18 research outputs found

    Технологія віртуалізації. Динамічна реконфігурація ресурсів обчислювального кластера

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    На основании выполненного анализа современных платформ аппаратно-программной виртуализации обоснована целесообразность использования и исследования виртуальных машин на платформе Microsoft Hyper-V R2 в качестве узлов вычислительного кластера. Концепция создания гибких гомогенных архитектур кластерных систем углублена за счет возможности формирования динамически реконфигурируемой кластерной вычислительной системы с использованием механизмов виртуализации платформы Microsoft Hyper-V. Показана актуальность использования аппаратной платформы персональных компьютеров и серверов для реконфигурации ресурсов вычислительных кластеров.На основі виконаного аналізу сучасних платформ апаратно-програмної віртуалізації обґрунтовано доцільність використання і дослідження віртуальних машин на платформі Microsoft Hyper-V R2 як вузлів обчислювального кластера. Концепцію створення гнучких гомогенних архітектур кластерних систем поглиблено за рахунок можливості формування динамічно реконфігурованої кластерної обчислювальної системи з використанням механізмів віртуалізації платформи Microsoft Hyper-V. Показано актуальність використання апаратної платформи персональних комп’ютерів і серверів для реконфігурації ресурсів обчислювальних кластерів.On the basis of performed analysis of modern hardware and software virtualization platforms it is proved the practicability of usage and researching of virtual machines on the Microsoft Hyper-V R2 platform as a compute cluster nodes. The concept of flexible homogeneous cluster architectures construction was expanded with ability of dynamically reconfigurable cluster computing system implementation using Microsoft Hyper-V technology virtualization features. The urgency of hardware platform of personal computers and servers for reconfiguration of the resources of computing clusters is shown

