174,650 research outputs found

    Map of research reviews: QCA Building the Evidence Base Project: September 2007 - March 2011

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    This is one of the major outputs of CUREE's literature review in the first year of the project to develop an evidence base for the curriculum in September 2007. As part of the Building the Evidence Base for a curriculum or the 21st Century project, this 'map' of existing reviews of research was aimed at harnessing evidence related to QCA’s new and wide ranging curriculum framework - it describes and analyses curriculum research; emerging key trends and patterns, results, methods, gaps in the evidence, and a bibliography

    Assessment and Active Learning Strategies for Introductory Geology Courses

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    Educational research findings suggest that instructors can foster the growth of thinking skills and promote science literacy by incorporating active learning strategies into the classroom. This paper describes a variety of such strategies that may be adopted in introductory geology courses to encourage the development of higher-order thinking skills, and provides directions for implementing these techniques in the classroom. It discusses six hierarchical levels of student learning and links them to examples of appropriate assessment tools that were used successfully in several sections of a general education Earth Science course taught by two instructors at the University of Akron. These teaching strategies have been evaluated qualitatively using peer reviews, student written evaluations and semistructured student interviews; and quantitatively by measuring improvements in student retention, exam scores, and scores on a logical thinking assessment instrument. Educational levels: Graduate or professional


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    This meta-synthesis of the literature on K-8 teachers with disabilities examines the profound influence that teachers with disabilities can have in our classrooms. Teachers with disabilities act as valuable and realistic role models for all students and bring unique qualities to the classroom, including a passion for inclusive education and creative methods of instruction. However, prejudicial barriers to success often restrict these exceptional teachers from access to our classrooms, undermining the inclusion movement present in most special education programs and schools today. When these teachers are denied employment, students with disabilities suffer in and out of the classroom from a lack of identity construction, reduced self-esteem, and nonexistent advocacy skills

    Shifting the Focus: The Role of Presence in Reconceptualising the Design Process

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    In this paper the relationship between presence and imaging is examined with the view to establish how our understanding of imaging, and subsequently the design process, may be reconceptualised to give greater focus to its experiential potential. First, the paper outlines the research project contributing to the discussion. Then, it provides brief overviews of research on both imaging and presence in the process highlighting the narrow conceptions of imaging (and the recognition of the need for further research) compared to the more holistic and experiential understandings of presence. The paper concludes with an argument and proposed study for exploring the role of digital technology and presence in extending the potential of imaging and its role in the design process. As indicated in the DRS Conference Theme, this paper focuses “…on what people experience and the systems and actions that create those experiences.” Interface designers, information architects and interactive media artists understand the powerful influence of experience in design. ‘Experience design’ is a community of practice driven by individuals within digital based disciplines where the belief is that understanding people is essential to any successful design in any medium and that “…experience is the personal connection with the moment and… every aspect of living is an experience, whether we are the creators or simply chance participants” (Shedroff, 2001, p. 5). Keywords: Design, Design Process, Presence, Imaging, Grounded Theory</p

    Kodály Zoltán és követői zenepedagógiájának életreform elemei

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    Az értekezés a századfordulón megjelenő hazai és nemzetközi életreform törekvések hatását vizsgálja Kodály Zoltán zenepedagógiájában, illetve a Kodályt követők által létrehozott Éneklő Ifjúság mozgalomban. Vizsgálja az életreform hatását Kodály személyes életvitelére,valamint Kodály és a századfordulón megjelenő magyar szellemi reformcsoportok kapcsolatát. Elemzi a kodályi zenepedagógiai koncepció életreform elemeit. Végül bemutatja az 1930-as években induló Éneklő Ifjúság mozgalmat és összehasonlító elemzés keretében összeveti azt a német ifjúsági zenei mozgalommal (Jugendmusikbewegung). A kutatás során tartalom- és dokumentumelemzés módszerét alkalmaztuk. A kutatás kapcsolódik a 2002-ben induló magyar életreform-kutatásokhoz

    Evaluating Digital Libraries: A Longitudinal and Multifaceted View

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    Leading Undergraduate Students to Big Data Generation

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    People are facing a flood of data today. Data are being collected at unprecedented scale in many areas, such as networking, image processing, virtualization, scientific computation, and algorithms. The huge data nowadays are called Big Data. Big data is an all encompassing term for any collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process them using traditional data processing applications. In this article, the authors present a unique way which uses network simulator and tools of image processing to train students abilities to learn, analyze, manipulate, and apply Big Data. Thus they develop students handson abilities on Big Data and their critical thinking abilities. The authors used novel image based rendering algorithm with user intervention to generate realistic 3D virtual world. The learning outcomes are significant