187 research outputs found

    Topics on Cervical Cancer With an Advocacy for Prevention

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    Cervical Cancer is one of the leading cancers among women, especially in developing countries. Prevention and control are the most important public health strategies. Empowerment of women, education, "earlier" screening by affordable technologies like visual inspection, and treatment of precancers by cryotherapy/ LEEP are the most promising interventions to reduce the burden of cervical cancer.Dr Rajamanickam Rajkumar had the privilege of establishing a rural population based cancer registry in South India in 1996, as well as planning and implementing a large scale screening program for cervical cancer in 2000. The program was able to show a reduction in the incidence rate of cervical cancer by 25%, and reduction in mortality rate by 35%. This was the greatest inspiration for him to work on cerrvical cancer prevention, and he edited this book to inspire others to initiate such programs in developing countries. InTech - Open Access Publisher plays a major role in this crusade against cancer, and the authors have contributed to it very well

    Diagnostic or Therapeutic Strategies for Pregnancy Complications

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    It is well known that pregnancy complications, including preeclampsia, preterm birth, stillbirth, and intrauterine growth restriction affect over 12% of all pregnancies worldwide. These complications negatively impact both maternal and neonatal health and have short- and long-term effects such as an increased risk of neurodevelopmental and cardiovascular diseases. Over the past decade, numerous groups have investigated the use of new and/or existing drugs to either prolong gestation, such as in cases of threatened preterm labour; alleviate hypertension in preeclampsia; or promote adequate blood flow and nutrient delivery to the placenta to facilitate growth in IUGR. The overarching goal has been to promote healthier pregnancies and neonatal health, but it has been difficult to translate this work into the clinical setting, with problems in terms of drug delivery, specificity, and importantly, the early diagnostic capacities for complications in pregnancy. This book focuses on the early detection, potential novel therapeutic targets, risk factors, maternal outcomes, and long-term consequences of this critical problem

    ENDOMET database – A means to identify novel diagnostic and prognostic tools for endometriosis

