82 research outputs found

    Informe de autoevaluación como herramienta formativa para árbitros de fútbol. Estudio de caso

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    Aquest article ofereix els resultats d'una investigació avaluativa centrada en una pràctica educativa que es va desenvolupar durant un torneig internacional de futbol i que va posar el centre d?atenció en la formació dels àrbitres participants. L'experiència tenia l'objectiu de facilitar als àrbitres un instrument d'autoavaluació per analitzar i valorar les seues actuacions arbitrals en els partits que van dirigir durant el campionat. Aquesta eina pretenia, a més, servir a l'equip docent com a font d'informació per detectar les necessitats del grup en cada jornada i facilitar processos de feedback dialògic en el marc d'una avaluació formativa. Aquesta retroalimentació es va dur a terme en les diferents sessions de formació, caracteritzades per una metodologia participativa, interactiva i col·laborativa, amb una valoració del vídeo com un recurs didàctic fonamental. Aquest estudi de cas es va desenvolupar des d'una complementarietat metodològica, qualitativa i quantitativa, amb aplicació de diverses tècniques i instruments. Es va analitzar el contingut d'un conjunt de 371 informes d'autoavaluació, elaborats després de cada partit pel grup de 28 àrbitres participants en el torneig. Es va investigar la utilitat i les aportacions de l'eina d'autoavaluació, així com el nivell de satisfacció amb la proposta de formació, a través de l'anàlisi dels resultats d'un qüestionari que es va administrar als àrbitres i d'un grup de discussió amb els formadors. Els resultats van evidenciar un alt grau de satisfacció i acceptació de l'instrument i de la metodologia desenvolupada en les reunions de treball. Destaquen el valor del vídeo com a material didàctic, la qualitat de la retroalimentació rebuda i de l'enfocament participatiu, interactiu i col·laboratiu de les diferents sessions. Aquesta proposta pretén ser transferible a altres situacions o contextos formatius

    VAR e processi decisionali nel calcio professionistico. Una rassegna di studi.

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    Lo scopo di questa rassegna è quello di valutare i primi effetti dell’adozione del VAR nei campionati calcistici professionistici. In particolare lo sforzo si è orientato verso il possibile ruolo dell’introduzione di questo strumento nella dinamica decisionale precedentemente documentata negli arbitri e nel possibile ruolo giocato dallo stress in relazione alla percezione del VAR da parte dell’arbitro, ma anche dei giocatori e del pubblico in generale. Da un lato si è proceduto nell’analizzare in che modo il VAR è stato introdotto in termini regolamentari, in secondo luogo è stata documentata la frequenza d’uso del VAR ed infine ci si è concentrati sull’interazione arbitro-VAR e in che modo questa eserciti un ruolo nella psicologia del direttore di gara. Un ulteriore punto analizzato è stato quello relativo all’allenamento dell’arbitro in relazione alla presenza del VAR. Inoltre la presente analisi critica della letteratura mirava ad indicare quali strumenti psicologici sono stati ad oggi adottati per valutare il ruolo del VAR nel calcio professionistico, qual è stato il suo impatto a livello mediatico e proporre possibili nuovi livelli d’indagine

    El modelo de aceptación de tecnología extendida para las tecnologías Web 2.0 en la enseñanza

