414 research outputs found

    UVM Based Verification Environment for USB 3.0 Physical layer and LTSSM of Link layer

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    USB 3.0 is the protocol used for connecting computers to electronic devices, which supports data transfer rate of 5 Gbit/s. The physical layer of USB 3.0 performs 8b/10b encoding-decoding, serialization-deserialization and scrambling-descrambling. Link Transition and Status State Machine(LTSSM) is used for managing its end of the physical connection between Transmitter and Receiver. Verification environment is a configurable structure built, which can be interfaced with the design and test sequences can be applied to the design through it. SystemVerilog(SV) with Universal Verification Methodology(UVM) is used widely for verification. Both Physical layer and LTSSM are verified using Verification Environment developed for them using SV-UVM. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15056

    Testbench qualification of SystemC TLM protocols through Mutation Analysis

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    Transaction-level modeling (TLM) has become the de-facto reference modeling style for system-level design and verification of embedded systems. It allows designers to implement high-level communication protocols for simulations up to 1000x faster than at register-transfer level (RTL). To guarantee interoperability between TLM IP suppliers and users, designers implement the TLM communication protocols by relying on a reference standard, such as the standard OSCI for SystemC TLM. Functional correctness of such protocols as well as their compliance to the reference TLM standard are usually verified through user-defined testbenches, which high-quality and completeness play a key role for an efficient TLM design and verification flow. This article presents a methodology to apply mutation analysis, a technique applied in literature for SW testing, for measuring the testbench quality in verifying TLM protocols. In particular, the methodology aims at (i) qualifying the testbenches by considering both the TLM protocol correctness and their compliance to a defined standard (i.e., OSCI TLM), (ii) optimizing the simulation time during mutation analysis by avoiding mutation redundancies, and (iii) driving the designers in the testbench improvement. Experimental results on benchmarks of different complexity and architectural characteristics are reported to analyze the methodology applicability

    RTL property abstraction for TLM assertion-based verification

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    Different techniques and commercial tools are at the state of the art to reuse existing RTL IP implementations to generate more abstract (i.e., TLM) IP models for system-level design. In contrast, reusing, at TLM, an assertion-based verification (ABV) environment originally developed for an RTL IP is still an open problem. The lack of an effective and efficient solution forces verification engineers to shoulder a time consuming and error-prone manual re-definition, at TLM, of existing assertion libraries. This paper is intended to fill in the gap by presenting a technique toautomatically abstract properties defined for RTL IPs with the aim of creating dynamic ABV environments for the corresponding TLM models

    A TLM-RTL Systemverilog-Based Verification Franework for OCP Design

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    Open Core Protocol (OCP) establishes itself as the only non-proprietary, openly licensed, core-centric protocol that is used to support “plug-and-play” SoC (System-On-Chip) design practices. Designer can reuse OCP-compliance IP cores based on system integration and verification approach in multiple designs without reworking, reducing the development time and cutting down overall design costs. In this thesis, we develop a reusable verification framework of OCP. Assertion-based verification was chosen in order to enforce the flow. An OCP SystemVerilog monitor which is developed in house is used to verify the OCP SystemC TL1 (Cycle-accurate Level) design. The monitor can also be reused for OCP designs described at different abstraction level and thus dramatically reduce the time needed for OCP functional verification. To increase the functional coverage of OCP models, Cell-based Genetic Algorithm (CGA) with random number generators based on different probability distribution functions is provided on OCP TL1 models for generating and evolving the OCP transactions. Furthermore, SystemC Verification Library (SCV) is employed as pure random number generator to compare with the proposed CGA. The experiments show that some probability distributions have more effect on the coverage than others. The best population of the CGA can be reused on OCP RTL models to reduce the verification time

    Hardware Certification for Real-time Safety-critical Systems: State of the Art

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    This paper discusses issues related to the RTCA document DO-254 Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware and its consequences for hardware certification. In particular, problems related to circuits’ compliance with DO-254 in avionics and other industries are considered. Extensive literature review of the subject is given, including current views on and experiences of chip manufacturers and EDA industry with qualification of hardware design tools, including formal approaches to hardware verification. Some results of the authors’ own study on tool qualification are presented

