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    De la web 1.0 a la web 4.0: mapeo de las plataformas de patrimonio digital para las propiedades del patrimonio de la UNESCO en Indonesia

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    [EN] The advent of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has had and is having a major impact on Indonesian cultural resource management, and on the safeguarding methods of its tangible and intangible cultural heritages. Despite varied levels and visible gaps between rural and urban regions in terms of technology usage, innovative initiatives have been created, which correspond to the needs and expectations of a technology-savvy public. As a starting point, a number of public institutions dealing with tangible cultural heritage (e.g. museums, palaces, temples, World Heritage Sites (WHS)) do use innovative digital tools in order to communicate to various audiences, as well as to enrich visitors’ experience, especially taking into consideration young generations. This paper will firstly examine the role of ICTs in intangible cultural heritage (ICH) (e.g. Batik, Wayang puppet theatre, etc.); secondly, the authors will explain how ICTs can help to communicate and promote the values, history, and significances of ICH products, both for locals and tourists, with the goal of raising awareness on cultural identity. However, the knowledge of ICH still requires contacts with its own communities and is vulnerable, as it can be exposed to excessive cultural commoditization through e-platforms. This study aims at giving an overview and some examples of digital interventions for cultural heritage communication implemented by various stakeholders in Indonesia. In addition, this paper analyses to what extent a participatory approach engaging local communities, academics, private sectors, NGOs and the government, can ensure higher levels of effectiveness and efficiency, hence supporting the conservation of UNESCO tangible/ICH in Indonesia. This paper aims at: (1) presenting the development of digital heritage platforms in Indonesia; (2) providing a grid of analysis of digital heritage knowledge platforms dedicated to UNESCO tangible and ICH in forms of websites and mobile apps.[ES] La aparición de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) ha tenido y está teniendo un gran impacto en la gestión de los recursos culturales indonesios y en los métodos de salvaguarda de sus patrimonios culturales materiales e inmateriales. A pesar de los distintos niveles y las brechas existentes entre las regiones rurales y urbanas en términos de uso de la tecnología, se han creado iniciativas innovadoras que corresponden a las necesidades y expectativas de un público experto en tecnología. Como punto de partida, algunas instituciones públicas que se ocupan del patrimonio cultural material (por ejemplo, museos, palacios, templos, sitios patrimonio de la humanidad (WHS)) implementan herramientas digitales innovadoras para comunicarse con diverso público y enriquecer la experiencia de los visitantes, especialmente teniendo en cuenta a las generaciones jóvenes. Este artículo examinará primeramente el papel de las TIC en el patrimonio cultural inmaterial (PCI) (por ejemplo, Batik, teatro de marionetas de Wayang, etc.); en segundo lugar, los autores explicarán cómo las TIC pueden ayudar a comunicar y promover los valores, la historia y el significado de los productos del PCI tanto al público local, como a los turistas, con el objetivo de crear conciencia sobre la identidad cultural. Sin embargo, el conocimiento del PCI todavía requiere contactos con sus propias comunidades y es vulnerable, ya que está expuesto a la excesiva mercantilización cultural a través de plataformas electrónicas. Este estudio tiene como objetivo proporcionar una visión general y algunos ejemplos de intervenciones digitales en la comunicación del patrimonio cultural adoptadas por diversos organismos interesados en Indonesia. Además, este documento explica en qué medida un enfoque participativo, que involucra a las comunidades locales, académicas, sectores privados, ONG y al gobierno, puede garantizar niveles más altos de efectividad y eficiencia, y, por tanto, apoyar la conservación del patrimonio cultural  material/inmaterial de la UNESCO en Indonesia. Este documento tiene como objetivos: (1) presentar el desarrollo de plataformas de patrimonio digital en Indonesia; (2) proporcionar una matriz de análisis de plataformas de conocimiento del patrimonio digital dedicadas al patrimonio cultural material e inmaterial de la UNESCO en sitios web y aplicaciones móviles.Indonesian LPDP (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan) Endowment Funds Scholarships, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia; UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites USI - Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland.Permatasari, PA.; Qohar, AA.; Rachman, AF. (2020). From web 1.0 to web 4.0: the digital heritage platforms for UNESCO’s heritage properties in Indonesia. Virtual Archaeology Review. 11(23):75-93. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2020.13121OJS75931123Adukaite, A., & Cantoni, L. (2016). Raising awareness and promoting informal learning on World Heritage in Southern Africa: The case of WHACY, a gamified ICT-enhanced tool. 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    Riscoperta dei valori duraturi

