1,044 research outputs found

    Neural networks in control engineering

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    The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the viability of integrating neural networks into control structures. These networks are an attempt to create artificial intelligent systems with the ability to learn and remember. They mathematically model the biological structure of the brain and consist of a large number of simple interconnected processing units emulating brain cells. Due to the highly parallel and consequently computationally expensive nature of these networks, intensive research in this field has only become feasible due to the availability of powerful personal computers in recent years. Consequently, attempts at exploiting the attractive learning and nonlinear optimization characteristics of neural networks have been made in most fields of science and engineering, including process control. The control structures suggested in the literature for the inclusion of neural networks in control applications can be divided into four major classes. The first class includes approaches in which the network forms part of an adaptive mechanism which modulates the structure or parameters of the controller. In the second class the network forms part of the control loop and replaces the conventional control block, thus leading to a pure neural network control law. The third class consists of topologies in which neural networks are used to produce models of the system which are then utilized in the control structure, whilst the fourth category includes suggestions which are specific to the problem or system structure and not suitable for a generic neural network-based-approach to control problems. Although several of these approaches show promising results, only model based structures are evaluated in this thesis. This is due to the fact that many of the topologies in other classes require system estimation to produce the desired network output during training, whereas the training data for network models is obtained directly by sampling the system input(s) and output(s). Furthermore, many suggested structures lack the mathematical motivation to consider them for a general structure, whilst the neural network model topologies form natural extensions of their linear model based origins. Since it is impractical and often impossible to collect sufficient training data prior to implementing the neural network based control structure, the network models have to be suited to on-line training during operation. This limits the choice of network topologies for models to those that can be trained on a sample by sample basis (pattern learning) and furthermore are capable of learning even when the variation in training data is relatively slow as is the case for most controlled dynamic systems. A study of feedforward topologies (one of the main classes of networks) shows that the multilayer perceptron network with its backpropagation training is well suited to model nonlinear mappings but fails to learn and generalize when subjected to slow varying training data. This is due to the global input interpretation of this structure, in which any input affects all hidden nodes such that no effective partitioning of the input space can be achieved. This problem is overcome in a less flexible feedforward structure, known as regular Gaussian network. In this network, the response of each hidden node is limited to a -sphere around its center and these centers are fixed in a uniform distribution over the entire input space. Each input to such a network is therefore interpreted locally and only effects nodes with their centers in close proximity. A deficiency common to all feedforward networks, when considered as models for dynamic systems, is their inability to conserve previous outputs and states for future predictions. Since this absence of dynamic capability requires the user to identify the order of the system prior to training and is therefore not entirely self-learning, more advanced network topologies are investigated. The most versatile of these structures, known as a fully recurrent network, re-uses the previous state of each of its nodes for subsequent outputs. However, despite its superior modelling capability, the tests performed using the Williams and Zipser training algorithm show that such structures often fail to converge and require excessive computing power and time, when increased in size. Despite its rigid structure and lack of dynamic capability, the regular Gaussian network produces the most reliable and robust models and was therefore selected for the evaluations in this study. To overcome the network initialization problem, found when using a pure neural network model, a combination structure· _in which the network operates in parallel with a mathematical model is suggested. This approach allows the controller to be implemented without any prior network training and initially relies purely on the mathematical model, much like conventional approaches. The network portion is then trained during on-line operation in order to improve the model. Once trained, the enhanced model can be used to improve the system response, since model exactness plays an important role in the control action achievable with model based structures. The applicability of control structures based on neural network models is evaluated by comparing the performance of two network approaches to that of a linear structure, using a simulation of a nonlinear tank system. The first network controller is developed from the internal model control (IMC) structure, which includes a forward and inverse model of the system to be controlled. Both models can be replaced by a combination of mathematical and neural topologies, the network portion of which is trained on-line to compensate for the discrepancies between the linear model _ and nonlinear system. Since the network has no dynamic ·capacity, .former system outputs are used as inputs to the forward and inverse model. Due to this direct feedback, the trained structure can be tuned to perform within limits not achievable using a conventional linear system. As mentioned previously the IMC structure uses both forward and inverse models. Since the control law requires that these models are exact inverses, an iterative inversion algorithm has to be used to improve the values produced by the inverse combination model. Due to deadtimes and right-half-plane zeroes, many systems are furthermore not directly invertible. Whilst such unstable elements can be removed from mathematical models, the inverse network is trained directly from the forward model and can not be compensated. These problems could be overcome by a control structure for which only a forward model is required. The neural predictive controller (NPC) presents such a topology. Based on the optimal control philosophy, this structure uses a model to predict several future outputs. The errors between these and the desired output are then collected to form the cost function, which may also include other factors such as the magnitude of the change in input. The input value that optimally fulfils all the objectives used to formulate the cost function, can then be found by locating its minimum. Since the model in this structure includes a neural network, the optimization can not be formulated in a closed mathematical form and has to be performed using a numerical method. For the NPC topology, as for the neural network IMC structure, former system outputs are fed back to the model and again the trained network approach produces results not achievable with a linear model. Due to the single network approach, the NPC topology furthermore overcomes the limitations described for the neural network IMC structure and can be extended to include multivariable systems. This study shows that the nonlinear modelling capability of neural networks can be exploited to produce learning control structures with improved responses for nonlinear systems. Many of the difficulties described are due to the computational burden of these networks and associated algorithms. These are likely to become less significant due to the rapid development in computer technology and advances in neural network hardware. Although neural network based control structures are unlikely to replace the well understood linear topologies, which are adequate for the majority of applications, they might present a practical alternative where (due to nonlinearity or modelling errors) the conventional controller can not achieve the required control action

