies supported the use of telemedicine in ICUs to provide intensive care to patients who lived in rural areas and lacked access to traditional ICUs. Furthermore, it was noted that, although the initial costs for tele-ICU startup were significant, as much as $100,000 per bed, the benefits of the utilization of this technology can offset those costs by reducing costs by 24% via decreased length of stay for patients. Conclusions: The findings of this study have suggested that the implementation of tele-ICU may have been more beneficial than costly, and it may have provided healthcare organizations the opportunity to increase quality of care and decrease mortality, while it might have decreased costs of delivering ICU services in both rural and urban areas

    Recent Directions in Telemedicine: Review of Trends in Research and Practice

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Objectives: Healthcare is now routinely delivered by telecommunications-based services in all developed countries and an increasing number of developing countries. Telemedicine is used in many clinical specialities and across numerous healthcare settings, which range from mobile patient-centric applications to complex interactions amongst clinicians in tertiary referral hospital settings. This paper discusses some recent areas of significant development and progress in the field with the purpose of identifying strong trends in both research and practice activities. Methods: To establish the breadth of new ideas and directions in the field, a review of literature was made by searching PubMed for recent publications including terms (telemedicine OR telehealth) AND (challenge OR direction OR innovation OR new OR novel OR trend), for all searchable categories. 3,433 publications were identified that have appeared since January 1, 2005 (2,172 of these since January 1, 2010), based on a search conducted on June 1, 2015. Results: The current interest areas in these papers span both synchronous telemedicine, including intensive care, emergency medicine, and mental health, and asynchronous telemedicine, including wound and burns care, dermatology and ophthalmology. Conclusions: It is concluded that two major drivers of contemporary tele medicine development are a high volume demand for a particular clinical service, and/or a high criticality of need for clinical exper tise to deliver the service. These areas offer promise for further study and enhancement of applicable telemedicine methods and have the potential for large-scale deployments internationally, which would contribute significantly to the advancement of healthcare

    Evaluating the feasibility and impact of a synchronous health technology innovation in the provision of pediatric health care in a University Hospital.

