598 research outputs found

    A Multi-Resolution CRNN-Based Approach for Semi-Supervised Sound Event Detection in DCASE 2020 Challenge

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    Sound Event Detection is a task with a rising relevance over the recent years in the field of audio signal processing, due to the creation of specific datasets such as Google AudioSet or DESED (Domestic Environment Sound Event Detection) and the introduction of competitive evaluations like the DCASE Challenge (Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events). The different categories of acoustic events can present diverse temporal and spectral characteristics. However, most approaches use a fixed time-frequency resolution to represent the audio segments. This work proposes a multi-resolution analysis for feature extraction in Sound Event Detection, hypothesizing that different resolutions can be more adequate for the detection of different sound event categories, and that combining the information provided by multiple resolutions could improve the performance of Sound Event Detection systems. Experiments are carried out over the DESED dataset in the context of the DCASE 2020 Challenge, concluding that the combination of up to 5 resolutions allows a neural network-based system to obtain better results than single-resolution models in terms of event-based F1-score in every event category and in terms of PSDS (Polyphonic Sound Detection Score). Furthermore, we analyze the impact of score thresholding in the computation of F1-score results, finding that the standard value of 0.5 is suboptimal and proposing an alternative strategy based in the use of a specific threshold for each event category, which obtains further improvements in performanceThis work was supported in part by the Project Deep Speech for Forensics and Security (DSForSec) under Grant RTI2018-098091-B-I00, in part by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain, and in part by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF

    Cosine-similarity penalty to discriminate sound classes in weakly-supervised sound event detection.

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    The design of new methods and models when only weakly-labeled data are available is of paramount importance in order to reduce the costs of manual annotation and the considerable human effort associated with it. In this work, we address Sound Event Detection in the case where a weakly annotated dataset is available for training. The weak annotations provide tags of audio events but do not provide temporal boundaries. The objective is twofold: 1) audio tagging, i.e. multi-label classification at recording level, 2) sound event detection, i.e. localization of the event boundaries within the recordings. This work focuses mainly on the second objective. We explore an approach inspired by Multiple Instance Learning, in which we train a convolutional recurrent neural network to give predictions at frame-level, using a custom loss function based on the weak labels and the statistics of the frame-based predictions. Since some sound classes cannot be distinguished with this approach, we improve the method by penalizing similarity between the predictions of the positive classes during training. On the test set used in the DCASE 2018 challenge, consisting of 288 recordings and 10 sound classes, the addition of a penalty resulted in a localization F-score of 34.75%, and brought 10% relative improvement compared to not using the penalty. Our best model achieved a 26.20% F-score on the DCASE-2018 official Eval subset close to the 10-system ensemble approach that ranked second in the challenge with a 29.9% F-score

    An analysis of sound event detection under acoustic degradation using multi-resolution systems

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    The Sound Event Detection task aims to determine the temporal locations of acoustic events in audio clips. In recent years, the relevance of this field is rising due to the introduction of datasets such as Google AudioSet or DESED (Domestic Environment Sound Event Detection) and competitive evaluations like the DCASE Challenge (Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events). In this paper, we analyze the performance of Sound Event Detection systems under diverse artificial acoustic conditions such as high-or low-pass filtering and clipping or dynamic range compression, as well as under an scenario of high overlap between events. For this purpose, the audio was obtained from the Evaluation subset of the DESED dataset, whereas the systems were trained in the context of the DCASE Challenge 2020 Task 4. Our systems are based upon the challenge baseline, which consists of a Convolutional-Recurrent Neural Network trained using the Mean Teacher method, and they employ a multiresolution approach which is able to improve the Sound Event Detection performance through the use of several resolutions during the extraction of Mel-spectrogram features. We provide insights on the benefits of this multiresolution approach in different acoustic settings, and compare the performance of the single-resolution systems in the aforementioned scenarios when using different resolutions. Furthermore, we complement the analysis of the performance in the high-overlap scenario by assessing the degree of overlap of each event category in sound event detection datasetsThis research and the APC were supported by project DSForSec (grant number RTI2018- 098091-B-I00) funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF

    Contributions to speech processing and ambient sound analysis

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    We are constantly surrounded by sounds that we continuously exploit to adapt our actions to situations we are facing. Some of the sounds like speech can have a particular structure from which we can infer some information, explicit or not. This is one reason why speech is possibly that is the most intuitive way to communicate between humans. Within the last decade, there has been significant progress in the domain of speech andaudio processing and in particular in the domain of machine learning applied to speech and audio processing. Thanks to these progresses, speech has become a central element in many human to human distant communication tools as well as in human to machine communication systems. These solutions work pretty well on clean speech or under controlled condition. However, in scenarios that involve the presence of acoustic perturbation such as noise or reverberation systems performance tends to degrade severely. In this thesis we focus on processing speech and its environments from an audio perspective. The algorithms proposed here are relying on a variety of solutions from signal processing based approaches to data-driven solutions based on supervised matrix factorization or deep neural networks. We propose solutions to problems ranging from speech recognition, to speech enhancement or ambient sound analysis. The target is to offer a panorama of the different aspects that could improve a speech processing algorithm working in a real environments. We start by describing automatic speech recognition as a potential end application and progressively unravel the limitations and the proposed solutions ending-up to the more general ambient sound analysis.Nous sommes constamment entourĂ©s de sons que nous exploitons pour adapter nos actions aux situations auxquelles nous sommes confrontĂ©s. Certains sons comme la parole peuvent avoir une structure particuliĂšre Ă  partir de laquelle nous pouvons dĂ©duire des informations, explicites ou non. C’est l’une des raisons pour lesquelles la parole est peut-ĂȘtre le moyen le plus intuitif de communiquer entre humains. Au cours de la dĂ©cennie Ă©coulĂ©e, des progrĂšs significatifs ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s dans le domaine du traitement de la parole et du son et en particulier dans le domaine de l’apprentissage automatique appliquĂ© au traitement de la parole et du son. GrĂące Ă  ces progrĂšs, la parole est devenue un Ă©lĂ©ment central de nombreux outils de communication Ă  distance d’humain Ă  humain ainsi que dans les systĂšmes de communication humain-machine. Ces solutions fonctionnent bien sur un signal de parole propre ou dans des conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es. Cependant, dans les scĂ©narios qui impliquent la prĂ©sence de perturbations acoustiques telles que du bruit ou de la rĂ©verbĂ©ration les performances peuvent avoir tendance Ă  se dĂ©grader gravement. Dans cette HDR, nous nous concentrons sur le traitement de la parole et de son environnement d’un point de vue audio. Les algorithmes proposĂ©s ici reposent sur une variĂ©tĂ© de solutions allant des approches basĂ©es sur le traitement du signal aux solutions orientĂ©es donnĂ©es Ă  base de factorisation matricielle supervisĂ©e ou de rĂ©seaux de neurones profonds. Nous proposons des solutions Ă  des problĂšmes allant de la reconnaissance vocale au rehaussement de la parole ou Ă  l’analyse des sons ambiants. L’objectif est d’offrir un panorama des diffĂ©rents aspects qui pourraient ĂȘtre amĂ©liorer un algorithme de traitement de la parole fonctionnant dans un environnement rĂ©el. Nous commençons par dĂ©crire la reconnaissance automatique de la parole comme une application finale potentielle et analysons progressivement les limites et les solutions proposĂ©es aboutissant Ă  l’analyse plus gĂ©nĂ©rale des sons ambiants
