1,181 research outputs found

    Deriving divide-and-conquer dynamic programming algorithms using solver-aided transformations

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    We introduce a framework allowing domain experts to manipulate computational terms in the interest of deriving better, more efficient implementations.It employs deductive reasoning to generate provably correct efficient implementations from a very high-level specification of an algorithm, and inductive constraint-based synthesis to improve automation. Semantic information is encoded into program terms through the use of refinement types. In this paper, we develop the technique in the context of a system called Bellmania that uses solver-aided tactics to derive parallel divide-and-conquer implementations of dynamic programming algorithms that have better locality and are significantly more efficient than traditional loop-based implementations. Bellmania includes a high-level language for specifying dynamic programming algorithms and a calculus that facilitates gradual transformation of these specifications into efficient implementations. These transformations formalize the divide-and conquer technique; a visualization interface helps users to interactively guide the process, while an SMT-based back-end verifies each step and takes care of low-level reasoning required for parallelism. We have used the system to generate provably correct implementations of several algorithms, including some important algorithms from computational biology, and show that the performance is comparable to that of the best manually optimized code.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CCF-1139056)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CCF- 1439084)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CNS-1553510


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    High-level abstractions for parallel programming are still immature. Computations on complicated data structures such as pointer structures are considered as irregular algorithms. General graph structures, which irregular algorithms generally deal with, are difficult to divide and conquer. Because the divide-and-conquer paradigm is essential for load balancing in parallel algorithms and a key to parallel programming, general graphs are reasonably difficult. However, trees lead to divide-and-conquer computations by definition and are sufficiently general and powerful as a tool of programming. We therefore deal with abstractions of tree-based computations. Our study has started from Matsuzaki’s work on tree skeletons. We have improved the usability of tree skeletons by enriching their implementation aspect. Specifically, we have dealt with two issues. We first have implemented the loose coupling between skeletons and data structures and developed a flexible tree skeleton library. We secondly have implemented a parallelizer that transforms sequential recursive functions in C into parallel programs that use tree skeletons implicitly. This parallelizer hides the complicated API of tree skeletons and makes programmers to use tree skeletons with no burden. Unfortunately, the practicality of tree skeletons, however, has not been improved. On the basis of the observations from the practice of tree skeletons, we deal with two application domains: program analysis and neighborhood computation. In the domain of program analysis, compilers treat input programs as control-flow graphs (CFGs) and perform analysis on CFGs. Program analysis is therefore difficult to divide and conquer. To resolve this problem, we have developed divide-and-conquer methods for program analysis in a syntax-directed manner on the basis of Rosen’s high-level approach. Specifically, we have dealt with data-flow analysis based on Tarjan’s formalization and value-graph construction based on a functional formalization. In the domain of neighborhood computations, a primary issue is locality. A naive parallel neighborhood computation without locality enhancement causes a lot of cache misses. The divide-and-conquer paradigm is known to be useful also for locality enhancement. We therefore have applied algebraic formalizations and a tree-segmenting technique derived from tree skeletons to the locality enhancement of neighborhood computations.電気通信大学201

    Design-Space Exploration of Mixed-precision DNN Accelerators based on Sum-Together Multipliers

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    Mixed-precision quantization (MPQ) is gaining momentum in academia and industry as a way to improve the trade-off between accuracy and latency of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) in edge applications. MPQ requires dedicated hardware to support different bit-widths. One approach uses Precision-Scalable MAC units (PSMACs) based on multipliers operating in Sum-Together (ST) mode. These can be configured to compute N = 1, 2, 4 multiplications/dot-products in parallel with operands at 16/N bits. We contribute to the State of the Art (SoA) in three directions: we compare for the first time the SoA ST multipliers architectures in performance, power and area; compared to previous work, we contribute to the portfolio of ST-based accelerators proposing three designs for the most common DNN algorithms: 2D-Convolution, Depth-wise Convolution and Fully-Connected; we show how these accelerators can be obtained with a High-Level Synthesis (HLS) flow. In particular, we perform a design-space exploration (DSE) in area, latency, power, varying many knobs, including PSMAC units parallelism, clock frequency and ST multipliers type. From the DSE on a 28-nm technology we observe that both at multiplier level and at accelerator level there is no one-fits-all solution for each possible scenario. Our findings allow accelerators’ designers to choose, out of a rich variety, the best combination of ST multiplier and HLS knobs depending on the target, either high performance, low area, or low power

