19 research outputs found

    Contribution to Proving Absolute QoS in OBS Networks

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    This Final Master Project introduces a new strategy to provide QoS in IP/OBS networks, using routing with prioritization based on statistics, named RPBS. A new method is provided and subsequently validated. This proposal uses the feedback scheme in optical networks to provide statistical knowledge with the objective of finding a suitable route to reach each destination from a specific source node, with more chance of success. This yields a twofold outcome. First, the losses can be reduced in a big number due to statistics. Second, the delays are also reduced compared with other methods based on feedback scheme. These two improvements allow better QoS provision, supporting class differentiation and more efficient resources utilization. The benefits of this proposal are quantified and further compared against existent alternatives by simulations

    The NASA SBIR product catalog

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    The purpose of this catalog is to assist small business firms in making the community aware of products emerging from their efforts in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. It contains descriptions of some products that have advanced into Phase 3 and others that are identified as prospective products. Both lists of products in this catalog are based on information supplied by NASA SBIR contractors in responding to an invitation to be represented in this document. Generally, all products suggested by the small firms were included in order to meet the goals of information exchange for SBIR results. Of the 444 SBIR contractors NASA queried, 137 provided information on 219 products. The catalog presents the product information in the technology areas listed in the table of contents. Within each area, the products are listed in alphabetical order by product name and are given identifying numbers. Also included is an alphabetical listing of the companies that have products described. This listing cross-references the product list and provides information on the business activity of each firm. In addition, there are three indexes: one a list of firms by states, one that lists the products according to NASA Centers that managed the SBIR projects, and one that lists the products by the relevant Technical Topics utilized in NASA's annual program solicitation under which each SBIR project was selected

    Contribution to Proving Absolute QoS in OBS Networks

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    This Final Master Project introduces a new strategy to provide QoS in IP/OBS networks, using routing with prioritization based on statistics, named RPBS. A new method is provided and subsequently validated. This proposal uses the feedback scheme in optical networks to provide statistical knowledge with the objective of finding a suitable route to reach each destination from a specific source node, with more chance of success. This yields a twofold outcome. First, the losses can be reduced in a big number due to statistics. Second, the delays are also reduced compared with other methods based on feedback scheme. These two improvements allow better QoS provision, supporting class differentiation and more efficient resources utilization. The benefits of this proposal are quantified and further compared against existent alternatives by simulations

    Rendimiento de TCP y C谩lculo de Rutas en Redes de Conmutaci贸n 脫ptica de R谩fagas

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    La tecnolog铆a de conmutaci贸n 贸ptica de r谩fagas (Optical Burst Switching, OBS) es una alternativa prometedora para la pr贸xima generaci贸n de redes 贸pticas. Esta tesis estudia el comportamiento de flujos de datos que empleen el protocolo de transporte TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) sobre una red basada en la mencionada tecnolog铆a OBS. As铆, la tesis estudia el impacto del asentimiento retardado en OBS, propone un modelo te贸rico que captura el funcionamiento de TCP sobre OBS con m煤ltiples flujos y estudia el efecto de la sincronizaci贸n de flujos TCP en una red OBS. Adem谩s, la tesis propone una t茅cnica de encaminamiento adaptativa y multicamino para OBS, y dise帽a e implementa un elemento de c谩lculo de rutas basado en PCE (Path Computation Element) para redes de conmutaci贸n de r谩fagas OBS con encaminamiento por longitud de onda, conocidas como WR-OBS (Wavelength-Routed OBS).Departamento de Teor铆a de la Se帽al y Comunicaciones e Ingenier铆a Telem谩tic

    Estudio y evaluaci贸n del desempe帽o de TCP sobre redes de conmutaci贸n 贸ptica de r谩fagas (OBS, Optical burst switching) mediante un prototipo basado en simulaci贸n

