248 research outputs found

    Integrating Analysis Into a Warehouse Design Workflow

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    Supply chain analyses, including those related to material handling systems, are typically purpose-built to answer specific questions and therefore have many different implementations depending on the question, the instance data, and the solver. The purpose-built nature of these models makes it difficult to integrate them into an iterative design workflow. Despite the myriad analysis implementations, the fundamental structure of these systems and their problem domain remains unchanged, suggesting that perhaps analyses could be automatically generated on demand, given an appropriate specification of the particular system to be analyzed. We apply model-based systems engineering (MBSE) methodologies to explore this possibility in the context of functional warehouse design

    Toward Architecture Design for Discrete Event Logistics Systems

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    The scope and scale of contemporary discrete event logistics systems (DELS), such as parcel logistics hubs, distribution centers, and global manufacturing systems, continues to outpace the traditional industrial engineering approach to facilities and system design, particularly with regard to system architecture. System architecture is fundamental to system design in most engineering disciplines. While not part of the traditional DELS design portfolio, the ingredients are available today to support system engineering architecture design methods and tools for application to DELS design

    Model Based Mission Assurance: NASA's Assurance Future

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    Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is seeing increased application in planning and design of NASAs missions. This suggests the question: what will be the corresponding practice of Model Based Mission Assurance (MBMA)? Contemporaneously, NASAs Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (OSMA) is evaluating a new objectives based approach to standards to ensure that the Safety and Mission Assurance disciplines and programs are addressing the challenges of NASAs changing missions, acquisition and engineering practices, and technology. MBSE is a prominent example of a changing engineering practice. We use NASAs objectives-based strategy for Reliability and Maintainability as a means to examine how MBSE will affect assurance. We surveyed MBSE literature to look specifically for these affects, and find a variety of them discussed (some are anticipated, some are reported from applications to date). Predominantly these apply to the early stages of design, although there are also extrapolations of how MBSE practices will have benefits for testing phases. As the effort to develop MBMA continues, it will need to clearly and unambiguously establish the roles of uncertainty and risk in the system model. This will enable a variety of uncertainty-based analyses to be performed much more rapidly than ever before and has the promise to increase the integration of CRM (Continuous Risk Management) and PRA (Probabilistic Risk Analyses) even more fully into the project development life cycle. Various views and viewpoints will be required for assurance disciplines, and an over-arching viewpoint will then be able to more completely characterize the state of the project/program as well as (possibly) enabling the safety case approach for overall risk awareness and communication

    Une conception pour une production efficace, une approche basée modèles

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    International audienceThe concept of simultaneous engineering has been used for several years in the industry. However, it rarely aims to think the design of the product and the design of its industrial system (the factory) together. In this paper, we address the need to have a global view of architectural design and manufacturing throughout the entire design process. More precisely, we define a model-based approach which makes it possible to evaluate the impact of a product design on its manufacturability. This approach constitutes a first step, in a long-term perspective, to consider several high-level industrial systems and product designs together and choose the one that gives the best performances.Le concept d'ingénierie simultanée est utilisé depuis plusieurs années dans l'industrie. Cependant, il vise rarement à penser ensemble la conception du produit et la conception de son système industriel (l'usine). Dans cet article, nous abordons la nécessité d'avoir une vision globale de la conception architecturale et de la fabrication tout au long du processus de conception. Plus précisément, nous définissons une approche basée sur un modèle qui permet d'évaluer l'impact de la conception d'un produit sur sa faisabilité. Cette approche constitue une première étape, dans une perspective à long terme, pour considérer ensemble plusieurs systèmes industriels de haut niveau et plusieurs conceptions de produits afin de choisir celui qui donne les meilleures performances

