47,436 research outputs found

    Análisis de eficiencia en conversión/almacenamiento de energía solar y adquisición de datos de paneles solares del laboratorio de física y electrónica de la UNAD (sede nacional JCM) en el marco de su uso como laboratorio remoto

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    El presente proyecto se estudió la eficiencia de equipos de laboratorio ensamblados como sistema convertidor de energía solar controlado, suministrados a la UNAD, se presentó en el contexto de una futura implementación como laboratorio remoto educativo. Las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) han facilitado el surgimiento de nuevas tendencias de aprendizaje, acompañadas de nuevos tipos de laboratorios en telemetría o telecontrol de equipos y dispositivos, brindándose acceso a laboratorio a través de internet. La implementación de este tipo de laboratorios se puede entrenar para labores de inspección de los paneles solares evaluando eficiencia operativa, o de prevención de fallas y promoción del uso de paneles solares, de positivo impacto en la solución al calentamiento global. La investigación y uso de las celdas solares es apenas incipiente en nuestro país. En concreto en la UNAD se ha tenido por años un equipo de control de paneles e hidrogeno, paneles en sí y baterías sin llegarles a dar el mínimo uso. Este proyecto impulsa la investigación y uso de una tecnología que requiere atención e investigación: actualmente se supone que debería ser capaz de convertir la energía solar en electricidad con una eficiencia de más del 30%, pero la eficiencia es de un 20%. La ejecución del proyecto se llevará a cabo en la sede de la UNAD José Celestino Mutis con un análisis de eficiencia de las unidades de control, conversión y baterías de almacenamiento, en contexto de la aplicación de un laboratorio remoto de energía solar. Pruebas de acceso remoto se realizarán como validación de las características de eficiencia del sistema.This project is a study of the efficiency of assembled laboratory equipment as a controlled solar energy converter system, in the context of a future implementation as a remote educational laboratory. Information and communication technologies (ICT) have facilitated the emergence of new learning trends, accompanied by new types of laboratories in telemetry or telecontrol of equipment and devices, providing access to the laboratory through the internet. The implementation of this type of laboratory can train for inspection of solar panels, evaluating operational efficiency, or preventing failures and promoting the use of solar panels, with a positive impact on the solution to global warming. Research and use of solar cells are only just beginning in our country. Specifically, at UNAD there has been a panel control equipment, panels themselves and batteries for years without giving them the minimum use. This project encourages research and use of a technology that requires attention and research: it is currently supposed to be able to convert solar energy into electricity with an efficiency of more than 30%, but the efficiency is 20%. The execution of the project will be carried out at the headquarters of the UNAD José Celestino Mutis with an efficiency analysis of the control units, conversion and storage batteries, in the context of the application of a remote solar energy laboratory. Remote access tests will be carried out as validation of the obtained system efficiency characteristic

    A Web-Based Distributed Virtual Educational Laboratory

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    Evolution and cost of measurement equipment, continuous training, and distance learning make it difficult to provide a complete set of updated workbenches to every student. For a preliminary familiarization and experimentation with instrumentation and measurement procedures, the use of virtual equipment is often considered more than sufficient from the didactic point of view, while the hands-on approach with real instrumentation and measurement systems still remains necessary to complete and refine the student's practical expertise. Creation and distribution of workbenches in networked computer laboratories therefore becomes attractive and convenient. This paper describes specification and design of a geographically distributed system based on commercially standard components

    Chemistry by Mobile Phone (or how to justify more time at the bar)

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    By combining automatic environment monitoring with Java smartphones a system has been produced for the real-time monitoring of experiments whilst away from the lab. Changes in the laboratory environment are encapsulated as simple XML messages, which are published using an MQTT compliant broker. Clients subscribe to the MQTT stream, and produce a user display. An MQTT client written for the Java MIDP platform, can be run on a smartphone with a GPRS Internet connection, freeing us from the constraints of the lab. We present an overview of the technologies used, and how these are helping chemists make the best use of their time