143 research outputs found

    Deep Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution: A Brief Review

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    Single image super-resolution (SISR) is a notoriously challenging ill-posed problem, which aims to obtain a high-resolution (HR) output from one of its low-resolution (LR) versions. To solve the SISR problem, recently powerful deep learning algorithms have been employed and achieved the state-of-the-art performance. In this survey, we review representative deep learning-based SISR methods, and group them into two categories according to their major contributions to two essential aspects of SISR: the exploration of efficient neural network architectures for SISR, and the development of effective optimization objectives for deep SISR learning. For each category, a baseline is firstly established and several critical limitations of the baseline are summarized. Then representative works on overcoming these limitations are presented based on their original contents as well as our critical understandings and analyses, and relevant comparisons are conducted from a variety of perspectives. Finally we conclude this review with some vital current challenges and future trends in SISR leveraging deep learning algorithms.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM

    2D Density Control of Micro-Particles using Kernel Density Estimation

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    We address the problem of 2D particle density control. The particles are immersed in dielectric fluid and acted upon by manipulating an electric field. The electric field is controlled by an array of electrodes and used to bring the particle density to a desired pattern using dielectrophoretic forces. We use a lumped, 2D, capacitive-based, nonlinear model describing the motion of a particle. The spatial dependency of the capacitances is estimated using electrostatic COMSOL simulations. We formulate an optimal control problem, where the loss function is defined in terms of the error between the particle density at some final time and a target density. We use a kernel density estimator (KDE) as a proxy for the true particle density. The KDE is computed using the particle positions that are changed by varying the electrode potentials. We showcase our approach through numerical simulations, where we demonstrate how the particle positions and the electrode potentials vary when shaping the particle positions from a uniform to a Gaussian distribution