    Метод управління безпекою інформаційних потоків мережі IoT за допомогою SDN

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    Актуальність: Підвищення якості функціонування мереж зв'язку за рахунок поліпшення надійності є складною науково-технічною та економічною проблемою. Це обумовлено тим що до мереж з новими технологіями, таким як програмно-конфігуровані мережі (SDN) в даний час висувають високі вимоги по надійності (відмовостійкості) в тому числі до характеристик відновлення мережі після відмови. При розробці заходів, що підвищують надійність доцільна постановка задачі максимально можливого підвищення якості функціонування мережі при мінімальному часу відновлення зв'язку. Високий рівень відмовостійкості мережі забезпечується за рахунок швидкого виявлення пошкоджень і усунення їх наслідків за короткий час. Існуючі методи забезпечення надійності в мережах SDN можна поділити на два самостійних класи: захисне перемикання (резервування) і відновлення (перемаршрутизація). Звідси випливає що для системного підходу до дослідження методів забезпечення надійності SDN доцільно використовувати засоби математичного моделювання. Дослідження механізмів забезпечення надійності SDN розглядається в ряді робіт, як вітчизняних, так і зарубіжних. Однак в даних роботах не проводиться порівняльний аналіз використання механізмів забезпечення відмовостійкості, а також комбінації цих механізмів. Так само в ряді робіт не враховуються економічні показники використання даних механізмів. Мета роботи: підвищити відмовостійкість при DoS-атаці системи Інтернету речей з використанням концепції SDN за рахунок премаршутизації та резервування комунікаційних ресурсів, що дозволить зменшити час до виявлення відмови методами швидкого відновлення, зменшиння відсотка навантаженості. Задачі дослідження: 1. Проаналізувати існуючі підходи щодо управління безпекою інформаційних потоків мережі IoT за допомогою SDN . 2. Запропонувати модель управління безпекою інформаційних потоків мережі IoT при DoS-атаці, яка дозволить зменшити як ймовірність відмови, так і вплив відмови ; 3. Вдосконалити процедуру керування безпекою інформаційних потоків мережі IoT яка враховує можливості організації потоків в програмно-керованих мережах (SDN); 4. Розробити удосконалений метод управління безпекою інформаційних потоків мережі IoT з використанням концепції SDN та резервування контролера, що дозволить отримати надійну мережу, не враховуючи збільшення часу до виявлення відмови при роботі методів швидкого відновлення. 5. Розробка імітаційної моделі в середовищі MiniNet, планування та проведення експерименту з метою перевірки теоритичних положень та доведення їх ефективності. 6. Розробка стартап проекту для системи безпеки IoT. Об’єкт дослідження: пристрої і технології організації програмно-керованого зв'язку в мережі Інтернету речей. Предмет дослідження: моделі та методи управління безпекою інформаційних потоків мережі IoT за допомогою SDN Методи дослідження: Проведені дослідження базуються на теорії ймовірностей, математичній статистиці, теорії телекомунікацій методах моделювання. Моделювання фрагмента мережі ІР проведено на основі пакета MiniNet. Наукова новизна: Запропоновано удосконалений метод управління безпекою інформаційних потоків мережі IoT з використанням концепції SDN, який дозволяє підвищити відмовостійкість при DoS-атаці системи Інтернету речей, зменшити час до виявлення відмови методами швидкого відновлення, зменшити відсотка завантаженості мережі, за рахунок премаршутизації та резервування комунікаційних ресурсів. Практична новизна: Пропонована модель PFI скорочує час на встановлення шляху, знижує час обробки контролера і зменшує трафік каналу управління при DoS-атаці на мережу шляхом використання методів резервування та відновлення зв’язку, також взаємодіє з протоколами безпеки, основним з них є OpenFlow.Relevance: Improving the quality of communication networks by improving reliability is a complex scientific, technical and economic problem. This is due to the fact that networks with new technologies, such as software-configured networks (SDN) currently have high requirements for reliability (fault tolerance), including the characteristics of network recovery after failure. When developing measures to increase reliability, it is advisable to set the task of maximizing the quality of network operation with a minimum connection recovery time. The high level of fault tolerance of the network is provided due to fast detection of damages and elimination of their consequences in a short time. Existing methods of ensuring reliability in SDN networks can be divided into two separate classes: protective switching (redundancy) and recovery (rerouting). It follows that for a systematic approach to the study of methods to ensure the reliability of SDN, it is advisable to use mathematical modeling. The study of the mechanisms of ensuring the reliability of SDN is considered in a number of works, both domestic and foreign. However, these works do not provide a comparative analysis of the use of mechanisms to ensure fault tolerance, as well as a combination of these mechanisms. Similarly, a number of works do not take into account the economic indicators of the use of these mechanisms. Purpose: to develop a method of managing the security of information flows of the IoT network using the concept of SDN and controller redundancy, which will provide a reliable network, without taking into account the increase in time to detect failure of rapid recovery methods. Research objectives: 1. to propose a model of security management of information flows of the IoT network; 2. provide an algorithm for managing the security of information flows of the IoT network using SDN; 3. to reveal the methodology for determining the effectiveness of security management of information flows of the IoT network using SDN; 4. to develop an improved method of managing the security of information flows of the IoT network using the concept of SDN and controller redundancy, which will allow to obtain a reliable network, without taking into account the increase in time to detect failure of fast recovery methods. Object of research: devices and technologies of communication organization in the Internet of Things. Subject of research: data transmission models and methods of ensuring the functioning of the Internet of Things in the face of hazards. Research methods: The research is based on probability theory, mathematical statistics, modeling methods and field experiments. The simulation of a fragment of the IP network was performed on the basis of a simulation package. Scientific novelty: An improved method of managing the security of information flows of the IoT network using the concept of SDN and controller redundancy has been proposed, which will allow to obtain a reliable network, without taking into account the increase in time to detect failure of fast recovery methods. Practical novelty: The obtained results can be implemented in a real enterprise in order to improve the quality of security management of information flows of the IoT network using SDN

    Intense Pulsed Neutron Source: Progress report 1991--1996. 15. Anniversary edition -- Volume 2

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    Intense Pulsed Neutron Source: Progress report 1991--1996. 15. Anniversary edition -- Volume 1

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    Evidence-based clinical decision-making : Conceptual and empirical foundations for an integrative psychological and neurobiological transtheoretical metamodel

