7 research outputs found

    Entity finding in a document collection using adaptive window sizes

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    Traditional search engines work by returning a list of documents in response to queries. However, such engines are often inadequate when the information need of the user involves entities. This issue has led to the development of entity-search, which unlike normal web search does not aim at returning documents but names of people, products, organisations, etc. Some of the most successful methods for identifying relevant entities were built around the idea of a proximity search. In this thesis, we present an adaptive, well-founded, general-purpose entity finding model. In contrast to the work of other researchers, where the size of the targeted part of the document (i.e., the window size) is fixed across the collection, our method uses a number of document features to calculate an adaptive window size for each document in the collection. We construct a new entity finding test collection called the ESSEX test collection for use in evaluating our method. This collection represents a university setting as the data was collected from the publicly accessible webpages of the University of Essex. We test our method on five different datasets including the W3C Dataset, CERC Dataset, UvT/TU Datasets, ESSEX dataset and the ClueWeb09 entity finding collection. Our method provides a considerable improvement over various baseline models on all of these datasets. We also find that the document features considered for the calculation of the window size have differing impacts on the performance of the search. These impacts depend on the structure of the documents and the document language. As users may have a variety of search requirements, we show that our method is adaptable to different applications, environments, types of named entities and document collections

    Evaluating Information Retrieval and Access Tasks

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    This open access book summarizes the first two decades of the NII Testbeds and Community for Information access Research (NTCIR). NTCIR is a series of evaluation forums run by a global team of researchers and hosted by the National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan. The book is unique in that it discusses not just what was done at NTCIR, but also how it was done and the impact it has achieved. For example, in some chapters the reader sees the early seeds of what eventually grew to be the search engines that provide access to content on the World Wide Web, today’s smartphones that can tailor what they show to the needs of their owners, and the smart speakers that enrich our lives at home and on the move. We also get glimpses into how new search engines can be built for mathematical formulae, or for the digital record of a lived human life. Key to the success of the NTCIR endeavor was early recognition that information access research is an empirical discipline and that evaluation therefore lay at the core of the enterprise. Evaluation is thus at the heart of each chapter in this book. They show, for example, how the recognition that some documents are more important than others has shaped thinking about evaluation design. The thirty-three contributors to this volume speak for the many hundreds of researchers from dozens of countries around the world who together shaped NTCIR as organizers and participants. This book is suitable for researchers, practitioners, and students—anyone who wants to learn about past and present evaluation efforts in information retrieval, information access, and natural language processing, as well as those who want to participate in an evaluation task or even to design and organize one

    Expert Finding in Disparate Environments

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    Providing knowledge workers with access to experts and communities-of-practice is central to expertise sharing, and crucial to effective organizational performance, adaptation, and even survival. However, in complex work environments, it is difficult to know who knows what across heterogeneous groups, disparate locations, and asynchronous work. As such, where expert finding has traditionally been a manual operation there is increasing interest in policy and technical infrastructure that makes work visible and supports automated tools for locating expertise. Expert finding, is a multidisciplinary problem that cross-cuts knowledge management, organizational analysis, and information retrieval. Recently, a number of expert finders have emerged; however, many tools are limited in that they are extensions of traditional information retrieval systems and exploit artifact information primarily. This thesis explores a new class of expert finders that use organizational context as a basis for assessing expertise and for conferring trust in the system. The hypothesis here is that expertise can be inferred through assessments of work behavior and work derivatives (e.g., artifacts). The Expert Locator, developed within a live organizational environment, is a model-based prototype that exploits organizational work context. The system associates expertise ratings with expert’s signaling behavior and is extensible so that signaling behavior from multiple activity space contexts can be fused into aggregate retrieval scores. Post-retrieval analysis supports evidence review and personal network browsing, aiding users in both detection and selection. During operational evaluation, the prototype generated high-precision searches across a range of topics, and was sensitive to organizational role; ranking true experts (i.e., authorities) higher than brokers providing referrals. Precision increased with the number of activity spaces used in the model, but varied across queries. The highest performing queries are characterized by high specificity terms, and low organizational diffusion amongst retrieved experts; essentially, the highest rated experts are situated within organizational niches

    Design problems in crowdsourcing: improving the quality of crowd-based data collection

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    Text, images, and other types of information objects can be described in many ways. Having detailed metadata and various people's interpretations of the object helps in providing better access and use. While collecting novel descriptions is challenging, crowdsourcing is presenting new opportunities to do so. Large-scale human contributions open the door to latent information, subjective judgments, and other encoding of data that is otherwise difficult to infer algorithmically. However, such contributions are also subject to variance from the inconsistencies of human interpretation. This dissertation studies the problem of variance in crowdsourcing and investigates how it can be controlled both through post-collection modeling and better collection-time design decisions. Crowd-contributed data is affected by many inconsistencies that differ from automated processes: differences in attention, interpretation, skill, and engagement. The types of tasks that we require of humans are also more inherently abstract and more difficult to agree on. Particularly, qualitative or judgment-based tasks may be subjective, affected by contributor opinions and tastes. Approaches to understanding contribution variance and improve data quality are studied in three spaces. First, post-collection modeling is pursued as a way of improving crowdsourced data quality, looking at whether factors including time, experience, and agreement with others provide indicators of contributions quality. Secondly, collection-time design problems are studied, comparing design manipulations for a controlled set of tasks. Since crowdsourcing is borne out of an interaction, not all crowdsourcing data corrections are posterior: it also matters how you collect that data. Finally, designing for subjective contexts is studied. Crowds are well-positioned to teach us about how information can be adapted to different person-specific needs, but treating subjective tasks similarly to other tasks results in unnecessary error. The primary contribution of this work is an understanding of crowd data quality improvements from non-adversarial perspectives: that is, focusing on sources of variance or errors beyond poor contributors. This includes findings that: 1. Collection interface design has a vital influence on the quality of collected data, and better guiding contributors can improve crowdsourced contribution quality without greatly raising the cost of collection nor impeding other quality control strategies. 2. Different interpretations of instructions threaten reliability and accuracy in crowdsourcing. This source of problems even affects trustworthy, attentive contributors. However, contributor quality can be inferred very early in an interaction for possible interventions. 3. Certain design choices improve the quality of contributions in tasks that call for them. Anchoring reduces contributor-specific error, training affirms or corrects contributors' understanding of the task, and performance feedback can motivate middling contributors to exercise more care. Particularly notable due to its simplicity, an intervention that forefronts instructions behind an explicitly dismissable window improves contribution quality greatly. 4. Paid crowdsourcing, often used for tasks with an assumed ground truth, can be also be applied in subjective contexts. It is promising for on-demand personalization contexts, such as recommendation without prior data for training. 5. Two approaches are found to improve the quality of tasks for subjective crowdsourcing. Matching contributors to a target person based on similarity is good for long-term interactions or for bootstrapping multi-target systems. Alternately, explicitly asking contributors to make sense of a target person and customize work for them is especially good for tasks with broad decision spaces and is more enjoyable to perform. The findings in this dissertation contribute to the crowdsourcing research space as well as providing practical improvements to crowd collection best practices