6 research outputs found

    Safety design strategies in highly autonomous drive level 2 - Lateral control decomposition concept

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    The paper is based on an experimental study at VSB TUO Ostrava with a DEMOCAR vehicle that simulates a real car with sensor fusion concept and a vehicle gateway to send and coordinate commands to ECUs to realize and manage autonomous driving. In this experimental study of autonomous driving vehicles control, a HARA (Hazard and Risk Analysis, ISO 26262:2018) has been done on vehicle level and strategies have been defined and implemented to manage safety situations where the car lateral control shall be hand over to a driver when in HAD 2 mode. The issue is that the switching to safe state shall not be done immediately but the vehicle has to stay in safe driving mode - fail-operational up to 4 seconds until a driver can take over. The UECE and other relevant studies show that it can take up to 6 seconds if driver/operator is not in the flow (HAD 3) and up to the 2 seconds when driver is in the flow (HAD 1). The paper makes assumptions and proposals about vehicle lateral control strategy to ensure the smooth take-over of the car by driver and its impact on control software development architectures.Web of Science27882981

    Exploring the relationship between software process adaptive capability and organisational performance

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    Software development is a complex socio-technical activity, with the result that software development organisations need to establish and maintain robust software development processes. While much debate exists regarding the effectiveness of various software development approaches, no single approach is perfectly suited to all settings and no setting is unchanging. The capability to adapt the software process is therefore essential to sustaining an optimal software process. We designed an exploratory study to concurrently examine software process adaptive capability and organisational performance in 15 software development organisations, finding that companies with greater software process adaptive capability are shown to also experience greater business success. While our exploratory study of the complex relationship between these phenomena is limited in some respects, the findings indicate that software process adaptive capability may be worthy of further integration into software process engineering techniques. Software process adaptive capability may be an important organisational strength when deriving competitive advantage, and those responsible for the creation and evolution of software process models and methodologies may want to focus some of their future efforts in this area

    Aproximación holística a la integración de modelos SPI en entorno microempresa

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorEn todo el mundo, una abrumadora mayoría de las empresas son muy pequeñas o pequeñas. Es así que la industria del software no es la excepción. Aunque las pequeñas empresas de software juegan un papel importante en la mayoría de economías, especialmente en los países en desarrollo, tienen que trabajar duro para sobrevivir. Por lo general, les resulta difícil dedicar tiempo y esfuerzo a mejorar sus operaciones y procesos. Además, los conocimientos técnicos y las herramientas no son suficientes. Su capacidad para gestionar las cuestiones humanas es un aspecto importante y particularmente difícil que apenas se ha estudiado. Por lo tanto, es importante abordar tales necesidades mediante la introducción de un marco que especifique las maneras de hacer las cosas mientras que conscientemente les anima a mejorar su capacidad de mejorar. A pesar del hecho de que hay muchos enfoques de mejora de procesos de software, ninguno de ellos aborda los factores humanos de las pequeñas empresas de una manera integral y holística. En consecuencia, esta tesis se dirige a la definición de un marco para integrar los factores humanos en el trabajo cotidiano como una forma de abordar ese reto. La resolución del problema se ha abordado desde un punto de vista humano teniendo en cuenta aspectos que pertenecen a otras disciplinas tales como el pensamiento visual, la psicología y la gestión. La solución propuesta proporciona un marco, llamado Samay, para apoyar los factores humanos en las microempresas de software que pueda ser adaptado a la situación real y concreta de cada organización, y que proporciona técnicas adecuadas para mejorar los factores humanos envueltos en el desarrollo de software. Además, este estudio sugiere gestionar los factores humanos a partir del ciclo de vida del proceso de software. El objetivo es converger hacia una mejora continua por medio de mecanismos alternativos que afecten a las personas. Este marco fue desarrollado en base a las revisiones de normas relevantes (tales como ISO/IEC 29110, ISO 10018, OMG Essence e ISO/IEC 33014) y estudios publicados previamente en este campo. Este marco se compone de un núcleo, que corresponde a un proceso de desarrollo de software, y dos grupos de elementos llamados complemento y soporte. El primer grupo está directamente vinculado al proceso de desarrollo, el cual incluye: flujo de proceso de desarrollo de software, roles y responsabilidades, y competencias y niveles de competencia. El segundo grupo está intentando facilitar la adopción del marco por medio de dos componentes: la iniciación y la gestión del cambio. El desarrollo de esta tesis ha seguido una metodología de investigación consistente e integral que incluye una revisión sistemática de la literatura y métodos cualitativos como entrevistas y grupos focales. Además, una revisión de expertos y los hallazgos de validación respaldan la visión de que Samay podría apoyar a los profesionales cuando las pequeñas empresas de software quieren comenzar a mejorar sus formas de trabajo. En la última etapa de la metodología de investigación se ha realizado una validación empírica por medio de la implementación en un caso de estudio para verificar la aplicabilidad del marco. Los datos obtenidos de la validación indican que la aplicación del marco introduce un cambio positivo en la satisfacción laboral y la comunicación. Finalmente, se concluye que la satisfacción laboral y la comunicación en el desarrollo de software sigue siendo un desafío. Para reducir esta dificultad, esta tesis da luz sobre el tema proporcionando un marco para desencadenar los factores humanos diariamente.Around the world, an overwhelming majority of enterprises are very small or small. So that software Industry is not the exception. Although small software companies play a major role in most economies, particularly in developing countries, they have to work hard in order to survive. They usually find it challenging to spend time and effort on improving their operations and processes. Moreover, technical knowledge and tools are not enough. Their ability to manage human issues is an important and particularly challenging aspect which has been scarcely studied. Therefore, it is important to address such needs by the introduction of a framework that specifies ways of getting things done while consciously encourage them to enhance their ability to improve. In spite of the fact that there are many software process improvement approaches, none of them address the human factors of small companies in a comprehensive and holistic way. Consequently, this thesis is aimed at the definition of a framework to integrate human factors in the daily work as a way to deal with that challenge. The resolution of the problem has been approached from a human point of view taking in consideration aspects belonging to others disciplines such as visual thinking, psychology and management. The proposed solution provides a framework, called Samay, to support the human factors in software microenterprises that can be tailored to the actual and concrete situation of each organization, and that provides suitable techniques to enhance human factors involved in software development. Furthermore, this study suggests managing human factors but pointing out the software process life cycle. The purpose is to converge toward a continuous improvement by means of alternative mechanisms that impact on people. This framework was developed based upon reviews of relevant standards (such as ISO/IEC 29110, ISO 10018, OMG Essence and ISO/IEC 33014) and previously published studies in this field. This framework is composed of a kernel, corresponding to a software development process, and two groups of elements called complement and support. First group is directly linked to the development process which includes: software development process flow, roles and responsibilities, and competencies and competency levels. Second group is trying to facilitate the adoption of the framework by two components: initiation and change management. The development of this thesis has followed a consistent and integral research methodology that has included a systematic literature review and qualitative methods such as interviews and focus group. Moreover, an expert review and validation findings supported the view that Samay could support practitioners when small software companies want to start improving their ways of work. In the last phase of the research methodology an empirical validation has been performed through its implementation in one case study in order to verify the applicability of the framework. The data obtained from the validation indicate that the application of the framework introduces a positive change of the job satisfaction and communication. Finally, it is concluded that the job satisfaction and communication in software development remains a challenge. To reduce this difficulty, this thesis sheds some light on the topic by providing a framework to trigger human factors in daily basis.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología InformáticaPresidente: Gonzalo Cuevas Agustín.- Secretario: José A. Calvo-Manzano Villalón.- Vocal: Mirna Ariadna Muñoz Mat