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    Web 2.0-based learning enables collaborative learning and knowledge sharing and makes an important contribution to student learning. This study extended the original Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by considering the effects of tool literacy, metacognitive self-regulation, subjective norm, facilitating conditions, and institutional support to understand pre-service teachers' intentions to use Web 2.0 technology in their courses. The sample data of 318 responses were from pre-service teachers. Structural equation modeling results showed a good fit for the extended model, indicating that metacognitive self-regulation and subjective norm had a significant influence on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, while institutional support and enabling conditions were not significantly associated with them. In addition, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness influenced attitude, which in turn had a significant effect on intention. Furthermore, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and attitude acted as significant mediators of behavioral intention. The indirect effect of perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness and attitude, and the indirect effect of perceived usefulness on attitude were also significant. Overall, the current study helps researchers and practitioners better understand future teachers' intentions to use Web 2.0 technologies in their courses.El aprendizaje basado en Web 2.0 permite el aprendizaje colaborativo y el intercambio de conocimientos y hace una importante contribución al aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Este estudio amplió el original Modelo de Aceptación de Tecnología (con siglas en inglés TAM) al considerar los efectos de la alfabetización de herramientas, la autorregulación metacognitiva, la norma subjetiva, las condiciones facilitadoras y el apoyo institucional para comprender las intenciones de los futuros maestros de usar la tecnología Web 2.0 en sus cursos. Los datos de la muestra fueron 318 futuros maestros. Los resultados del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales mostraron un buen ajuste para el modelo extendido, lo que indica que la autorregulación metacognitiva y la norma subjetiva tenían una influencia significativa en la facilidad de uso percibida y la utilidad percibida, mientras que el apoyo institucional y las condiciones favorables no se asociaron significativamente con ellos. Además, la facilidad de uso percibida y la utilidad percibida influyeron en la actitud, que a su vez tuvo un efecto significativo en la intención. También la facilidad de uso percibida, la utilidad percibida y la actitud actuaron como mediadores significativos de la intención de comportamiento. El efecto indirecto de la facilidad de uso percibida sobre la utilidad percibida y la actitud, y el efecto indirecto de la utilidad percibida sobre la actitud también fueron significativos. En general, el estudio actual ayuda a los investigadores y profesionales a comprender mejor las intenciones de los futuros docentes de utilizar las tecnologías Web 2.0 en sus cursos

    Perceptions and Experiences of Adult Learners of Online Learning in the Era of COVID-19 in Ghana

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    The COVID-19 Pandemic has undoubtedly affected learners, and as such, adjustments need to be made for successful teaching and learning through online learning. However, in Ghana, the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic did not spare adult learners who are compelled by educational reforms to upgrade themselves academically using online learning platforms. Using a descriptive design, the study explored the perceptions and experiences of 166 (online data collection) adult learners as they pursue their academic programs through online learning. An adapted questionnaire on perceptions and online learning experiences developed by Khan, Nabi, Khojah, and Tahir (2021) was used for the data collection. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis technique was used to analyse the data. The study revealed that respondents felt confident while using online learning content but refuted that those technologies permit them to take tests and submit assignments electronically. Furthermore, the study revealed that online learning service was making the learning process very simplified. The revelation means that adult learners possess positive experiences and perceptions about online learning. Therefore, online teaching and learning in higher education institutions should be made a routine activity in Ghana even after the COVID-19 Pandemic because the world is approaching a technological world

    The influence of selected factors on perceived enjoyment of the online learning experience: lessons for post-COVID-19 classrooms

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    IntroductionSince digital transformation has become a priority in the higher education landscape, it is unlikely that higher education institutions will return to traditional face-to-face teaching and learning. Many higher education institutions have adopted a hybrid approach to teaching and learning in a post-Covid-19 setting. This unplanned forced change has raised concerns about the quality of online teaching and learning, as well as issues related to the student experience thereof. Therefore, it is necessary to consider possible factors that may influence students’ perceived enjoyment of the online teaching and learning experience. To date, very few studies have considered the antecedents of perceived enjoyment of online teaching and learning. The purpose of this paper was to determine the influence of selected factors of online teaching and learning on the perceived enjoyment of students.MethodsQuantitative data was collected, and the final sample consisted of 501 students enrolled at higher education institutions.ResultsThe findings showed that cognitive benefits, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are statistically significantly correlated with students’ perceived enjoyment of the online learning experience.DiscussionThe current study contributes to existing knowledge regarding the intention of continued use of online teaching and learning. The findings of this study are also practically relevant for enhancing students’ online learning experiences in a post-Covid-19 setting

    Activity report. 2013

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    New pathways to football refereeing development

