820,699 research outputs found

    Individual and Organizational Aspects of University-Industry Relations in Nanotechnology: The Turkish Case

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    Emerging nanotechnologies bring a new challenge for developing countries to improve knowledge and technology transfer between universities and firms. In developing countries, weaker ties between academia and the industry seem to be one of the main barriers to the dissemination of nanotechnology innovations. This study aims to understand individual and organizational factors affecting university-industry interactions in emerging nanotechnologies in a developing country context, namely Turkey. For this study, 181 questionnaires were collected from a sample of nano-science and nanotechnology academics who are currently employed by Turkish universities. The results provide that informal / interpersonal and research-related interactions are the most common forms of relationship between academics and firms. On the other hand, the study provides a useful insight to understand how human and social capitals of university-scientists as well as organizational resources/ capabilities influence the formation of links between universities and the industry.Nanotechnology, nanoscience, emerging technologies, technology transfer, university-industry relations, science and technology policies, probit model, disproportionate stratified sampling, emerging economies, Turkey.

    Examining alliance management capabilities in university-industry collaboration

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    Effective university-industry technology transfer requires universities to maintain and strengthen research and technology capabilities on the one hand, but also to develop and strengthen management capabilities to build and manage relationships with external partners on the other hand. This research seeks to advance the knowledge on university-industry collaboration by examining how managerial routines that in sum reflect the concept of alliance management capability influence success of outward university technology transfer. The results of an empirical study with academics from different universities in Germany offer insights into net effects and configurational effects of routines to manage interorganizational collaboration on technology transfer success. The findings indicate that academic units’ alliance management capability has a significant positive effect on technology transfer success. In addition, the findings indicate different configurations of alliance management routines, reflecting alternative, consistently sufficient pathways to technology transfer success. This knowledge contributes to current debates by disclosing important predictors of successful university-industry collaboration. In addition, it informs decision makers in universities about how to configure management systems to govern outward technology transfer activity

    Review and assessment of the database and numerical modeling for turbine heat transfer

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    The objectives of the NASA Hot Section Technology (HOST) Turbine Heat Transfer subproject were to obtain a better understanding of the physics of the aerothermodynamic phenomena and to assess and improve the analytical methods used to predict the flow and heat transfer in high-temperature gas turbines. At the time the HOST project was initiated, an across-the-board improvement in turbine design technology was needed. A building-block approach was utilized and the research ranged from the study of fundamental phenomena and modeling to experiments in simulated real engine environments. Experimental research accounted for approximately 75 percent of the funding while the analytical efforts were approximately 25 percent. A healthy government/industry/university partnership, with industry providing almost half of the research, was created to advance the turbine heat transfer design technology base

    Work-integrated practices in a technology education setting

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    Published ArticleThis study sought to explore emerging university-industry partnerships in technology transfer education, the process for the engagement, and benefits to the learning and teaching experience Participants were a convenience sample of ten lecturers at a technology university (females = 80%; management sciences = 70%) Data on the scope and nature of industry partnership practices and experiences were collected using semi-structured interview Thematic data analysis revealed the lecturers to perceive benefits to learning and teaching from the university-industry engagement, including the use of field practice examples, customer service-orientated skills, innovation learning and technology transfer, curriculum enhancement and professional learning A work-integrated approach to learning appears to be a serviceable model for real-world technology transfer education outcome

    How do Public Laboratories Collaborate with Industry? New Survey Evidence from France.