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    The dialogue between psychotherapy and neuroscience is ongoing. Previous meta-analytic research suggests that 35% of psychotherapy outcome variance is not fully explained, whereas 30% is attributed to patient variables, 15% to therapeutic relationship, 10% to specific therapeutic techniques, 7% to therapist variables and 3% to other factors (Norcross & Wampold, 2019). Several authors emphasize the need for integrative, metatheoretical or transtheoretical approaches to enhance conceptual understanding of clinical phenomena, augmenting psychotherapy responsiveness to patients’ significant variables, such as maladaptive patterns, states of mind, relational styles, emotional difficulties, neurocognitive deficits, and psychological needs. The present doctoral proposal aims to respond to these claims through the establishment of preliminary conceptual and empirical foundations for an Integrative Psychological and Neurobiological Transtheoretical Metamodel. First, an extensive literature review of the relationships between psychotherapy and neuroscience was performed to establish theoretical and conceptual integration of different components of the presently proposed model. Second, several methodological aspects were described to systematize the complex data acquisition process. Third, seven studies were conducted, and implications of the results were discussed. Fourth, an integrative discussion was elaborated, emphasizing the major and general implications of the results for clinical practice and future research. The first empirical study aimed to develop and/or adapt self-report assessment measures to evaluate several psychological variables (e.g., metacognition, states of mind), which resulted in five scientific articles. Thus, the Metacognitive Self-assessment Scale (Pedone et al., 2017) and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems – 32 (IIP-32, Barkham et al., 1998) were validated and adapted to European Portuguese. The State of Mind Questionnaire (SMQ, Faustino et al., 2021b, Emotional Processing Difficulties Scale – R (EPDS-R, Faustino et al., in press) and the Clinical Decision-Making Inventory (Faustino & Vasco, in press) were developed. All instruments showed satisfactory psychometric properties. Nevertheless, the SMQ showed low reliability in the composite scales in smaller subsamples. For the second empirical study, the main aims were to explore the complex relationships between early disorder determinants, maladaptive schemas and states of mind, defensive maneuvers and critical consequences, mental skills and processes, and adaptive self-domains. This was performed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results showed significant sequential and mediational models between maladaptive schemas, defensive maneuvers and dysfunctional consequences, mental abilities and processes, and adaptive self-domains with psychological needs. Maladaptive schemas and states of mind were both predictors and mediators in several models. However, the relationship between maladaptive schematic functioning and symptomatology had less significant mediations with the same variables. For the third study, the main aims were to explore the relationships of early disorder determinants, maladaptive schematic functioning and states of mind, defensive maneuvers and dysfunctional consequences, mental abilities and processes, and adaptive self-domains, with several neurocognitive variables. Executive functions were negatively correlated with maladaptive schematic functioning and with defensive maneuvers and dysfunctional consequences. Memory only correlated with psychological needs, self-confidence and with dysfunctional interpersonal cycles. These results emphasize previous assumptions that there is a difference between self-report questionnaires and neuropsychological assessment measures which may difficult the integrated study of psychological and neurocognitive processes. The fourth study aimed to explore the associations of affective subliminal processing with dispositional states and contextual states, defined in the present work as early disorder determinants, schematic functioning, and defensive maneuvers and dysfunctional consequences, mental abilities and processes, and adaptive self-domains. Results showed strong correlations between maladaptive schematic functioning, coping responses, emotional processing difficulties, and expressive suppression with behavioral responses. Dispositional traits and contextual states seem to be associated with affective processing, especially when it comes to the neutral valence of the subliminal stimuli. ERPs waveforms showed an amplitude modulation with a temporal progression: in the first 100 msec the waveform amplitude was highest to the negative condition; Later on, in the time windows after 350 msec, the neutral condition was the one that elicited the ERPs’ heist amplitude. These indexes a cascade of reactions, first a priority to nonconscious negative stimulation; and after that, a later processing phase of affective-cognitive interpretation (350msc) in which neutral stimuli acquire a meaning according to schemas. The fifth study explored the diagnostic and or transdiagnostic potential of early disorder determinants, maladaptive schematic functioning and states of mind, defensive maneuvers and dysfunctional consequences, mental abilities and processes, and adaptive self-domains. Results showed that only early complex trauma and expressive suppression were not statistically different in two subsamples. Individuals in the low-symptoms sub-sample reported lower levels of maladaptive schematic functioning, defensive maneuvers, and psychological inflexibility than individuals in the higher-symptoms subsample. The sixth study was focused on the exploration of the temporal stability of maladaptive schematic functioning and states of mind, defensive maneuvers and dysfunctional consequences, mental abilities, and adaptive self-domains. Results showed significant differences between moment one and two, with a descending pattern in the mean scores of dysfunctional variables. An inverse pattern was found regarding the adaptive variables. However, mean scores of some variables, such as early maladaptive schemas, emotional schemas, psychological needs, and cognitive reappraisal were not statistically significant. The seventh study aimed to explore associations of early disorder determinants, maladaptive schemas and states of mind, defensive maneuvers and critical consequences, mental skills and processes and adaptive self-domains, with an empirical based clinical profile (e.g., psychotherapy and motivational stage, coping styles). Results showed significant negative correlations between maladaptive schematic functioning and stage process, motivational stage, therapeutic relationship, attachment style, reactance, and coping style. An inverse pattern was found regarding the adaptive variables. These preliminary results seem to support a theoretically- and empirically-based integrative and transtheoretical metamodel focused on unifying psychotherapy and neuroscience into a coherent framework. Further research is required to augment and enhance the presently proposed model