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    El entorno din谩mico en el cual el tr谩fico de datos es el principal protagonista, ha conducido a un crecimiento sustancial en la demanda de ancho de banda en los 煤ltimos a帽os, y el paso del dominio de la voz al dominio de los datos hace que el costo de red de las tecnolog铆as actuales, no soporten el crecimiento esperado de forma rentable, por lo tanto, es evidente una evoluci贸n de las redes de datos que permita satisfacer, al costo beneficio deseado, las necesidades actuales y futuras de los usuarios que cada d铆a requieren mayores capacidades y esperan un menor precio. Es as铆 que, el reto principal que deben afrontar los operadores de telecomunicaciones se centra en un aumento acelerado de las capacidades a transportar sobre sus redes y un crecimiento moderado de sus ingresos; tal escenario implica obviamente, cambios tecnol贸gicos para proveer una plataforma de red multi-servicios que permita la adaptaci贸n de distintos formatos de datos, el soporte de altas tasas de transmisi贸n, y una provisi贸n flexible de anchos de banda, que se consideran factores clave para el Internet de pr贸xima generaci贸n. Ante esta realidad, la tecnolog铆a 贸ptica ha permitido a trav茅s del desarrollo de DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) incrementar significativamente el ancho de banda de las trasmisiones por fibra 贸ptica alcanzando velocidades de hasta decenas de Terabits/seg en el nivel de transporte; sin embargo la conmutaci贸n de paquetes utilizada en Internet por los equipos de internetworking, efect煤an su procesamiento de forma electr贸nica (donde es necesaria la conversi贸n opto-el茅ctrica y electro-贸ptica), lo cual constituye un cuello de botella con relaci贸n a las altas velocidades de transmisi贸n alcanzadas en el nivel 贸ptico, en especial con DWDM que sigue en desarrollo con tendencia a alcanzar cada vez mayores velocidades al multiplexar m谩s canales por hilo de fibra 贸ptica; esta tecnolog铆a se puede considerar como la base para el transporte de informaci贸n que se encuentra en su etapa de evoluci贸n hacia las denominadas redes todo 贸pticas, dando lugar a la aparici贸n de t茅cnicas de conmutaci贸n 贸ptica como: conmutaci贸n 贸ptica de circuitos (OCS, Optical Circuit Switching), conmutaci贸n 贸ptica de paquetes (OPS, Optical Packet Switching) y conmutaci贸n 贸ptica de r谩fagas (OBS, Optical Burst Switching). La tecnolog铆a OBS se considera una t茅cnica de conmutaci贸n 贸ptica de tercera generaci贸n dentro de la escala evolutiva del networking 贸ptico, visualizada como un paradigma prometedor para el Internet 脫ptico de nueva generaci贸n, que podr铆a ser adoptado para el transporte de informaci贸n en el nivel de core, con el fin de minimizar el procesamiento electr贸nico para superar el cuello de botella de los enrutadores actuales, y a su vez enrutar y conmutar a nivel completamente 贸ptico grandes vol煤menes de informaci贸n ensamblados en r谩fagas. Esta tecnolog铆a se encuentra actualmente en estado de desarrollo e investigaci贸n y al respecto se han efectuado una serie de estudios que han conducido a la definici贸n de modelos matem谩ticos, esquemas de se帽alizaci贸n, algoritmos de planificaci贸n y t茅cnicas de resoluci贸n de contenciones validados mediante simulaciones por computador, con el fin de evaluar el desempe帽o de este tipo de redes y su adaptabilidad al tr谩fico con naturaleza a r谩fagas de Internet, encontr谩ndose resultados interesantes as铆 como tambi茅n ciertas restricciones especialmente en cuanto al tema de contenciones, debido a la limitaci贸n del buffering 贸ptico propio de la inmadurez de la tecnolog铆a fot贸nica actual. Por otro lado, varios estudios han mostrado que aproximadamente el 90% de las aplicaciones en Internet utilizan TCP, por lo cual se lo puede considerar como, el mayor referente del volumen de tr谩fico que cursa a trav茅s del Internet y que se prev茅 continuar谩 siendo el protocolo de transporte dominante. Por lo tanto, se considera importante evaluar su desempe帽o en redes que puedan emplear a futuro la tecnolog铆a de conmutaci贸n 贸ptica de r谩fagas, donde a simple vista es necesario evaluar el impacto de la agregaci贸n de paquetes en r谩fagas y el efecto de la limitaci贸n de almacenamiento temporal (buffering) 贸ptico en los nodos de core, sobre el desempe帽o de TCP, ya que actualmente no existe un equivalente 贸ptico a la memoria RAM electr贸nica, indispensable para la conmutaci贸n de paquetes utilizada en las redes de datos existentes. En este contexto, se eval煤a el desempe帽o del protocolo TCP sobre un modelo de red OBS mediante el simulador de redes ns-2 (network simulator 2), utilizando las variantes m谩s comunes basadas en p茅rdidas de este protocolo, tales como TCP Reno, Newreno y SACK; y se contrastan los resultados con los modelos anal铆ticos basados en los procesos regenerativos y teor铆a de renovaci贸n de Markov, propuestos en la litertura. La realizaci贸n de este proyecto de tesis se justifica t茅cnicamente porque pretende efectuar un estudio moderado de la tecnolog铆a OBS para redes 贸pticas de nueva generaci贸n que se encuentran en desarrollo e investigaci贸n, complementado el fundamento te贸rico con un componente pr谩ctico que consiste en la implementaci贸n de un prototipo basado en simulaci贸n, que permitir谩 ampliar la comprensi贸n de esta tecnolog铆a y modelar un determinado sistema a fin de obtener una aproximaci贸n lo m谩s cercana a la realidad