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    The paper discusses the nature of values in general and the nature and utility of the values of librarianship.  Delineates the changes that have occurred and are occurring in the wider world and the nature of change; also the importance of values in providing a framework for dealing with present and future change.  Stresses the centrality of the human record to societal progress, the place of the human record in cultural heritage, and the central purpose of libraries in facilitating interaction with the human record and furthering the transmission of cultural heritage.  Urges a turning away from the alien value systems of information technology, consumerism, materialism, and corporate management, and a consequent set of alliances between libraries and a wide range of cultural institutions and associations.L'articolo discute la natura dei valori in generale e la natura e l'utilità dei valori della biblioteconomia. Delinea i cambiamenti che si sono verificati e si verificano nel resto del mondo e la natura dei cambiamenti; inoltre l'importanza dei valori nel fornire un quadro di riferimento per affrontare i cambiamenti presenti e futuri. Sottolinea la centralità delle testimonianze umane rispetto al progresso della società, il ruolo delle testimonianze umane all'interno del patrimonio culturale, e lo scopo centrale delle biblioteche nel facilitare l'interazione con le testimonianze umane e favorire la trasmissione del patrimonio culturale. Sollecita un allontanamento dai sistemi di valori alieni delle tecnologie dell'informazione, il consumismo, il materialismo, e la gestione aziendale, e un conseguente avvio di alleanze tra biblioteche e una vasta gamma di istituzioni culturali e associazioni

    Europeana communication bug: which intervention strategy for a better cooperation with creative industry?

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    Although Europeana as well as many GLAMs are very engaged - beside the main mission, i.e. spreading cultural heritage knowledge- in developing new strategies in order to make digital contents reusable for creative industry, these efforts have been successful just only in sporadic cases. A significant know how deficits in communication often compromises expected outcomes and impact. Indeed, what prevails is an idea of communication like an enhancement “instrument” intended on the one hand in purely economic (development) sense, on the other hand as a way for increasing and spreading knowledge. The main reference model is more or less as follows: digital objects are to be captured and/or transformed by digital technologies into sellable goods to put into circulation. Nevertheless, this approach risks neglecting the real nature of communication, and more in detail the one of digital heritage where it is strategic not so much producing objects and goods as taking part into sharing environments creation (media) by engaged communities, small or large they may be. The environments act as meeting and interchange point, and consequently as driving force of enhancing. Only in a complex context of network interaction on line accessible digital heritage contents become a strategic resource for creating environments in which their re/mediation can occur – provided that credible strategies exist, shared by stakeholders and users. This paper particularly describes a case study including proposals for an effective connection among Europeana, GLAMs and Creative Industry in the framework of Food and Drink digital heritage enhancement and promotion. Experimental experiences as the one described in this paper anyway confirm the relevance of up-to-date policies based on an adequate communication concept, on solid partnerships with enterprise and association networks, on collaborative on line environments, on effective availability at least for most of contents by increasing free licensing, and finally on grassroots content implementation involving prosumers audience, even if filtered by GLAMs

    Communities of Practice, Identity and Tourism: Evidence on Cultural Heritage Preservation in World Heritage Sites

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    A “community of practice” (CoP) is a mechanism of holding, transferring and creating knowledge, where practices and identities are developed in the frame of the socio-cultural dynamics of a community. Thus, CoP brings together concepts of history, identity, values, practice, and community. Intangible cultural heritage (ICH) communities are networks of people whose sense of identity and interconnectedness emerge from a shared historical and geographical relationship. This background is rooted in the practice and transmission of the ICH. The goal of this paper is to explore the interfaces amongst these two concepts: CoP and ICH, by identifying the correlations between identity and place attachment in ICH sites and the practices of their communities, such as the case of tourism. With two selected intangible cultural heritage communities in Spain and Vietnam, the paper particularly highlights the similarities of community processes albeit distinctive characteristics of different places and people

    New Perspectives in Interdisciplinary Cultural Heritage Studies: Contributions of the European Students’ Association for Cultural Heritage in the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018

