20 research outputs found

    Unsupervised induction of semantic roles

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    In recent years, a considerable amount of work has been devoted to the task of automatic frame-semantic analysis. Given the relative maturity of syntactic parsing technology, which is an important prerequisite, frame-semantic analysis represents a realistic next step towards broad-coverage natural language understanding and has been shown to benefit a range of natural language processing applications such as information extraction and question answering. Due to the complexity which arises from variations in syntactic realization, data-driven models based on supervised learning have become the method of choice for this task. However, the reliance on large amounts of semantically labeled data which is costly to produce for every language, genre and domain, presents a major barrier to the widespread application of the supervised approach. This thesis therefore develops unsupervised machine learning methods, which automatically induce frame-semantic representations without making use of semantically labeled data. If successful, unsupervised methods would render manual data annotation unnecessary and therefore greatly benefit the applicability of automatic framesemantic analysis. We focus on the problem of semantic role induction, in which all the argument instances occurring together with a specific predicate in a corpus are grouped into clusters according to their semantic role. Our hypothesis is that semantic roles can be induced without human supervision from a corpus of syntactically parsed sentences, by leveraging the syntactic relations conveyed through parse trees with lexical-semantic information. We argue that semantic role induction can be guided by three linguistic principles. The first is the well-known constraint that semantic roles are unique within a particular frame. The second is that the arguments occurring in a specific syntactic position within a specific linking all bear the same semantic role. The third principle is that the (asymptotic) distribution over argument heads is the same for two clusters which represent the same semantic role. We consider two approaches to semantic role induction based on two fundamentally different perspectives on the problem. Firstly, we develop feature-based probabilistic latent structure models which capture the statistical relationships that hold between the semantic role and other features of an argument instance. Secondly, we conceptualize role induction as the problem of partitioning a graph whose vertices represent argument instances and whose edges express similarities between these instances. The graph thus represents all the argument instances for a particular predicate occurring in the corpus. The similarities with respect to different features are represented on different edge layers and accordingly we develop algorithms for partitioning such multi-layer graphs. We empirically validate our models and the principles they are based on and show that our graph partitioning models have several advantages over the feature-based models. In a series of experiments on both English and German the graph partitioning models outperform the feature-based models and yield significantly better scores over a strong baseline which directly identifies semantic roles with syntactic positions. In sum, we demonstrate that relatively high-quality shallow semantic representations can be induced without human supervision and foreground a promising direction of future research aimed at overcoming the problem of acquiring large amounts of lexicalsemantic knowledge

    Event extraction from biomedical texts using trimmed dependency graphs

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    This thesis explores the automatic extraction of information from biomedical publications. Such techniques are urgently needed because the biosciences are publishing continually increasing numbers of texts. The focus of this work is on events. Information about events is currently manually curated from the literature by biocurators. Biocuration, however, is time-consuming and costly so automatic methods are needed for information extraction from the literature. This thesis is dedicated to modeling, implementing and evaluating an advanced event extraction approach based on the analysis of syntactic dependency graphs. This work presents the event extraction approach proposed and its implementation, the JReX (Jena Relation eXtraction) system. This system was used by the University of Jena (JULIE Lab) team in the "BioNLP 2009 Shared Task on Event Extraction" competition and was ranked second among 24 competing teams. Thereafter JReX was the highest scorer on the worldwide shared U-Compare event extraction server, outperforming the competing systems from the challenge. This success was made possible, among other things, by extensive research on event extraction solutions carried out during this thesis, e.g., exploring the effects of syntactic and semantic processing procedures on solving the event extraction task. The evaluations executed on standard and community-wide accepted competition data were complemented by real-life evaluation of large-scale biomedical database reconstruction. This work showed that considerable parts of manually curated databases can be automatically re-created with the help of the event extraction approach developed. Successful re-creation was possible for parts of RegulonDB, the world's largest database for E. coli. In summary, the event extraction approach justified, developed and implemented in this thesis meets the needs of a large community of human curators and thus helps in the acquisition of new knowledge in the biosciences