    Komponenttien luokittelu ja parhaat käytännöt tuotantosimulaation mallinnuksessa

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    Production simulation software plays a major role in validation, optimization and illustration of production systems. Operation of production simulation is generally based on components and their interaction. Components typically represent factory floor devices, but in addition, there can be components to provide visualization, statistics, control or other input to simulation. The demand for having high-quality, easy-to-use and compatible components emphasizes the importance of component modelling. The objectives of this thesis were to develop component classes based on industrial devices, to standardize component modelling solutions and best practices in component modelling. Other objectives were to identify and analyse future prospects of production simulation. This focuses on the concept of digital twin, which could be described as reflective real-time simulation model from the physical system. In addition, focus is also set on formal modelling languages. The outcome of this thesis presents component classes and best practices in component modelling. In component classification, the focus was set to development of generic components, which can be controlled with signal-based logic. This enables components from the software to be externally controlled. In addition, automatic model creation tool wizard, is implemented to instantly generate components based on the defined component classes. Best practices were based on the selected modelling fields that are most relevant for general use. In the development of best practices, interviewing method was utilized to receive input from simulation experts.Tuotantosimulaatio on tärkeässä osassa tuotantojärjestelmien validoinnissa, optimoinnissa ja visualisoinnissa. Tuotantosimulaation toiminta perustuu yleisesti komponentteihin ja niiden väliseen vuorovaikutukseen. Komponentit esittävät tyypillisesti tehtaasta löytyviä laitteita ja esineitä, mutta komponentteja voidaan käyttää myös visualisointiin, statistiikan keräämiseen, järjestelmän ohjaukseen tai muuhun tarpeeseen simuloinnissa. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteita oli kehittää komponenttiluokkia teollisuudesta valittujen laitteiden perusteella, mikä mahdollistaa mallinnusratkaisujen standardoinnin. Sen lisäksi tavoitteena oli kehittää parhaat käytännöt komponenttimallinnukseen. Muita tavoitteita oli tunnistaa ja analysoida tulevaisuuden näkymiä tuotantosimulaatiolle. Tämä keskittyi pääosin digitaaliseen kaksoseen, jota voidaan kuvata reaaliaikaisesti peilautuvaksi simulaatiomalliksi todellisesta järjestelmästä. Tämän lisäksi työssä keskityttiin formaaleihin mallinnuskieliin. Diplomityön lopputulos esittää kehitetyt komponenttiluokat ja parhaat käytännöt komponenttimallinnuksessa. Komponenttien luokittelussa keskityttiin kehittämään geneerisiä komponentteja, joita voidaan ohjata signaalipohjaisilla komennoilla. Tämä mahdollistaa komponentin ohjaamisen myös simulointiohjelman ulkopuolelta. Tämän lisäksi automaattista komponenttien luomistyökalua käytettiin luokiteltujen komponenttien luomisessa. Parhaat käytännöt komponenttimallinnuksessa pohjautuivat mallinnuksen oleellisimpiin osa-alueisiin tavanomaisissa mallinnustilanteissa. Parhaiden käytäntöjen kehityksessä haastateltiin simulointiammattilaisia, joiden mielipiteistä muodostettiin perusta käytäntöjen kehitykselle

