102 research outputs found

    Seakasvatustehnoloogiate ja tehnikakasutuse arvutipõhine optimeerimine

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    Väitekirja kirjanduse analüüsi osas on kirjeldatud seakasvatustehnoloogiaid, seakasvatusega kaasnevaid keskonnakaitse nõudeid, “parimat võimalikku tehnikat” (PVT) seakasvatuses ning on esitatud ülevaade seakasvatuses kasutavatest arvutiprogrammidest maailmas ja Eestis. Samuti on kirjeldatud sea- ja teraviljakasvatuse modelleerimise võimalusi. Töö eesmärgiks oli välja töötada meetodid erinevaid seakasvatustehnoloogiaid iseloomustavatele parameetritele optimaalsete väärtuste leidmiseks sea- ja teraviljakasvatusega tegelevas ettevõttes. Eesmärgist lähtuvalt koostati metoodikad ja vastavad arvutiprogrammi rakendused: 1) tööajakulude määramiseks erinevate seakasvatustehnoloogiate korral; 2) nii söödakultuuride kasvatamiseks kui ka toodetava sõnniku realiseerimiseks vajaliku haritava maa pindala määramiseks; 3) seakohtade arvu leidmiseks sõltuvalt tööpäeva kestusest tööde kõrgperioodil, arvestades sõnniku kasutamise piirangut. Uurimistöö uudsus seisnes metoodika ja vastava arvutiprogrammi rakenduse loomises, mille abil on võimalik leida ja sea- ja teraviljakasvatusega tegeleva ettevõtte optimaalne suurus teravilja erinevate saagikustasemete ja sigade pidamistehnoloogiate korral, sõltuvalt tööpäeva kestusest tööde tippkoormuse perioodil, arvestades ühtlasi sõnniku kasutamise piirangut Eestis kehtivatest keskkonnakaitse nõuetest lähtudes. Koostatud söödaratsioonide koostise ja söödavajaduse määramise metoodika on kasutusel Eestimaa Talupidajate Keskliidu nõuande- ja infosüsteemi “TALUTARK” komplekses seakasvatusprogrammis. See võimaldab leida sigade söödavajadusi võimalikult täpselt rahuldavad ja samas odavaimad söödaratsioonid, samuti söödavajaduse päevas, erinevatel nuumanädalatel ja aastas. Söödavajaduse prognoosimise metoodika võimaldab leida madalamate saagikuste korral seakasvatuses puudujääva ja kõrgemate saagikuste korral seakasvatusest ülejääva söödakoguse. Söödaratsioonide koostise määramise arvutiprogrammi rakenduse testimisel selgus, et söödaratsioonide koostis oli sarnane söödalisandeid pakkuvate firmade (Anu Ait, Feedline, Vitamex jne) söötmissoovitustes esitatud koostisele. Seda muidugi juhul kui söödaratsioonides kasutatakse vastavate firmade söödalisandeid. Sigade talitustööde ajakulu prognoosimisel regressioonivõrrandiga leitud tööajakulud on sarnaste tehnoloogiavariantide korral võrreldavad Eestis kogutud talitustööde ajakulu andmetega (Reppo ja Sada, 2000; Sada, 2003). Koostatud inimtöö vajaduse prognoosimismetoodika on rakendatud Eestimaa Talupidajate Keskliidu nõuande- ja infosüsteemi “TALUTARK” komplekses seakasvatusprogrammis. Autori poolt on koostatud metoodika ja vastav arvutiprogrammi rakendus MS Exceli keskkonnas, mille abil on võimalik leida teravilja- ja seakasvatusega tegeleva ettevõtte optimaalne suurus sõltuvalt tööpäeva kestusest tööde kõrgperioodil, arvestades ühtlasi sõnniku kasutamise piirangut. Arvutusi on võimalik teostada sigade erinevate pidamistehnoloogiate ja teravilja erinevate saagikustasemete korral. Arvutustulemustest selgus, et ühe töötajaga sea- ja teraviljakasvatusega tegelev ettevõte, kus toodetakse ka sigade põhisöödad, ei suuda masinaparki, mis baseerub 60 kW-sele traktorile, piisavalt koormata. Masinapargi paremaks koormamiseks peaks olema mitu töötajat. Mitme töötajaga ettevõtte töötajate tööaja taime- ja seakasvatuse vahel jaotumise võimalusi on palju. Mitme töötaja korral on võimalik ettevõtte masinapark piisavalt koormata, nt vahetustega töö kasutamisega jms. Arvutustulemustest selgus, et sigade söödakultuuride kasvupinna 50%-lise osakaalu korral külvikorras, piiras seakohtade arvu ettevõttes iga vaadeldud tootmisvariandi korral söödanappus. Suurendades söödakultuuride kasvupinna osakaalu kolmveerandini haritava maa pindalast, piiras saagi kuste 2000…3000 kg/ha korral seakohtade arvu samuti söödanappus. Saagikuse 3500…4500 kg/ha korral muutus seakohtade arvu piiravaks teguriks ettevõttes toodetav sõnniku kogus. Sea- ja teraviljakasvatusega tegeleva ettevõtte tootmisnäitajate prognoosimise metoodika võimaldab arvestada teraviljade külviperioodi kestuse, st ka masinapargi töökoormuse, mõju tootmistulemustele. Kasutades majandusnäitajate prognoosimiseks loodud metoodikat selgus, et sõltuvalt teravilja (teravilja hind 1,7 kr/kg) ja sealiha realiseerimishinna vahekorrast võib teravilja- ja seakasvatusega tegeleva ettevõtte kasum olla suurem (sealiha realiseerimishind 26 kr/kg, ostupõrsa hind 600 kr) või ka väiksem (sealiha realiseerimishind 21 kr/kg, ostupõrsa hind 400 kr) ainult teravilja kasvatamisega tegeleva ettevõtte kasumist. Mudeli testimisel OÜ Linnamäe Peekon tootmisandmetega selgus, et enamike vaadeldud tootmisnäitajate korral jäi erinevus mudeliga prognoositud ja tegelike tootmisnäitajate vahel 10% piiresse.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.� Suur erinevus (94%) oli mudeliga prognoositud vajaliku teravilja kasvupinna ja ettevõtte tegeliku haritava maa pindala vahel. See on seletatav sellega, et oma põldudel kasvatatav teravili moodustab ainult 23% sigadele söödaks vajalikust teraviljast ja ülejäänud 77% ostetakse juurde

