51 research outputs found

    Tableau-based protein substructure search using quadratic programming

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Searching for proteins that contain similar substructures is an important task in structural biology. The exact solution of most formulations of this problem, including a recently published method based on tableaux, is too slow for practical use in scanning a large database.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We developed an improved method for detecting substructural similarities in proteins using tableaux. Tableaux are compared efficiently by solving the quadratic program (QP) corresponding to the quadratic integer program (QIP) formulation of the extraction of maximally-similar tableaux. We compare the accuracy of the method in classifying protein folds with some existing techniques.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We find that including constraints based on the separation of secondary structure elements increases the accuracy of protein structure search using maximally-similar subtableau extraction, to a level where it has comparable or superior accuracy to existing techniques. We demonstrate that our implementation is able to search a structural database in a matter of hours on a standard PC.</p

    Fast and accurate protein substructure searching with simulated annealing and GPUs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Searching a database of protein structures for matches to a query structure, or occurrences of a structural motif, is an important task in structural biology and bioinformatics. While there are many existing methods for structural similarity searching, faster and more accurate approaches are still required, and few current methods are capable of substructure (motif) searching.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We developed an improved heuristic for tableau-based protein structure and substructure searching using simulated annealing, that is as fast or faster and comparable in accuracy, with some widely used existing methods. Furthermore, we created a parallel implementation on a modern graphics processing unit (GPU).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The GPU implementation achieves up to 34 times speedup over the CPU implementation of tableau-based structure search with simulated annealing, making it one of the fastest available methods. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of a GPU to the protein structural search problem.</p

    A fast indexing approach for protein structure comparison

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    BACKGROUND: Protein structure comparison is a fundamental task in structural biology. While the number of known protein structures has grown rapidly over the last decade, searching a large database of protein structures is still relatively slow using existing methods. There is a need for new techniques which can rapidly compare protein structures, whilst maintaining high matching accuracy. RESULTS: We have developed IR Tableau, a fast protein comparison algorithm, which leverages the tableau representation to compare protein tertiary structures. IR tableau compares tableaux using information retrieval style feature indexing techniques. Experimental analysis on the ASTRAL SCOP protein structural domain database demonstrates that IR Tableau achieves two orders of magnitude speedup over the search times of existing methods, while producing search results of comparable accuracy. CONCLUSION: We show that it is possible to obtain very significant speedups for the protein structure comparison problem, by employing an information retrieval style approach for indexing proteins. The comparison accuracy achieved is also strong, thus opening the way for large scale processing of very large protein structure databases

    Multiple graph regularized protein domain ranking

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    Background Protein domain ranking is a fundamental task in structural biology. Most protein domain ranking methods rely on the pairwise comparison of protein domains while neglecting the global manifold structure of the protein domain database. Recently, graph regularized ranking that exploits the global structure of the graph defined by the pairwise similarities has been proposed. However, the existing graph regularized ranking methods are very sensitive to the choice of the graph model and parameters, and this remains a difficult problem for most of the protein domain ranking methods. Results To tackle this problem, we have developed the Multiple Graph regularized Ranking algorithm, MultiG- Rank. Instead of using a single graph to regularize the ranking scores, MultiG-Rank approximates the intrinsic manifold of protein domain distribution by combining multiple initial graphs for the regularization. Graph weights are learned with ranking scores jointly and automatically, by alternately minimizing an ob- jective function in an iterative algorithm. Experimental results on a subset of the ASTRAL SCOP protein domain database demonstrate that MultiG-Rank achieves a better ranking performance than single graph regularized ranking methods and pairwise similarity based ranking methods. Conclusion The problem of graph model and parameter selection in graph regularized protein domain ranking can be solved effectively by combining multiple graphs. This aspect of generalization introduces a new frontier in applying multiple graphs to solving protein domain ranking applications.Comment: 21 page

    ProDis-ContSHC: learning protein dissimilarity measures and hierarchical context coherently for protein-protein comparison in protein database retrieval

