213 research outputs found

    Implementation of a Social Network Information Dissemination Model Incorporating Negative Relationships

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    For the study of information dissemination in online social networks, most existing information dissemination models include only positive relationships, ignoring the existence and importance of negative relationships, and do not consider the influence of inter-individual relationship polarity on dissemination. To solve these problems, we propose a social network information dissemination model incorporating negative relationships in this paper. Drawing on the state concept of the SIR (Susceptible Infected Recovered) model, the three types of SIR states are subdivided into five sub-states. Combining the advantages of the viewpoint evolution model, the influence of relational polarity on node attitudes is added to the modeling of the propagation process. The experiment proves that the method proposed in this paper can show more specifically the changing trend in the number of propagation nodes with different attitudes and portray the process of information propagation in online social networks

    Survey of quantitative investment strategies in the Russian stock market : Special interest in tactical asset allocation

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    Russia’s financial markets have been an uncharted area when it comes to exploring the performance of investment strategies based on modern portfolio theory. In this thesis, we focus on the country’s stock market and study whether profitable investments can be made while at the same time taking uncertainties, risks, and dependencies into account. We also pay particular interest in tactical asset allocation. The benefit of this approach is that we can utilize time series forecasting methods to produce trading signals in addition to optimization methods. We use two datasets in our empirical applications. The first one consists of nine sectoral indices covering the period from 2008 to 2017, and the other includes altogether 42 stocks listed on the Moscow Exchange covering the years 2011 – 2017. The strategies considered have been divided into five sections. In the first part, we study classical and robust mean-risk portfolios and the modeling of transaction costs. We find that the expected return should be maximized per unit expected shortfall while simultaneously requiring that each asset contributes equally to the portfolio’s tail risk. Secondly, we show that using robust covariance estimators can improve the risk-adjusted returns of minimum variance portfolios. Thirdly, we note that robust optimization techniques are best suited for conservative investors due to the low volatility allocations they produce. In the second part, we employ statistical factor models to estimate higher-order comoments and demonstrate the benefit of the proposed method in constructing risk-optimal and expected utility-maximizing portfolios. In the third part, we utilize the Almgren–Chriss framework and sort the expected returns according to the assumed momentum anomaly. We discover that this method produces stable allocations performing exceptionally well in the market upturn. In the fourth part, we show that forecasts produced by VECM and GARCH models