545 research outputs found

    Microphone array signal processing for robot audition

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    Robot audition for humanoid robots interacting naturally with humans in an unconstrained real-world environment is a hitherto unsolved challenge. The recorded microphone signals are usually distorted by background and interfering noise sources (speakers) as well as room reverberation. In addition, the movements of a robot and its actuators cause ego-noise which degrades the recorded signals significantly. The movement of the robot body and its head also complicates the detection and tracking of the desired, possibly moving, sound sources of interest. This paper presents an overview of the concepts in microphone array processing for robot audition and some recent achievements

    The Future of Humanoid Robots

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    This book provides state of the art scientific and engineering research findings and developments in the field of humanoid robotics and its applications. It is expected that humanoids will change the way we interact with machines, and will have the ability to blend perfectly into an environment already designed for humans. The book contains chapters that aim to discover the future abilities of humanoid robots by presenting a variety of integrated research in various scientific and engineering fields, such as locomotion, perception, adaptive behavior, human-robot interaction, neuroscience and machine learning. The book is designed to be accessible and practical, with an emphasis on useful information to those working in the fields of robotics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, computational methods and other fields of science directly or indirectly related to the development and usage of future humanoid robots. The editor of the book has extensive R&D experience, patents, and publications in the area of humanoid robotics, and his experience is reflected in editing the content of the book

    Scaled Autonomy for Networked Humanoids

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    Humanoid robots have been developed with the intention of aiding in environments designed for humans. As such, the control of humanoid morphology and effectiveness of human robot interaction form the two principal research issues for deploying these robots in the real world. In this thesis work, the issue of humanoid control is coupled with human robot interaction under the framework of scaled autonomy, where the human and robot exchange levels of control depending on the environment and task at hand. This scaled autonomy is approached with control algorithms for reactive stabilization of human commands and planned trajectories that encode semantically meaningful motion preferences in a sequential convex optimization framework. The control and planning algorithms have been extensively tested in the field for robustness and system verification. The RoboCup competition provides a benchmark competition for autonomous agents that are trained with a human supervisor. The kid-sized and adult-sized humanoid robots coordinate over a noisy network in a known environment with adversarial opponents, and the software and routines in this work allowed for five consecutive championships. Furthermore, the motion planning and user interfaces developed in the work have been tested in the noisy network of the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Trials and Finals in an unknown environment. Overall, the ability to extend simplified locomotion models to aid in semi-autonomous manipulation allows untrained humans to operate complex, high dimensional robots. This represents another step in the path to deploying humanoids in the real world, based on the low dimensional motion abstractions and proven performance in real world tasks like RoboCup and the DRC

    Système d'audition artificielle embarqué optimisé pour robot mobile muni d'une matrice de microphones

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    Dans un environnement non contrôlé, un robot doit pouvoir interagir avec les personnes d’une façon autonome. Cette autonomie doit également inclure une interaction grâce à la voix humaine. Lorsque l’interaction s’effectue à une distance de quelques mètres, des phénomènes tels que la réverbération et la présence de bruit ambiant doivent être pris en considération pour effectuer efficacement des tâches comme la reconnaissance de la parole ou de locuteur. En ce sens, le robot doit être en mesure de localiser, suivre et séparer les sources sonores présentes dans son environnement. L’augmentation récente de la puissance de calcul des processeurs et la diminution de leur consommation énergétique permettent dorénavant d’intégrer ces systèmes d’audition articielle sur des systèmes embarqués en temps réel. L’audition robotique est un domaine relativement jeune qui compte deux principales librairies d’audition artificielle : ManyEars et HARK. Jusqu’à présent, le nombre de microphones se limite généralement à huit, en raison de l’augmentation rapide de charge de calculs lorsque des microphones supplémentaires sont ajoutés. De plus, il est parfois difficile d’utiliser ces librairies avec des robots possédant des géométries variées puisqu’il est nécessaire de les calibrer manuellement. Cette thèse présente la librairie ODAS qui apporte des solutions à ces difficultés. Afin d’effectuer une localisation et une séparation plus robuste aux matrices de microphones fermées, ODAS introduit un modèle de directivité pour chaque microphone. Une recherche hiérarchique dans l’espace permet également de réduire la quantité de calculs nécessaires. De plus, une mesure de l’incertitude du délai d’arrivée du son est introduite pour ajuster automatiquement plusieurs paramètres et ainsi éviter une calibration manuelle du système. ODAS propose également un nouveau module de suivi de sources sonores qui emploie des filtres de Kalman plutôt que des filtres particulaires. Les résultats démontrent que les méthodes proposées réduisent la quantité de fausses détections durant la localisation, améliorent la robustesse du suivi pour des sources sonores multiples et augmentent la qualité de la séparation de 2.7 dB dans le cas d’un formateur de faisceau à variance minimale. La quantité de calculs requis diminue par un facteur allant jusqu’à 4 pour la localisation et jusqu’à 30 pour le suivi par rapport à la librairie ManyEars. Le module de séparation des sources sonores exploite plus efficacement la géométrie de la matrice de microphones, sans qu’il soit nécessaire de mesurer et calibrer manuellement le système. Avec les performances observées, la librairie ODAS ouvre aussi la porte à des applications dans le domaine de la détection des drones par le bruit, la localisation de bruits extérieurs pour une navigation plus efficace pour les véhicules autonomes, des assistants main-libre à domicile et l’intégration dans des aides auditives

