14 research outputs found

    A Survey of Techniques for Architecting TLBs

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    “Translation lookaside buffer” (TLB) caches virtual to physical address translation information and is used in systems ranging from embedded devices to high-end servers. Since TLB is accessed very frequently and a TLB miss is extremely costly, prudent management of TLB is important for improving performance and energy efficiency of processors. In this paper, we present a survey of techniques for architecting and managing TLBs. We characterize the techniques across several dimensions to highlight their similarities and distinctions. We believe that this paper will be useful for chip designers, computer architects and system engineers


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    Modern embedded applications have become increasingly complex and diverse in their functionalities and requirements. Data processing, communication and multimedia signal processing, real-time control and various other functionalities can often need to be implemented on the same System-on-Chip(SOC) platform. The significant power constraints and real-time guarantee requirements of these applications have become significant obstacles for the traditional embedded system design methodologies. The general-purpose computing microarchitectures of these platforms are designed to achieve good performance on average, which is far from optimal for any particular application. The system must always assume worst-case scenarios, which results in significant power inefficiencies and resource under-utilization. This dissertation introduces a cross-layer application-customizable embedded platform, which dynamically exploits application information and fine-tunes system components at system software and hardware layers. This is achieved with the close cooperation and seamless integration of the compiler, the operating system, and the hardware architecture. The compiler is responsible for extracting application regularities through static and profile-based analysis. The relevant application knowledge is propagated and utilized at run-time across the system layers through the judiciously introduced reconfigurability at both OS and hardware layers. The introduced framework comprehensively covers the fundamental subsystems of memory management and multi-tasking execution control

    A framework towards the design of more sustainable concrete structures

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    Includes bibliographical references.The main contribution of this study is the development of a novel framework for the design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures which aims at ensuring that future RC structures have the lowest possible carbon footprint, energy use and impact on the environment. The key focus of the study is on structural design where there is a lack of grasp of materials aspects, and environmental aspects of construction. In the proposed framework, a set of quantifiable design parameters and variables (binder type, concrete grade, diffusivity, concrete cover depth, area of steel in the structural component) are selected with respect to a set of performance measures which cover the functionality and availability of the structure to the user during its service life. The outputs generated from the framework are optimised material types and properties which not only meet the design performance requirements but also lead to minimised life-cycle environmental impacts. Two case studies are used to demonstrate the proposed design methodology. These include a reinforced concrete frame building and a post-tensioned box girder. The application of the framework for design in the material specifications showed a reduced volume of materials in construction compared to the current materials and structures design practice

    Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation: Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

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    This Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX) has been jointly coordinated by Working Groups I (WGI) and II (WGII) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The report focuses on the relationship between climate change and extreme weather and climate events, the impacts of such events, and the strategies to manage the associated risks. The IPCC was jointly established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in particular to assess in a comprehensive, objective, and transparent manner all the relevant scientific, technical, and socioeconomic information to contribute in understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, the potential impacts, and the adaptation and mitigation options. Beginning in 1990, the IPCC has produced a series of Assessment Reports, Special Reports, Technical Papers, methodologies, and other key documents which have since become the standard references for policymakers and scientists.This Special Report, in particular, contributes to frame the challenge of dealing with extreme weather and climate events as an issue in decisionmaking under uncertainty, analyzing response in the context of risk management. The report consists of nine chapters, covering risk management; observed and projected changes in extreme weather and climate events; exposure and vulnerability to as well as losses resulting from such events; adaptation options from the local to the international scale; the role of sustainable development in modulating risks; and insights from specific case studies