    Optimal (Randomized) Parallel Algorithms in the Binary-Forking Model

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    In this paper we develop optimal algorithms in the binary-forking model for a variety of fundamental problems, including sorting, semisorting, list ranking, tree contraction, range minima, and ordered set union, intersection and difference. In the binary-forking model, tasks can only fork into two child tasks, but can do so recursively and asynchronously. The tasks share memory, supporting reads, writes and test-and-sets. Costs are measured in terms of work (total number of instructions), and span (longest dependence chain). The binary-forking model is meant to capture both algorithm performance and algorithm-design considerations on many existing multithreaded languages, which are also asynchronous and rely on binary forks either explicitly or under the covers. In contrast to the widely studied PRAM model, it does not assume arbitrary-way forks nor synchronous operations, both of which are hard to implement in modern hardware. While optimal PRAM algorithms are known for the problems studied herein, it turns out that arbitrary-way forking and strict synchronization are powerful, if unrealistic, capabilities. Natural simulations of these PRAM algorithms in the binary-forking model (i.e., implementations in existing parallel languages) incur an Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) overhead in span. This paper explores techniques for designing optimal algorithms when limited to binary forking and assuming asynchrony. All algorithms described in this paper are the first algorithms with optimal work and span in the binary-forking model. Most of the algorithms are simple. Many are randomized

    Towards high-level execution primitives for and-parallelism: preliminary results

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    Most implementations of parallel logic programming rely on complex low-level machinery which is arguably difflcult to implement and modify. We explore an alternative approach aimed at taming that complexity by raising core parts of the implementation to the source language level for the particular case of and-parallelism. Therefore, we handle a signiflcant portion of the parallel implementation mechanism at the Prolog level with the help of a comparatively small number of concurrency-related primitives which take care of lower-level tasks such as locking, thread management, stack set management, etc. The approach does not eliminate altogether modiflcations to the abstract machine, but it does greatly simplify them and it also facilitates experimenting with different alternatives. We show how this approach allows implementing both restricted and unrestricted (i.e., non fork-join) parallelism. Preliminary experiments show that the amount of performance sacriflced is reasonable, although granularity control is required in some cases. Also, we observe that the availability of unrestricted parallelism contributes to better observed speedups

    Programming self developing blob machines for spatial computing.

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    On the Interoperability of Programming Languages based on the Fork-Join Parallelism Model

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    This thesis describes the implementation of MetaFork, a meta-language for concurrency platforms targeting multicore architectures. First of all, MetaFork is a multithreaded language based on the fork-join model of concurrency: it allows the programmer to express parallel algorithms assuming that tasks are dynamically scheduled at run-time. While MetaFork makes no assumption about the run-time system, it formally defines the serial C-elision of a MetaFork program. In addition, MetaFork is a suite of source-to-source compilers permitting the automatic translation of multithreaded programs between programming languages based on the fork-join model. Currently, this compilation framework supports the OpenMP and CilkPlus concurrency platforms. The implementation of those compilers explicitly manages parallelism according to the directives specified in MetaFork, OpenMP and CilkPlus. We evaluate experimentally the benefits of MetaFork. First, we show that this framework can be used to perform comparative implementation of a given multi- threaded algorithm so as to narrow performance bottlenecks in one implementation of this algorithm. Secondly, we show that the translation of hand written and highly optimized code within MetaFork generally produces code with similar performance as the original

    Towards a High-Level Implementation of Execution Primitives for Unrestricted, Independent And-Parallelism

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    Most efficient implementations of parallel logic programming rely on complex low-level machinery which is arguably difficult to implement and modify. We explore an alternative approach aimed at taming that complexity by raising core parts of the implementation to the source language level for the particular case of and-parallellism. We handle a significant portion of the parallel implementation at the Prolog level with the help of a comparatively small number of concurrency.related primitives which take case of lower-level tasks such as locking, thread management, stack set management, etc. The approach does not eliminate altogether modifications to the abstract machine, but it does greatly simplify them and it also facilitates experimenting with different alternatives. We show how this approach allows implementing both restricted and unrestricted (i.e., non fork-join) parallelism. Preliminary esperiments show thay the performance safcrifieced is reasonable, although granularity of unrestricted parallelism contributes to better observed speedups