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    Endometriosis is a common benign hormone reliant inflammatory gynecological disease that affects fertile aged women and has a considerable economic impact on healthcare systems. Symptoms include intense menstrual pain, persistent pelvic pain, and infertility. It is defined by the existence of endometrium-like tissue developing in ectopic locations outside the uterine cavity and inflammation in the peritoneal cavity. Endometriosis presents with multifactorial etiology, and despite extensive research the etiology is still poorly understood. Diagnostic delay from the onset of the disease to when a conclusive diagnosis is reached is between 7–12 years. There is no known cure, although symptoms can be improved with hormonal medications (which often have multiple side effects and prevent pregnancy), or through surgery which carries its own risk. Current non-invasive tools for diagnosis are not sufficiently dependable, and a definite diagnosis is achieved through laparoscopy or laparotomy. This study was based on two prospective cohorts: The ENDOMET study, including 137 endometriosis patients scheduled for surgery and 62 healthy women, and PROENDO that included 138 endometriosis patients and 33 healthy women. Our long-term goal with the current study was to support the discovery of innovative new tools for efficient diagnosis of endometriosis as well as tools to further understand the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease. We set about achieving this goal by creating a database, EndometDB, based on a relational data model, implemented with PostgreSQL programming language. The database allows e.g., for the exploration of global genome-wide expression patterns in the peritoneum, endometrium, and in endometriosis lesions of endometriosis patients as well as in the peritoneum and endometrium of healthy control women of reproductive age. The data collected in the EndometDB was also used for the development and validation of a symptom and biomarker-based predictive model designed for risk evaluation and early prediction of endometriosis without invasive diagnostic methods. Using the data in the EndometDB we discovered that compared with the eutopic endometrium, the WNT- signaling pathway is one of the molecular pathways that undergo strong changes in endometriosis. We then evaluated the potential role for secreted frizzled-related protein 2 (SFRP-2, a WNT-signaling pathway modulator), in improving endometriosis lesion border detection. The SFRP-2 expression visualizes the lesion better than previously used markers and can be used to better define lesion size and that the surgical excision of the lesions is complete.ENDOMET tietokanta – Keino tunnistaa uusi diagnostinen ja ennustava työkalu endometrioosille Endometrioosi on yleinen hyvänlaatuinen, hormoneista riippuvainen tulehduksellinen lisääntymisikäisten naisten gynekologinen sairaus, joka kuormittaa terveydenhuoltojärjestelmää merkittävästi. Endometrioositaudin oireita ovat mm. voimakas kuukautiskipu, jatkuva lantion alueen kipu ja hedelmättömyys. Sairaus määritellään kohdun limakalvon kaltaisen kudoksen esiintymisenä kohdun ulkopuolella sekä siihen liittyvänä vatsakalvon tulehduksena. Endometrioosin etiologia on monitahoinen, ja laajasta tutkimuksesta huolimatta edelleen huonosti tunnettu. Kesto taudin puhkeamisesta lopullisen diagnoosin saamiseen on usein jopa 7–12 vuotta. Sairauteen ei tunneta parannuskeinoa, mutta oireita voidaan lievittää esimerkiksi hormonaalisilla lääkkeillä (joilla on usein monia sivuvaikutuksia ja jotka estävät raskauden) tai leikkauksella, johon liittyy omat tunnetut riskit. Nykyiset ei-invasiiviset diagnoosityökalut eivät ole riittävän luotettavia sairauden tunnistamiseen, ja varma endometrioosin diagnoosi saavutetaan laparoskopian tai laparotomian avulla. Tämä tutkimus perustui kahteen prospektiiviseen kohorttiin: ENDOMET-tutkimuk-seen, johon osallistui 137 endometrioosipotilasta ja 62 terveellistä naista, sekä PROENDO-tutkimukseen, johon osallistui 138 endometrioosipotilasta ja 33 terveellistä naista. Tässä tutkimuksessa pitkän aikavälin tavoitteemme oli löytää uusia työkalujen endometrioosin diagnosointiin, sekä ymmärtää endometrioosin etiologiaa ja patogeneesiä. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa loimme EndometDB –tietokannan PostgreSQL-ohjelmointi-kielellä. Tämän osittain avoimeen käyttöön vapautetun tietokannan avulla voidaan tutkia genomin, esimerkiksi kaikkien tunnettujen geenien ilmentymistä peritoneumissa, endo-metriumissa ja endometrioosipotilaiden endometrioosileesioissa EndometDB-tietokantaan kerättyjä tietoja käytettiin oireiden ja biomarkkeripohjaisen ennustemallin kehittämiseen ja validointiin. Malli tuottaa riskinarvioinnin endometrioositaudin varhaiseen ennustamiseen ilman laparoskopiaa. Käyttäen EndometDB-tietokannan tietoja havaitsimme, että endo-metrioositautikudoksessa tapahtui voimakkaita geeni-ilmentymisen muutoksia erityisesti geeneissä, jotka liittyvät WNT-signalointireitin säätelyyn. Keskeisin löydös oli, että SFRP-2 proteiinin ilmentyminen oli huomattavasti koholla endometrioosikudoksessa ja SFRP-2 proteiinin immunohistokemiallinen värjäys erottaa endometrioosin tautikudoksen terveestä kudoksesta aiempia merkkiaineita paremmin. Löydetyllä menetelmällä voidaan siten selvittää tautikudoksen laajuus ja tarvittaessa osoittaa, että leikkauksella on kyetty poistamaan koko sairas kudos

    Human Papillomavirus and Related Diseases

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    Cervical cancer is the second most prevalent cancer among women worldwide, and infection with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) has been identified as the causal agent for this condition. The natural history of cervical cancer is characterized by slow disease progression, rendering the condition in essence preventable and even treatable when diagnosed in early stages. Pap smear and the recently introduced prophylactic vaccines are the most prominent prevention options, but despite the availability of these primary and secondary screening tools, the global burden of disease is unfortunately still very high This book will focus on the clinical and diagnostic aspects of HPV and related disease, highlighting the latest developments in this field

