422 research outputs found

    Identification of copper metabolism as a KRAS-specific vulnerability in colorectal cancer

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    KRAS est parmi les gènes les plus fréquemment mutés dans les cancers humains, tel que ~ 45% des cancers colorectaux (CCR). Malgré les efforts déployés pour réduire son potentiel oncogénique, KRAS muté est fréquemment associé à la résistance aux médicaments et est extrêmement difficile à cibler sur le plan thérapeutique. Les protéines à la surface cellulaire sont souvent dérégulées dans les cancers et sont des cibles thérapeutiques attrayantes en raison de leur accessibilité aux anticorps. Nous avons séquençé les ARNm de cellules épithéliales intestinales exprimant KRAS muté et observé que ces dernières présentaient des changements importants dans les gènes codant pour des protéines de surface cellulaire. Par conséquent, notre objectif était d'identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques exprimées à la surface de cellules transformées par l’oncogène KRAS. En utilisant une approche de pointe en protéomique de surface cellulaire, nous avons identifié plusieurs protéines différentiellement exprimées dans les cellules avec KRAS muté par rapport à leurs homologues de type sauvage. Nous avons ensuite effectué un crible CRISPR/Cas9 basé sur les protéines de surface cellulaire, qui a révélé que la perte de la protéine Atp7a affectait de manière différentielle les cellules épithéliales intestinales, en fonction de leur statut KRAS. De façon intéressante, nous avons constaté que ATP7A était régulé à la hausse dans les cellules avec KRAS muté par rapport à leurs homologues de type sauvage. ATP7A a un double rôle dans les cellules; alors qu'il est essentiel pour la maturation des enzymes dépendantes du cuivre (Cu), ATP7A protège les cellules d'une toxicité excessive induite par le Cu (cuproptose). Chez l'homme, les mutations dans ATP7A entraînent des troubles caractérisés par des déficiences systémiques dans le transport et les niveaux de Cu. Chez les animaux et dans les modèles de culture cellulaire, tel que les cellules épithéliales intestinales, les niveaux intracellulaires de Cu sont directement corrélés avec l'abondance post-transcriptionnelle d'ATP7A. Dans le même ordre d'idées, nous avons observé que les cellules de CCR avec KRAS muté avaient relativement plus de Cu intracellulaire, et la surexpression d'ATP7A protégeait les cellules KRAS muté de la cuproptose, par rapport à leurs homologues de type sauvage. Nous avons également observé que la croissance in vivo des xénogreffes KRAS mutées était réduite lorsque les souris étaient nourries avec un régime pauvre en Cu. Le Cu est utilisé par plusieurs enzymes qui régulent des fonctions cellulaires critiques, notamment la respiration mitochondriale, la motilité cellulaire et la prolifération. Nous montrons que les cellules mutantes KRAS étaient plus sensibles au chélateur de Cu, ammonium tetrathiomolybdate (TTM), par rapport aux cellules de type sauvage. De plus, les cellules avec KRAS muté traitées avec le TTM ont présenté des activités réduites de MEK1/2 dépendant du Cu et de l'enzyme de la chaîne de transport d'électrons mitochondriale, cytochrome c oxidase (CCO). Nous avons été surpris de constater que le transporteur de Cu de haute affinité, CTR1, est régulé à la baisse dans les cellules avec KRAS muté, et avons donc émis l'hypothèse que les cellules KRAS mutées doivent absorber le Cu par d'autres moyens. Ainsi, nous avons constaté que la macropinocytose agit comme une voie non canonique d'approvisionnement en Cu dans les cellules avec KRAS muté. Le traitement de cellules in vivo avec l'inhibiteur de la macropinocytose, EIPA, a inhibé l'expression d'ATP7A et diminué le Cu biodisponible dans les xénogreffes KRAS mutées. En conclusion, nos résultats montrent que les cellules avec KRAS muté augmentent les niveaux de Cu et d'ATP7A pour soutenir la tumorigenèse en augmentant l'activité cuproenzymatique et diminuant la cuproptose. Cette étude est pertinente pour le cancer, car les tissus tumoraux contiennent fréquemment des