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The need to retrieve or classify protein molecules using structure or sequence-based similarity measures underlies a wide range of biomedical applications. Traditional protein search methods rely on a pairwise dissimilarity/similarity measure for comparing a pair of proteins. This kind of pairwise measures suffer from the limitation of neglecting the distribution of other proteins and thus cannot satisfy the need for high accuracy of the retrieval systems. Recent work in the machine learning community has shown that exploiting the global structure of the database and learning the contextual dissimilarity/similarity measures can improve the retrieval performance significantly. However, most existing contextual dissimilarity/similarity learning algorithms work in an unsupervised manner, which does not utilize the information of the known class labels of proteins in the database.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we propose a novel protein-protein dissimilarity learning algorithm, ProDis-ContSHC. ProDis-ContSHC regularizes an existing dissimilarity measure <it>d<sub>ij </sub></it>by considering the contextual information of the proteins. The context of a protein is defined by its neighboring proteins. The basic idea is, for a pair of proteins (<it>i</it>, <it>j</it>), if their context <inline-formula><m:math xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" name="1471-2105-13-S7-S2-i1"><m:mi mathvariant="script">N</m:mi><m:mrow><m:mo class="MathClass-open">(</m:mo><m:mrow><m:mi>i</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mo class="MathClass-close">)</m:mo></m:mrow></m:math></inline-formula> and <inline-formula><m:math xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" name="1471-2105-13-S7-S2-i2"><m:mi mathvariant="script">N</m:mi><m:mrow><m:mo class="MathClass-open">(</m:mo><m:mrow><m:mi>j</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mo class="MathClass-close">)</m:mo></m:mrow></m:math></inline-formula> is similar to each other, the two proteins should also have a high similarity. We implement this idea by regularizing <it>d<sub>ij </sub></it>by a factor learned from the context <inline-formula><m:math xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" name="1471-2105-13-S7-S2-i3"><m:mi mathvariant="script">N</m:mi><m:mrow><m:mo class="MathClass-open">(</m:mo><m:mrow><m:mi>i</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mo class="MathClass-close">)</m:mo></m:mrow></m:math></inline-formula> and <inline-formula><m:math xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" name="1471-2105-13-S7-S2-i4"><m:mi mathvariant="script">N</m:mi><m:mrow><m:mo class="MathClass-open">(</m:mo><m:mrow><m:mi>j</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mo class="MathClass-close">)</m:mo></m:mrow></m:math></inline-formula>.</p> <p>Moreover, we divide the context to hierarchial sub-context and get the contextual dissimilarity vector for each protein pair. Using the class label information of the proteins, we select the relevant (a pair of proteins that has the same class labels) and irrelevant (with different labels) protein pairs, and train an SVM model to distinguish between their contextual dissimilarity vectors. The SVM model is further used to learn a supervised regularizing factor. Finally, with the new <b>S</b>upervised learned <b>Dis</b>similarity measure, we update the <b>Pro</b>tein <b>H</b>ierarchial <b>Cont</b>ext <b>C</b>oherently in an iterative algorithm--<b>ProDis-ContSHC</b>.</p> <p>We test the performance of ProDis-ContSHC on two benchmark sets, i.e., the ASTRAL 1.73 database and the FSSP/DALI database. Experimental results demonstrate that plugging our supervised contextual dissimilarity measures into the retrieval systems significantly outperforms the context-free dissimilarity/similarity measures and other unsupervised contextual dissimilarity measures that do not use the class label information.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Using the contextual proteins with their class labels in the database, we can improve the accuracy of the pairwise dissimilarity/similarity measures dramatically for the protein retrieval tasks. In this work, for the first time, we propose the idea of supervised contextual dissimilarity learning, resulting in the ProDis-ContSHC algorithm. Among different contextual dissimilarity learning approaches that can be used to compare a pair of proteins, ProDis-ContSHC provides the highest accuracy. Finally, ProDis-ContSHC compares favorably with other methods reported in the recent literature.</p