    Komponenttien luokittelu ja parhaat käytännöt tuotantosimulaation mallinnuksessa

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    Production simulation software plays a major role in validation, optimization and illustration of production systems. Operation of production simulation is generally based on components and their interaction. Components typically represent factory floor devices, but in addition, there can be components to provide visualization, statistics, control or other input to simulation. The demand for having high-quality, easy-to-use and compatible components emphasizes the importance of component modelling. The objectives of this thesis were to develop component classes based on industrial devices, to standardize component modelling solutions and best practices in component modelling. Other objectives were to identify and analyse future prospects of production simulation. This focuses on the concept of digital twin, which could be described as reflective real-time simulation model from the physical system. In addition, focus is also set on formal modelling languages. The outcome of this thesis presents component classes and best practices in component modelling. In component classification, the focus was set to development of generic components, which can be controlled with signal-based logic. This enables components from the software to be externally controlled. In addition, automatic model creation tool wizard, is implemented to instantly generate components based on the defined component classes. Best practices were based on the selected modelling fields that are most relevant for general use. In the development of best practices, interviewing method was utilized to receive input from simulation experts.Tuotantosimulaatio on tärkeässä osassa tuotantojärjestelmien validoinnissa, optimoinnissa ja visualisoinnissa. Tuotantosimulaation toiminta perustuu yleisesti komponentteihin ja niiden väliseen vuorovaikutukseen. Komponentit esittävät tyypillisesti tehtaasta löytyviä laitteita ja esineitä, mutta komponentteja voidaan käyttää myös visualisointiin, statistiikan keräämiseen, järjestelmän ohjaukseen tai muuhun tarpeeseen simuloinnissa. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteita oli kehittää komponenttiluokkia teollisuudesta valittujen laitteiden perusteella, mikä mahdollistaa mallinnusratkaisujen standardoinnin. Sen lisäksi tavoitteena oli kehittää parhaat käytännöt komponenttimallinnukseen. Muita tavoitteita oli tunnistaa ja analysoida tulevaisuuden näkymiä tuotantosimulaatiolle. Tämä keskittyi pääosin digitaaliseen kaksoseen, jota voidaan kuvata reaaliaikaisesti peilautuvaksi simulaatiomalliksi todellisesta järjestelmästä. Tämän lisäksi työssä keskityttiin formaaleihin mallinnuskieliin. Diplomityön lopputulos esittää kehitetyt komponenttiluokat ja parhaat käytännöt komponenttimallinnuksessa. Komponenttien luokittelussa keskityttiin kehittämään geneerisiä komponentteja, joita voidaan ohjata signaalipohjaisilla komennoilla. Tämä mahdollistaa komponentin ohjaamisen myös simulointiohjelman ulkopuolelta. Tämän lisäksi automaattista komponenttien luomistyökalua käytettiin luokiteltujen komponenttien luomisessa. Parhaat käytännöt komponenttimallinnuksessa pohjautuivat mallinnuksen oleellisimpiin osa-alueisiin tavanomaisissa mallinnustilanteissa. Parhaiden käytäntöjen kehityksessä haastateltiin simulointiammattilaisia, joiden mielipiteistä muodostettiin perusta käytäntöjen kehitykselle

    A Model-based Approach for Designing Cyber-Physical Production Systems

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    The most recent development trend related to manufacturing is called "Industry 4.0". It proposes to transition from "blind" mechatronics systems to Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPSs). Such systems are capable of communicating with each other, acquiring and transmitting real-time production data. Their management and control require a structured software architecture, which is tipically referred to as the "Automation Pyramid". The design of both the software architecture and the components (i.e., the CPPSs) is a complex task, where the complexity is induced by the heterogeneity of the required functionalities. In such a context, the target of this thesis is to propose a model-based framework for the analysis and the design of production lines, compliant with the Industry 4.0 paradigm. In particular, this framework exploits the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) as a unified representation for the different viewpoints of a manufacturing system. At the components level, the structural and behavioral diagrams provided by SysML are used to produce a set of logical propositions about the system and components under design. Such an approach is specifically tailored towards constructing Assume-Guarantee contracts. By exploiting reactive synthesis techniques, contracts are used to prototype portions of components' behaviors and to verify whether implementations are consistent with the requirements. At the software level, the framework proposes a particular architecture based on the concept of "service". Such an architecture facilitates the reconfiguration of components and integrates an advanced scheduling technique, taking advantage of the production recipe SysML model. The proposed framework has been built coupled with the construction of the ICE Laboratory, a research facility consisting of a full-fledged production line. Such an approach has been adopted to construct models of the laboratory, to virtual prototype parts of the system and to manage the physical system through the proposed software architecture

    Lifecycle cost analysis for modular design of solar power systems

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    Solar power systems are becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that solar power can offer time and money saving solutions for off-grid and grid-connected homes, cabins, and businesses with clean and affordable energy. However, there are still significant opportunities to reduce the cost of solar power systems by optimizing system design. This paper presents a methodology for evaluating the lifecycle labor costs of solar power systems. This methodology can help optimize system designs relative to cost. It can also support solar power system selection decisions based on a holistic lifecycle view. The methodology accomplishes this by first presenting a method to evaluate the modularity of competing systems, or design variants. It then describes a method of gathering data and modeling the systems so that it can be communicated to relevant stakeholders. Finally, it uses discrete event simulation to generate an estimate of relative lifecycle labor cost performance. Verification and validation of the methods described are presented through a case study of the MegaModule residential solar power system, designed by the team at GTRI. The paper concludes with a review of limitations and proposed future work.M.S