    Optimal Global Instruction Scheduling for the Itanium® Processor Architecture

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    On the Itanium 2 processor, effective global instruction scheduling is crucial to high performance. At the same time, it poses a challenge to the compiler: This code generation subtask involves strongly interdependent decisions and complex trade-offs that are difficult to cope with for heuristics. We tackle this NP-complete problem with integer linear programming (ILP), a search-based method that yields provably optimal results. This promises faster code as well as insights into the potential of the architecture. Our ILP model comprises global code motion with compensation copies, predication, and Itanium-specific features like control/data speculation. In integer linear programming, well-structured models are the key to acceptable solution times. The feasible solutions of an ILP are represented by integer points inside a polytope. If all vertices of this polytope are integral, then the ILP can be solved in polynomial time. We define two subproblems of global scheduling in which some constraint classes are omitted and show that the corresponding two subpolytopes of our ILP model are integral and polynomial sized. This substantiates that the found model is of high efficiency, which is also confirmed by the reasonable solution times. The ILP formulation is extended by further transformations like cyclic code motion, which moves instructions upwards out of a loop, circularly in the opposite direction of the loop backedges. Since the architecture requires instructions to be encoded in fixed-sized bundles of three, a bundler is developed that computes bundle sequences of minimal size by means of precomputed results and dynamic programming. Experiments have been conducted with a postpass tool that implements the ILP scheduler. It parses assembly procedures generated by Intel�s Itanium compiler and reschedules them as a whole. Using this tool, we optimize a selection of hot functions from the SPECint 2000 benchmark. The results show a significant speedup over the original code.Globale Instruktionsanordnung hat beim Itanium-2-Prozessor großen Einfluß auf die Leistung und stellt dabei gleichzeitig eine Herausforderung für den Compiler dar: Sie ist mit zahlreichen komplexen, wechselseitig voneinander abhängigen Entscheidungen verbunden, die für Heuristiken nur schwer zu beherrschen sind.Wir lösen diesesNP-vollständige Problem mit ganzzahliger linearer Programmierung (ILP), einer suchbasierten Methode mit beweisbar optimalen Ergebnissen. Das ermöglicht neben schnellerem Code auch Einblicke in das Potential der Itanium- Prozessorarchitektur. Unser ILP-Modell umfaßt globale Codeverschiebungen mit Kompensationscode, Prädikation und Itanium-spezifische Techniken wie Kontroll- und Datenspekulation. Bei ganzzahliger linearer Programmierung sind wohlstrukturierte Modelle der Schlüssel zu akzeptablen Lösungszeiten. Die zulässigen Lösungen eines ILPs werden durch ganzzahlige Punkte innerhalb eines Polytops repräsentiert. Sind die Eckpunkte dieses Polytops ganzzahlig, kann das ILP in Polynomialzeit gelöst werden. Wir definieren zwei Teilprobleme globaler Instruktionsanordnung durch Auslassung bestimmter Klassen von Nebenbedingungen und beweisen, daß die korrespondierenden Teilpolytope unseres ILP-Modells ganzzahlig und von polynomieller Größe sind. Dies untermauert die hohe Effizienz des gefundenen Modells, die auch durch moderate Lösungszeiten bestätigt wird. Das ILP-Modell wird um weitere Transformationen wie zyklische Codeverschiebung erweitert; letztere bezeichnet das Verschieben von Befehlen aufwärts aus einer Schleife heraus, in Gegenrichtung ihrer Rückwärtskanten. Da die Architektur eine Kodierung der Befehle in Dreierbündeln fester Größe vorschreibt, wird ein Bundler entwickelt, der Bündelsequenzen minimaler Länge mit Hilfe vorberechneter Teilergebnisse und dynamischer Programmierung erzeugt. Für die Experimente wurde ein Postpassoptimierer erstellt. Er liest von Intels Itanium-Compiler erzeugte Assemblerroutinen ein und ordnet die enthaltenen Instruktionen mit Hilfe der ILP-Methode neu an. Angewandt auf eine Auswahl von Funktionen aus dem Benchmark SPECint 2000 erreicht der Optimierer eine signifikante Beschleunigung gegenüber dem Originalcode

    Utah Northern Goshawk Project: Environmental Assessment

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    This environmental assessment amends the management direction established in current land and resource management plans for the Ashley, Dioxie, Fishlake, Manti-LaSal, Uinta, and Wasatch-Cache National Forests