    Learning Chinese language structures with multiple views

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    Motivated by the inadequacy of single view approaches in many areas in NLP, we study multi-view Chinese language processing, including word segmentation, part-of-speech (POS) tagging, syntactic parsing and semantic role labeling (SRL), in this thesis. We consider three situations of multiple views in statistical NLP: (1) Heterogeneous computational models have been designed for a given problem; (2) Heterogeneous annotation data is available to train systems; (3) Supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques are applicable. First, we comparatively analyze successful single view approaches for Chinese lexical, syntactic and semantic processing. Our analysis highlights the diversity between heterogenous systems built on different views, and motivates us to improve the state-of-the-art by combining or integrating heterogeneous approaches. Second, we study the annotation ensemble problem, i.e. learning from multiple data sets under different annotation standards. We propose a series of generalized stacking models to effectively utilize heterogeneous labeled data to reduce approximation errors for word segmentation and parsing. Finally, we are concerned with bridging the gap between unsupervised and supervised learning paradigms. We introduce feature induction solutions that harvest useful linguistic knowledge from large-scale unlabeled data and effectively use them as new features to enhance discriminative learning based systems. For word segmentation, we present a comparative study of word-based and character-based approaches. Inspired by the diversity of the two views, we design a novel stacked sub-word tagging model for joint word segmentation and POS tagging, which is robust to integrate different models, even models trained on heterogeneous annotations. To benefit from unsupervised word segmentation, we derive expressive string knowledge from unlabeled data which significantly enhances a strong supervised segmenter. For POS tagging, we introduce two linguistically motivated improvements: (1) combining syntax-free sequential tagging and syntax-based chart parsing results to better capture syntagmatic lexical relations and (2) integrating word clusters acquired from unlabeled data to better capture paradigmatic lexical relations. For syntactic parsing, we present a comparative analysis for generative PCFG-LA constituency parsing and discriminative graph-based dependency parsing. To benefit from the diversity of parsing in different formalisms, we implement a previously introduced stacking method and propose a novel Bagging model to combine complementary strengths of grammar-free and grammar-based models. In addition to the study on the syntactic formalism, we also propose a reranking model to explore heterogenous treebanks that are labeled under different annotation scheme. Finally, we continue our efforts on combining strengths of supervised and unsupervised learning, and evaluate the impact of word clustering on different syntactic processing tasks. Our work on SRL focus on improving the full parsing method with linguistically rich features and a chunking strategy. Furthermore, we developed a partial parsing based semantic chunking method, which has complementary strengths to the full parsing based method. Based on our work, Zhuang and Zong (2010) successfully improve the state-of-the-art by combining full and partial parsing based SRL systems.Motiviert durch die Unzulänglichkeit der Ansätze mit dem einzigen Ansicht in vielen Bereichen in NLP, untersuchen wir Chinesische Sprache Verarbeitung mit mehrfachen Ansichten, einschließlich Wortsegmentierung, Part-of-Speech (POS)-Tagging und syntaktische