    Advances in generative models for dynamic scenes

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    Les réseaux de neurones sont un type de modèle d'apprentissage automatique (ML) qui résolvent des tâches complexes d'intelligence artificielle (AI) sans nécessiter de représentations de données élaborées manuellement. Bien qu'ils aient obtenu des résultats impressionnants dans des tâches nécessitant un traitement de la parole, d’image, et du langage, les réseaux de neurones ont encore de la difficulté à résoudre des tâches de compréhension de scènes dynamiques. De plus, l’entraînement de réseaux de neurones nécessite généralement de nombreuses données annotées manuellement, ce qui peut être un processus long et coûteux. Cette thèse est composée de quatre articles proposant des modèles génératifs pour des scènes dynamiques. La modélisation générative est un domaine du ML qui étudie comment apprendre les mécanismes par lesquels les données sont produites. La principale motivation derrière les modèles génératifs est de pouvoir, sans utiliser d’étiquettes, apprendre des représentations de données utiles; c’est un sous-produit de l'approximation du processus de génération de données. De plus, les modèles génératifs sont utiles pour un large éventail d'applications telles que la super-résolution d'images, la synthèse vocale ou le résumé de texte. Le premier article se concentre sur l'amélioration de la performance des précédents auto-encodeurs variationnels (VAE) pour la prédiction vidéo. Il s’agit d’une tâche qui consiste à générer les images futures d'une scène dynamique, compte tenu de certaines observations antérieures. Les VAE sont une famille de modèles à variables latentes qui peuvent être utilisés pour échantillonner des points de données. Comparés à d'autres modèles génératifs, les VAE sont faciles à entraîner et ont tendance à couvrir tous les modes des données, mais produisent souvent des résultats de moindre qualité. En prédiction vidéo, les VAE ont été les premiers modèles capables de produire des images futures plausibles à partir d’un contexte donné, un progrès marquant par rapport aux modèles précédents car, pour la plupart des scènes dynamiques, le futur n'est pas une fonction déterministe du passé. Cependant, les premiers VAE pour la prédiction vidéo produisaient des résultats avec des artefacts visuels visibles et ne fonctionnaient pas sur des ensembles de données réalistes complexes. Dans cet article, nous identifions certains des facteurs limitants de ces modèles, et nous proposons pour chacun d’eux une solution pour en atténuer l'impact. Grâce à ces modifications, nous montrons que les VAE pour la prédiction vidéo peuvent obtenir des résultats de qualité nettement supérieurs par rapport aux références précédentes, et qu'ils peuvent être utilisés pour modéliser des scènes de conduite autonome. Dans le deuxième article, nous proposons un nouveau modèle en cascade pour la génération vidéo basé sur les réseaux antagonistes génératifs (GAN). Après le succès des VAE pour prédiction vidéo, il a été démontré que les GAN produisaient des échantillons vidéo de meilleure qualité pour la génération vidéo conditionnelle à des classes. Cependant, les GAN nécessitent de très grandes tailles de lots ainsi que des modèles de grande capacité, ce qui rend l’entraînement des GAN pour la génération vidéo coûteux computationnellement, à la fois en termes de mémoire et en temps de calcul. Nous proposons de scinder le processus génératif en une cascade de sous-modèles, chacun d'eux résolvant un problème plus simple. Cette division nous permet de réduire considérablement le coût computationnel tout en conservant la qualité de l'échantillon, et nous démontrons que ce modèle peut s'adapter à de très grands ensembles de données ainsi qu’à des vidéos de haute résolution. Dans le troisième article, nous concevons un modèle basé sur le principe qu'une scène est composée de différents objets, mais que les transitions de trame (également appelées règles dynamiques) sont partagées entre les objets. Pour mettre en œuvre cette hypothèse de modélisation, nous concevons un modèle qui extrait d'abord les différentes entités d'une image. Ensuite, le modèle apprend à mettre à jour la représentation de l'objet d'une image à l'autre en choisissant parmi différentes transitions possibles qui sont toutes partagées entre les différents objets. Nous montrons que, lors de l'apprentissage d'un tel modèle, les règles de transition sont fondées sémantiquement, et peuvent être appliquées à des objets non vus lors de l'apprentissage. De plus, nous pouvons utiliser ce modèle pour prédire les observations multimodales futures d'une scène dynamique en choisissant différentes transitions. Dans le dernier article nous proposons un modèle génératif basé sur des techniques de rendu 3D qui permet de générer des scènes avec plusieurs objets. Nous concevons un mécanisme d'inférence pour apprendre les représentations qui peuvent être rendues avec notre modèle et nous optimisons simultanément ce mécanisme d'inférence et le moteur de rendu. Nous montrons que ce modèle possède une représentation interprétable dans laquelle des changements sémantiques appliqués à la représentation de la scène sont rendus dans la scène générée. De plus, nous montrons que, suite au processus d’entraînement, notre modèle apprend à segmenter les objets dans une scène sans annotations et que la représentation apprise peut être utilisée pour résoudre des tâches de compréhension de scène dynamique en déduisant la représentation de chaque observation.Neural networks are a type of Machine Learning (ML) models that solve complex Artificial Intelligence (AI) tasks without requiring handcrafted data representations. Although they have achieved impressive results in tasks requiring speech, image and language processing, neural networks still struggle to solve dynamic scene understanding tasks. Furthermore, training neural networks usually demands lots data that is annotated manually, which can be an expensive and time-consuming process. This thesis is comprised of four articles proposing generative models for dynamic scenes. Generative modelling is an area of ML that investigates how to learn the mechanisms by which data is produced. The main motivation for generative models is to learn useful data representations without labels as a by-product of approximating the data generation process. Furthermore, generative models are useful for a wide range of applications such as image super-resolution, voice synthesis or text summarization. The first article focuses on improving the performance of previous Variational AutoEncoders (VAEs) for video prediction, which is the task of generating future frames of a dynamic scene given some previous occurred observations. VAEs are a family of latent variable models that can be used to sample data points. Compared to other generative models, VAEs are easy to train and tend to cover all data modes, but often produce lower quality results. In video prediction VAEs were the first models that were able to produce multiple plausible future outcomes given a context, marking an advancement over previous models as for most dynamic scenes the future is not a deterministic function of the past. However, the first VAEs for video prediction produced results with visible visual artifacts and could not operate on complex realistic datasets. In this article we identify some of the limiting factors for these models, and for each of them we propose a solution to ease its impact. With our proposed modifications, we show that VAEs for video prediction can obtain significant higher quality results over previous baselines and that they can be used to model autonomous driving scenes. In the second article we propose a new cascaded model for video generation based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). After the success of VAEs in video prediction, GANs were shown to produce higher quality video samples for class-conditional video generation. However, GANs require very large batch sizes and high capacity models, which makes training GANs for video generation computationally expensive, both in terms of memory and training time. We propose to split the generative process into a cascade of submodels, each of them solving a smaller generative problem. This split allows us to significantly reduce the computational requirements while retaining sample quality, and we show that this model can scale to very large datasets and video resolutions. In the third article we design a model based on the premise that a scene is comprised of different objects but that frame transitions (also known as dynamic rules) are shared among objects. To implement this modeling assumption we design a model that first extracts the different entities in a frame, and then learns to update the object representation from one frame to another by choosing among different possible transitions, all shared among objects. We show that, when learning such a model, the transition rules are semantically grounded and can be applied to objects not seen during training. Further, we can use this model for predicting multimodal future observations of a dynamic scene by choosing different transitions. In the last article we propose a generative model based on 3D rendering techniques that can generate scenes with multiple objects. We design an inference mechanism to learn representations that can be rendered with our model and we simultaneously optimize this inference mechanism and the renderer. We show that this model has an interpretable representation in which semantic changes to the scene representation are shown in the output. Furthermore, we show that, as a by product of the training process, our model learns to segment the objects in a scene without annotations and that the learned representation can be used to solve dynamic scene understanding tasks by inferring the representation of each observation