can be used profitably in optimizations based on the Black–Litterman, copula opinion pooling, and entropy pooling models. In the final part, we develop a wealth protection strategy capable of timing market changes thanks to the return predictions based on an ARIMA model. Therefore, it can be stated that it has been possible to make safe and profitable investments in the Russian stock market even when reasonable transaction costs have been taken into account. We also argue that market inefficiencies could have been exploited by structuring statistical arbitrage and other tactical asset allocation-related strategies.Venäjän rahoitusmarkkinat ovat olleet kartoittamatonta aluetta tutkittaessa moderniin portfolioteoriaan pohjautuvien sijoitusstrategioiden käyttäytymistä. Tässä tutkielmassa keskitymme maan osakemarkkinoihin ja tarkastelemme, voidaanko taloudellisesti kannattavia sijoituksia tehdä otettaessa samalla huomioon epävarmuudet, riskit ja riippuvuudet. Kiinnitämme erityistä huomiota myös taktiseen varojen kohdentamiseen. Tämän lähestymistavan etuna on, että optimointimenetelmien lisäksi voimme hyödyntää aikasarjaennustamisen menetelmiä kaupankäyntisignaalien tuottamiseksi. Empiirisissä sovelluksissa käytämme kahta data-aineistoa. Ensimmäinen koostuu yhdeksästä teollisuusindeksistä kattaen ajanjakson 2008–2017, ja toinen sisältää 42 Moskovan pörssiin listattua osaketta kattaen vuodet 2011–2017. Tarkasteltavat strategiat on puolestaan jaoteltu viiteen osioon. Ensimmäisessä osassa tarkastelemme klassisia ja robusteja riski-tuotto -portfolioita sekä kaupankäyntikustannusten mallintamista. Havaitsemme, että odotettua tuottoa on syytä maksimoida suhteessa odotettuun vajeeseen edellyttäen samalla, että jokainen osake lisää sijoitussalkun häntäriskiä yhtä suurella osuudella. Toiseksi osoitamme, että minimivarianssiportfolioiden riskikorjattuja tuottoja voidaan parantaa robusteilla kovarianssiestimaattoreilla. Kolmanneksi toteamme robustien optimointitekniikoiden soveltuvan parhaiten konservatiivisille sijoittajille niiden tuottamien matalan volatiliteetin allokaatioiden ansiosta. Toisessa osassa hyödynnämme tilastollisia faktorimalleja korkeampien yhteismomenttien estimoinnissa ja havainnollistamme ehdotetun metodin hyödyllisyyttä riskioptimaalisten sekä odotettua hyötyä maksimoivien salkkujen rakentamisessa. Kolmannessa osassa käytämme Almgren–Chrissin viitekehystä ja asetamme odotetut tuotot suuruusjärjestykseen oletetun momentum-anomalian mukaisesti. Havaitsemme, että menetelmä tuottaa vakaita allokaatioita menestyen erityisen hyvin noususuhdanteessa. Neljännessä osassa osoitamme, että VECM- että GARCH-mallien tuottamia ennusteita voidaan hyödyntää kannattavasti niin Black–Littermanin malliin kuin kopulanäkemysten ja entropian poolaukseenkin perustuvissa optimoinneissa. Viimeisessä osassa laadimme varallisuuden suojausstrategian, joka kykenee ajoittamaan markkinoiden muutoksia ARIMA-malliin perustuvien tuottoennusteiden ansiosta. Voidaan siis todeta, että Venäjän osakemarkkinoilla on ollut mahdollista tehdä turvallisia ja tuottavia sijoituksia myös silloin kun kohtuulliset kaupankäyntikustannukset on huomioitu. Toiseksi väitämme, että markkinoiden tehottomuutta on voitu hyödyntää suunnittelemalla tilastolliseen arbitraasiin ja muihin taktiseen varojen allokointiin pohjautuvia strategioita