    Faculty Publications & Presentations, 2006-2007

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    Lubetkin And The Tecton Group

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    While it is generally true that between 1932 and 1948 the work of Berthold Lubetkin and the Tecton architectural partnership was chained to the fate of progressive socialism in England, it can also be argued that this explanation overlooks those minor works of theirs which contradict the unbending theoretical framework of this movement, i.e., the framework of a progressive and providential etiology characterized by the notion of an overcoming and the concept of a recurring origin, ground, or foundation. In contrast to this explanation, this dissertation argues that the minor works of Lubetkin and Tecton exhibit a particular form of integrity and continuity distinguished by the weakening of these very same theoretical frameworks. The interpretation of a “weak theory” in these works is the subject of this dissertation, which argues that weakening creates a clearing for architectural invention. This dissertation asks three questions. First, how can the notion of a weak theory be visualized in the representation of architecture and the city? Second, how does the architect conceive his or her agency in the context of a weakened theoretical framework? And third, how might the characteristics of these works be the structure of interpretation rather than its result? This dissertation pursues these questions in three respective parts. Part One introduces these notions by way of a pair of drawings by Lubetkin. Part Two attends to the conception of the architect as a member of a group practice. Part Three proposes a topical approach to the domestic work of Lubetkin and Tecton, through the consideration of Lubetkin’s Whipsnade House and its associated Manifesto, which exemplify seven architectural topics: 1. distribution, 2. orientation, 3. proportion, 4. elevation, 5. structure, 6. enclosure, and 7. contrariety. These topics coordinate and connect Lubetkin’s unique position in the history of architectural theory to perennial questions in the discipline of architecture. Finally, Part Four concludes with a case study that argues that contraposition—or contrapposto—is the inheritance of this approach in the postwar period