    Contract Testing for Reliable Embedded Systems

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    Embedded systems comprise diverse technologies complicating their design. By creating virtual prototypes of the target system, Electronic System Level Design, the early analysis of a system composed by electronics and software is possible. However, the concrete interaction between hardware modules and between hardware and software is left for late development stages and real prototype making. Generally, interaction between components is assumed to be correct. However, it has to be assumed on development implicitly because interaction between components is not considered in the functionality design. While single components are mostly thoroughly tested and guarantee certain reliability levels, their interaction is based on often underspecified interfaces. Although component usage is mostly specified, operational constraints are often left out. Finally, not only the interaction between components but also with the environment and the user are not ensured. Generally, only functional integration tests are executed and corner-cases are left out, leaving uncovered faults that only manifest as failures later when their cost is higher. Therefore, this work aims at component interaction through specification of interfaces, test generation and real-time test execution. The specification is based on the design-by-contract approach of software that specifies semantics of component interaction in addition to the syntactical definition through functions. In the first part of this work, a specification for the interaction between hardware modules is given. With the automatic real-time test execution, fulfillment of specified preconditions for correct component operation can be checked. In component-based design, the component is trusted and thus, its functionality is assumed to be correct when certain postconditions are specified. In a correct component assembly, component postconditions fulfill preconditions of other components resulting in an operational system. The specification of preconditions follows the definition of environmental properties, acceptable input sequences for interfacing pins, as well as acceptable signal parameters, such as voltage levels, slope times, delays and glitches. Postconditions are defined by the description of a functionality accompanying constraints, such as timing. These parameters are automatically determined on operation by a testing circuit. Parameters that violate the specification are signaled by the testing circuit and failure is detected. The chosen parameters can give hint of the reason for the failure being an evidence of a circuit fault. In the example of an Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) communication system, we define contracts and show comparisons between contract violation, fault categorization and failure occurrence under signal fault injection. To complete this work, support for fault analysis on the electronic system level design is given. For this, the data transfers between the high-level models used in the design are augmented with the defined contract parameters. With a specific interface, digital faults are generated for transactions with violating signal parameters that can be tracked by the system. This way, recovery mechanisms for synchronous communication are proposed and tested. In the second part, the interaction between hardware and software is tackled providing special methods for developing device drivers. For this, we do not only specify the interface between hardware and software but also map the hardware control elements to software, partially generating the software interface for a device. This is necessary because drivers handle devices with internal control elements like registers, data streams and interrupts that cannot be represented on software. This systematic composition of drivers facilitates the development of a device interface called the device mechanism. It is the lowest layer of a two-layer architecture for driver development. The device mechanism carries out the access to the device exporting a pure software interface. This interface is based on the device implementation being, thus, fully specified. Further data processing required for compliance with the operating system or application is carried out in the driver policy, the layer on top of it. With the definition of a software layer for device control, contracts specifying constraints of this interface are proposed. These contracts are based on implementation constraints of the device and on its dynamic behavior. Therefore, an extended finite state machine models the dynamic behavior of the device. Based on it, functions of the device mechanism can be augmented with preconditions on the state or on state machine variables. These conditions are then checked on runtime. After execution of a function, its postconditions are ensured, such as timing. This guarantees that different driver policies, operating systems or firmwares, use this same device mechanism fulfilling its constraints. On the example of a Philips webcam, we develop the complete driver for Linux based on our architecture, creating contracts for its device mechanism. Following the systematic composition and the contract approach, driver bugs are avoided that otherwise violate allowed values for device data and execution orders of device protocols

    Pre-validation of SoC via hardware and software co-simulation

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    Abstract. System-on-chips (SoCs) are complex entities consisting of multiple hardware and software components. This complexity presents challenges in their design, verification, and validation. Traditional verification processes often test hardware models in isolation until late in the development cycle. As a result, cooperation between hardware and software development is also limited, slowing down bug detection and fixing. This thesis aims to develop, implement, and evaluate a co-simulation-based pre-validation methodology to address these challenges. The approach allows for the early integration of hardware and software, serving as a natural intermediate step between traditional hardware model verification and full system validation. The co-simulation employs a QEMU CPU emulator linked to a register-transfer level (RTL) hardware model. This setup enables the execution of software components, such as device drivers, on the target instruction set architecture (ISA) alongside cycle-accurate RTL hardware models. The thesis focuses on two primary applications of co-simulation. Firstly, it allows software unit tests to be run in conjunction with hardware models, facilitating early communication between device drivers, low-level software, and hardware components. Secondly, it offers an environment for using software in functional hardware verification. A significant advantage of this approach is the early detection of integration errors. Software unit tests can be executed at the IP block level with actual hardware models, a task previously only possible with costly system-level prototypes. This enables earlier collaboration between software and hardware development teams and smoothens the transition to traditional system-level validation techniques.Järjestelmäpiirin esivalidointi laitteiston ja ohjelmiston yhteissimulaatiolla. Tiivistelmä. Järjestelmäpiirit (SoC) ovat monimutkaisia kokonaisuuksia, jotka koostuvat useista laitteisto- ja ohjelmistokomponenteista. Tämä monimutkaisuus asettaa haasteita niiden suunnittelulle, varmennukselle ja validoinnille. Perinteiset varmennusprosessit testaavat usein laitteistomalleja eristyksissä kehityssyklin loppuvaiheeseen saakka. Tämän myötä myös yhteistyö laitteisto- ja ohjelmistokehityksen välillä on vähäistä, mikä hidastaa virheiden tunnistamista ja korjausta. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on kehittää, toteuttaa ja arvioida laitteisto-ohjelmisto-yhteissimulointiin perustuva esivalidointimenetelmä näiden haasteiden ratkaisemiseksi. Menetelmä mahdollistaa laitteiston ja ohjelmiston varhaisen integroinnin, toimien luonnollisena välietappina perinteisen laitteistomallin varmennuksen ja koko järjestelmän validoinnin välillä. Yhteissimulointi käyttää QEMU suoritinemulaattoria, joka on yhdistetty rekisterinsiirtotason (RTL) laitteistomalliin. Tämä mahdollistaa ohjelmistokomponenttien, kuten laiteajureiden, suorittamisen kohdejärjestelmän käskysarja-arkkitehtuurilla (ISA) yhdessä kellosyklitarkkojen RTL laitteistomallien kanssa. Työ keskittyy kahteen yhteissimulaation pääsovellukseen. Ensinnäkin se mahdollistaa ohjelmiston yksikkötestien suorittamisen laitteistomallien kanssa, varmistaen kommunikaation laiteajurien, matalan tason ohjelmiston ja laitteistokomponenttien välillä. Toiseksi se tarjoaa ympäristön ohjelmiston käyttämiseen toiminnallisessa laitteiston varmennuksessa. Merkittävä etu tästä lähestymistavasta on integraatiovirheiden varhainen havaitseminen. Ohjelmiston yksikkötestejä voidaan suorittaa jo IP-lohkon tasolla oikeilla laitteistomalleilla, mikä on aiemmin ollut mahdollista vain kalliilla järjestelmätason prototyypeillä. Tämä mahdollistaa aikaisemman ohjelmisto- ja laitteistokehitystiimien välisen yhteistyön ja helpottaa siirtymistä perinteisiin järjestelmätason validointimenetelmiin