    Exploratory research into supply chain voids within Welsh priority business sectors

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    The paper reports the findings resulting from the initial stages of an exploratory investigation into Supply Chain Voids (SCV) in Wales. The research forms the foundations of a PhD thesis which is framed within the sectors designated as important by the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) and indicates local supplier capability voids within their supply chains. This paper covers the stages of initial data gathering, analysis and results identified between June 2006 and April 2007, whilst addressing the first of four research questions. Finally, the approach to address future research is identified in order to explain how the PhD is to progress

    Brain and Human Body Modeling 2020

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    ​This open access book describes modern applications of computational human modeling in an effort to advance neurology, cancer treatment, and radio-frequency studies including regulatory, safety, and wireless communication fields. Readers working on any application that may expose human subjects to electromagnetic radiation will benefit from this book’s coverage of the latest models and techniques available to assess a given technology’s safety and efficacy in a timely and efficient manner. Describes computational human body phantom construction and application; Explains new practices in computational human body modeling for electromagnetic safety and exposure evaluations; Includes a survey of modern applications for which computational human phantoms are critical

    Novel Semi-Supervised Learning Models to Balance Data Inclusivity and Usability in Healthcare Applications

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    abstract: Semi-supervised learning (SSL) is sub-field of statistical machine learning that is useful for problems that involve having only a few labeled instances with predictor (X) and target (Y) information, and abundance of unlabeled instances that only have predictor (X) information. SSL harnesses the target information available in the limited labeled data, as well as the information in the abundant unlabeled data to build strong predictive models. However, not all the included information is useful. For example, some features may correspond to noise and including them will hurt the predictive model performance. Additionally, some instances may not be as relevant to model building and their inclusion will increase training time and potentially hurt the model performance. The objective of this research is to develop novel SSL models to balance data inclusivity and usability. My dissertation research focuses on applications of SSL in healthcare, driven by problems in brain cancer radiomics, migraine imaging, and Parkinson’s Disease telemonitoring. The first topic introduces an integration of machine learning (ML) and a mechanistic model (PI) to develop an SSL model applied to predicting cell density of glioblastoma brain cancer using multi-parametric medical images. The proposed ML-PI hybrid model integrates imaging information from unbiopsied regions of the brain as well as underlying biological knowledge from the mechanistic model to predict spatial tumor density in the brain. The second topic develops a multi-modality imaging-based diagnostic decision support system (MMI-DDS). MMI-DDS consists of modality-wise principal components analysis to incorporate imaging features at different aggregation levels (e.g., voxel-wise, connectivity-based, etc.), a constrained particle swarm optimization (cPSO) feature selection algorithm, and a clinical utility engine that utilizes inverse operators on chosen principal components for white-box classification models. The final topic develops a new SSL regression model with integrated feature and instance selection called s2SSL (with “s2” referring to selection in two different ways: feature and instance). s2SSL integrates cPSO feature selection and graph-based instance selection to simultaneously choose the optimal features and instances and build accurate models for continuous prediction. s2SSL was applied to smartphone-based telemonitoring of Parkinson’s Disease patients.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Industrial Engineering 201