niveaux de Cu plus élevés que les tissus normaux. Des études récentes ont mis en évidence un potentiel de repositionnement du chélateur de Cu TTM, qui est disponible en clinique et utilisé pour traiter les troubles du Cu. Nos résultats démontrent que la biodisponibilité du Cu pourrait être exploitée pour traiter le CCR avec KRAS muté avec de tels inhibiteurs. Les travaux futurs comprennent l'identification de stratégies combinatoires qui peuvent être améliorer les effets anti-cancéreux de la chélation du Cu.KRAS is amongst the most frequently mutated genes driving human cancers, including ~ 45% of colorectal cancers (CRC). Despite intense efforts to curb its oncogenic potential, mutant KRAS is frequently associated with drug resistance and is extremely challenging to target therapeutically. Cell-surface proteins are often spatially dysregulated in cancers and are attractive therapeutic targets due to their easy accessibility. We performed RNA sequencing of mutant KRAS-expressing intestinal epithelial cells and observed that cells undergoing transformation exhibited dramatic changes in cell surface-coding genes. Therefore, our goal was to identify novel druggable targets expressed at the cell surface of mutant KRAS-transformed cells. Using a cutting-edge cell surface proteomics approach, we identified several differentially expressed proteins at the surface of KRAS-mutant cells compared to wild-type counterparts. We then performed a cell surface based CRISPR/Cas9 screen, which revealed that loss of the copper exporter Atp7a differentially affected the fitness of intestinal epithelial cells, depending on their KRAS status. Interestingly, we found that ATP7A was upregulated in KRAS-mutant cells compared to wild-type counterparts. ATP7A has a dual role in cells; while it is essential for maturation of copper (Cu)-dependent enzymes, ATP7A protects cells from excess Cu-induced toxicity (cuproptosis). In humans, ATP7A mutations result in disorders characterized by systemic deficiencies in Cu transport and levels. In animals and in tissue culture models, including intestinal epithelial cells, intracellular Cu levels are directly correlated with the post-transcriptional abundance of ATP7A. In line with this, we observed that KRAS-mutant CRC cells and tissues had relatively more intracellular Cu, and ATP7A-overexpression protected KRAS-mutant cells from cuproptosis, compared to wild-type counterparts. We also observed that in vivo growth of KRAS-mutant xenografts was reduced when mice were fed a Cu-deficient diet. Cu is utilized by several enzymes that regulate critical cellular functions including mitochondrial respiration, cell motility and proliferation. We show that KRAS-mutant cells were more sensitive to the Cu chelating drug ammonium tetrathiomolybdate (TTM), compared to wild-type cells. Moreover, TTM-treated KRAS-mutant cells displayed reduced activities of Cu-dependent MEK1/2 and mitochondrial electron transport chain enzyme, cytochrome c oxidase (CCO). We were surprised to find that the high-affinity CTR1 importer is downregulated in KRAS-mutant cells, and so we hypothesized that KRAS cells must uptake Cu through alternate means. In accordance with this, we found that macropinocytosis acts as a non-canonical Cu-supply route in KRAS-mutant cells. In vivo, treating cells with the macropinocytosis inhibitor EIPA, inhibited the expression of ATP7A and decreased bioavailable Cu in KRAS xenografts. In conclusion, our results show that KRAS-mutant cells increase Cu and ATP7A levels, likely to support tumorigenesis by elevating cuproenzymatic activity and parallelly dealing with cuproptosis. This study is relevant to cancer as tumor tissues and patients contain higher Cu levels than normal controls. Recent studies have highlighted a potential for repurposing the clinically available copper chelator TTM, which is used to treat Cu disorders. Our results demonstrate that copper bioavailability could be exploited to treat KRAS-mutated CRC with such inhibitors. Future work includes identification of combinatorial strategies that may be synthetic lethal to copper chelation