    Evaluation of the performance of deep learning techniques over tampered dataset

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    The reduction of classification error over supervised data sets is the main goal in Deep Learning (DL) approaches. However, tampered data is a serious problem in machine learning techniques. One of the recent interests to the machine learning community is the performance enhancement of supervised learning algorithms over tampered training data. In this thesis, the well-known deep learning techniques known as No-Drop, Dropout and DropConnect have been investigated by using toy example data set, the popular handwritten digits data set (MNIST), and our new natural images data set. The investigation divided into three groups which are training Deep Learning techniques over regular data sets, tampered data sets and noisy data sets. First, Deep Learning techniques have been investigated over regular data sets, the experiments showed good results in terms of accuracy and error rate. Then, Deep learning techniques were investigated with tampered MNIST data, this tampered mechanism is the first step toward the security analysis of Deep Learning techniques. The results of DL techniques over tampered MNIST data set showed the same as in regular MNIST. Therefore, the investigation continued with adding two noises which were Gaussian noise and Salt and Pepper noise to reduce the clarity of the MNIST data set. The results showed that Deep Learning techniques still give good accuracy under noise field environment. The thesis contribution is the extensive research that supports Deep Learning techniques that trained over tampered data to obtain high classification accuracy

    Lightweight Probabilistic Deep Networks

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    Even though probabilistic treatments of neural networks have a long history, they have not found widespread use in practice. Sampling approaches are often too slow already for simple networks. The size of the inputs and the depth of typical CNN architectures in computer vision only compound this problem. Uncertainty in neural networks has thus been largely ignored in practice, despite the fact that it may provide important information about the reliability of predictions and the inner workings of the network. In this paper, we introduce two lightweight approaches to making supervised learning with probabilistic deep networks practical: First, we suggest probabilistic output layers for classification and regression that require only minimal changes to existing networks. Second, we employ assumed density filtering and show that activation uncertainties can be propagated in a practical fashion through the entire network, again with minor changes. Both probabilistic networks retain the predictive power of the deterministic counterpart, but yield uncertainties that correlate well with the empirical error induced by their predictions. Moreover, the robustness to adversarial examples is significantly increased.Comment: To appear at CVPR 201

    Application of Neural Networks to House Pricing and Bond Rating

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    Feed forward neural networks receive a growing attention as a data modelling tool in economic classification problems. It is well-known that controlling the design of a neural network can be cumbersome. Inaccuracies may lead to a manifold of problems in the application such as higher errors due to local optima, overfitting and ill-conditioning of the network, especially when the number of observations is small. In this paper we provide a method to overcome these difficulties by regulating the flexibility of the network and by rendering measures for validating the final network. In particular a method is proposed to equilibrate the number of hidden neurons and the value of the weight decay parameter based on 5 and 10-fold cross-validation. In the validation process the performance of the neural network is compared with a linear model with the same input variables. The degree of monotonicity with respect to each explanatory variable is calculated by numerical differentiation. The outcomes of this analysis is compared to what is expected from economic theory. Furthermore we propose a scheme for the application of monotonic neural networks to problems where monotonicity with respect to the explanatory variables is known a priori. The methods are illustrated in two case studies: predicting the price of housing in Boston metropolitan area and the classification of bond ratings.Classification;error estimation;monotonicity;finance;neural-network models