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    This paper uses a survey of 130 public laboratories in France to investigate collaborative activities of laboratories with industry. Our statistical analysis shows that knowledge and technology development and transfer occurs most frequently through collaborative and contract research, informal exchanges, conferences, and consortia. The main benefits from the perspective of laboratories are the tangible and intangible inputs received –funds, materials, research suggestions and data. The outputs of collaboration are most often theses and publications along with technological artefacts (new products & processes, software) while patents, licenses and copyrights are less frequent. Collaboration with industry leads laboratories to conduct research in a more timely and reliable way, as well as focused in more applied areas.Economics of Science; Public-Private Research Partnerships; Knowledge and Technology Transfer; University-Industry Collaborations; France;

    Critical factors for success in university-industry research projects

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    This study provides insight into the reality of university-industry technology transfer through the assessment of some of the most influential factors for success or failure in research contracts. This widespread mechanism of technology transfer is examined in the light of exhaustive information and experience gathered from 30 interviews with qualified university researchers. The interviewees, who have been directly involved in collaborative projects with industry partners, have deeply described both sound and unsatisfactory cooperation cases, in order to explore which relevant circumstances have led to success or failure. The analysis drives to conclude that there are some features (beyond technological ones) related to the corporate partner's strategic and functional characteristics, which come to be decisive for success. For example, company's real interest and involvement during the technology transfer process, its capacity to assimilate new knowledge and a confident attitude towards the university research group are identified to be key elements for attaining an effective technology transfer. In this contribution, the importance of these aspects is contextualised and summarised in a model for successful technology transfer


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    University technology transfer is a collaborative effort between academia and industry involving knowledge sharing and learning. Working closely with their university partners affords biotechnology firms the opportunity to successfully develop licensed inventions and gain access to novel scientific and technological discoveries. These factors may enhance a firm’s entrepreneurial orientation by supporting innovative, proactive, and risk-taking behaviors. This study investigates whether university technology transfer characteristics such as the transfer process, transfer modes (formal and informal), and transfer terms influence entrepreneurial orientation. Using survey data from biotechnology firms that develop human health therapies, the findings suggest that the transfer process and informal technology transfer promote a firm’s ability to act entrepreneurially. Exclusive licensing terms, on the other hand, have a negative influence, and formal technology transfer does not significantly contribute to a firm’s entrepreneurial disposition

    Development of University Life-Science Programs and University-Industry Joint Research in Japan

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    How does the establishment of new university educational programs promote university-industry joint research? To study this question for the fields of life sciences and biotechnology, we first compile the data on the establishment of new undergraduate and graduate programs in these fields in Japanese universities since the 1950s. We then analyze statistically whether and how such establishment contributed to the occurrence and frequency of university-industry joint research in biotechnology. The results suggest that, first, the expansion of such university programs in fact contributed to the promotion of university-industry joint research and, second, these collaborations increased following the 1998 legislation to promote technology transfer from universities (the so-called TLO Act) and the 1999 legislation to allow universities to retain rights on their inventions made with government research funds (the so-called Japanese Bayh-Dole Act).

    How Principal Investigators’ Commercial Experience Influences Technology Transfer and Market Impacts

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    Businesses can benefit from university–industry collaborations, yet they rarely take full advantage of them. Scientists who serve as principal investigators (PIs) act as the nucleus of university–industry collaborations and partner with industry to cocreate value. We conducted a case study of PIs at publicly funded research universities, institutes, and organizations in Ireland to explore how having commercial experience influences how PIs approach technology transfer and how they develop new business models, products, and services. We learned that PIs’ prior commercial experience influences how they approach their research, project work, and project selection and affects how they commercialize knowledge and outputs from their scientific research––that is, patents, licences, agreements, etc.––throughout the project’s life cycle. In university– industry collaborations, PIs’ commercial experience can impact industry partners’ attempts to realize technology transfer and market impacts

    Knowledge Transfer from Universities to Industry Through University Technology Transfer Offices