Parsing und die Kennzeichnung der semantische Rolle (SRL) in dieser Arbeit . Wir betrachten drei Situationen von mehreren Ansichten in der statistischen NLP: (1) Heterogene computergestützte Modelle sind für ein gegebenes Problem entwurft, (2) Heterogene Annotationsdaten sind verfügbar, um die Systeme zu trainieren, (3) überwachten und unüberwachten Methoden des maschinellen Lernens sind zur Verfügung gestellt. Erstens, wir analysieren vergleichsweise erfolgreiche Ansätze mit einzigen Ansicht für chinesische lexikalische, syntaktische und semantische Verarbeitung. Unsere Analyse zeigt die Unterschiede zwischen den heterogenen Systemen, die auf verschiedenen Ansichten gebaut werden, und motiviert uns, die state-of-the-Art durch die Kombination oder Integration heterogener Ansätze zu verbessern. Zweitens, untersuchen wir die Annotation Ensemble Problem, d.h. das Lernen aus mehreren Datensätzen unter verschiedenen Annotation Standards. Wir schlagen eine Reihe allgemeiner Stapeln Modelle, um eine effektive Nutzung heterogener Daten zu beschriften, und um Approximationsfehler für Wort Segmentierung und Analyse zu reduzieren. Schließlich sind wir besorgt mit der Überbrückung der Kluft zwischen unüberwachten und überwachten Lernens Paradigmen. Wir führen Induktion Feature-Lösungen, die nützliche Sprachkenntnisse von großflächigen unmarkierter Daten ernte, und die effektiv nutzen als neue Features, um die unterscheidenden Lernen basierten Systemen zu verbessern. Für die Wortsegmentierung, präsentieren wir eine vergleichende Studie der Wort-basierte und Charakter-basierten Ansätzen. Inspiriert von der Vielfalt der beiden Ansichten, entwerfen wir eine neuartige gestapelt Sub-Wort-Tagging-Modell für gemeinsame Wort-Segmentierung und POS-Tagging, die robust ist, um verschiedene Modelle zu integrieren, auch Modelle auf heterogenen Annotationen geschult. Um den unbeaufsichtigten Wortsegmentierung zu profitieren, leiten wir ausdrucksstarke Zeichenfolge Wissen von unmarkierten Daten. Diese Methode hat eine überwachte Methode erheblich verbessert. Für POS-Tagging, führen wir zwei linguistisch motiviert Verbesserungen: (1) die Kombination von Syntaxfreie sequentielle Tagging und Syntaxbasierten Grafik-Parsing-Ergebnisse, um syntagmatische lexikalische Beziehungen besser zu erfassen (2) die Integration von Wortclusteren von nicht markierte Daten, um die paradigmatische lexikalische Beziehungen besser zu erfassen. Für syntaktische Parsing präsentieren wir eine vergleichenbare Analyse für generative PCFG-LA Wahlkreis Parsing und diskriminierende Graphen-basierte Abhängigkeit Parsing. Um aus der Vielfalt der Parsen in unterschiedlichen Formalismen zu profitieren, setzen wir eine zuvor eingeführte Stacking-Methode und schlagen eine neuartige Schrumpfbeutel-Modell vor, um die ergänzenden Stärken der Grammatik und Grammatik-free-basierte Modelle zu kombinieren. Neben dem syntaktischen Formalismus, wir schlagen auch ein Modell, um heterogene reranking Baumbanken, die unter verschiedenen Annotationsschema beschriftet sind zu erkunden. Schließlich setzen wir unsere Bemühungen auf die Bündelung von Stärken des überwachten und unüberwachten Lernen, und bewerten wir die Auswirkungen der Wort-Clustering auf verschiedene syntaktische Verarbeitung Aufgaben. Unsere Arbeit an SRL ist konzentriert auf die Verbesserung der vollen Parsingsmethode mit linguistischen umfangreichen Funktionen und einer Chunkingstrategie. Weiterhin entwickelten wir eine semantische Chunkingmethode basiert auf dem partiellen Parsing, die die komplementäre Stärken gegen die die Methode basiert auf dem vollen Parsing hat. Basiert auf unserer Arbeit, Zhuang und Zong (2010) hat den aktuelle Stand erfolgreich verbessert durch die Kombination von voll-und partielle-Parsing basierte SRL Systeme