    Optimal Global Instruction Scheduling for the Itanium® Processor Architecture

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    On the Itanium 2 processor, effective global instruction scheduling is crucial to high performance. At the same time, it poses a challenge to the compiler: This code generation subtask involves strongly interdependent decisions and complex trade-offs that are difficult to cope with for heuristics. We tackle this NP-complete problem with integer linear programming (ILP), a search-based method that yields provably optimal results. This promises faster code as well as insights into the potential of the architecture. Our ILP model comprises global code motion with compensation copies, predication, and Itanium-specific features like control/data speculation. In integer linear programming, well-structured models are the key to acceptable solution times. The feasible solutions of an ILP are represented by integer points inside a polytope. If all vertices of this polytope are integral, then the ILP can be solved in polynomial time. We define two subproblems of global scheduling in which some constraint classes are omitted and show that the corresponding two subpolytopes of our ILP model are integral and polynomial sized. This substantiates that the found model is of high efficiency, which is also confirmed by the reasonable solution times. The ILP formulation is extended by further transformations like cyclic code motion, which moves instructions upwards out of a loop, circularly in the opposite direction of the loop backedges. Since the architecture requires instructions to be encoded in fixed-sized bundles of three, a bundler is developed that computes bundle sequences of minimal size by means of precomputed results and dynamic programming. Experiments have been conducted with a postpass tool that implements the ILP scheduler. It parses assembly procedures generated by Intel�s Itanium compiler and reschedules them as a whole. Using this tool, we optimize a selection of hot functions from the SPECint 2000 benchmark. The results show a significant speedup over the original code.Globale Instruktionsanordnung hat beim Itanium-2-Prozessor großen Einfluß auf die Leistung und stellt dabei gleichzeitig eine Herausforderung für den Compiler dar: Sie ist mit zahlreichen komplexen, wechselseitig voneinander abhängigen Entscheidungen verbunden, die für Heuristiken nur schwer zu beherrschen sind.Wir lösen diesesNP-vollständige Problem mit ganzzahliger linearer Programmierung (ILP), einer suchbasierten Methode mit beweisbar optimalen Ergebnissen. Das ermöglicht neben schnellerem Code auch Einblicke in das Potential der Itanium- Prozessorarchitektur. Unser ILP-Modell umfaßt globale Codeverschiebungen mit Kompensationscode, Prädikation und Itanium-spezifische Techniken wie Kontroll- und Datenspekulation. Bei ganzzahliger linearer Programmierung sind wohlstrukturierte Modelle der Schlüssel zu akzeptablen Lösungszeiten. Die zulässigen Lösungen eines ILPs werden durch ganzzahlige Punkte innerhalb eines Polytops repräsentiert. Sind die Eckpunkte dieses Polytops ganzzahlig, kann das ILP in Polynomialzeit gelöst werden. Wir definieren zwei Teilprobleme globaler Instruktionsanordnung durch Auslassung bestimmter Klassen von Nebenbedingungen und beweisen, daß die korrespondierenden Teilpolytope unseres ILP-Modells ganzzahlig und von polynomieller Größe sind. Dies untermauert die hohe Effizienz des gefundenen Modells, die auch durch moderate Lösungszeiten bestätigt wird. Das ILP-Modell wird um weitere Transformationen wie zyklische Codeverschiebung erweitert; letztere bezeichnet das Verschieben von Befehlen aufwärts aus einer Schleife heraus, in Gegenrichtung ihrer Rückwärtskanten. Da die Architektur eine Kodierung der Befehle in Dreierbündeln fester Größe vorschreibt, wird ein Bundler entwickelt, der Bündelsequenzen minimaler Länge mit Hilfe vorberechneter Teilergebnisse und dynamischer Programmierung erzeugt. Für die Experimente wurde ein Postpassoptimierer erstellt. Er liest von Intels Itanium-Compiler erzeugte Assemblerroutinen ein und ordnet die enthaltenen Instruktionen mit Hilfe der ILP-Methode neu an. Angewandt auf eine Auswahl von Funktionen aus dem Benchmark SPECint 2000 erreicht der Optimierer eine signifikante Beschleunigung gegenüber dem Originalcode

    Timing model derivation : pipeline analyzer generation from hardware description languages

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    Safety-critical systems are forced to finish their execution within strict deadlines so that worst-case execution time (WCET) guarantees are a crucial part of their verification. Timing models of the analyzed hardware form the basis for static analysis-based approaches like the aiT WCET analyzer. Currently, timing models are hand-crafted based on frequently incorrect documentation causing the process to be error-prone and time-consuming. This thesis bridges the gap between automatic hardware synthesis and WCET analysis development by introducing a process for the derivation of timing models from VHDL specifications. We propose a set of transformations and abstractions to reduce the hardware design\u27s complexity enabling the generation of efficient and provably correct WCET analyzers. They employ an abstract interpretation-based simulation of program executions based on a defined abstract simulation semantics. We have defined workflow patterns showing how to gradually apply the derivation process to VHDL models, thereby removing timing-irrelevant constructs. Interval property checking is used to validate the transformations. A further contribution of this thesis is the implementation of a tool set that realizes the introduced derivation process and shows its applicability to non-trivial industrial designs in experimental evaluations. Influences on design choices to the quality of the derived timing model are presented building an informal predictability notion for VHDL.Sicherheits-kritische Systeme unterliegen oft der Einhaltung strikter Laufzeitschranken, weshalb zur Verifikation sichere Obergrenzen der Laufzeit im schlimmsten Fall (WCET) bestimmt werden. Zeitmodelle der analysierten Hardware sind hierbei die Grundlage für auf statischen Analysen basierende Verfahren. Aktuell werden solche Modelle händisch aus Handbüchern extrahiert, ein sehr zeitaufwändiger und fehleranfälliger Prozess. Diese Arbeit schlägt eine Brücke zwischen automatischer Hardware-Synthese und der Entwicklung von WCET-Analysen durch die Einführung eines Ableitungsprozesses von Zeitmodellen aus VHDL-Spezifikationen. Transformationen und Abstraktionen werden zur Komplexitätsreduktion eingesetzt, um die Erzeugung von effizienten und beweisbar korrekten Analysatoren zu ermöglichen. Selbige bedienen sich abstrakter Interpretation von Programmausführungen basierend auf einer Simulations-Semantik. Definierte Arbeitsabläufe zeigen, wie man die Ableitung schrittweise auf VHDL-Modellen umsetzt und dadurch für das Zeitverhalten irrelevante Teile des Modells entfernt. Interval Property Checking gewährleistet hierbei, dass die Transformationen semantik-erhaltend sind. Eine Tool-Implementierung realisiert den vorgestellen Ableitungsprozess und unterstreicht seine Anwendbarkeit auf komplexe industrielle Designs durch experimentelle untersuchungen. Außerdem werden VHDL-Designentscheidungen hinsicht ihres Einflusses auf die Qualität des abgeleiteten Zeitmodells betrachtet

    Irrigation management at QAC

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