34,124 research outputs found

    Impacts on Teacher Evaluations: The Importance of Building Capacity through Excellence in the Application of the Teacher Evaluation Process

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    Significant student learning and school improvement are dependent upon the teacher being the centerpiece (Tucker, Stronge, Gareis, & Beers, 2003; National Council of Teacher Quality, 2011). In maintaining the high standards associated with teaching responsibilities, educators are held accountable through performance evaluations. In the United States, teacher evaluations have long been a standard of practice largely determined by individual states and school districts. Additionally, teacher effectiveness has been guided by at least three pieces of national legislation, including the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA, 1965), the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB, 2001) and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA, 2009), also referred to as the Stimulus or Recovery Act. With the expectation that the nation\u27s universities produce higher quality teachers and school districts hire highly qualified teachers, the profession finds itself under constant, critical scrutiny, most recently concerning the evaluation of teachers

    The Impact of High Stakes Testing on School Leadership

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    As I observed and recorded a classroom teacher at the beginning of the spring semester, I remembered how much I enjoyed working with teachers to help them grow and become master teachers. While reflecting on this master teacher\u27s lesson, I pondered how drastically things have changed since I became a school administrator in 2001. I was amazed when the advanced academics teacher mentioned the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) need a source for ST AAR on a number of occasions throughout her lesson. The intent of her comments was to bring awareness to these young learners about the upcoming tests

    Denver School District No. 1 and Denver Classroom Teachers Association (2005)

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    Communication, Affect, & Learning in the Classroom

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    The purpose of the handbook was to synthesize the first three decades of research in instructional communication into a single volume that could help both researchers and instructors understand the value of communication in the instructional process.Preface1.Teaching As a Communication Process The Instructional Communication Process The Teacher The Content The Instructional Strategy The Student The Feedback/Evaluation The Learning Environment/Instructional Context Kibler’s Model of Instruction The ADDIE Model of Instructional Design2.Communicating With Instructional Objectives Why Some Teachers Resent Objectives The Value of Objectives What Objectives Should Communicate3.Instructional Communication Strategies The Teacher As a Speaker The Teacher As a Moderator The Teacher As a Trainer The Teacher As a Manager The Teacher As a Coordinator & Innovator4.Communication, Affect, and Student Needs Measuring Student Affect Basic Academic Needs of Students Traditional Interpersonal Need Models Outcomes of Meeting Student Needs5.Learning Styles What is Learning Style? Dimensions of Learning Style and Their Assessment Matching, Bridging, and Style-Flexing6.Classroom Anxieties and Fears Communication Apprehension Receiver Apprehension Writing Apprehension Fear of Teacher Evaluation Apprehension Classroom Anxiety Probable Causes of Classroom Anxiety Communication Strategies for Reducing Classroom Anxiety7.Communication And Student Self-Concept Student Self-Concept: Some Definitions Characteristics of the Self Development of Student Self-Concept Dimensions of Student Self-Concept Self-Concept and Academic Achievement Effects of Self-Concept on Achievement Poker Chip Theory of Learning Communication Strategies for Nurturing and Building Realistic Student Self-Concept8.Instructional Assessment:Feedback,Grading, and Affect Defining the Assessment Process Evaluative Feedback Descriptive Feedback Assessment and Affect Competition and Cooperation in Learning Environments9.Traditional and Mastery Learning Systems Traditional Education Systems Mastery Learning Modified Mastery Learning10.Student Misbehavior and Classroom Management Why Students Misbehave Categories of Student Behaviors Students’ Effects on Affect in the Classroom Communication, Affect, and Classroom Management Communication Techniques for Increasing or Decreasing Student Behavior11.Teacher Misbehaviors and Communication Why Teachers Misbehave Common Teacher Misbehaviors Implications for the Educational Systems12.Teacher Self-Concept and Communication Dimensions of Teacher Self-Concept Development of Teacher Self-Concept Strategies for Increasing Teacher Self-Concept13.Increasing Classroom Affect Through Teacher Communication Style Communicator Style Concept Types of Communicator Styles Teacher Communication Style Teacher Communicator Behaviors That Build Affect14.Teacher Temperament in the Classroom Four Personality Types Popular Sanguine Perfect Melancholy Powerful Choleric Peaceful Phlegmatic Personality Blends15.Teacher Communication: Performance and Burnout Teaching: A Multifaceted Job Roles of an Instructional Manager Teacher Burnout Symptoms of Teacher Burnout Causes of Teacher Burnout Methods for Avoiding Burnout Mentoring to Prevent BurnoutAppendix A To Mrs. Russell: Without You This Never Would Have HappenedGlossaryInde

    Herding Cats: Improving Law School Teaching

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    What makes a good law teacher? Is excellence in teaching largely a matter of intellectual brilliance, of superior organization and delivery of material, of friendliness and fairness to one\u27s students? Or does it have more to do with style, with stage presence, with the ability to engage an audience in the act of reflective and spontaneous thinking? While the question of how to define and evaluate teaching necessarily bedevils deans and tenure committees who must make personnel decisions, the focus on defining the competent teacher has obscured from faculty attention the more fundamental question: how can we implement a system to improve faculty performance across the board? It is this question that law schools around the country have not adequately addressed. Three years ago, the faculty of Franklin Pierce Law Center adopted a program to improve our classroom teaching. This article describes and evaluates that program, in which all three authors played a role

    Evaluation Of Leading Education Program On Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Serpong Tangerang Selatan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan pendidikan di MAN Insan Cendekia Serpong sebagai sekolah terkemuka, dalam perspektif anteseden, transaksi, dan hasil. Penelitian ini menggunakan model evaluasi Countenance dari Pasak sebagai dasar metodologinya. Data dikumpulkan dari seluruh elemen pendidikan di MAN Insan Cendekia Serpong, termasuk kepala sekolah, guru, dan siswa kelas dua dan tiga. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner, dokumentasi, observasi, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan berikut ini. Pertama, hampir semua yang aspek anteseden, seperti jumlah siswa dan kualitas input mahasiswa, ketersediaan sumber pendukung pembelajaran, kualitas guru, dalam kondisi ideal. Kedua, Secara internal, proses pendidikan di MAN Insan Cendekia berjalan dengan baik, dan secara eksternal terkait dengan fungsinya sebagai model, implementasinya belum optimal. Para siswa dan guru memandang bahwa implementasi pendidikan di MAN Insan Cendekia berjalan dengan baik, sehubungan dengan fasilitas belajar yang lebih lengkap daripada di sekolah lain. Dan akhirnya yang ketiga, prestasi belajar siswa MAN Insan Cendekia, yang ditunjukkan oleh skor mereka di UN dan berbagai tingkat prestasi, meningkat dibandingkan dengan hasil tahun-tahun sebelumnya, dan ini bisa dinilai sebagai pencapaian yang baik dari MAN Insan Cendekia dalam melakukan proses pendidikan

    Teachers Pay and Conditions of Service Inquiry. Final report, part 1: parity, performance & progression

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    This is Part 1 (the first part of a 2 part report) that deals "with the issues of parity and equivalence with pay levels in England and Wales and with the issues of teacher focussed improvement and salary progression." - page 5

    Full Issue Summer 2015 Volume 10, Issue 2

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