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    Introduction. This paper focuses on knowledge generation and the way in which it is transferred from universities to industry. Most well reputed universities have several departments and university-run enterprises that engage in research. The purpose of these research units is to help universities provide breakthrough innovation through the generation of new knowledge. Problem Statement. For this we chose to study China's University Technology Transfer Offices (UTTOs) to gather concrete evidence of university knowledge generation for commercial use in industry. The objective of this study is get indepth information about the role of UTTOs in the transfer of such knowledge. Purpose. The generation of new knowledge contributes to the field of science and technology; in turn, industry can use this knowledge to produce new innovative products or improve existing ones. This study aims to identify the process of knowledge transfer from universities to industry in China. Materials and Methods. Our study was carried out as a qualitative case study in the Anhui province of China. Data was mainly collected through semi-structured interviews with technology transfer experts working in technology transfer offices. Collected data were analyzed using a knowledge transfer model with six phases: 1) awareness, 2) acquisition, 3) transformation, 4) association, 5) application, and 6) feedback. Results. In China, universities and their research groups dominate in the generation and commercialization of research results, with UTTOs acting as technology bridges between the two parties, as well as providing legal and business services. Conclusions. This paper contributes by offering a detailed description of the knowledge transfer process and specifically the role and activities of UTTOs. This research also helps Chinese and international researchers currently carrying out research on the technology transfer process in China.Вступ. Висвітлено питання генерації знань та способу їх передачі від університетів у промисловість. Найвідоміші університети мають кілька департаментів та підприємств, які займаються дослідженнями. Мета цих підрозділів полягає в тому, щоб допомогти університетам забезпечити інноваційні рішення шляхом створення нових знань. Проблематика. Генерація нових знань сприяє розвитку галузі науки та техніки, які, у свою чергу, використовуються промисловістю для виробництва нових інноваційних продуктів або вдосконалення вже існуючих. На прикладі роботи департаментів трансферу технологій (ДТТ) в університетах Китаю вивчено роботу та зібрано конкретні факти генерації знань для комерційного використання в промисловості. Мета. Отримання детальної інформації про роль ДТТ у передачі знань від університетів до промисловості в Китаї. Матеріали та методи. Дослідження проведено в китайській провінції Аньхой (Аньхуей). Збір даних виконували за допомогою напівструктурованих інтерв’ю з фахівцями з передачі технологій, які працюють в офісах департаментів передачі технологій. В подальшому їх аналізували за допомогою моделі передачі знань, яка передбачає шість етапів: поінформованість, придбання, перетворення, зв’язок ідей, застосування та зворотній зв’язок. Результати. Університети Китаю та їх дослідницькі групи домінують у виробництві та комерціалізації результатів досліджень, а ДТТ відіграють роль технологічних мостів між двома сторонами, а також надають юридичні та бізнес-послуги. Висновки. Стаття містить детальний опис процесу передачі знань та, зокрема, висвітлює роль та діяльність ДТТ Китаю, що може бути корисним китайським та міжнародним науковцям у проведенні досліджень процесу передачі технологій.Введение. Раскрыто вопрос генерации знаний и способа их передачи от университетов в промышленность. Самые известные университеты имеют несколько департаментов и предприятий, которые занимаются исследованиями. Цель этих подразделений лежит в том, чтобы помочь университетам обеспечить инновационные решения путем создания новых знаний. Проблематика. Генерация новых знаний способствует развитию отрасли науки и техники, которые, в свою очередь, используются промышленностью для производства новых инновационных продуктов или усовершенствования уже существующих. На примере работы департаментов трансфера технологий (ДТТ) в университетах Китая изучено работу и собрано конкретные факты генерации знаний для коммерческого использования в промышленности. Цель. Получение детальной информации о роли ДТТ в передаче знаний от университетов к промышленности в Китае. Материалы и методы. Исследование проведено в китайской провинции Аньхой (Аньхуей). Сбор данных производили с помощью полуструктурированных интервью специалистов с передачи технологий, которые работают в офисах департаментов передачи технологий. В дальнейшем их анализировали с помощью модели передачи знаний, которая предусматривает шесть этапов: информированность, получение, преобразование, связь идей, использование и обратная связь. Результаты. Университеты Китая и их исследовательские группы доминируют в производстве и коммерциализации результатов исследований, а ДДТ играют роль технологических мостов между двумя сторонами, а также предлагают юридические и бизнес-услуги. Выводы. Статья содержит детальное описание процесса передачи знаний и, в частности, раскрывает роль и деятельность ДТТ Китая, что может быть полезным китайским и международным ученым при проведении исследований процесса передачи технологий