    Towards Developing a Digital Twin Implementation Framework for Manufacturing Systems

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    This research studies the implementation of digital twins in manufacturing systems. Digital transformation is relevant due to changing manufacturing techniques and user demands. It brings new business opportunities, changes organizations, and allows factories to compete in the digital era. Nevertheless, digital transformation presents many uncertainties that could bring problems to a manufacturing system. Some potential problems are loss of data, cybersecurity threats, unpredictable behavior, and so on. For instance, there are doubts about how to integrate the physical and virtual spaces. Digital twin (DT) is a modern technology that can enable the digital transformation of manufacturing companies. DT works by collecting real-time data of machines, products, and processes. DT monitors and controls operations in real-time helping in the identification of problems. It performs simulations to improve manufacturing processes and end-products. DT presents several benefits for manufacturing systems. It gives feedback to the physical system, increases the system’s reliability and availability, reduces operational risks, helps to achieve organizational goals, reduces operations and maintenance costs, predicts machine failures, etc. DT presents all these benefits without affecting the system’s operation. xv This dissertation analyzes the implementation of digital twins in manufacturing systems. It uses systems thinking methods and tools to study the problem space and define the solution space. Some of these methods are the conceptagon, systemigram, and the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ in Russian acronym). It also uses systems thinking tools such as the CATWOE, the 9-windows tool, and the ideal final result (IFR). This analysis gives some insights into the digital twin implementation issues and potential solutions. One of these solutions is to build a digital twin implementation framework Next, this study proposes the development of a small-scale digital twin implementation framework. This framework could help users to create digital twins in manufacturing systems. The method to build this framework uses a Model-Based Systems Engineering approach and the systems engineering “Vee” model. This framework encompasses many concepts from the digital twin literature. The framework divides these concepts along three spaces: physical, virtual, and information. It also includes other concepts such as digital thread, data, ontology, and enabling technologies. Finally, this dissertation verifies the correctness of the proposed framework. The verification process shows that the proposed framework can develop digital twins for manufacturing systems. For that purpose, this study creates a process digital twin simulation using the proposed framework. This study presents a mapping and a workflow diagram to help users use the proposed framework. Then, it compares the digital twin simulation with the digital twin user and system requirements. The comparison finds that the proposed framework was built right

    Integrating models and simulations of continuous dynamic system behavior into SysML

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    Contemporary systems engineering problems are becoming increasingly complex as they are handled by geographically distributed design teams, constrained by the objectives of multiple stakeholders, and inundated by large quantities of design information. According to the principles of model-based systems engineering (MBSE), engineers can effectively manage increasing complexity by replacing document-centric design methods with computerized, model-based approaches. In this thesis, modeling constructs from SysML and Modelica are integrated to improve support for MBSE. The Object Management Group has recently developed the Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML ) to provide a comprehensive set constructs for modeling many common aspects of systems engineering problems (e.g. system requirements, structures, functions). Complementing these SysML constructs, the Modelica language has emerged as a standard for modeling the continuous dynamics (CD) of systems in terms of hybrid discrete- event and differential algebraic equation systems. The integration of SysML and Modelica is explored from three different perspectives: the definition of CD models in SysML; the use of graph transformations to automate the transformation of SysML CD models into Modelica models; and the integration of CD models and other SysML models (e.g. structural, requirements) through the depiction of simulation experiments and engineering analyses. Throughout the thesis, example models of a car suspension and a hydraulically-powered excavator are used for demonstration. The core result of this work is the provision of modeling abilities that do not exist independently in SysML or Modelica. These abilities allow systems engineers to prescribe necessary system analyses and relate them to stakeholder concerns and other system aspects. Moreover, this work provides a basis for model integration which can be generalized and re-specialized for integrating other modeling formalisms into SysML.M.S.Committee Chair: Chris Paredis; Committee Member: Dirk Schaefer; Committee Member: Russell Pea