256,638 research outputs found


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    Radikal bebas diketahui dapat menyebabkan berbagai penyakit degeneratif. Zat penangkap radikal dalam tubuh yang dirasa kurang memberikan efek penangkap radikal mendorong para peneliti untuk mengeksplorasi antiradikal eksogen alami. Kulit kayu kluwih diketahui mengandung senyawa fenol dan flavonoid yang diduga dapat berperan sebagai penangkap radikal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etil asetat, fraksi-fraksi dari kulit kayu kluwih serta korelasinya dengan senyawa fenolik dan flavonoid totalnya. Ekstrak etil asetat kulit kayu kluwih difraksinasi secara partisi menghasilkan fraksi heksan, kloroform, etilasetat dan metanol air. Aktivitas penangkap radikal ditentukan dengan menggunakan pereaksi DPPH (1,1 difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil). Kandungan fenol total dilakukan dengan pereaksi Folin-Ciocalteu, sedangkan kadar flavonoid totalnya dapat ditentukan secara kolorimetri dengan reagen AlCl3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas paling tinggi pada fraksi etil asetat kulit kayu kluwih dengan nilai IC50 = 21,647 μg/mL. Aktivitas tersebut lebih lemah daripada vitamin E (IC50 vitamin E= 4,852 μg/mL). Nilai GAE fraksi etil asetat kulit kayu kluwih adalah 178,355 mg/g, sedangkan QE sebesar 84,928 mg/g sampel. Nilai korelasi (R2) antara kadar senyawa fenolik dan flavonoid total dengan aktivitas antioksidan dari kulit kayu kluwih, berturut-turut adalah 0,7643 dan 0,9474


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    Berbagai pilihan untuk mengatasi masalah karakter dan pembangunan karakter di semua elemen masyarakat telah diupayakan pemerintah beserta stakeholders. Seperti membuat peraturan, undang-undang, peningkatan upaya pelaksanaan dan penerapan hukum yang lebih kuat, dan sebagainya. Salah satu pilihan yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan karakter sudah banyak dibicarakan, salah satunya dengan pendidikan karakter. Pendidikan karakter dianggap sebagai upaya preventif untuk mengatasi permasalahan dekandensi moral bangsa ini. Proses pembelajaran yang baik dan tepat dianggap dapat menjadi sarana yang tepat untuk pengajaran karakter di sekolah, dan salah satunya melalui mata pelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. Banyak aspek pendidikan yang diperoleh melalui pengajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, misalnya aspek pendidikan moral, keagamaan, kebahasaan, dan sebagainya. Guru sebagai perancang pembelajaran di kelas, melalui silabus dan RPP yang dibuat dapat memasukkan cerita, puisi, atau gambar-gambar dengan pendekatan faktual, misalkan, cerita yang diangkat dalam pembelajaran adalah cerita atau kisah nyata tentang kebakaran hutan, banjir, tanah longsor dan sebagainya. Guru dapat mengajarkan cerita, kisah, atau teks-teks atau puisi-puisi yang terilhami dari kisah atau kejadian nyata tersebut dalam empat keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu bisa dijadikan media dalam pembelajaran menyimak, menulis, membaca, atau berbicara.. Pembelajaran yang berorientasi faktual dapat membimbing siswa terlatih bergaul dengan kenyataan konstekstual dengan lingkungan hidup siswa. Dengan demikian siswa mampu mendeteksi masalah-masalah nyata, mampu mendeteksi kesenjangannya, mampu memecahkan solusinya, mampu mengkonseptualisasikan makna dari kenyataan itu, dan dari sinilah maka siswa akan memperoleh kemampuan dan pengetahuan dari hasil kegiatannya sendiri. Kata Kunci: pendekatan faktual, pembelajaran, kepribadia

    Characterizing the virulence factor YapE in Yersinia pestis.

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    Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of bubonic plague and is primarily transmitted by fleas. Upon infection, the bacteria rapidly travel to the regional lymph nodes causing inflammation and cellulitis in these tissues (referred to as buboes). Two outer membrane proteins, YapE and Pla, have been implicated to have roles in dissemination to the lymph nodes. Their adhesive properties have shown that they are able to interact with host macrophages thereby increasing their ability to disseminate to regional lymph nodes. More recently, we have shown that YapE is cleaved by another virulence factor important for lymph node colonization, Pla, to become an active adhesin. To further understand the biology of YapE, I used a transposon mutagenesis screen to identify possible regulators. While the current approach did not identify novel regulators, I discuss potential modifications to screening conditions that may allow for increased success in future attempts. I also investigated the role that Pla may play in the activation or degradation of other outer membrane proteins. 2-DIGE analysis identified 76 Y. pestis proteins that may be processed by Pla and I confirmed Pla-dependent degradation on HmsF at 37°C. To further investigate the role outer membrane proteins may play in intracellular survival, I infected macrophages with Y. pestis strains lacking pla, yapE, ail or ompA. Before performing these intracellular assays, I developed an optimized gentamicin protection assay to monitor intracellular growth of Y. pestis. To this end, I determined that the concentration of gentamicin used for Y. pestis should not exceed 8 µg/ml for 1 hour. Using this assay, I verified that OmpA was required for Y. pestis intracellular survival in macrophages. While Y. pestis lacking Pla or YapE had minor defects in intracellular growth, an ail mutant showed no phenotype difference compared to WT. Future studies with mutants lacking multiple adhesins will help to define the potential contributions of these proteins to intracellular survival

    The Effects of Total Intravenous Versus Inhalational Anesthesia on Fluid Balance for Patients Undergoing Pancreaticoduodenectomy

