633 research outputs found

    Boys and Writing: Strategies to Support Struggling Boy Writers

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    The purpose of this project was to develop a guide for elementary teachers to improve writing strategies and motivation of boys. Nationally, boys are more likely than girls to struggle with writing in the elementary classroom. Teachers need to understand the differences that boys and girls bring to their classroom and develop strategies and lessons that make writing more inviting to boys. The project discusses current research about why boys are more likely to struggle than girls, because of innate differences in the brain, the classroom arrangement, and issues of motivation. It also provides a guide of activities and strategies that teachers can use in their classroom to promote enjoyment and motivation for boys who struggle with all aspects of the writing process. This includes idea brainstorming, editing and revising, and handwriting skills. By implementing ideas from the guide, teachers may find that boys in their classroom are more excited about expressing themselves through writing and experience success in writing that is vital to their education in the future

    Policing Undercover Agents in the United Kingdom: Whether the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act Complies with Regional Human Rights Obligations

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    This Comment explores the background of the conflict in Northern Ireland and an example of alleged past corruption in the UK security forces\u27 use of covert agents. It discusses the legal background surrounding the enactment of RIPA, including the direct legislative history of the Act and the Act\u27s indirect history, as evidenced through decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. It also examines the statutory framework of RIPA focusing on the provisions that serve as a check on the use of covert human surveillance in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Finally, this Comment argues that RIPA is insufficient in providing full accountability and protection of human rights, as it is compelled to do under both international and domestic human rights law

    Custovo: A Digital, Personalized Job Search Collection Aid, Streamlined for Creatives

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    In today’s society, the most common way for people to search for job opportunities is by using the internet on their personal electronic device, whether it be a laptop, desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. There are hundreds of websites and mobile applications catering to all kinds of career services in a plethora of fields. One specific sector of employment that is rather unique is the creative field. Creative positions are posted on their own websites like Behance, AIGA, Coroflot, etc. Since these niche websites exist, there are also hundreds of articles discussing how creative individuals approach the job searching process. Each industry has a different protocol when it comes to the hiring process; that which creatives, in my personal opinion, go through a rather intensive process in order to get that desired job. Not only does it require an interview, but a designed resume and cover letter, a portfolio, and an impress piece (among other things). While creatives search and apply for these jobs, they are most likely finishing up their collegiate career or working full-time. It can be difficult and tedious to keep up with each application and remembering the status of each job applied, especially trying to remember which website you found XYZ job posted on. It is up to the individual to create their own method for keeping track, whether it be an Excel spreadsheet, text document, or using their Email history and labeling folders for each company. Regardless, these methods can fail due to the individual simply not keeping up and checking in frequently. This can result to not becoming employed by a date when the user wants to ideally be employed by and losing opportunity. I searched to see if there was a universally available system currently accessible to the public to prevent that from happening; there was not. The objective of this thesis was to establish the systematic function of a mobile application and website pairing that will act as a guide/tool to aid graduating creatives and individuals already working in the creative field. This tool would have made the job search process easier by organizing all job postings of interest in one location (similar to a Pinterest-type of database), keeping track of all job applications, and automatically sending appropriately timed reminders via push notifications to the user while prompting the user’s actions through Q&A/informative directions, rather than simply demanding an action through directions

    Fall 2001

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    Pandemic Pandemonium: Negotiating Identities as a Middle Grades School Parent, Doctoral Student, and High School Mathematics Teacher

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    This autoethnographic study represents a reflection of my experiences as a parent of middle school children, doctoral student, and mathematics high school teacher through the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Navigating all three identities simultaneously presented many challenges, including fear, isolation, and exhaustion; however, it also allowed me to reflect upon and transfer methods that I perceived as effective from one of my identities to one or more of my other identities. Therefore, this study investigated how reflecting upon my own funds of identity influenced my practices as a high school mathematics teacher during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Exploring the Optimal State in Will Eno's "Middletown"

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    This document is an investigation of my artistic challenge while performing in Will Enos Middletown. Through textual research and physical exploration in the studio, I have become aware of my habitual patterns which restrict access to my optimal state of performance. This state, or flow, feels effortless and encourages my commitment to the work with minimal awareness of self-conscious reactions. Thus my artistic challenge will be explored through research, studio rehearsal and performances of six characters in Middletown, which include: Prologue, Male Tourist, Ground Control, Man, Male Doctor and Janitor

    Green Is Good

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    This toolkit has been developed during the implementation of Urban Green Belts (UGB) project (Interreg, Central Europe) which main objective was to improve planning, management and decision-making capacities of the public sector related to urban green spaces, thus creating integrated sustainable UGS planning and management systems. Special attention was given to functional urban areas (FUA), a functional economic unit characterised by densely inhabited “urban cores” and “hinterlands” whose labour market is highly integrated with the cores. Following a comparative situation analysis, the partners jointly designed innovative methods and tools to facilitate sustainable UGS management. Presented toolkit has been primarily developed as a Model for a Community Involvement. The presented methods and tools for community building were tested in three pilot studies conducted in Maribor (Slovenia), Krakow (Poland), and Budapest (Hungary).Priročnik je bil izdelan med izvajanjem projekta Urbane zelene površine (UGB) v okviru programa Interreg, Srednja Evropa, katerega glavni cilj je bil izboljšati zmogljivosti javnega sektorja na področju načrtovanja, upravljanja in odločanja, povezanega z urbanimi zelenimi površinami (UZP), ter na ta način ustvariti celostne trajnostne sisteme za načrtovanje in upravljanje UZP. Posebna pozornost je bila namenjena funkcionalnim urbanim območjem (FUO), funkcionalnim ekonomskim enotam, za katere so značilna gosto poseljena »urbana jedra« in »zaledja«, v katerih je trg dela močno povezan z jedri. Na podlagi primerjalne analize stanja so projektni partnerji skupaj zasnovali inovativne metode in orodja za spodbujanje trajnostnega upravljanja UZP. Predstavljeni priročnik je bil razvit predvsem kot model za vključevanje skupnosti. Predstavljene metode in orodja za izgradnjo skupnosti so bile preizkušene znotraj treh pilotnih območji, opravljenih v Mariboru (Slovenija), Krakovu (Poljska) in Budimpešti (Madžarska)

    April 6, 2010

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    The Breeze is the student newspaper of James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia

    The Cord Weekly (October 12, 1995)

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    Often neglected in voice study is the understanding that a singer’s instrument lives in his/her body and therefore cannot be packed away like other musical objects. Yoga and mindfulness compliment the belief of a whole body instrument. Data gathered on college campuses report that stress and anxiety are on the rise, thus reinforcing the need for MBSR and yoga as beneficial and proven tools for stress relief. The current state of research in the realm of mental health in colleges merits the study of a cohesive layout of these exercises and their expected outcomes in singing as well as stress management. Therefore, this document will present yoga sequences that align with the core aspects of singing including breath support, fluid vocal production and artistic expression. Exercises founded on principles of mindfulness are provided to bring awareness of mental qualities within a singer. Mental qualities gained from meditation practice include improved self-esteem, lowered anxiety, and increased focus. Yoga sequences will focus on certain areas of the body commonly addressed in voice studies. Collections of yoga asana, or postures, are featured to allow singers to recognize tightness and inefficiencies in their bodies, thus improving vocal function. This guide will combine yoga traditions along with mindfulness research to introduce ancient philosophies to singers and their teachers, resulting in meaningful and productive voice lessons