    Marco de trabajo Scrum para la gestión de proyectos tecnológicos en una empresa privada de seguros de salud, Lima 2023

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    El objeto de estudio de la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo Determinar el impacto del Marco de Trabajo Scrum en la gestión de proyectos tecnológicos en una empresa privada de Seguros de Salud de Lima, donde se buscó evaluar los resultados de ejecutar los requerimientos del negocio bajo la gestión tradicional y utilizando el Marco de trabajo Scrum, basándose en los indicadores de cantidad de defectos del proyecto, tiempo de entrega del proyecto y solicitudes de cambio del proyecto. La investigación es de tipo aplicada, con enfoque cuantitativo y diseño cuasiexperimental, tuvo dos muestras independientes de 30 cada grupo, se recolectó datos con fichas de registro. Para determinar la normalidad de cada indicador se aplicó Shapiro Wilk, con los resultados obtenidos se aplicará el test no paramétrico de U-Mann Whitney. Se obtuvo como resultado la disminución de la cantidad de defectos de los proyectos en un 36%, de igual manera se logró disminuir el tiempo de entrega de los proyectos en 48% y finalmente se redujo la cantidad de solicitudes de cambio en 26%. Concluyendo que aplicar el Marco de Trabajo Scrum impacta positivamente en la Gestión de los Proyectos Tecnológicos en una empresa de seguros de salud

    An integration of traditional project management principles into Agile software development methodologies.

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    Master of Commerce in Information Systems & Technology. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2016.A large amount of money and effort has been invested by companies into establishing their project management (PM) environment and processes which follow the classical phased approach where requirements are defined upfront and fixed. However organisations also desire to react more quickly to new global challenges and to the changing business environment. These business requirements then result in the failure of these classical approaches to PM. There is therefore a need to enhance the current PM environment so that it is more adoptive to changes in the business environment. As a result of these changes in the business landscape agile software development methodologies (ASDM) have acquired a lot of popularity in the software development community. This popularity is being driven by their dynamic nature and the notion that user requirements do not have to be fully specified in the initial phases of the development process. This has resulted in the improvement in success levels of information systems (IS) projects that have made use of an ASDM. A shift to ASDM can increase the success rate of IS projects and mitigate some issues that are typical for heavy weight methods. Good examples can be found in the case studies (Balada, 2013; Raithatha, 2007), where agile methods were successfully used in software development projects of all sizes and complexity. However introducing ASDM for large and complex projects particularly in large enterprises can introduce a number of challenges (Thamhain, 2014). While agile principles foster great flexibility and agility in changing environments, they are very difficult to realize in larger projects that require more execution formality and discipline to deal with the specific complexities (Waardenburg & Vliet, 2013). In order to address these problems, the current study investigates the problem of integrating Traditional Project Management (TPM) techniques into the development of large scale IS projects in large enterprises with complex IT landscapes that make use of AM. This study followed a hybrid approach combining both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Data collection entailed semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. The sampling strategy that was used was purposive sampling. A phenomenographic approach was used to obtain an insight into the experience of software development (SD) by software practitioners who made use of ASDM. The qualitative data elicited from this phase of the study was analysed thematically to identify aspects of AM that had a pivotal influence on software practitioners’ perspective on ASDM. A substantive component of this phenomenographic incursion was to establish whether there was some form of resonance between ASDM and PM or whether these methodologies were diametrically opposite to one another. The objective of the qualitative component of the study was to obtain sufficient information to enable the development of a model for SD that integrated the principles of PM into ASDM. This phase of the study was followed-up by a quantitative phase that was underpinned by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) in order to ascertain software practitioners’ acceptance of the proposed model (referred to as the Agile-Project Management Model (APMM)) The results of the UTAUT-based acceptance test indicate that the proposed APMM received a high acceptance rate by the software practitioners who constituted the main subjects of the current study