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    La prestation de soins critiques et d'orthophonie en milieu pédiatrique nécessite beaucoup de travail pour atteindre le niveau de soins souhaité. Plusieurs facteurs contribuent à ce problème, parmi lesquels la pénurie de ressources, les besoins pressants et l’augmentation du nombre d’enfants malades. Parmi les solutions proposées, beaucoup pensent que la télémédecine synchrone peut être utile en donnant un accès virtuel immédiat aux compétences à distance. Ainsi, l'expertise pourrait être instantanément disponible via une plateforme permettant une communication efficace et capable de soutenir les soins pédiatriques. La télémédecine s’est beaucoup développée dans la prestation des soins critiques et de réadaptation pédiatriques, et ce aux plans diagnostique et thérapeutique. Pourtant, peu d’études ont examiné la faisabilité et évalué l’impact de la télémédecine sur la qualité des soins critiques et de réadaptation pédiatrique. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était d'évaluer la faisabilité de la télémédecine synchrone dans deux contextes pédiatriques, critique et réadaptation, et d'évaluer son influence sur le processus de prestation de soins pédiatriques. Le premier article présente les résultats d'une revue systématique qui synthétisait des études évaluant l'impact des modèles de télémédecine synchrone sur les résultats cliniques dans les établissements de soins de courte durée en pédiatrie. Les résultats ont révélé que l’utilisation de la télémédecine synchrone avait pour effet d’améliorer la qualité des soins, de diminuer le taux de transfert, de réduire de la durée du séjour, de modifier ou renforcer le plan de soins médicaux, de réduire les complications et la gravité de la maladie, et de diminuer le taux de mortalité hospitalière et standardisé. Cependant, la revue de l’état de connaissances a révélé que la qualité des études incluses était faible et que des preuves de haute qualité étaient nécessaires. Le deuxième article, fondé sur un devis pré/post, évalue la faisabilité de la télémédecine à domicile en orthophonie et son impact sur la satisfaction des enfants et orthophonistes, le coût économique, et les performances vocales. Cette étude a montré que la télémédecine en orthophonie était faisable et que les enfants et les orthophonistes étaient satisfaits du service. En outre, l'utilisation de la télémédecine en orthophonie a permis d'améliorer la voix et de faire économiser de l'argent aux parents. Le troisième article évalue la faisabilité de la mise en place d’une plate-forme de télémédecine synchrone dans l’unité des soins intensifs pédiatriques (USIP). Pour qu'une solution de télémédecine synchrone à l’USIP soit faisable, elle nécessite une bonne préparation préalable à la mise en œuvre de la plate-forme de télémédecine synchrone pour être réellement utile. Avec des médecins résidents compétents et autonomes, l’utilité d’une plate-forme de télémédecine synchrone reliant les intensivistes pédiatriques hors site et les médecins résidents sur site à l’USIP est faible. Cette étude a ajouté qu'un tel service pourrait être plus bénéfique que le modèle traditionnel des soins (face à face) pour les communications avec d'autres établissements de soins de santé éloignés, où le besoin d'expertise d'un intensiviste en soins intensifs pédiatriques est plus important. Ces trois études permettent de conclure que la télémédecine synchrone est réalisable et peut avoir un impact sur la qualité des soins intensifs et de réadaptation pédiatrique. On peut déduire de cette thèse qu'il est important de prendre en compte le contexte dans lequel la technologie sera mise en œuvre. Traiter le contexte de l’USIP et celui de réadaptation de la même manière n'aboutit pas aux mêmes résultats et une innovation technologique pourrait réussir dans un contexte et échouer dans un autre.Delivering critical and speech-language pathology care in pediatric settings requires much hard work to reach the desired level of care for children. Several factors contribute to this problem, including resources shortage, pressing needs, and the growing number of ill children. Among the proposed solutions, many believe that synchronous telemedicine can play a role by providing virtual and immediate access to remote skills, with expertise could be made instantly available through a platform that allows efficient communication and is able to support pediatric care. Telemedicine has developed significantly in the provision of critical care and pediatric rehabilitation in terms of diagnosis and therapy. Yet, few studies have examined the feasibility and evaluated the impact of telemedicine on the quality of pediatric critical care and rehabilitation. The main objective of this dissertation was to assess the feasibility of synchronous telemedicine in two pediatric settings—critical care and rehabilitation—and to evaluate its influence on the process of providing pediatric care. The first article presented the results of a systematic review that synthesized studies evaluating the impacts of synchronous telemedicine models on clinical outcomes in pediatric acute care settings. The findings revealed that the use of synchronous telemedicine improved quality of care and resulted in a lower transfer rate, a shorter length of stay, a change in or reinforcement of the medical care plan, a reduction in complications and illness severity, and a low hospital standardized mortality rate. However, the review of the state of knowledge revealed that the quality of the included studies was weak, so more high-quality evidences is needed. The second article, which used a pre/post design, assesses the feasibility assessed the feasibility of home-based telepractice in speech-language pathology (TSLP) and its impact on satisfaction among the children and speech-language pathologists, economic cost, and voice performance. This study showed that TSLP is feasible and that both the children and the speech-language pathologists were satisfied with the service. In addition, the use of TSLP demonstrated more voice improvement at less cost to the parents. The third article evaluated the feasibility of implementing a synchronous telemedicine platform in a pediatric intensive care unit (STEP-PICU). For a STEP-PICU to be feasible and truly helpful, it needs good preparation for the implementation of the telemedicine solution. With competent and autonomous fellows (a fellow is a physician who has completed their residency and elects to complete further training in a subspecialty), the usefulness of an synchronous telemedicine (STM) platform linking off-site pediatric intensivists and on-site fellows in a PICU is limited. This study added that such a service could be more beneficial than the traditional model of care (face to face) for communications with other remote healthcare facilities, where there is a greater need for the expertise of a pediatric critical care intensivist. These three studies allow us to conclude that STM is feasible and can have an impact on the quality of pediatric intensive care and rehabilitation. This thesis underscores the importance of taking into consideration the context in which the technology will be implemented. Treating the PICU and the rehabilitation contexts in the same way does not lead to the same results, and a technological innovation that succeeds in one setting may fail in another

    Pro/Con debate: Should 24/7 in-house intensivist coverage be implemented?