    A Survey of Neural Trees

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    Neural networks (NNs) and decision trees (DTs) are both popular models of machine learning, yet coming with mutually exclusive advantages and limitations. To bring the best of the two worlds, a variety of approaches are proposed to integrate NNs and DTs explicitly or implicitly. In this survey, these approaches are organized in a school which we term as neural trees (NTs). This survey aims to present a comprehensive review of NTs and attempts to identify how they enhance the model interpretability. We first propose a thorough taxonomy of NTs that expresses the gradual integration and co-evolution of NNs and DTs. Afterward, we analyze NTs in terms of their interpretability and performance, and suggest possible solutions to the remaining challenges. Finally, this survey concludes with a discussion about other considerations like conditional computation and promising directions towards this field. A list of papers reviewed in this survey, along with their corresponding codes, is available at: https://github.com/zju-vipa/awesome-neural-treesComment: 35 pages, 7 figures and 1 tabl

    Survey on intrusion detection systems based on deep learning

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    Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) have a significant role in all networks and information systems in the world to earn the required security guarantee. IDS is one of the solutions used to reduce malicious attacks. As attackers always changing their techniques of attack and find alternative attack methods, IDS must also evolve in response by adopting more sophisticated methods of detection. The huge growth in the data and the significant advances in computer hardware technologies resulted in the new studies existence in the deep learning field, including intrusion detection. Deep learning is sub-field of Machine Learning (ML) methods that are based on learning data representations. In this paper, a detailed survey of various deep learning methods applied in IDSs is given first. Then, a deep learning classification scheme is presented and the main works that have been reported in the deep learning works is summarized. Utilizing this approach, we have provided a taxonomy survey on the available deep architectures and algorithms in these works and classify those algorithms to three classes, which are: discriminative, hybrid and generative. After that, chosen deep learning applications are reviewed in a wide range of fields of intrusion detection. Finally, popular types of datasets and frameworks are discussed

    Deep learning for internet of underwater things and ocean data analytics

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    The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is an emerging technological ecosystem developed for connecting objects in maritime and underwater environments. IoUT technologies are empowered by an extreme number of deployed sensors and actuators. In this thesis, multiple IoUT sensory data are augmented with machine intelligence for forecasting purposes

    Approximation contexts in addressing graph data structures

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    While the application of machine learning algorithms to practical problems has been expanded from fixed sized input data to sequences, trees or graphs input data, the composition of learning system has developed from a single model to integrated ones. Recent advances in graph based learning algorithms include: the SOMSD (Self Organizing Map for Structured Data), PMGraphSOM (Probability Measure Graph Self Organizing Map,GNN (Graph Neural Network) and GLSVM (Graph Laplacian Support Vector Machine). A main motivation of this thesis is to investigate if such algorithms, whether by themselves individually or modified, or in various combinations, would provide better performance over the more traditional artificial neural networks or kernel machine methods on some practical challenging problems. More succinctly, this thesis seeks to answer the main research question: when or under what conditions/contexts could graph based models be adjusted and tailored to be most efficacious in terms of predictive or classification performance on some challenging practical problems? There emerges a range of sub-questions including: how do we craft an effective neural learning system which can be an integration of several graph and non-graph based models? Integration of various graph based and non graph based kernel machine algorithms; enhancing the capability of the integrated model in working with challenging problems; tackling the problem of long term dependency issues which aggravate the performance of layer-wise graph based neural systems. This thesis will answer these questions. Recent research on multiple staged learning models has demonstrated the efficacy of multiple layers of alternating unsupervised and supervised learning approaches. This underlies the very successful front-end feature extraction techniques in deep neural networks. However much exploration is still possible with the investigation of the number of layers required, and the types of unsupervised or supervised learning models which should be used. Such issues have not been considered so far, when the underlying input data structure is in the form of a graph. We will explore empirically the capabilities of models of increasing complexities, the combination of the unsupervised learning algorithms, SOM, or PMGraphSOM, with or without a cascade connection with a multilayer perceptron, and with or without being followed by multiple layers of GNN. Such studies explore the effects of including or ignoring context. A parallel study involving kernel machines with or without graph inputs has also been conducted empirically
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