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    Introduction: Pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD), the most common surgical treatment for pancreatic cancer, is a complex procedure with a morbidity of 45-60%. Recent studies indicate that intraoperative use of total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) may reduce post-operative complications for PD patients, when compared to inhalational anesthesia (INHA). We hypothesized that patients who receive TIVA may have a more favorable fluid balance, which is known to reduce postoperative complications in PD patients. Methods: We carried out a retrospective analysis of patients who underwent PD at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and were administered TIVA or INHA during surgery between April 2017 and January 2019. We analyzed intraoperative net fluid balance, complication rates, length of stay (LOS), and readmission rates. Statistical significance was determined using Fisher’s exact test or t-test as appropriate. Results: In the study period we found 50 patients who underwent PD (34 TIVA, 16 INHA). Intraoperative net fluid balance was not significantly different (ns) between groups (TIVA=4127mL, INHA=3458.5mL). Complication rates (TIVA=52.9%, INHA=56.3%, ns) and median LOS (TIVA=5.5, INHA=6.0, ns) were comparable between groups. Readmission rates were similar (TIVA=44.1%, INHA=37.5%, ns). Discussion: In the study comparing TIVA to INHA we found no differences in fluid balance, complication rates, LOS, or readmission rates. Given the ease of using an alternative surgical anesthetic, determining whether PD patients who receive TIVA have reduced morbidity, as compared to INHA, is an important potential avenue to improve patient outcomes. While we did not find significant differences, we were limited by a small sample size at the time of analysis

    Handling of IPR Violations at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sumatra

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    Indonesia is the country with the largest population in the world. Of course, there are many cases and violations that occur, one of which is related to intellectual property, where everyone who creates a work certainly has the right to his work if it is registered. However, until now there are still many intellectual property owners who forget or even do not register their work. This is a major factor in the occurrence of intellectual property violations in Indonesia, especially due to the lack of understanding of the importance of registering intellectual property. This is what then attracts the author's attention to be able to examine and learn more about how the handling of IPR violations within the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sumatra. This research uses normative-empirical research methods using two approaches, namely the statute approach and the case approach. The conclusion obtained is that the law enforcement efforts carried out by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sumatra are by conducting cooperation activities in the form of seminars, socialisation, and visits to every region in North Sumatra, in order to provide guarantees of legal certainty for owners of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and provide supervision of potential intellectual property violations in each region of North Sumatra

    Effect of Depth of Total Intravenous General Anesthesia on Intraoperative Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potentials in Cochlear Implantation Surgery.

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    PURPOSE: This study aims to compare the effect of the depth of total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) on intraoperative electrically evoked compound action potential (e-ECAP) thresholds in cochlear implant operations. METHODS: Prospectively, a total of 39 patients aged between 1 and 48 years who were scheduled to undergo cochlear implantation surgeries were enrolled in this study. Every patient received both light and deep TIVA during the cochlear implant surgery. The e-ECAP thresholds were obtained during the light and deep TIVA. RESULTS: After comparing the e-ECAP means for each electrode (lead) between the light and deep anesthesia, no significant differences were detected between the light and deep anesthesia. CONCLUSION: The depth of TIVA may have no significant influence on the e-ECAP thresholds as there was no statistical difference between the light and deep anesthesia

    Cost-Effectiveness of Propofol (Diprivan) Versus Inhalational Anesthetics to Maintain General Anesthesia in Noncardiac Surgery in the United States.

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    Abstract Objectives It is not known whether using propofol total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) to reduce incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is cost-effective. We assessed the economic impact of propofol TIVA versus inhalational anesthesia in adult patients for ambulatory and inpatient procedures relevant to the US healthcare system. Methods Two models simulate individual patient pathways through inpatient and ambulatory surgery with propofol TIVA or inhalational anesthesia with economic inputs from studies on adult surgical US patients. Efficacy inputs were obtained from a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Probabilistic and deterministic sensitivity analyses assessed the robustness of the model estimates. Results Lower PONV rate, shorter stay in the post-anesthesia care unit, and reduced need for rescue antiemetics offset the higher costs for anesthetics, analgesics, and muscle relaxants with propofol TIVA and reduced cost by 11.41 ± 10.73 USD per patient in the inpatient model and 11.25 ± 9.81 USD in the ambulatory patient model. Sensitivity analyses demonstrated strong robustness of the results. Conclusions Maintenance of general anesthesia with propofol was cost-saving compared to inhalational anesthesia in both inpatient and ambulatory surgical settings in the United States. These economic results support current guideline recommendations, which endorse propofol TIVA to reduce PONV risk and enhance postoperative recovery

    Dynamics of cognitive function in older patients after intravenous anestesia

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    To define the effect of various drugs for total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) on cognitive function (CF) in older patients

    The Role of Financial Technology in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Financial Innovation and Social Change

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    Background – The application of technology is a challenge for MSME to survive in the current era. The main fuction of using technology is to make it easier for evryone to make transactions. Rapid technology development can change the industry as financial technologhy (fintech). With the presence of fintech in the economic enviroment, it can provide new knowledge regarding financial literacy. Objectives – This research aims to analyze the role of financial techonology to micro, small, medium enterprises in financial literacy in the Kebomas Subdistrict, Gresik. Design/ Methodology/ Approach – This qualitatif is with research of checking the validity of the data uses the member check Findings - The results The result of this research found that micro, small, medium enterprises (MSMEs) get convenience in saving activities, save time in saving, and security through digital payment applications. MSMEs also make it easier to manage finances to find out business benefits and can develop their business. Research Implications – This research can be used as a MSME to advance business in the 4.0. Research Limitations - Research conducted by MSME who have not used digital payments bacause many MSME are unable to keep up with modern times