    Joint parsing of syntactic and semantic dependencies

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    Syntactic Dependency Parsing and Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) are two main problems in Natural Language Understanding. Both tasks are closely related and can be regarded as parsing on top of a given sequence. In the data-driven approach context, these tasks are typically addressed sequentially by a pipeline of classifiers. A syntactic parser is run in the first stage, and then given the predicates, the semantic roles are identified and classified (Gildea and Jurafsky, 2002). An appealing and largely unexplored idea is to jointly process syntactic dependencies and semantic roles. A joint process could capture some interactions that pipeline systems are unable to model. We expect joint models to improve on syntax based on semantic cues and also the reverse. Despite this potential advantage and the interest in joint processing stimulated by the CoNLL-2008 and 2009 Shared Tasks (Surdeanu et al., 2008; Hajic et al., 2009), very few joint models have been proposed to date, few have achieved attention and fewer have obtained competitive results. This thesis presents three contributions on this topic. The first contribution is to frame semantic role labeling as a linear assignment task. Under this framework we avoid assigning repeated roles to the arguments of a predicate. Our proposal follows previous work on enforcing constraints on the SRL analysis (Punyakanok et al., 2004; Surdeanu et al., 2007). But in our case, we enforce only a relevant subset of these constraints. We solve this problem with the efficient O(n^3) Hungarian algorithm. Our next contributions will rely on this assignment framework. The second contribution of this thesis is a joint model that combines syntactic parsing and SRL (Lluís et al., 2013). We solve it by using dual-decomposition techniques. A strong point of our model is that it generates a joint solution relying on largely unmodified syntactic and SRL parsers. We train each component independently and the dual-decomposition method finds the optimal joint solution at decoding time. Our model has some optimality and efficiency guarantees. We show experiments comparing the pipeline and joint approaches on different test sets extracted from the CoNLL-2009 Shared Task. We observe some improvements both in syntax and semantics when our syntactic component is a first-order parser. Our results for the English language are competitive with respect to other state-of-the-art joint proposals such as Henderson et al., (2013). The third contribution of this thesis is a model that finds semantic roles together with syntactic paths linking predicates and arguments (Lluís et al., 2014). We frame SRL as a shortest-path problem. Our method instead of conditioning over complete syntactic paths is based on the assumption that paths can be factorized. We rely on this factorization to efficiently solve our problem. The approach represents a novel way of exploiting syntactic variability in SRL. In experiments we observe improvements in the robustness of classifiers.L'anàlisi sintàctica de dependències i l'etiquetatge de rols semàntics són dues tasques principals dins el camp del Processament del Llenguatge Natural. Aquestes dues tasques estan estretament relacionades i poden considerar-se de manera genèrica com la construcció d'una anàlisi a partir d'una seqüència donada. En el context de les aproximacions basades en grans volums de dades, les dues tasques es tracten habitualment de manera seqüencial mitjançant una sèrie de classificadors en cadena. Un analitzador sintàctic s'aplica en primer lloc i a continuació i donats un predicats, els rols semàntics són identificats i classificats (Gildea i Jurafsky, 2002). Processar conjuntament les dependències sintàctiques i els rols semàntics és una idea que pot resultar atractiva però que tot i això s'ha explorat poc. Un procés conjunt podria capturar algunes interaccions que els sistemes seqüencials són incapaços de modelar. En un model conjunt esperem que la semàntica ens proporcioni pistes per tal de millorar la sintaxi així com també que es produeixin millores en el sentit contrari. Tot i aquests avantatges potencials i l'interès en els models conjunts que va despertar la tasca compartida de les "Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning" (CoNLL) 2008 i 2009 (Surdeanu et al., 2008; Hajic et al., 2009) fins al dia d'avui s'han proposat pocs models conjunts, pocs d'aquests han aconseguit tenir un ampli ressò i encara menys han presentat resultats competitius. La tesi presenta tres contribucions en aquest camp. La primera contribució és modelar l'etiquetatge de rols semàntics com un problema d'assignació lineal. Sota aquest marc evitem assignar rols repetits als arguments d'un predicat. Aquesta proposta va en la línia del treball previ sobre aplicació de restriccions en l'etiquetatge de rols semàntics (Punyakanok et al., 2004; Surdeanu et al., 2007). En el nostre cas però, apliquem només un subconjunt de les restriccions més rellevants presentades en treballs anteriors. El problema de l'assignació el resolem amb l'eficient algorisme Hongarès O(n^3). Les següents contribucions d'aquesta tesi utilitzen aquest mateix marc basat en l'assignació. La segona contribució de la tesi és un model conjunt que combina l'anàlisi sintàctica amb l'etiquetatge de rols semàntics (Lluís et al., 2013). Resolem aquest problema utilitzant el mètode anomenat "dual decomposition". Un punt destacable del nostre model és que genera la solució conjunta basant-se en analitzadors sintàctics i de rols semàntics pràcticament sense modificar. Entrenem cada component per separat i el mètode de "dual decomposition" ens permet obtenir la solució conjunta òptima durant la fase descodificació. El nostre model presenta algunes garanties d'optimalitat i eficiència. Mostrem experiments comparant les aproximacions seqüencials i conjuntes amb diferents conjunts de dades extrets de la tasca compartida del CoNLL-2009. Hem observat algunes millores tant en sintaxi com en semàntica en els casos en que el nostre component sintàctic és un analitzador de primer ordre. Els resultats que obtenim per a l'anglès són competitius respecte a altres sistemes conjunts de l'estat de l'art tals com Henderson et al. (2013). La tercera contribució de la tesi és un model que cerca rols semàntics juntament amb camins sintàctics que relacionen els predicats amb els seus arguments (Lluís et al., 2014). Considerem l'etiquetatge de rols com un problema de camins mínims. El nostre mètode enlloc de condicionar sobre camins sintàctics complets, es basa en l'assumpció que els camins poden ser factoritzats. Aquesta factorització és la que ens permet solucionar el problema de manera eficient. Aquesta aproximació representa una nova manera d'explotar variabilitat sintàctica durant l'etiquetatge de rols semàntics. En els experiments observem millores en la robustesa dels classificadors