    LHCb distributed data analysis on the computing grid

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    LHCb is one of the four Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments based at CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research. The LHC experiments will start taking an unprecedented amount of data when they come online in 2007. Since no single institute has the compute resources to handle this data, resources must be pooled to form the Grid. Where the Internet has made it possible to share information stored on computers across the world, Grid computing aims to provide access to computing power and storage capacity on geographically distributed systems. LHCb software applications must work seamlessly on the Grid allowing users to efficiently access distributed compute resources. It is essential to the success of the LHCb experiment that physicists can access data from the detector, stored in many heterogeneous systems, to perform distributed data analysis. This thesis describes the work performed to enable distributed data analysis for the LHCb experiment on the LHC Computing Grid

    Performance analysis of a proposed hybrid optical network

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    This dissertation discusses a novel Hybrid Optical Network (HON) that can provide service differentiation based on traffic characteristics (i.e., packet, burst, and long-lived flow) with QoS guarantee not only in network layer, but also in physical layer. The DHON consists of sophisticated edge-nodes, which can classify, monitor, and dynamically adjust optical channels in the core layer as traffic variation. The edge nodes aggregate traffic, identifying end-to-end delay by ingress queuing delay or burst timeout. The network can estimate number of channels by arriving traffic intensity and distribution with estimated upper-bound delay. The core layer employs two parallel optical switches (OCS, OBS) in the same platform. Thanks to the overflow system, the proposed network enhances utilization with fewer long distance premium channels. The premium channel can quickly handle burst traffic without new channel assignment. With less overprovisioning capacity design, the premium channel enhances utilization and decrease number of costly premium channels. This research also proposes mathematic models to represent particular DHON channels (i.e., circuit, packet, and burst). We employ method of moments based on overflow theory to forecast irregular traffic pattern from circuit-based channel (i.e., M/M/c/c) to overflow channel, in which G/G/1 model based on Ph/Ph/1 matrix can represent the overflow channel. Moreover, secondary channel supports packet-based traffic over wavelength channel with two service classes: Class I based on delay sensitive traffic (i.e., long flow) and Class II for non-delay sensitive traffic (e.g., best effort). In addition, mixture of traffic in the wavelength channels is investigated based on M/G/1 and M/G/2 with specific service time distribution for particular class. Finally, we show our DHON based on (O-O-O) switching paradigm has improved the performance over typical (O-E-O) switching network architecture based on NSF topology