90 research outputs found

    Symmetric Permutations for I-matrices to Delay and Avoid Small Pivots During Factorization

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    Data Structures and Algorithms for Efficient Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations from 3-D Ice Sheet Models

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    Two current software packages for solving large systems of sparse simultaneous l~neare equations are evaluated in terms of their applicability to solving systems of equations generated by the University of Maine Ice Sheet Model. SuperLU, the first package, has been developed by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. UMFPACK, the second package, has been developed by T. A. Davis of the University of Florida who has ties with the U. C. Berkeley researchers as well as European researchers. Both packages are direct solvers that use LU factorization with forward and backward substitution. The University of Maine Ice Sheet Model uses the finite element method to solve partial differential equations that describe ice thickness, velocity,and temperature throughout glaciers as functions of position and t~me. The finite element method generates systems of linear equations having tens of thousands of variables and one hundred or so non-zero coefficients per equation. Matrices representing these systems of equations may be strictly banded or banded with right and lower borders. In order to efficiently Interface the software packages with the ice sheet model, a modified compressed column data structure and supporting routines were designed and written. The data structure interfaces directly with both software packages and allows the ice sheet model to access matrix coefficients by row and column number in roughly 100 nanoseconds while only storing non-zero entries of the matrix. No a priori knowledge of the matrix\u27s sparsity pattern is required. Both software packages were tested with matrices produced by the model and performance characteristics were measured arid compared with banded Gaussian elimination. When combined with high performance basic linear algebra subprograms (BLAS), the packages are as much as 5 to 7 times faster than banded Gaussian elimination. The BLAS produced by K. Goto of the University of Texas was used. Memory usage by the packages varted from slightly more than banded Gaussian elimination with UMFPACK, to as much as a 40% savings with SuperLU. In addition, the packages provide componentwise backward error measures and estimates of the matrix\u27s condition number. SuperLU is available for parallel computers as well as single processor computers. UMPACK is only for single processor computers. Both packages are also capable of efficiently solving the bordered matrix problem

    General-purpose preconditioning for regularized interior point methods

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    In this paper we present general-purpose preconditioners for regularized augmented systems, and their corresponding normal equations, arising from optimization problems. We discuss positive definite preconditioners, suitable for CG and MINRES. We consider “sparsifications" which avoid situations in which eigenvalues of the preconditioned matrix may become complex. Special attention is given to systems arising from the application of regularized interior point methods to linear or nonlinear convex programming problems.</p

    Résolution triangulaire de systèmes linéaires creux de grande taille dans un contexte parallèle multifrontal et hors-mémoire

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    Nous nous intéressons à la résolution de systèmes linéaires creux de très grande taille par des méthodes directes de factorisation. Dans ce contexte, la taille de la matrice des facteurs constitue un des facteurs limitants principaux pour l'utilisation de méthodes directes de résolution. Nous supposons donc que la matrice des facteurs est de trop grande taille pour être rangée dans la mémoire principale du multiprocesseur et qu'elle a donc été écrite sur les disques locaux (hors-mémoire : OOC) d'une machine multiprocesseurs durant l'étape de factorisation. Nous nous intéressons à l'étude et au développement de techniques efficaces pour la phase de résolution après une factorization multifrontale creuse. La phase de résolution, souvent négligée dans les travaux sur les méthodes directes de résolution directe creuse, constitue alors un point critique de la performance de nombreuses applications scientifiques, souvent même plus critique que l'étape de factorisation. Cette thèse se compose de deux parties. Dans la première partie nous nous proposons des algorithmes pour améliorer la performance de la résolution hors-mémoire. Dans la deuxième partie nous pousuivons ce travail en montrant comment exploiter la nature creuse des seconds membres pour réduire le volume de données accédées en mémoire. Dans la première partie de cette thèse nous introduisons deux approches de lecture des données sur le disque dur. Nous montrons ensuite que dans un environnement parallèle le séquencement des tâches peut fortement influencer la performance. Nous prouvons qu'un ordonnancement contraint des tâches peut être introduit; qu'il n'introduit pas d'interblocage entre processus et qu'il permet d'améliorer les performances. Nous conduisons nos expériences sur des problèmes industriels de grande taille (plus de 8 Millions d'inconnues) et utilisons une version hors-mémoire d'un code multifrontal creux appelé MUMPS (solveur multifrontal parallèle). Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail nous nous intéressons au cas de seconds membres creux multiples. Ce problème apparaît dans des applications en electromagnétisme et en assimilation de données et résulte du besoin de calculer l'espace propre d'une matrice fortement déficiente, du calcul d'éléments de l'inverse de la matrice associée aux équations normales pour les moindres carrés linéaires ou encore du traitement de matrices fortement réductibles en programmation linéaire. Nous décrivons un algorithme efficace de réduction du volume d'Entrées/Sorties sur le disque lors d'une résolution hors-mémoire. Plus généralement nous montrons comment le caractère creux des seconds -membres peut être exploité pour réduire le nombre d'opérations et le nombre d'accès à la mémoire lors de l'étape de résolution. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse a été partiellement financé par le projet SOLSTICE de l'ANR (ANR-06-CIS6-010). ABSTRACT : We consider the solution of very large systems of linear equations with direct multifrontal methods. In this context the size of the factors is an important limitation for the use of sparse direct solvers. We will thus assume that the factors have been written on the local disks of our target multiprocessor machine during parallel factorization. Our main focus is the study and the design of efficient approaches for the forward and backward substitution phases after a sparse multifrontal factorization. These phases involve sparse triangular solution and have often been neglected in previous works on sparse direct factorization. In many applications, however, the time for the solution can be the main bottleneck for the performance. This thesis consists of two parts. The focus of the first part is on optimizing the out-of-core performance of the solution phase. The focus of the second part is to further improve the performance by exploiting the sparsity of the right-hand side vectors. In the first part, we describe and compare two approaches to access data from the hard disk. We then show that in a parallel environment the task scheduling can strongly influence the performance. We prove that a constraint ordering of the tasks is possible; it does not introduce any deadlock and it improves the performance. Experiments on large real test problems (more than 8 million unknowns) using an out-of-core version of a sparse multifrontal code called MUMPS (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel Solver) are used to analyse the behaviour of our algorithms. In the second part, we are interested in applications with sparse multiple right-hand sides, particularly those with single nonzero entries. The motivating applications arise in electromagnetism and data assimilation. In such applications, we need either to compute the null space of a highly rank deficient matrix or to compute entries in the inverse of a matrix associated with the normal equations of linear least-squares problems. We cast both of these problems as linear systems with multiple right-hand side vectors, each containing a single nonzero entry. We describe, implement and comment on efficient algorithms to reduce the input-output cost during an outof- core execution. We show how the sparsity of the right-hand side can be exploited to limit both the number of operations and the amount of data accessed. The work presented in this thesis has been partially supported by SOLSTICE ANR project (ANR-06-CIS6-010)

