515 research outputs found

    Research of E-Business Innovative Training based on CDIO Educational Philosophy

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    CDIO is on behalf of Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate. The carrier of CDIO engineering education philosophy is a project which allows students to take the initiative, practical, organic link between the curriculums for learning. E-Business specialty has a property combination of management and engineering. Therefore, with CDIO educational philosophy, to promote E-Business specialty and industry associated, to improve innovation and practical ability for Management talent for Applied, is the current employment situation and development trend of higher education, and a useful attempt to improve teaching quality construction. This paper analyzes of the current status of E-Business specialty and the implementation feasibility of E-Business specialty reform based on CDIO education,gives a innovative training model based on CDIO in Chengdu University of Information Technology

    Teaching electronics-ICT : from focus and structure to practical realizations

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    We present a four-year electronics-ICT educational master program at Ghent University in Belgium. The students develop knowledge and skills from novice to experienced electronic circuit designers. In the corresponding topics, the immersion into engineering problems is deepened. The horizontal and vertical alignment of courses in the four-year master program at our university is discussed. The curriculum of the four-year master program is highly projectoriented and all topics are clustered around a well-considered set of standards. This clustering supports the logical structure of the program, with students gradually acquiring the necessary competences. All standards and their mutual interaction are extensively discussed in the paper. We also focus on four design-implement projects included in the electronics-ICT program, explicitly following CDIO-guidelines. Whereas the first-year project has a limited level of difficulty, the challenges increase significantly in the course of the next years. Students learn that product design is an iterative process on different levels, where the design strategy can be changed continuously based on important and crucial feedback. Different evaluations have demonstrated that our students are not only aware of CDIO-principles, but are also convinced of the quality of the results obtained by following the standards

    Approaches to the teaching of design : an engineering subject centre guide

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    This booklet seeks to provide a resource for all those with an interest in design, and the education and training of engineering students to carry out the design process. A brief description of the internal and external requirements for design in the engineering curriculum is followed by a review of different approaches to design teaching currently employed in engineering schools and universities worldwide. Suggestions for further reading about each approach and a reference section are also provided

    Discussion on the teaching mode of higher vocational nursing specialty based on CDIO model

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    基于CDIO模式下高职院校护理专业教学模式的探讨是本文的研究核心。CDIO是国际高等工程教育改革的最新成果,兴起于2000年,国内高校在引入CDIO 模式改革过程中,出现一些问题或疑惑是在所难免的,所以CDIO模式是高等教育院校,尤其是高职院校教师对陈旧教学模式的一次大胆尝试。CDIO模式能够促使教师反思已固有的习惯性教学理念,从而在教学过程中改变教学方法,使教师的教学工作能力得以很大程度的提高,同时鼓励学生的学习行为趋于自主性,培养其自身的专业能力、个人发展能力、人际交往能力和系统创新能力等职业综合能力。Discussion on the teaching mode of higher vocational nursing specialty based on CDIO model is the core of this study. CDIO is the latest achievement in the reform of the international higher education of engineering and has been thrived since 2000. There are some inevitable problems when domestic universities introduced and innovated the CDIO mode. Therefore the CDIO model is a bold attempt for the institutions of higher education, especially higher vocational college teachers. The CDIO mode drives teachers to reflect on the existed teaching philosophy, and therefore enables them to change teaching methods in the teaching process and improve their teaching capacity tremendously. Meanwhile, it also encourages students to learn automatically and cultivate their comprehensive abilities such as professional capability, development capability, interpersonal skills, innovation ability, etc