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2009

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    This report summarizes the research activities of the Air Force Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management. It describes research interests and faculty expertise; lists student theses/dissertations; identifies research sponsors and contributions; and outlines the procedures for contacting the school. Included in the report are: faculty publications, conference presentations, consultations, and funded research projects. Research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electro-Optics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Systems and Engineering Management, Operational Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics and Engineering Physics

    An Assessment of United States Ethanol Policy

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    From 1978 on there have been a series of legislative acts that have placed substantial protectionist burdens on the American taxpayer to provide incentives, credits and mandates for the production and use of ethanol under the rationale of reducing U.S. dependence on foreign sources of oil while purporting to economically benefit the American economy and strengthening American security. While there has been much discussion about the economic benefits of ethanol policy, there is growing literature suggesting that in addition to being neither economically nor environmentally beneficial, ethanol policy may not be achieving its intended goals. Connection between political contributions, policy formation, and the actual outcomes of the enacted policies does not appear to have been addressed. Throughout the course of ethanol policy development the narrow interests of some stakeholders may have been met at the expense of others. Given the very large economic and social costs of ongoing ethanol subsidies and mandates an exploration of such a nexus would be illuminating and valuable. Hence the question of this research will be: Has the ethanol energy policy of the United States, as outlined in legislative actions, requiring subsidies and mandates from taxpayers, been reflective of a deliberative democratic process that after taking into account the input and influence of various competing viewpoints has resulted in a beneficial national policy? Consequently have the policy outcomes of the legislative stakeholders matched the stated intentions of those involved in the deliberative debate that enacted it or, where have those objectives not been met? Research that can increase understanding of how such an important policy may have failed can inform policy deliberation in such diverse areas as agriculture, national security and energy policy while illuminating how and why such public policy was made. Examination of a policy created and continuing which may have failed the most basic cost benefit analysis and does very little to enhance national energy security could demonstrate how a distortion of the legislative process resulted in outcomes that differ markedly from the stated intentions of those who enacted the policy

    Technological accidents and the concept of risk: the experience with blood screening technologies

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    Η διατριβή αυτή παρουσιάζει έρευνα για την εισαγωγή και χρήση τεχνολογιών γενετικού εντοπισμού ιών στον έλεγχο του αίματος στην αιμοδοσία. Οι τεχνολογίες μοριακής βιολογίας προωθήθηκαν ως εγγενώς ανώτερες από τις υπάρχουσες βιοχημικές, ορολογικές τεχνολογίες ελέγχου του αίματος. Η χρήση των τεχνολογιών ΝΑΤ, όπως έγιναν γνωστές οι τεχνολογίες πολλαπλασιασμού νουκλεϊκών οξέων, προχώρησε με στόχο την ενίσχυση της ασφάλειας του αίματος και την επιδίωξη της μηδενικής διακινδύνευσης από τη μετάδοση ιών. Τα πεδία που αποτέλεσαν βάση για τη μελέτη αυτή είναι η Ιστορία της Επιστήμης, της Τεχνολογίας και της Ιατρικής και το διεπιστημονικό πεδίο Σπουδές Επιστήμης και Τεχνολογίας (STS). Στη διατριβή παρουσιάζονται οι σχετικές αντιπαραθέσεις στην ιατρική κοινότητα για τη χρήση της ΝΑΤ στη διεθνή περίπτωση, αυτή των ΗΠΑ, και στην περίπτωση της Ελλάδας. Εξετάζονται τοποθετήσεις γιατρών, φορέων διαμόρφωσης πολιτικής καθώς και διαδικασίες κατασκευής της δημόσιας εικόνας μέσω του τύπου. Η ελληνική περίπτωση παρέχει μια λεπτομερή μελέτη που είναι σημαντική στην ανάδειξη των ζητημάτων που ανακύπτουν από τη διεθνή περίπτωση. Στην Ελλάδα η καθολική εφαρμογή της ΝΑΤ ήταν η ακριβότερη επένδυση του Υπουργείου Υγείας.This dissertation presents research on the introduction and use of genetic technologies in blood screening, in the field of blood-banking and transfusion medicine. These technologies, which were based on molecular (biology) diagnostics, were promoted as inherently superior to existing chemical-serological technologies of blood screening. The use of these technologies, based as they were on the nucleic acid amplification testing techniques (NAT), was advanced by its proponents as a way to reinforce blood safety, to actually reduce the risk involved down to zero. The medical debates that surrounded the introduction of NAT represent a central episode in the history of recent and emerging medicine. Taking advantage of approaches from the History of Science, Technology and Medicine and the interdisciplinary field of study Science, Technology, Society (STS), the dissertation covers the processes that led to the decision to undertake this investment in the United States, a paradigmatic international case, and in Greece, a paradigmatic national case. The international case offers the context required to introduce properly to the national case; in turn, this national case offers details that are critical to address the issues raised while studying the international context. In Greece the introduction of NAT was the single most expensive investment in the public health sector