    Tuning the Performance of a Computational Persistent Homology Package

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    In recent years, persistent homology has become an attractive method for data analysis. It captures topological features, such as connected components, holes, and voids from point cloud data and summarizes the way in which these features appear and disappear in a filtration sequence. In this project, we focus on improving the performanceof Eirene, a computational package for persistent homology. Eirene is a 5000-line open-source software library implemented in the dynamic programming language Julia. We use the Julia profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks and develop novel methods to manage them, including the parallelization of some time-consuming functions on multicore/manycore hardware. Empirical results show that performance can be greatly improved

    Parallel triangular solution in the out-of-core multifrontal approach for solving large sparse linear systems

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    We consider the solution of very large systems of linear equations with direct multifrontal methods. In this context the size of the factors is an important limitation for the use of sparse direct solvers. We will thus assume that the factors have been written on the local disks of our target multiprocessor machine during parallel factorization. Our main focus is the study and the design of efficient approaches for the forward and backward substitution phases after a sparse multifrontal factorization. These phases involve sparse triangular solution and have often been neglected in previous works on sparse direct factorization. In many applications, however, the time for the solution can be the main bottleneck for the performance. This thesis consists of two parts. The focus of the first part is on optimizing the out-of-core performance of the solution phase. The focus of the second part is to further improve the performance by exploiting the sparsity of the right-hand side vectors. In the first part, we describe and compare two approaches to access data from the hard disk. We then show that in a parallel environment the task scheduling can strongly influence the performance. We prove that a constraint ordering of the tasks is possible; it does not introduce any deadlock and it improves the performance. Experiments on large real test problems (more than 8 million unknowns) using an out-of-core version of a sparse multifrontal code called MUMPS (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel Solver) are used to analyse the behaviour of our algorithms. In the second part, we are interested in applications with sparse multiple right-hand sides, particularly those with single nonzero entries. The motivating applications arise in electromagnetism and data assimilation. In such applications, we need either to compute the null space of a highly rank deficient matrix or to compute entries in the inverse of a matrix associated with the normal equations of linear least-squares problems. We cast both of these problems as linear systems with multiple right-hand side vectors, each containing a single nonzero entry. We describe, implement and comment on efficient algorithms to reduce the input-output cost during an outof- core execution. We show how the sparsity of the right-hand side can be exploited to limit both the number of operations and the amount of data accessed. The work presented in this thesis has been partially supported by SOLSTICE ANR project (ANR-06-CIS6-010)

    Foundational Factorization Algorithms for the Efficient Roundoff-Error-Free Solution of Optimization Problems

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    LU and Cholesky factorizations play a central role in solving linear and mixed-integer programs. In many documented cases, the round-off errors accrued during the construction and implementation of these factorizations cause the misclassification of suboptimal solutions as optimal and infeasible problems as feasible and vice versa. Such erroneous outputs bring the reliability of optimization solvers into question and, therefore, it is imperative to eliminate these round off errors altogether and to do so efficiently to ensure practicality. Firstly, this work introduces two round off-error-free factorizations (REF) constructed exclusively in integer arithmetic: the REF LU and Cholesky factorizations. Additionally, it develops supplementary integer-preserving substitution algorithms, thereby providing a complete tool set for solving systems of linear equations (SLEs) exactly and efficiently. An inherent property of the REF factorization algorithms is that their entries' bit-length--- i.e., the number of bits required for expression--- is bounded polynomially. Unlike the exact rational arithmetic methods used in practice, however, the algorithms herein presented do not require any greatest common divisor operations to guarantee this pivotal property. Secondly, this work derives various useful theoretical results and details computational tests to demonstrate that the REF factorization framework is considerably superior to the rational arithmetic LU factorization approach in computational performance and storage requirements. This is significant because the latter approach is the solution validation tool of choice of state-of-the-art exact linear programming solvers due to its ability to handle both numerically difficult and intricate problems. An additional theoretical contribution and further computational tests also demonstrate the predominance of the featured framework over Q-matrices, which comprise an alternative integer-preserving approach relying on the basis adjunct matrix. Thirdly, this work develops special algorithms for updating the REF factorizations. This is necessary because applying the traditional approach to the REF factorizations is inefficient in terms of entry growth and computational effort. In fact, these inefficiencies virtually wipe out all the computational savings commonly expected of factorization updates. Hence, the current work develops REF update algorithms that differ significantly from their traditional counterparts. The featured REF updates are column/row addition, deletion, and replacement
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