    Deep Learning With Sentiment Inference For Discourse-Oriented Opinion Analysis

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    Opinions are omnipresent in written and spoken text ranging from editorials, reviews, blogs, guides, and informal conversations to written and broadcast news. However, past research in NLP has mainly addressed explicit opinion expressions, ignoring implicit opinions. As a result, research in opinion analysis has plateaued at a somewhat superficial level, providing methods that only recognize what is explicitly said and do not understand what is implied. In this dissertation, we develop machine learning models for two tasks that presumably support propagation of sentiment in discourse, beyond one sentence. The first task we address is opinion role labeling, i.e.\ the task of detecting who expressed a given attitude toward what or who. The second task is abstract anaphora resolution, i.e.\ the task of finding a (typically) non-nominal antecedent of pronouns and noun phrases that refer to abstract objects like facts, events, actions, or situations in the preceding discourse. We propose a neural model for labeling of opinion holders and targets and circumvent the problems that arise from the limited labeled data. In particular, we extend the baseline model with different multi-task learning frameworks. We obtain clear performance improvements using semantic role labeling as the auxiliary task. We conduct a thorough analysis to demonstrate how multi-task learning helps, what has been solved for the task, and what is next. We show that future developments should improve the ability of the models to capture long-range dependencies and consider other auxiliary tasks such as dependency parsing or recognizing textual entailment. We emphasize that future improvements can be measured more reliably if opinion expressions with missing roles are curated and if the evaluation considers all mentions in opinion role coreference chains as well as discontinuous roles. To the best of our knowledge, we propose the first abstract anaphora resolution model that handles the unrestricted phenomenon in a realistic setting. We cast abstract anaphora resolution as the task of learning attributes of the relation that holds between the sentence with the abstract anaphor and its antecedent. We propose a Mention-Ranking siamese-LSTM model (MR-LSTM) for learning what characterizes the mentioned relation in a data-driven fashion. The current resources for abstract anaphora resolution are quite limited. However, we can train our models without conventional data for abstract anaphora resolution. In particular, we can train our models on many instances of antecedent-anaphoric sentence pairs. Such pairs can be automatically extracted from parsed corpora by searching for a common construction which consists of a verb with an embedded sentence (complement or adverbial), applying a simple transformation that replaces the embedded sentence with an abstract anaphor, and using the cut-off embedded sentence as the antecedent. We refer to the extracted data as silver data. We evaluate our MR-LSTM models in a realistic task setup in which models need to rank embedded sentences and verb phrases from the sentence with the anaphor as well as a few preceding sentences. We report the first benchmark results on an abstract anaphora subset of the ARRAU corpus \citep{uryupina_et_al_2016} which presents a greater challenge due to a mixture of nominal and pronominal anaphors as well as a greater range of confounders. We also use two additional evaluation datasets: a subset of the CoNLL-12 shared task dataset \citep{pradhan_et_al_2012} and a subset of the ASN corpus \citep{kolhatkar_et_al_2013_crowdsourcing}. We show that our MR-LSTM models outperform the baselines in all evaluation datasets, except for events in the CoNLL-12 dataset. We conclude that training on the small-scale gold data works well if we encounter the same type of anaphors at the evaluation time. However, the gold training data contains only six shell nouns and events and thus resolution of anaphors in the ARRAU corpus that covers a variety of anaphor types benefits from the silver data. Our MR-LSTM models for resolution of abstract anaphors outperform the prior work for shell noun resolution \citep{kolhatkar_et_al_2013} in their restricted task setup. Finally, we try to get the best out of the gold and silver training data by mixing them. Moreover, we speculate that we could improve the training on a mixture if we: (i) handle artifacts in the silver data with adversarial training and (ii) use multi-task learning to enable our models to make ranking decisions dependent on the type of anaphor. These proposals give us mixed results and hence a robust mixed training strategy remains a challenge

    Tune your brown clustering, please

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    Brown clustering, an unsupervised hierarchical clustering technique based on ngram mutual information, has proven useful in many NLP applications. However, most uses of Brown clustering employ the same default configuration; the appropriateness of this configuration has gone predominantly unexplored. Accordingly, we present information for practitioners on the behaviour of Brown clustering in order to assist hyper-parametre tuning, in the form of a theoretical model of Brown clustering utility. This model is then evaluated empirically in two sequence labelling tasks over two text types. We explore the dynamic between the input corpus size, chosen number of classes, and quality of the resulting clusters, which has an impact for any approach using Brown clustering. In every scenario that we examine, our results reveal that the values most commonly used for the clustering are sub-optimal