1,158 research outputs found

    T2* - personalized trip planner

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    In this research work we describe the framework for a Personalized Trip Planner identify as T2* (Travel to Anywhere) towards a digital concierge in everyone`s pocket by a tailor made aggregation of features and services. The mission is to empower key stakeholders in the travel and tourism industry (Travelers, Concierges, and Service Providers) to develop seamless travel experiences. This work is integrated with the MASAI H2020 project with the goal to serve in all stages of the travel process, including changes in travel-ers’ mobility patterns, associated local travel, long-distance travel, and busi-ness as well as to be used for leisure purposes. A personalized travel advice is produced based on the user’ profile created based on the user’ Facebook information extracted through a semantic approach. The quality of the ser-vice provided is measured and high-level service is promoted by an imple-mented reputation service.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Supporting adaptive tour with high level petri nets

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    One of the issues for tour planning applications is to adaptively provide personalized advices for different types of tourists and tour activities. This paper proposes a high level Petri Nets based approach to providing some level of adaptation by implementing adaptive navigation in a tour node space. The new model supports dynamic reordering or removal of tour nodes along a tour path; it supports multiple travel modes and incorporates multimodality within its tour planning logic to derive adaptive tour. Examples are given to demonstrate how to realize adaptive interfaces and personalization. Future directions are also discussed at the end of this paper

    Human-AI complex task planning

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    The process of complex task planning is ubiquitous and arises in a variety of compelling applications. A few leading examples include designing a personalized course plan or trip plan, designing music playlists/work sessions in web applications, or even planning routes of naval assets to collaboratively discover an unknown destination. For all of these aforementioned applications, creating a plan requires satisfying a basic construct, i.e., composing a sequence of sub-tasks (or items) that optimizes several criteria and satisfies constraints. For instance, in course planning, sub-tasks or items are core and elective courses, and degree requirements capture their complex dependencies as constraints. In trip planning, sub-tasks are points of interest (POIs) and constraints represent time and monetary budget, or user-specified requirements. Needless to say, task plans are to be individualized and designed considering uncertainty. When done manually, the process is human-intensive and tedious, and unlikely to scale. The goal of this dissertation is to present computational frameworks that synthesize the capabilities of human and AI algorithms to enable task planning at scale while satisfying multiple objectives and complex constraints. This dissertation makes significant contributions in four main areas, (i) proposing novel models, (ii) designing principled scalable algorithms, (iii) conducting rigorous experimental analysis, and (iv) deploying designed solutions in the real-world. A suite of constrained and multi-objective optimization problems has been formalized, with a focus on their applicability across diverse domains. From an algorithmic perspective, the dissertation proposes principled algorithms with theoretical guarantees adapted from discrete optimization techniques, as well as Reinforcement Learning based solutions. The memory and computational efficiency of these algorithms have been studied, and optimization opportunities have been proposed. The designed solutions are extensively evaluated on various large-scale real-world and synthetic datasets and compared against multiple baseline solutions after appropriate adaptation. This dissertation also presents user study results involving human subjects to validate the effectiveness of the proposed models. Lastly, a notable outcome of this dissertation is the deployment of one of the developed solutions at the Naval Postgraduate School. This deployment enables simultaneous route planning for multiple assets that are robust to uncertainty under multiple contexts

