159 research outputs found

    Systemic Risk and Vulnerability Analysis of Multi-cloud Environments

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    With the increasing use of multi-cloud environments, security professionals face challenges in configuration, management, and integration due to uneven security capabilities and features among providers. As a result, a fragmented approach toward security has been observed, leading to new attack vectors and potential vulnerabilities. Other research has focused on single-cloud platforms or specific applications of multi-cloud environments. Therefore, there is a need for a holistic security and vulnerability assessment and defense strategy that applies to multi-cloud platforms. We perform a risk and vulnerability analysis to identify attack vectors from software, hardware, and the network, as well as interoperability security issues in multi-cloud environments. Applying the STRIDE and DREAD threat modeling methods, we present an analysis of the ecosystem across six attack vectors: cloud architecture, APIs, authentication, automation, management differences, and cybersecurity legislation. We quantitatively determine and rank the threats in multi-cloud environments and suggest mitigation strategies.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Distributed Query Execution With Strong Privacy Guarantees

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    As the Internet evolves, we find more applications that involve data originating from multiple sources, and spanning machines located all over the world. Such wide distribution of sensitive data increases the risk of information leakage, and may sometimes inhibit useful applications. For instance, even though banks could share data to detect systemic threats in the US financial network, they hesitate to do so because it can leak business secrets to their competitors. Encryption is an effective way to preserve data confidentiality, but eliminates all processing capabilities. Some approaches enable processing on encrypted data, but they usually have security weaknesses, such as data leakage through side-channels, or require expensive cryptographic computations. In this thesis, we present techniques that address the above limitations. First, we present an efficient symmetric homomorphic encryption scheme, which can aggregate encrypted data at an unprecedented scale. Second, we present a way to efficiently perform secure computations on distributed graphs. To accomplish this, we express large computations as a series of small, parallelizable vertex programs, whose state is safely transferred between vertices using a new cryptographic protocol. Finally, we propose using differential privacy to strengthen the security of trusted processors: noise is added to the side-channels, so that no adversary can extract useful information about individual users. Our experimental results suggest that the presented techniques achieve order-of-magnitude performance improvements over previous approaches, in scenarios such as the business intelligence application of a large corporation and the detection of systemic threats in the US financial network

    Systematic support for accountability in the cloud

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    PhD ThesisCloud computing offers computational resources such as processing, networking, and storage to customers. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) consists of a cloud-based infrastructure to offer consumers raw computation resources such as storage and networking. These resources are billed using a pay-per-use cost model. However, IaaS is far from being a secure cloud infrastructure as the seven main security threats defined by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) indicate. Use of logging systems can provide evidence to support accountability for an IaaS cloud. An accountability helps when mitigating known threats. However, previous accountability with logging systems solutions are provided without systematic approaches. These solutions are usually either for the cloud customer side or for the cloud provider side, not for both of them. Moreover, the solutions also lack descriptions of logging systems in the context of a design pattern of the systems' components. This design pattern facilitates analysis of logging systems in terms of their quality. Additionally, there is a number of benefits of this pattern. They could be: to promote the reusability of design and development of logging systems; that designers can access this pattern more easily; to assist a designer adopts design approaches which make a logging system reusable and not to choose approaches which do not concern reusability concepts; and to enhance the documentation and maintenance of existing logging systems. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to provide support for accountability in the cloud with systematic approaches to assist in mitigating the risks associated with real world CSA threats, to benefit both customers and providers. We research the extent to which such logging systems help us to mitigate risks associated with the threats identified by the CSA. The thesis also presents a way of identifying the reference components of logging systems and how they may be arranged to satisfy logging requirements. 'Generic logging components' for logging systems are proposed. These components encompass all possible instantiations of logging solutions for IaaS cloud. The generic logging components can be used to map existing logging systems for the purposes of analysis of the systems' security. Based on the generic components, the thesis identifies design patterns in the context of logging in IaaS cloud. We believe that these identified patterns facilitate analysis of logging systems in terms of their quality. We also argue that: these identified patterns could increase reusability of the design and development of logging systems; designers should access these patterns more easily; the patterns could assist a designer adopts design approaches which make a logging system reusable and not to choose approaches which do not concern reusability concepts; and they can enhance the documentation and maintenance of existing logging systems. We identify a logging solution which is based on the generic logging components to mitigate the risks associated with CSA threat number one. An example of the threat is malicious activities, for example spamming, which are performed in consumers' virtual machines or VMs. We argue that the generic logging components we suggest could be used to perform a systematic analysis of logging systems in terms of security before deploying them in production systems. To assist in mitigating the risks associated with this threat to benefit both customers and providers, we investigate how CSA threat number one can affect the security of both consumers and providers. Then we propose logging solutions based on the generic logging components and the identified patterns. We systematically design and implement a prototype system of the proposed logging solutions in an IaaS to record history of customer's files. This prototype system can be also modified in order to record VMs' process behaviour log files. This system can record the log files while having a smaller trusted computing base, compared to previous work. Additionally, the system can be seen as possible solutions that could tackle the dificult problem of logging file and process activities in the IaaS. Thus, the proposed logging solutions can assist in mitigating the risks associated with the CSA threats to benefit both consumers and providers. This could promote systematic support for accountability in the cloud