    Human papillomavirus and related diseases: from bench to bedside: research aspects

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    Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos

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    This open access book gives an overview of the sessions, panel discussions, and outcomes of the Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos conference, held in February 2018 in San Antonio, Texas, USA, and hosted by the Mays Cancer Center and the Institute for Health Promotion Research at UT Health San Antonio. Latinos – the largest, youngest, and fastest-growing minority group in the United States – are expected to face a 142% rise in cancer cases in coming years. Although there has been substantial advancement in cancer prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment over the past few decades, addressing Latino cancer health disparities has not nearly kept pace with progress. The diverse and dynamic group of speakers and panelists brought together at the Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos conference provided in-depth insights as well as progress and actionable goals for Latino-focused basic science research, clinical best practices, community interventions, and what can be done by way of prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer in Latinos. These insights have been translated into the chapters included in this compendium; the chapters summarize the presentations and include current knowledge in the specific topic areas, identified gaps, and top priority areas for future cancer research in Latinos. Topics included among the chapters: Colorectal cancer disparities in Latinos: Genes vs. Environment Breast cancer risk and mortality in women of Latin American origin Differential cancer risk in Latinos: The role of diet Overcoming barriers for Latinos on cancer clinical trials Es tiempo: Engaging Latinas in cervical cancer research Emerging policies in U.S. health care Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos proves to be an indispensable resource offering key insights into actionable targets for basic science research, suggestions for clinical best practices and community interventions, and novel strategies and advocacy opportunities to reduce health disparities in Latino communities. It will find an engaged audience among researchers, academics, physicians and other healthcare professionals, patient advocates, students, and others with an interest in the broad field of Latino cancer

    Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Preeclampsia

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    This Special Issue on the “Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Preeclampsia” belongs to the section “Molecular Pathology, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics” of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. It was a very successful Special Issue as it contains 20 published papers, including one editorial, nine original research papers, and ten reviews on the topic. The original publications cover a wide spectrum of topics, including alterations and involvement of specific factors during preeclampsia, new non-invasive technologies to identify changes, new treatment options, animal models, gender aspects, and effects of the pregnancy pathology later in life. The review publications again cover a wide spectrum of topics, including factors and pathways involved in preeclampsia, effects on the maternal vascular and immune systems, effects on the placenta and the trophoblast, epigenetic changes, new preventive strategies, and new views on the current hypotheses on preeclampsia. Taken together, this Special Issue gives a fantastic overview on a broad spectrum of topics, all of which are important to identify the real etiology of preeclampsia and to finally develop real treatment options

    P14.01 An example of too much too soon? A review of caesarean sections performed in the first stage of labour in Kenya

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    Objective: Caesarean Section (CS) has potential short and long-term complications and is associated with excess maternal death. Decisions to perform (CS) are frequently made by inexperienced and unsupported non-specialist doctors, sometimes resulting in inappropriate decision-making and surgery. Our study assesses decision-making for CS in the first stage of labour in Kenya. Method: A panel of one UK and six Kenyan expert obstetricians reviewed clinical data extracted from 87 case-notes, that were randomly selected from a series obtained from seven referral hospitals in five Kenyan counties over six months in 2020. Following a preliminary review of the data and email discussion, an online panel was convened to discuss outstanding cases where consensus was yet to be reached. Agreement was reached by the panel in all but 5 cases. Results: In 41.3% cases, CS was considered appropriate, including 8% where CS was performed too late. The decision to delivery interval exceeded 2 h in 58.6% cases, including 16 cases of non-reassuring fetal status. In 10.3% it was considered that due to delay, further reassessment should have occurred. In 9.1% the CS was done too soon. There was insufficient information available to make a full assessment in 21.8% of cases. In 11.5% the CS was inappropriate. Conclusion: This review demonstrates that unnecessary caesarean sections are being performed, while some with appropriate indications are subject to delays. There is need for improved support for decision-making, coupled with improved record-keeping, improved quality of fetal monitoring during labour and more timely surgery when necessary
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