    Artificial Intelligence based multi-agent control system

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    Le metodologie di Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) si occupano della possibilità di rendere le macchine in grado di compiere azioni intelligenti con lo scopo di aiutare l’essere umano; quindi è possibile affermare che l’Intelligenza Artificiale consente di portare all’interno delle macchine, caratteristiche tipiche considerate come caratteristiche umane. Nello spazio dell’Intelligenza Artificiale ci sono molti compiti che potrebbero essere richiesti alla macchina come la percezione dell’ambiente, la percezione visiva, decisioni complesse. La recente evoluzione in questo campo ha prodotto notevoli scoperte, princi- palmente in sistemi ingegneristici come sistemi multi-agente, sistemi in rete, impianti, sistemi veicolari, sistemi sanitari; infatti una parte dei suddetti sistemi di ingegneria è presente in questa tesi di dottorato. Lo scopo principale di questo lavoro è presentare le mie recenti attività di ricerca nel campo di sistemi complessi che portano le metodologie di intelligenza artifi- ciale ad essere applicati in diversi ambienti, come nelle reti di telecomunicazione, nei sistemi di trasporto e nei sistemi sanitari per la Medicina Personalizzata. Gli approcci progettati e sviluppati nel campo delle reti di telecomunicazione sono presentati nel Capitolo 2, dove un algoritmo di Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning è stato progettato per implementare un approccio model-free al fine di controllare e aumentare il livello di soddisfazione degli utenti; le attività di ricerca nel campo dei sistemi di trasporto sono presentate alla fine del capitolo 2 e nel capitolo 3, in cui i due approcci riguardanti un algoritmo di Reinforcement Learning e un algoritmo di Deep Learning sono stati progettati e sviluppati per far fronte a soluzioni di viaggio personalizzate e all’identificazione automatica dei mezzi trasporto; le ricerche svolte nel campo della Medicina Personalizzata sono state presentate nel Capitolo 4 dove è stato presentato un approccio basato sul controllo Deep Learning e Model Predictive Control per affrontare il problema del controllo dei fattori biologici nei pazienti diabetici.Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a science that deals with the problem of having machines perform intelligent, complex, actions with the aim of helping the human being. It is then possible to assert that Artificial Intelligence permits to bring into machines, typical characteristics and abilities that were once limited to human intervention. In the field of AI there are several tasks that ideally could be delegated to machines, such as environment aware perception, visual perception and complex decisions in the various field. The recent research trends in this field have produced remarkable upgrades mainly on complex engineering systems such as multi-agent systems, networked systems, manufacturing, vehicular and transportation systems, health care; in fact, a portion of the mentioned engineering system is discussed in this PhD thesis, as most of them are typical field of application for traditional control systems. The main purpose if this work is to present my recent research activities in the field of complex systems, bringing artificial intelligent methodologies in different environments such as in telecommunication networks, transportation systems and health care for Personalized Medicine. The designed and developed approaches in the field of telecommunication net- works is presented in Chapter 2, where a multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm was designed to implement a model-free control approach in order to regulate and improve the level of satisfaction of the users, while the research activities in the field of transportation systems are presented at the end of Chapter 2 and in Chapter 3, where two approaches regarding a Reinforcement Learning algorithm and a Deep Learning algorithm were designed and developed to cope with tailored travels and automatic identification of transportation moralities. Finally, the research activities performed in the field of Personalized Medicine have been presented in Chapter 4 where a Deep Learning and Model Predictive control based approach are presented to address the problem of controlling biological factors in diabetic patients

    THOR: A Hybrid Recommender System for the Personalized Travel Experience

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    One of the travelers’ main challenges is that they have to spend a great effort to find and choose the most desired travel offer(s) among a vast list of non-categorized and non-personalized items. Recommendation systems provide an effective way to solve the problem of information overload. In this work, we design and implement “The Hybrid Offer Ranker” (THOR), a hybrid, personalized recommender system for the transportation domain. THOR assigns every traveler a unique contextual preference model built using solely their personal data, which makes the model sensitive to the user’s choices. This model is used to rank travel offers presented to each user according to their personal preferences. We reduce the recommendation problem to one of binary classification that predicts the probability with which the traveler will buy each available travel offer. Travel offers are ranked according to the computed probabilities, hence to the user’s personal preference model. Moreover, to tackle the cold start problem for new users, we apply clustering algorithms to identify groups of travelers with similar profiles and build a preference model for each group. To test the system’s performance, we generate a dataset according to some carefully designed rules. The results of the experiments show that the THOR tool is capable of learning the contextual preferences of each traveler and ranks offers starting from those that have the higher probability of being selected