    Demystifying Internet of Things Security

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    Break down the misconceptions of the Internet of Things by examining the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms. This open access book reviews the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the SW stack leading up to defense-in-depth. The IoT presents unique challenges in implementing security and Intel has both CPU and Isolated Security Engine capabilities to simplify it. This book explores the challenges to secure these devices to make them immune to different threats originating from within and outside the network. The requirements and robustness rules to protect the assets vary greatly and there is no single blanket solution approach to implement security. Demystifying Internet of Things Security provides clarity to industry professionals and provides and overview of different security solutions What You'll Learn Secure devices, immunizing them against different threats originating from inside and outside the network Gather an overview of the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms Understand the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the software stack leading up to defense-in-depth Who This Book Is For Strategists, developers, architects, and managers in the embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) space trying to understand and implement the security in the IoT devices/platforms

    Evaluating Security Aspects for Building a Secure Virtual Machine

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    One of the essential characteristics of cloud computing that revolutionized the IT business is the sharing of computing resources. Despite all the benefits, security is a major concern in a cloud virtualization environment. Among those security issues is securely managing the Virtual Machine (VM) images that contain operating systems, configured platforms, and data. Confidentiality, availability, and integrity of such images pose major concerns as it determines the overall security of the virtual machines. This paper identified and discussed the attributes that define the degree of security in VM images. It will address this problem by explaining the different methods and frameworks developed in the past to address implementing secure VM images. Finally, this paper analyses the security issues and attributes and proposes a framework that will include an approach that helps to develop secure VM images. This work aims to enhance the security of cloud environments

    Enterprise Cloud Security Guidance and Strategies for Enterprises

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    Hinnanguliselt 72% ettevõtetest kasutavad vähemalt ühte pilves olevat rakendust või on mingi osa nende IT infrastruktuurist pilves. Uurimistööd näitavad, et 56% tehnoloogia valdkonna otsustajatest uurivad erinevaid võimalusi pilvelahenduste kasutamiseks. Eel-toodu tõttu on oluline mõista erinevaid pilveteenuste kasutusvõimalusi, ärivajadusi ja investeeringuid. Antud magistritöö hindab paljusid kasutegureid, mida pilverakenduste ja pilvearvutuse kasutamine pakub äritegevusele. Pilvearvutus pakub paindliku, taskuko-hast ja end tõestanud platvormi ärilahenduste ja IT lahenduste loomiseks. Pilvearvutuse kasutamine pakub ettevõtetele harukordset võimalust muuta teenuse pakkumist tõhusa-maks, juhtimist sujuvamaks ning viia IT teenused vastavusse pidevalt muutuvate äriva-jadustega. Pilvearvutuse kasutamine pakub rohkem kui ühe võimaluse ärivaldkondade usaldusväärseks toeks ning ühtlasi tõstab võimekust luua uusi ja innovaatilisi teenuseid. Olemasoleva kirjanduse mittetäielik analüüs toob esile selle, et enne ettevõtetes pilvela-henduste ja pilvearvutuse kasutuselevõttu on väga oluline pöörata tähelepanu kaasneva-tele turvalisuse väljakutsetele. Antud magistritöös on detailselt käsitletud peamisi pil-vandmetöötluse valdkonna turvalisuse probleeme ning töö järeldusena pakutakse välja soovitusi pilve turvalisuse juurutamiseks.Today an estimated 72% of enterprises use at least one cloud application or a percentage of their I.T infrastructure in the cloud. Research shows that 56% of the decision makers in technology are investigating more ways of leveraging the cloud. This makes it impor-tant to understand the different usage plans in cloud service models, business drivers and investments. This thesis measures the myriad benefits of using cloud applications, and the effect of cloud computing on business performance. As will be seen in the the-sis, cloud computing offers a flexible, affordable as well as proven platform for the pro-vision of business and IT services via the internet. Cloud computing provides companies with the rare opportunity of strengthening their efficiencies in service delivery, mana-gement streamlining, and the aligning of IT services with the ever changing business needs. In more ways than one, cloud computing provides solid support for business functions, alongside increasing the capacity for the development of new as well as inno-vative services. A non-exhaustive review of the existing literature revels that the security challenges faced by enterprises during cloud adoption and interoperability have to be addressed before the implementation of cloud computing. In this thesis, we provide a detailed overview of the key security issues in the realm of cloud computing and con-clude with the recommendations on the implementation of cloud security

    Detecting kernel rootkits

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    Kernel rootkits are a special category of malware that are deployed directly in the kernel and hence have unmitigated reign over the functionalities of the kernel itself. We seek to detect such rootkits that are deployed in the real world by first observing how the majority of kernel rootkits operate. To this end, comparable to how rootkits function in the real world, we write our own kernel rootkit that manipulates the network driver, thus giving us control over all packets sent into the network. We then implement a mechanism to thwart the attacks of such rootkits by noticing that a large number of the rootkits deployed today rely heavily on the redirection of function pointers within the kernel. By overwriting the desired function pointer to its own function, a rootkit can perform a proverbial man-in-the-middle attack. Our goal is not just the detection of kernel rootkits, but also to levy as little an impact on system performance as possible. Hence our technique is to leverage existing kernel functionalities (in the case of Linux) such as kprobes to identify potential attack scenarios from within the sytem rather than from outside it (such as a VMM). We hope to introduce real-world security in devices where performance and resource constraints are tantamount to security considerations