    Results of the joint utilization of laser integrated experiments flown on payload GAS-449 aboard Columbia mission 61-C

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    The high peak power neodymium YAG laser and the HeNe laser aboard GAS-449 have demonstrated the survivability of the devices in the micro-gravity, cosmic radiation, thermal, and shock environment of space. Some pharmaceuticals and other materials flown in both the active and passive status have demonstrated reduction in volume and unusual spectroscopic changes. X-ray detectors have shown cosmic particle hits with accompanying destruction at their interaction points. Some scattering in the plates is in evidence. Some results of both active and passive experiments on board the GAS-449 payload are evaluated

    Implementation of Community-based Education to Promote Colorectal Cancer Knowledge and Screening Rates

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second-leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in Kentucky and in the US. Although early detection and diagnosis greatly affect survival rates, only about half (58.2%) of the US population participates in screening (Screening Rates, 2016). Two of the previously reported barriers with colorectal cancer screening are provider neglect to fully educate patients on the need for screening and patient compliance with screening recommendations. The purpose of this capstone project was to implement community-based CRC education and screening. Watson’s Human Caring Theory and Prochaska and DiClemente’s (1992) transtheoretical model to change behaviors and make informed decisions provided a framework for the project. Partnering with Baptist Health Madisonville, CRC educational sessions and free screening opportunities were provided for 193 City of Madisonville, Kentucky employees. CRC knowledge was assessed before and after the educational session with the Sanchez Knowledge Assessment Survey (Sanchez et al., 2913). A paired t-test indicated that mean CRC knowledge scores improved significantly following the educational sessions (t (181) = 35.289, p \u3c .0001). Over half of the participants (130/193) elected to take home a fecal immunochemical test (FIT) screening kits. The final analysis of screening results yielded 29 participants submitting their screening kits for evaluation; 8 have been positive for colon cancer indictors. All participants have been notified of their screening results; those with positive results have received referral recommendations. The community-based CRC project was effective in improving CRC knowledge and screening participation

    Post-paralysis tyrosine kinase inhibition with masitinib abrogates neuroinflammation and slows disease progression in inherited amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Background: In the SOD1G93A mutant rat model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), neuronal death and rapid paralysis progression are associated with the emergence of activated aberrant glial cells that proliferate in the degenerating spinal cord. Whether pharmacological downregulation of such aberrant glial cells will decrease motor neuron death and prolong survival is unknown. We hypothesized that proliferation of aberrant glial cells is dependent on kinase receptor activation, and therefore, the tyrosine kinase inhibitor masitinib (AB1010) could potentially control neuroinflammation in the rat model of ALS. Methods: The cellular effects of pharmacological inhibition of tyrosine kinases with masitinib were analyzed in cell cultures of microglia isolated from aged symptomatic SOD1G93A rats. To determine whether masitinib prevented the appearance of aberrant glial cells or modified post-paralysis survival, the drug was orally administered at 30 mg/kg/day starting after paralysis onset. Results: We found that masitinib selectively inhibited the tyrosine kinase receptor colony-stimulating factor 1R (CSF-1R) at nanomolar concentrations. In microglia cultures from symptomatic SOD1G93A spinal cords, masitinib prevented CSF-induced proliferation, cell migration, and the expression of inflammatory mediators. Oral administration of masitinib to SOD1G93A rats starting after paralysis onset decreased the number of aberrant glial cells, microgliosis, and motor neuron pathology in the degenerating spinal cord, relative to vehicle-treated rats. Masitinib treatment initiated 7 days after paralysis onset prolonged post-paralysis survival by 40 %. Conclusions: These data show that masitinib is capable of controlling microgliosis and the emergence/expansion of aberrant glial cells, thus providing a strong biological rationale for its use to control neuroinflammation in ALS. Remarkably, masitinib significantly prolonged survival when delivered after paralysis onset, an unprecedented effect in preclinical models of ALS, and therefore appears well-suited for treating ALS.Agencia Nacional de InvestigaciĂłn e InnovaciĂł
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