    Crowdsensing-driven route optimisation algorithms for smart urban mobility

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    Urban rörlighet anses ofta vara en av de främsta möjliggörarna för en hållbar statsutveckling. Idag skulle det dock kräva ett betydande skifte mot renare och effektivare stadstransporter vilket skulle stödja ökad social och ekonomisk koncentration av resurser i städerna. En viktig prioritet för städer runt om i världen är att stödja medborgarnas rörlighet inom stadsmiljöer medan samtidigt minska trafikstockningar, olyckor och föroreningar. Att utveckla en effektivare och grönare (eller med ett ord; smartare) stadsrörlighet är en av de svåraste problemen att bemöta för stora metropoler. I denna avhandling närmar vi oss problemet från det snabba utvecklingsperspektivet av ITlandskapet i städer vilket möjliggör byggandet av rörlighetslösningar utan stora stora investeringar eller sofistikerad sensortenkik. I synnerhet föreslår vi utnyttjandet av den mobila rörlighetsavkännings, eng. Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS), paradigmen i vilken befolkningen exploaterar sin mobilkommunikation och/eller mobilasensorer med syftet att frivilligt samla, distribuera, lokalt processera och analysera geospecifik information. Rörlighetavkänningssdata (t.ex. händelser, trafikintensitet, buller och luftföroreningar etc.) inhämtad från frivilliga i befolkningen kan ge värdefull information om aktuella rörelsesförhållanden i stad vilka, med adekvata databehandlingsalgoriter, kan användas för att planera människors rörelseflöden inom stadsmiljön. Såtillvida kombineras i denna avhandling två mycket lovande smarta rörlighetsmöjliggörare, eng. Smart Mobility Enablers, nämligen MCS och rese/ruttplanering. Vi kan därmed till viss utsträckning sammanföra forskningsutmaningar från dessa två delar. Vi väljer att separera våra forskningsmål i två delar, dvs forskningssteg: (1) arkitektoniska utmaningar vid design av MCS-system och (2) algoritmiska utmaningar för tillämpningar av MCS-driven ruttplanering. Vi ämnar att visa en logisk forskningsprogression över tiden, med avstamp i mänskligt dirigerade rörelseavkänningssystem som MCS och ett avslut i automatiserade ruttoptimeringsalgoritmer skräddarsydda för specifika MCS-applikationer. Även om vi förlitar oss på heuristiska lösningar och algoritmer för NP-svåra ruttproblem förlitar vi oss på äkta applikationer med syftet att visa på fördelarna med algoritm- och infrastrukturförslagen.La movilidad urbana es considerada una de las principales desencadenantes de un desarrollo urbano sostenible. Sin embargo, hoy en día se requiere una transición hacia un transporte urbano más limpio y más eficiente que soporte una concentración de recursos sociales y económicos cada vez mayor en las ciudades. Una de las principales prioridades para las ciudades de todo el mundo es facilitar la movilidad de los ciudadanos dentro de los entornos urbanos, al mismo tiempo que se reduce la congestión, los accidentes y la contaminación. Sin embargo, desarrollar una movilidad urbana más eficiente y más verde (o en una palabra, más inteligente) es uno de los temas más difíciles de afrontar para las grandes áreas metropolitanas. En esta tesis, abordamos este problema desde la perspectiva de un panorama TIC en rápida evolución que nos permite construir movilidad sin la necesidad de grandes inversiones ni sofisticadas tecnologías de sensores. En particular, proponemos aprovechar el paradigma Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS) en el que los ciudadanos utilizan sus teléfonos móviles y dispositivos, para nosotros recopilar, procesar y analizar localmente información georreferenciada, distribuida voluntariamente. Los datos de movilidad recopilados de ciudadanos que voluntariamente quieren compartirlos (por ejemplo, eventos, intensidad del tráfico, ruido y contaminación del aire, etc.) pueden proporcionar información valiosa sobre las condiciones de movilidad actuales en la ciudad, que con el algoritmo de procesamiento de datos adecuado, pueden utilizarse para enrutar y gestionar el flujo de gente en entornos urbanos. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis combinamos dos prometedoras fuentes de movilidad inteligente: MCS y la planificación de viajes/rutas, uniendo en cierta medida los distintos desafíos de investigación. Hemos dividido nuestros objetivos de investigación en dos etapas: (1) Desafíos arquitectónicos en el diseño de sistemas MCS y (2) Desafíos algorítmicos en la planificación de rutas aprovechando la información del MCS. Nuestro objetivo es demostrar una progresión lógica de la investigación a lo largo del tiempo, comenzando desde los fundamentos de los sistemas de detección centrados en personas, como el MCS, hasta los algoritmos de optimización de rutas diseñados específicamente para la aplicación de estos. Si bien nos centramos en algoritmos y heurísticas para resolver problemas de enrutamiento de clase NP-hard, utilizamos ejemplos de aplicaciones en el mundo real para mostrar las ventajas de los algoritmos e infraestructuras propuestas

    A dynamic and scalable user-centric route planning algorithm based on Polychromatic Sets theory

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    Existing navigation services provide route options based on a single metric without considering user's preference. This results in the planned route not meeting the actual needs of users. In this paper, a personalized route planning algorithm is proposed, which can provide users with a route that meets their requirements. Based on the multiple properties of the road, the Polychromatic Sets (PS) theory is introduced into route planning. Firstly, a road properties description scheme based on the PS theory was proposed. By using this scheme, users' travel preferences can be quantified, and then personalized property combination schemes can be constructed according to these properties. Secondly, the idea of setting priority for road segments was utilized. Based on a user's travel preference, all the property combination schemes can be prioritized at relevant levels. Finally, based on the priority level, an efficient path planning scheme was proposed, in which priority is given to the highest road segments in the target direction. In addition, the system can constantly obtain real-time road information through mobile terminals, update road properties, and provide other users with more accurate road information and navigation services, so as to avoid crowded road segments without excessively increasing time consumption. Experiment results show that our algorithm can realize personalized route planning services without significantly increasing the travel time and distance. In addition, source code of the algorithm has been uploaded on GitHub for this algorithm to be used by other researchers