    Learning Multimodal Graph-to-Graph Translation for Molecular Optimization

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    We view molecular optimization as a graph-to-graph translation problem. The goal is to learn to map from one molecular graph to another with better properties based on an available corpus of paired molecules. Since molecules can be optimized in different ways, there are multiple viable translations for each input graph. A key challenge is therefore to model diverse translation outputs. Our primary contributions include a junction tree encoder-decoder for learning diverse graph translations along with a novel adversarial training method for aligning distributions of molecules. Diverse output distributions in our model are explicitly realized by low-dimensional latent vectors that modulate the translation process. We evaluate our model on multiple molecular optimization tasks and show that our model outperforms previous state-of-the-art baselines

    Process Data Analytics Using Deep Learning Techniques

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    In chemical manufacturing plants, numerous types of data are accessible, which could be process operational data (historical or real-time), process design and product quality data, economic and environmental (including process safety, waste emission and health impact) data. Effective knowledge extraction from raw data has always been a very challenging task, especially the data needed for a type of study is huge. Other characteristics of process data such as noise, dynamics, and highly correlated process parameters make this more challenging. In this study, we introduce an attention-based RNN for multi-step-ahead prediction that can have applications in model predictive control, fault diagnosis, etc. This model consists of an RNN that encodes a sequence of input time series data into a new representation (called context vector) and another RNN that decodes the representation into output target sequence. An attention model integrated to the encoder-decoder RNN model allows the network to focus on parts of the input sequence that are relevant to predicting the target sequence. The attention model is jointly trained with all other components of the model. By having a deep architecture, the model can learn a very complex dynamic system, and it is robust to noise. In order to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we perform a comparative study on the problem of catalyst activity prediction, by using conventional machine learning techniques such as Support Vector Regression (SVR)

    Regularization and Compression of Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNN) are the state-of-the-art machine learning models outperforming traditional machine learning methods in a number of domains from vision and speech to natural language understanding and autonomous control. With large amounts of data becoming available, the task performance of DNNs in these domains predictably scales with the size of the DNNs. However, in data-scarce scenarios, large DNNs overfit to the training dataset resulting in inferior performance. Additionally, in scenarios where enormous amounts of data is available, large DNNs incur large inference latencies and memory costs. Thus, while imperative for achieving state-of-the-art performances, large DNNs require large amounts of data for training and large computational resources during inference. These two problems could be mitigated by sparsely training large DNNs. Imposing sparsity constraints during training limits the capacity of the model to overfit to the training set while still being able to obtain good generalization. Sparse DNNs have most of their weights close to zero after training. Therefore, most of the weights could be removed resulting in smaller inference costs. To effectively train sparse DNNs, this thesis proposes two new sparse stochastic regularization techniques called Bridgeout and Sparseout. Furthermore, Bridgeout is used to prune convolutional neural networks for low-cost inference. Bridgeout randomly perturbs the weights of a parametric model such as a DNN. It is theoretically shown that Bridgeout constrains the weights of linear models to a sparse subspace. Empirically, Bridgeout has been shown to perform better, on image classification tasks, than state-of-the-art DNNs when the data is limited. Sparseout is an activations counter-part of Bridgeout, operating on the outputs of the neurons instead of the weights of the neurons. Theoretically, Sparseout has been shown to be a general case of the commonly used Dropout regularization method. Empirical evidence suggests that Sparseout is capable of controlling the level of activations sparsity in neural networks. This flexibility allows Sparseout to perform better than Dropout on image classification and language modelling tasks. Furthermore, using Sparseout, it is found that activation sparsity is beneficial to recurrent neural networks for language modeling but densification of activations favors convolutional neural networks for image classification. To address the problem of high computational cost during inference, this thesis evaluates Bridgeout for pruning convolutional neural networks (CNN). It is shown that recent CNN architectures such as VGG, ResNet and Wide-ResNet trained with Bridgeout are more robust to one-shot filter pruning compared to non-sparse stochastic regularization