    Competitive information propagation considering local-global prevalence on multi-layer interconnected networks

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    The popularity of online social networks (OSNs) promotes the co-propagation of multiple types of information. And there exist inevitably competitive interactions between these information, which will significantly affect the spreading trend of each information. Besides, the coupled topology of multi-layer interconnects exhibited in OSNs will also increase the research complexity of information propagation dynamics. To effectively address these challenges, we propose a novel competitive information propagation model on multi-layer interconnected networks, where the tendency of an individual to become a positive or negative spreader depends on the weighted consideration of local and global prevalence. Then the basic reproduction number is calculated via next-generation matrix method. And under the critical conditions of the basic reproduction number, the asymptotic stability of information-free and information-endemic equilibria is theoretically proven through Lyapunov stability theory. Besides, an optimal control problem involving two heterogeneous controls is formulated, aiming at achieving the best suppression performance of negative information with the minimum control cost. According to Cesari theorem and Pontryagin minimum principle, the existence and analytical formulation of optimal solutions are derived. Extensive numerical experiments are conducted to prove the correctness of our theoretical results, and evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed control strategies. This study can provide useful insights into the modeling and control of multiple information propagation considering multi-layer network topology and individual adaptive behavior

    Cyberattacks and Security of Cloud Computing: A Complete Guideline

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    Cloud computing is an innovative technique that offers shared resources for stock cache and server management. Cloud computing saves time and monitoring costs for any organization and turns technological solutions for large-scale systems into server-to-service frameworks. However, just like any other technology, cloud computing opens up many forms of security threats and problems. In this work, we focus on discussing different cloud models and cloud services, respectively. Next, we discuss the security trends in the cloud models. Taking these security trends into account, we move to security problems, including data breaches, data confidentiality, data access controllability, authentication, inadequate diligence, phishing, key exposure, auditing, privacy preservability, and cloud-assisted IoT applications. We then propose security attacks and countermeasures specifically for the different cloud models based on the security trends and problems. In the end, we pinpoint some of the futuristic directions and implications relevant to the security of cloud models. The future directions will help researchers in academia and industry work toward cloud computing security

    Exploring Social Sustainability and Economic Practices

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    Given the three pillars of sustainability, besides the environment, the interplay of social and economic dimensions provides valuable insight into how society is molded and the key components that should be considere. In terms of social sustainability, processes and framework objectives promote the wellbeing that is integral to the balance of people, planet, and profit. Economic practices consider the system of production, resource allocation, and distribution of goods and services with respect to demand and supply between economic agents. As a result, an economic system is a variant of the social system in which it exists. At present, the forefront of social sustainability research partially encompasses the impact of economic practices on people and society, with notable emphasis centered on the urban environment. Specific interdisciplinary analyses within the scope of sustainability, social development, competitiveness, and motivational management, as well as decision making within the urban landscape, are considered. This book contains nine thoroughly refereed contributions that interconnect detailed research into the two pillars reviewed

    The Charitable Continuum

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    There are powerful fairness and efficiency arguments for making charitable donations to soup kitchens 100% deductible. These arguments have no purchase for donations to fund opulent church organs, yet these too are 100% deductible under the current tax code. This stark dichotomy is only the tip of the iceberg. Looking at a wider sampling of charitable gifts reveals a charitable continuum. Based on sliding scales for efficiency, multiple theories of fairness, pluralism, institutional competence and social welfare dictate that charitable deductions should in most cases be fractions between zero and one. Moreover, the Central Limit Theorem strongly suggests that combining this welter of largely independent criteria with the wide variety of charitable gifts results in a classic bell-shaped normal curve of optimal deductions, with a peak at some central value and quickly decaying to zero at the extremes of 0% and 100%. Given that those are the only two options under the current tax code, the current charitable deduction regime inevitably makes large errors in most cases. Actually calculating a precise optimal percentage for each type of charitable donation is of course impractical. This Article suggests, however, that we can do much better than the systematically erroneous current charitable deduction. Granting a 100% deduction only for donations to the desperately poor, along with 50%, 25%, and 0% for gifts yielding progressively fewer efficiency, fairness, pluralism, and institutional competence benefits, promises to deliver a socially more desirable charitable deduction

    Overcoming Data Breaches and Human Factors in Minimizing Threats to Cyber-Security Ecosystems

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    This mixed-methods study focused on the internal human factors responsible for data breaches that could cause adverse impacts on organizations. Based on the Swiss cheese theory, the study was designed to examine preventative measures that managers could implement to minimize potential data breaches resulting from internal employees\u27 behaviors. The purpose of this study was to provide insight to managers about developing strategies that could prevent data breaches from cyber-threats by focusing on the specific internal human factors responsible for data breaches, the root causes, and the preventive measures that could minimize threats from internal employees. Data were collected from 10 managers and 12 employees from the business sector, and 5 government managers in Ivory Coast, Africa. The mixed methodology focused on the why and who using the phenomenological approach, consisting of a survey, face-to-face interviews using open-ended questions, and a questionnaire to extract the experiences and perceptions of the participants about preventing the adverse consequences from cyber-threats. The results indicated the importance of top managers to be committed to a coordinated, continuous effort throughout the organization to ensure cyber security awareness, training, and compliance of security policies and procedures, as well as implementing and upgrading software designed to detect and prevent data breaches both internally and externally. The findings of this study could contribute to social change by educating managers about preventing data breaches who in turn may implement information accessibility without retribution. Protecting confidential data is a major concern because one data breach could impact many people as well as jeopardize the viability of the entire organization