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    You are appointed director of a new large multi-discipline intensive care unit in an academic center. The hospital is affiliated with a medical school and as such there will be an adequate number of medical students, residents, and fellows (specializing in critical care) rotating through the unit. The unit will be a 'closed' (intensivist-led) model. In setting up the call schedule for the intensivists, you need to decide whether the mandate will be for the intensivists to provide 24/7 in-house coverage as opposed to off-hour coverage from home. You wonder about the sustainability of each model

    Preventing Hospital Acquired Pneumonia: A Quality Improvement Project

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    Abstract Problem: From October 2016 to September 2017, the 5th floor medical surgical telemetry unit has had 9 incidences of hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP). Among the facility, this is the floor with the highest HAP incidences. Context: HAP is associated with 40,000to40,000 to 65,000 to each patient care cost; an additional 7-9 days of stay in the hospital, increases the chances of discharging a patient to a skilled nursing facility instead of home, and has an attributable mortality rate (Quinn, et al., 2014). Interventions: Daily oral brushing self-audits are given to patient care technicians (PCT) for both day and evening shifts. For patient mobility, scorecards that have the progressive mobility levels are placed in certain rooms in one of the unit’s wings. Measures: Oral brushing and mobility care are to be done with patients daily to assist in HAP prevention. The region provides daily scores of oral brushing percentage and average progressive mobility score. The project’s balancing measures are workplace safety and falls. Results: The average percentage of oral brushing increased from 38% to 61% on 5 East while the oral brushing percentage increased from 45% to 65% on 5 West. The baseline average mobility points for the month of May 2018 was 4.1. It is now at 4.32 since last July 7, 2018. Conclusion: There are signs of positive improvement on oral brushing percentage and average mobility scores on the unit. Noted suggestive evidence of the need to modify interventions to maximize benefits and sustainability of the results. These can include verification of oral brushing documentation, placing mobility scorecards in every room instead of a number of rooms, daily huddles of data from previous day and job aids for float and new staff

    Track 3: Health systems and heart disease

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    Health systems and heart disease

    A Canadian Critical Care Trials Group project in collaboration with the international forum for acute care trialists - Collaborative H1N1 Adjuvant Treatment pilot trial (CHAT): study protocol and design of a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Swine origin influenza A/H1N1 infection (H1N1) emerged in early 2009 and rapidly spread to humans. For most infected individuals, symptoms were mild and self-limited; however, a small number developed a more severe clinical syndrome characterized by profound respiratory failure with hospital mortality ranging from 10 to 30%. While supportive care and neuraminidase inhibitors are the main treatment for influenza, data from observational and interventional studies suggest that the course of influenza can be favorably influenced by agents not classically considered as influenza treatments. Multiple observational studies have suggested that HMGCoA reductase inhibitors (statins) can exert a class effect in attenuating inflammation. The Collaborative H1N1 Adjuvant Treatment (CHAT) Pilot Trial sought to investigate the feasibility of conducting a trial during a global pandemic in critically ill patients with H1N1 with the goal of informing the design of a larger trial powered to determine impact of statins on important outcomes.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>A multi-national, pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) of once daily enteral rosuvastatin versus matched placebo administered for 14 days for the treatment of critically ill patients with suspected, probable or confirmed H1N1 infection. We propose to randomize 80 critically ill adults with a moderate to high index of suspicion for H1N1 infection who require mechanical ventilation and have received antiviral therapy for ≤ 72 hours. Site investigators, research coordinators and clinical pharmacists will be blinded to treatment assignment. Only research pharmacy staff will be aware of treatment assignment. We propose several approaches to informed consent including a priori consent from the substitute decision maker (SDM), waived and deferred consent. The primary outcome of the CHAT trial is the proportion of eligible patients enrolled in the study. Secondary outcomes will evaluate adherence to medication administration regimens, the proportion of primary and secondary endpoints collected, the number of patients receiving open-label statins, consent withdrawals and the effect of approved consent models on recruitment rates.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Several aspects of study design including the need to include central randomization, preserve allocation concealment, ensure study blinding compare to a matched placebo and the use novel consent models pose challenges to investigators conducting pandemic research. Moreover, study implementation requires that trial design be pragmatic and initiated in a short time period amidst uncertainty regarding the scope and duration of the pandemic.</p> <p>Trial Registration Number</p> <p><a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN45190901">ISRCTN45190901</a></p

    Telehealth in primary health care settings within Australia and internationally

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    Access to appropriate health care services is often limited for people living in rural or remote areas, or for those with restricted mobility. One approach to minimising the inequality in access for those located at a distance from health care services is through telehealth service delivery. This review examined the evidence on telehealth models in Australia and elsewhere, with a specific focus on synchronous, real-time video consultations, where patients and health care providers were present simultaneously
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