    YOUMARES 9 - The Oceans: Our Research, Our Future

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    This open access book summarizes peer-reviewed articles and the abstracts of oral and poster presentations given during the YOUMARES 9 conference which took place in Oldenburg, Germany, in September 2018. The aims of this book are to summarize state-of-the-art knowledge in marine sciences and to inspire scientists of all career stages in the development of further research. These conferences are organized by and for young marine researchers. Qualified early-career researchers, who moderated topical sessions during the conference, contributed literature reviews on specific topics within their research field

    YOUMARES 9 - The Oceans: Our Research, Our Future

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    This open access book summarizes peer-reviewed articles and the abstracts of oral and poster presentations given during the YOUMARES 9 conference which took place in Oldenburg, Germany, in September 2018. The aims of this book are to summarize state-of-the-art knowledge in marine sciences and to inspire scientists of all career stages in the development of further research. These conferences are organized by and for young marine researchers. Qualified early-career researchers, who moderated topical sessions during the conference, contributed literature reviews on specific topics within their research field

    Nutrient recovery from bio-digestion waste: from field experimentation to model-based optimization

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    The increasing awareness of natural resource depletion, the increasing demand of nutrients and energy for food production, and the more and more stringent nutrient discharge and fertilization levels, have resulted in an increased attention for nutrient recovery from municipal and agricultural wastes. This PhD dissertation aims at stimulating the transition to a bio-based economy by providing (tools to develop) sustainable strategies for nutrient recovery from organic wastes following bio-energy production through anaerobic digestion (= bio-digestion waste). Particular attention is paid to the valorization of the recovered products as renewable substitutes for chemical fertilizers and/or as sustainable organo-mineral fertilizers in agriculture. Three complementary research phases were conducted: 1) technology inventory and product classification, 2) product value evaluation, 3) process modelling and optimization. In the first phase, a systematic technology review and product classification was performed. In phase 2, product characterizations and mass balance analyses at full-scale waste(water) resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) were executed. An economic and ecological evaluation of different bio-based fertilization scenarios was conducted and the most sustainable scenarios were selected for subsequent agronomic evaluation at field and greenhouse scale. In phase 3, a generic nutrient recovery model library was developed aiming at fertilizer quantity and quality as model outputs. Increased insights in unit process performance and interactions were obtained through global sensitivity analyses. The models were successfully used as a tool for treatment train configuration and optimization. Based on all acquired knowledge, a generic roadmap for setting up nutrient recovery strategies as function of fertilizer markets, legislations, and waste characterization was established. As such, the present dissertation further develops the concepts of maximally closing nutrient cycles in a cradle-to-cradle approach. The work reveals important evidence of the positive impact of recovered products on the economy, agronomy, and ecology of intensive plant production. Moreover, it provides the fundamental information and tools to facilitate the implementation and optimization of sustainable nutrient recovery strategies. All of this may open up new opportunities for sustainable and more bio-based economic growth and thus create a win-win situation for the environment, the society, and the economy in Belgium, Canada, and beyond