    O-CDIO : Engineering Education Framework with Embedded Design Thinking Methods

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    Technology and its applications have an ever-increasing role in our daily lives. Healthcare, logistics, commerce, manufacturing, and even social interaction, all have aspects of technology embedded in them. The complexity and importance of the technical systems we use varies, yet they are becoming increasingly versatile and more important to the functionality of entire systems and their services. At the same time, the complexity of understanding the future needs of the role that technology plays in such systems and what they are supposed to deliver varies from linear to chaotic. This has had a fundamental impact on the engineering profession. The more complicated, complex or even chaotic a system is, the more innovative and cooperative an engineer needs to be. Thus, engineers also need to understand people. This thesis presents a novel engineering education model, O-CDIO, which is based on an existing framework known as the CDIO framework. The O-CDIO model is derived from the results of the university level engineering education reform enacted in a multidisciplinary science university in Northern Europe, and from the scientific discourse within the domain of the engineering education research and literature. The timeline for the research was fall 2011 to fall 2015. The model that was developed emphasizes the need to educate engineers to become problem definers in addition to educating them to become problem solvers. This can be achieved by integrating human-centered design thinking methods and challenges into engineering courses from day one to graduation. The results of the piloted courses in the reform process show that transferable working life skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, prototyping skills, and tolerance towards ambiguity, were enhanced. These skills are widely seen as necessary for future engineering. The preliminary results also show that the courses provide an opportunity for self-discovery, increased self-efficacy, and result in an increase in entrepreneurial thinking. There were clear limitations to this research. The piloted courses had no control groups. The reflections on and comparisons of the results were achieved by considering the results of similar studies and the literature. Although some of the courses were run for three consecutive years, this research has very little longitudinal evidence. Future research should focus on implementation of the O-CDIO model as a whole, with longitudinal research set as one of its goals.Teknologian rooli maailmanlaajuisesti verkottuneessa teollisuudessa ja yhteiskunnassa on merkittävä ja ennustettavissa olevan tulevaisuuden ajan myös kasvussa. Se on myös enenevissä määrin sekä monimutkainen että moniulotteinen. Terveydenhuolto, teollisuus, koulutus, liikenne, ja internet, jopa sosiaalinen kanssakäyminen ovat esimerkkejä aloista ja ilmiöistä jotka ovat jollain tavalla riippuvaisia niiden sisältämän tekniikan toimivuudesta. Samaan aikaan teknologioiden ja tekniikan roolin ymmärtäminen sen eri konteksteissa on haastavampaa. Tekniikalla ei ole itsetarkoitusta. Sen tehtävä on aina palvella. Tämä asettaa uudenlaisia haasteita diplomi-insinööreille ja heidän kouluttamiselle. Tekniikan koulutus yliopistotasolla on maailmanlaajuisesti kyennyt vastaamaan sille asetettuihin haasteisiin. Tosin lähes poikkeuksetta muutos on syntynyt ulkoisen muutostarpeen aiheuttamana. Mitä monimutkaisemmaksi ja moniulotteisemmaksi tekniikalle ja teknologioille asetetut vaatimukset kehittyvät sitä monipuolisemmaksi pitää myös koulutuksen muuttua. Tämä tutkimus ja tieteellinen raportti perustuu suomalaisessa monialayliopistossa tapahtuneeseen tekniikan koulutuksen muutosprosessiin, tuloksiin sen aikana pilotoiduista kursseista ja alan kirjallisuuteen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi tekniikan koulutuksen malli joka johdettiin edellä mainituista tutkimuksen tuloksista, olemassa olevasta tekniikan koulutusmallista nimeltä CDIO ja kirjallisuudesta. Mallin ydinidea on kouluttaa diplomi-insinööreistä ongelmanhahmottajia ongelmanratkaisijoiden lisäksi. Tämä tapahtuu integroimalla ihmis- ja käyttäytymistieteisiin perustuvia opettamismetodeja läpi koko koulutuksen ensimmäisestä päivästä valmistumiseen asti. Reformin aikana tehdyt tutkimukset osoittivat että opettamismetodit saavuttivat niille asetetut oppimistavoitteet. Työelämätaidot kuten viestintä-, ryhmätyö-, ongelmanratkaisu- ja prototypointitaidot lisääntyivät. Alustavat tulokset myös osoittivat että opiskelijoiden reflektointikyky ja positiivinen suhtautuminen yrittäjyyteen lisääntyivät. Lisätutkimuksen tarve aiheeseen liittyen on ilmeinen. Tutkituissa kursseissa ei ollut mahdollista käyttää kontrolliryhmiä eikä O-CDIO mallia ole missään vaiheessa testattu kokonaisuudessaan. Lisäksi pitkän ajan vaikutuksia ei voitu tutkimuksen ajallisista kestosta johtuen testata. Pisimpään samanlaisena pysyneeltä kurssilta saatiin tutkimusaineistoa kolmelta eri vuodelta. Lisäksi tämän raportin kirjoittaja vastasi myös lähes poikkeuksetta tutkittujen kurssien ideoinnista, kehittämisestä ja opettamisesta. Tämä on otettu analyysivaiheessa huomioon mutta silti vaikuttaa tutkimustuloksiin. Luonnollinen lisätutkimuksen aihe on tutkia O-CDIO mallia kokonaisuudessaan todellisessa tekniikan koulutuksen kehyksessä ja riittävällä aikajänteellä.Siirretty Doriast

    Exploration and Practice in Graphic Design Course Teaching Based on CDIO

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    In view of the problems in the current graphic design course, this paper proposes a new teaching mode based on the CDIO teaching mode, which is driven by the design of the subject, with the studio as the main body and the combination of production and learning. Explore the development of initiative, innovative thinking, project operation ability and teamwork ability

    Exploring and Construction On Practicality Instruction System in Engineering Education Based On CDIO Concept

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    Choosing a faculty of the college as an attempt, the author analyzed the CDIO concept and its necessity in practicality instruction system, discussed the construction of practicality instruction system in engineering education under the direct of CDIO concept

    Chalmers University of Technology: Overcoming Resistance and Inertia in Education through the Dynamics of a Matrix Organization Including Student Co-Creation

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    In this contribution we describe and reflect on the organization of Chalmers University of Technology and how it benefits education development and innovation. Chalmer’s matrix organization with a buyer-supplier management model for education has proven to be a driving force for change and quality enhancement and promotes the agility necessary for implementing educational reforms in response to both internal and external impulses. We exemplify this by describing and analyzing development projects in curriculum design, education for sustainable development, entrepreneurship, and a new transformative model for flexible education