1,510 research outputs found

    Decomposition of sequential and concurrent models

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    Le macchine a stati finiti (FSM), sistemi di transizioni (TS) e le reti di Petri (PN) sono importanti modelli formali per la progettazione di sistemi. Un problema fodamentale è la conversione da un modello all'altro. Questa tesi esplora il mondo delle reti di Petri e della decomposizione di sistemi di transizioni. Per quanto riguarda la decomposizione dei sistemi di transizioni, la teoria delle regioni rappresenta la colonna portante dell'intero processo di decomposizione, mirato soprattutto a decomposizioni che utilizzano due sottoclassi delle reti di Petri: macchine a stati e reti di Petri a scelta libera. Nella tesi si dimostra che una proprietà chiamata ``chiusura rispetto all'eccitazione" (excitation-closure) è sufficiente per produrre un insieme di reti di Petri la cui sincronizzazione è bisimile al sistema di transizioni (o rete di Petri di partenza, se la decomposizione parte da una rete di Petri), dimostrando costruttivamente l'esistenza di una bisimulazione. Inoltre, è stato implementato un software che esegue la decomposizione dei sistemi di transizioni, per rafforzare i risultati teorici con dati sperimentali sistematici. Nella seconda parte della dissertazione si analizza un nuovo modello chiamato MSFSM, che rappresenta un insieme di FSM sincronizzate da due primitive specifiche (Wait State - Stato d'Attesa e Transition Barrier - Barriera di Transizione). Tale modello trova un utilizzo significativo nella sintesi di circuiti sincroni a partire da reti di Petri a scelta libera. In particolare vengono identificati degli errori nell'approccio originale, fornendo delle correzioni.Finite State Machines (FSMs), transition systems (TSs) and Petri nets (PNs) are important models of computation ubiquitous in formal methods for modeling systems. Important problems involve the transition from one model to another. This thesis explores Petri nets, transition systems and Finite State Machines decomposition and optimization. The first part addresses decomposition of transition systems and Petri nets, based on the theory of regions, representing them by means of restricted PNs, e.g., State Machines (SMs) and Free-choice Petri nets (FCPNs). We show that the property called ``excitation-closure" is sufficient to produce a set of synchronized Petri nets bisimilar to the original transition system or to the initial Petri net (if the decomposition starts from a PN), proving by construction the existence of a bisimulation. Furthermore, we implemented a software performing the decomposition of transition systems, and reported extensive experiments. The second part of the dissertation discusses Multiple Synchronized Finite State Machines (MSFSMs) specifying a set of FSMs synchronized by specific primitives: Wait State and Transition Barrier. It introduces a method for converting Petri nets into synchronous circuits using MSFSM, identifies errors in the initial approach, and provides corrections

    Property-preserving subnet reductions for designing manufacturing systems with shared resources

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    AbstractThis paper handles two problems in manufacturing system design: resource sharing and system abstraction. In a manufacturing system, resources such as robots, machines, etc. are shared by several processes. When the resources are switched from one process to another, they may need some modifications such as cleaning oil, adding equipments and so on. Previous designing methods assume that the resources have no intermediate modifications. Hence, they need to be extended to handle such kinds of resource-sharing problems. As for abstraction, modeling operations with single places in manufacturing system design is very popular. From the viewpoint of verification, the objective is to verify whether the reduced model has the same desirable properties as the original one. This paper presents three kinds of property-preserving subnet reduction methods. For each reduction method, conditions are presented for ensuring that the properties liveness, boundedness and reversibility are preserved. Applications of these reduction methods to handling the above resource sharing and system abstraction problems are illustrated with an example from the manufacturing system

    The complexity of Petri net transformations

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    Bibliography: pages 124-127.This study investigates the complexity of various reduction and synthesis Petri net transformations. Transformations that preserve liveness and boundedness are considered. Liveness and boundedness are possibly the two most important properties in the analysis of Petri nets. Unfortunately, although decidable, determining such properties is intractable in the general Petri net. The thesis shows that the complexity of these properties imposes limitations on the power of any reduction transformations to solve the problems of liveness and boundedness. Reduction transformations and synthesis transformations from the literature are analysed from an algorithmic point of view and their complexity established. Many problems regarding the applicability of the transformations are shown to be intractable. For reduction transformations this confirms the limitations of such transformations on the general Petri net. The thesis suggests that synthesis transformations may enjoy better success than reduction transformations, and because of problems establishing suitable goals, synthesis transformations are best suited to interactive environments. The complexity of complete reducibility, by reduction transformation, of certain classes of Petri nets, as proposed in the literature, is also investigated in this thesis. It is concluded that these transformations are tractable and that reduction transformation theory can provide insight into the analysis of liveness and boundedness problems, particularly in subclasses of Petri nets