    Efficient Algorithms for Graph Optimization Problems

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    A doktori értekezés hatékony algoritmusokat mutat be gráfokon értelmezett nehéz kombinatorikus optimalizálási feladatok megoldására. A kutatás legfontosabb eredményét különböző megoldási módszerekhez kidolgozott javítások jelentik, amelyek magukban foglalnak új heurisztikákat, valamint gráfok és fák speciális reprezentációit is. Az elvégzett elemzések igazolták, hogy a szerző által adott leghatékonyabb algoritmusok az esetek többségében gyorsabbak, illetve jobb eredményeket adnak, mint más elérhető implementációk. A dolgozat első fele hét különböző algoritmust és számos hasznos javítást mutat be a minimális költségű folyam feladatra, amely a legtöbbet vizsgált és alkalmazott gráfoptimalizálási problémák egyike. Az implementációinkat egy átfogó tapasztalati elemzés keretében összehasonlítottuk nyolc másik megoldóprogrammal, köztük a leggyakrabban használt és legelismertebb implementációkkal. A hálózati szimplex algoritmusunk lényegesen hatékonyabbnak és robusztusabbnak bizonyult, mint a módszer más implementációi, továbbá a legtöbb tesztadaton ez az algoritmus a leggyorsabb. A bemutatott költségskálázó algoritmus szintén rendkívül hatékony; nagy méretű ritka gráfokon felülmúlja a hálózati szimplex implementációkat. Az értekezésben tárgyalt másik optimalizálási feladat a legnagyobb közös részgráf probléma. Ezt a feladatot kémiai alkalmazások szempontjából vizsgáltuk. Hatékony heurisztikákat dolgoztunk ki, amelyek jelentősen javítják két megoldási módszer pontosságát és sebességét, valamint kémiailag relevánsabb módon rendelik egymáshoz molekulagráfok atomjait és kötéseit. Az algoritmusainkat összehasonlítottuk két ismert megoldóprogrammal, amelyeknél lényegesen jobb eredményeket sikerült elérnünk. A kifejlesztett implementációk bekerültek a ChemAxon Kft. több szoftvertermékébe, melyek vezető nemzetközi gyógyszercégek használatában állnak. Ezen kívül az értekezés röviden bemutatja a LEMON nevű nyílt forrású C++ gráfoptimalizációs programkönyvtárat, amely magában foglalja a minimális költségű folyam feladatra adott algoritmusokat. Ezek az implementációk nagy mértékben hozzájárultak a programcsomag népszerűségének növekedéséhez

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    Graph compression using graph grammars

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    This thesis presents work done on compressed graph representations via hyperedge replacement grammars. It comprises two main parts. Firstly the RePair compression scheme, known for strings and trees, is generalized to graphs using graph grammars. Given an object, the scheme produces a small context-free grammar generating the object (called a “straight-line grammar”). The theoretical foundations of this generalization are presented, followed by a description of a prototype implementation. This implementation is then evaluated on real-world and synthetic graphs. The experiments show that several graphs can be compressed stronger by the new method, than by current state-of-the-art approaches. The second part considers algorithmic questions of straight-line graph grammars. Two algorithms are presented to traverse the graph represented by such a grammar. Both algorithms have advantages and disadvantages: the first one works with any grammar but its runtime per traversal step is dependent on the input grammar. The second algorithm only needs constant time per traversal step, but works for a restricted class of grammars and requires quadratic preprocessing time and space. Finally speed-up algorithms are considered. These are algorithms that can decide specific problems in time depending only on the size of the compressed representation, and might thus be faster than a traditional algorithm would on the decompressed structure. The idea of such algorithms is to reuse computation already done for the rules of the grammar. The possible speed-ups achieved this way is proportional to the compression ratio of the grammar. The main results here are a method to answer “regular path queries”, and to decide whether two grammars generate isomorphic trees