    From Robot Arm to Intentional Agent: the Articulated Head

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    Robot arms have come a long way from the humble beginnings of the first Unimate robot at a General Motors plant installed to unload parts from a die-casting machine to the flexible and versatile tool ubiquitous and indispensable in many fields of industrial production nowadays. The other chapters of this book attest to the progress in the field and the plenitude of applications of robot arms. It is still fair, however, to say that currently industrial robot arms are primarily applied in continuously repeated manufacturing task for which they are pre-programmed. They are known for their precision and reliability but in general use only limited sensory input and the changes in the execution of their task due to varying environmental factors are minimal. If one was to compare a robot arm with an animal, even a very simple one, this property of robot arm applications would immediately stand out as one of the most striking differences. Living organisms must sense changes in the environment that are crucial to their survival and must have some flexibility to adjust their behaviour. In most robot arm contexts, such a comparison is currently at best of academic interest, though it might gain relevance very quickly in the future if robot arms are to be used to assist humans to a larger extend than at present. If robot arms will work in close proximity with and directly supporting humans in accomplishing a task, it becomes inevitable for the control system of the robot to have far reaching situational awareness and the capability to adjust its ‘behaviour’ according to the acquired situational information. In addition, robot perception and action have to conform a large degree to the expectations of the human co-worker

    Towards gestural understanding for intelligent robots

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    Fritsch JN. Towards gestural understanding for intelligent robots. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2012.A strong driving force of scientific progress in the technical sciences is the quest for systems that assist humans in their daily life and make their life easier and more enjoyable. Nowadays smartphones are probably the most typical instances of such systems. Another class of systems that is getting increasing attention are intelligent robots. Instead of offering a smartphone touch screen to select actions, these systems are intended to offer a more natural human-machine interface to their users. Out of the large range of actions performed by humans, gestures performed with the hands play a very important role especially when humans interact with their direct surrounding like, e.g., pointing to an object or manipulating it. Consequently, a robot has to understand such gestures to offer an intuitive interface. Gestural understanding is, therefore, a key capability on the way to intelligent robots. This book deals with vision-based approaches for gestural understanding. Over the past two decades, this has been an intensive field of research which has resulted in a variety of algorithms to analyze human hand motions. Following a categorization of different gesture types and a review of other sensing techniques, the design of vision systems that achieve hand gesture understanding for intelligent robots is analyzed. For each of the individual algorithmic steps – hand detection, hand tracking, and trajectory-based gesture recognition – a separate Chapter introduces common techniques and algorithms and provides example methods. The resulting recognition algorithms are considering gestures in isolation and are often not sufficient for interacting with a robot who can only understand such gestures when incorporating the context like, e.g., what object was pointed at or manipulated. Going beyond a purely trajectory-based gesture recognition by incorporating context is an important prerequisite to achieve gesture understanding and is addressed explicitly in a separate Chapter of this book. Two types of context, user-provided context and situational context, are reviewed and existing approaches to incorporate context for gestural understanding are reviewed. Example approaches for both context types provide a deeper algorithmic insight into this field of research. An overview of recent robots capable of gesture recognition and understanding summarizes the currently realized human-robot interaction quality. The approaches for gesture understanding covered in this book are manually designed while humans learn to recognize gestures automatically during growing up. Promising research targeted at analyzing developmental learning in children in order to mimic this capability in technical systems is highlighted in the last Chapter completing this book as this research direction may be highly influential for creating future gesture understanding systems

    Exploring Natural User Abstractions For Shared Perceptual Manipulator Task Modeling & Recovery

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    State-of-the-art domestic robot assistants are essentially autonomous mobile manipulators capable of exerting human-scale precision grasps. To maximize utility and economy, non-technical end-users would need to be nearly as efficient as trained roboticists in control and collaboration of manipulation task behaviors. However, it remains a significant challenge given that many WIMP-style tools require superficial proficiency in robotics, 3D graphics, and computer science for rapid task modeling and recovery. But research on robot-centric collaboration has garnered momentum in recent years; robots are now planning in partially observable environments that maintain geometries and semantic maps, presenting opportunities for non-experts to cooperatively control task behavior with autonomous-planning agents exploiting the knowledge. However, as autonomous systems are not immune to errors under perceptual difficulty, a human-in-the-loop is needed to bias autonomous-planning towards recovery conditions that resume the task and avoid similar errors. In this work, we explore interactive techniques allowing non-technical users to model task behaviors and perceive cooperatively with a service robot under robot-centric collaboration. We evaluate stylus and touch modalities that users can intuitively and effectively convey natural abstractions of high-level tasks, semantic revisions, and geometries about the world. Experiments are conducted with \u27pick-and-place\u27 tasks in an ideal \u27Blocks World\u27 environment using a Kinova JACO six degree-of-freedom manipulator. Possibilities for the architecture and interface are demonstrated with the following features; (1) Semantic \u27Object\u27 and \u27Location\u27 grounding that describe function and ambiguous geometries (2) Task specification with an unordered list of goal predicates, and (3) Guiding task recovery with implied scene geometries and trajectory via symmetry cues and configuration space abstraction. Empirical results from four user studies show our interface was much preferred than the control condition, demonstrating high learnability and ease-of-use that enable our non-technical participants to model complex tasks, provide effective recovery assistance, and teleoperative control