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    Inspired by the announcement of a European Year of Cultural Heritage, the European Students’ Association for Cultural Heritage (ESACH) was established in 2017 by students at the University of Passau. Today, ESACH has become the first still-growing interdis-ciplinary and cross-generational network in the field. ESACH cur-rently brings together young researchers in the field of culture and heritage from all kinds of academic disciplines and is made up of members from various European universities and research centres, such as the UNESCO Chair on Cultural Property Law at the University of Opole (Poland) thanks to Dr. Alicja Jagielska-Burduk. ESACH’s main goal is to highlight the perspective of the younger generations with regard to cultural issues of European and national importance. Where various cultural institutions already show interest in collaborating with younger generations, we aim to establish a mutual exchange and active involvement as future decision makers. Within the network, the main questions are: How do we engage with the past elements of our culture(s)? How and why do we protect culture as a genuine element of a contemporary cultural system? What do younger generations state as heritage and what ways do they see to safeguard and experience it? ESACH stands up for a participatory way of involvement and is eager to take part in the cultural discourse at European and national levels. Until now ESACH members have been given the opportunity to contribute their ideas in several European events organized by the respective stakeholders. In June 2018, the ESACH Message as part of the “Student Summit” was presented during the high-level policy debate on the occasion of the Berlin European Cultural Heritage Summit. Present, amongst others, were Monika Grütters, Minister of State and Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (Germany) and Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport (Hungary). In November 2018, ESACH has been actively involved in the annual meetings of the German Cultural Heritage Committee and the Swedish National Heritage Board in Strasbourg and Stockholm. This book brings together fifteen articles by twenty-two authors from Portugal, Germany, Spain, Greece, Brazil, USA, Romania and Turkey. This sharing of knowledge, culture and heritage studies through various disciplines shows the richness – and new perspectives – generated by the common passion for cultural heritage. The new perspectives and the sharing feeling are also present in both images on the cover. The "view of Lisbon" (Portugal) was drawn in the sixteenth century; it shows a disappeared Lisbon through the eyes and the colours of a German engraver. In the “Azulejo (tile) wainscot” we have the perfect example of foreign influences in the artistic creation of a Portuguese painter. These reinterpreted decorative patterns were affirmed over centuries as a feature of Portuguese identity. In the words of the “Berlin Call to Action”, we fervently hope that “The 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage marks a turning point for Europe’s ever-growing movement for cultural heritage. We must build on this momentum to recognize and unfold the positive and cohesive power of our shared cultural heritage and values to connect Europe’s citizens and communities and to give a deeper meaning to the entire European project. The time for action is now.”info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stemming the Tide

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    Climate change has become one of the most significant and fastest growing threats to cultural heritage around the globe. Yet cultural heritage sites and collections also serve as invaluable sources of resilience for communities to address climate change. In March 2020, the Smithsonian American Art Museum and the Smithsonian’s National Collections Program convened the symposium “Stemming the Tide: Global Strategies for Sustaining Cultural Heritage through Climate Change” to empower cultural heritage authorities, managers, and advocates to pursue more ambitious engagement and collaborative approaches to climate change. Speakers explored six categories of cultural heritage identified by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS): Cultural Landscapes and Historic Urban Landscapes, Archaeological Sites, Built Heritage (Buildings and Structures), Cultural Communities, Intangible Cultural Heritage, and Museums and Collections.Publishe

    Heritage Regimes and the State

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    What happens when UNESCO heritage conventions are ratified by a state? How do UNESCO’s global efforts interact with preexisting local, regional and state efforts to conserve or promote culture? What new institutions emerge to address the mandate? The contributors to this volume focus on the work of translation and interpretation that ensues once heritage conventions are ratified and implemented. With seventeen case studies from Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and China, the volume provides comparative evidence for the divergent heritage regimes generated in states that differ in history and political organization. The cases illustrate how UNESCO’s aspiration to honor and celebrate cultural diversity diversifies itself. The very effort to adopt a global heritage regime forces myriad adaptations to particular state and interstate modalities of building and managing heritage.What happens when UNESCO heritage conventions are ratified by a state? How do UNESCO’s global efforts interact with preexisting local, regional and state efforts to conserve or promote culture? What new institutions emerge to address the mandate? The contributors to this volume focus on the work of translation and interpretation that ensues once heritage conventions are ratified and implemented. With seventeen case studies from Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and China, the volume provides comparative evidence for the divergent heritage regimes generated in states that differ in history and political organization. The cases illustrate how UNESCO’s aspiration to honor and celebrate cultural diversity diversifies itself. The very effort to adopt a global heritage regime forces myriad adaptations to particular state and interstate modalities of building and managing heritage

    Hanok Interventions

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    The hanok (한옥), or Korean traditional home, stands as a symbol of Korea’s built vernacular heritage. Throughout history, the hanok has been progressively evolving to integrate and accommodate for the changing lifestyles of people. This project involves discovering the appropriate methods to preserve and protect the integrity of hanoks that are transitioning from traditional to contemporary uses. Through the use of interpretive‐historical research and case studies, the study answers questions about the strategies needed when adaptively reusing or renovating an existing hanok. The study also investigates alternate preservation approaches in order to get a better idea of the other measures being taken. As a result of the research and case studies, a set of standards for hanok interventions are proposed. The Principles for Hanok Interventions are recommendations on what to consider when preserving a hanok. The principles can help to create an understanding between architects, preservationists, historians, scholars, and hanok owners. The proposed Principles for Hanok Interventions that are suggested in this project will help to establish standards that will identify the way to preserve the traditional characteristics of hanoks in the modern times, without compromising the integrity and value of the spatial essence

    Heritage impact assessment of H-schools in Amsterdam

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