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    The main goal of the present thesis is to contribute to football refereeing development, theoretically and in practice. The thesis includes one theoretical and three empirical studies. Study 1 provides a comprehensive panorama of football refereeing research. Through an integrative review, 267 full text articles, published in peer-review journals, were grouped into seven themes and 54 sub-themes. In addition to summarising the current state of the literature, possible paths for future research on the topic of football refereeing were outlined. Study 2 aims to identify, categorise and analyse the distinctive characteristics of top level referees that excel. Ninety-three subcategories (e.g., leadership, resilience, game reading) and 1833 units emerged from the data analysis process and were grouped into seven themes. Participants’ responses concerned Individual characteristics (82.00%), Group characteristics (14.02%), and Organisational characteristics (3.98%). Study 3, expand the results of the study 2, and based on our analysis of the opinions of 24 football experts, we demonstrate the multidimensionality of excellence in the performance of football referees. Finally, concerning the lack of research on football refereeing teams, Study 4 test how individual and team cognitions promote team adaptation and team performance within the football refereeing context. Results supported our three hypotheses: (i) team adaptation was positively associated with team performance; (ii) self-efficacy affects positively team adaptation; and (iii) as mental model increase within teams, the relationship between self-efficacy and team adaptation will be enhanced. Hence, it was found a mediation indirect effect of self-efficacy on performance through team adaptation. We believe that this thesis summarises the current state of literature on football refereeing and outlines possible paths for future research, not only at the individual level but also at the group / team and organisational level. It also contributes to the identification of the characteristics of high level football referees, aiming to promote the growth of competency development models of different areas (eg., technical, tactical, psychological) and levels (e.g., individual, team), that allow the referee, the refereeing and the football evolution.A presente tese pretende contribuir para o desenvolvimento teórico e prático da arbitragem do futebol. A tese inclui um estudo teórico e três estudos empíricos. O Estudo 1 fornece um panorama abrangente da literatura sobre a arbitragem do futebol. Através de uma revisão integrativa, analisaram-se 267 artigos publicados em revistas científicas com revisão por pares, que foram agrupados em sete temas e 54 subtemas. Além de resumir o estado atual da literatura, foram sugeridas linhas de investigação para a arbitragem do futebol. O Estudo 2 visa identificar, categorizar e analisar as características distintivas dos árbitros de topo que se destacam entre pares. Noventa e três subcategorias (por exemplo, liderança, resiliência, leitura do jogo) e 1833 unidades emergiram do processo de análise de dados e foram agrupadas em sete temas. As respostas dos participantes diziam respeito a características individuais (82,00%), características de grupo (14,02%) e características organizacionais (3,98%). O Estudo 3, expande os resultados do estudo 2. A análise das opiniões de 24 especialistas em futebol, evidenciou a multidimensionalidade da excelência no desempenho dos árbitros de futebol. Finalmente, considerando a falta de investigação sobre as equipas de arbitragem que dirigem os jogos de futebol, o Estudo 4 testa como as cognições individuais e de equipa promovem a adaptação e o desempenho da equipa de arbitragem. Os resultados sustentaram as três hipóteses que formulámos: (i) a adaptação da equipa foi positivamente associada ao desempenho da mesma; (ii) a autoeficácia afeta positivamente a adaptação da equipa; e (iii) o aumento do modelo mental das equipas, contribuirá para o aumenta da relação entre a autoeficácia e a adaptação da equipa. Verificou-se, também, a existência de um efeito indireto de mediação da autoeficácia no desempenho, por meio da adaptação da equipa. Acreditamos que esta tese resume o estado atual da literatura sobre a arbitragem do futebol e delineia caminhos possíveis para futuras pesquisas, não apenas ao nível individual, mas também ao nível de grupo / equipa e organizacional. Contribui, também, para a identificação das características dos árbitros de futebol de alto nível, com o objetivo de se criarem modelos de desenvolvimento de competências de diferentes áreas (ex: técnica, tática, mental) e níveis (ex: individual, equipa), que permitam a evolução do árbitro, da arbitragem e do futebol

    Narrative motion on the two-dimensional plane: the “video-ization” of photography and characterization of reality

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    "Art is not truth. Art is a lie that enables us to recognize truth" Pablo Picasso Time, as known to many, is an indispensable component of photography. Period(s) included in “single” photographs are usually and naturally much shorter than periods documented in video works. Yet, when it comes to combining photos taken at different times on one photographical surface, it becomes possible to see remnants of longer periods of time. Whatever method you use, the many traces left by different moments, lead to the positive notion of timelessness (lack of time dependence) due to the plural presences of time at once. This concept of timelessness sometimes carries the content of the photo to anonymity, the substance becomes multi-layered and hierarchy disappears. This paper focuses on creating photographical narratives within the two-dimensional world. The possibility of working in layers with transparency within the computer environment enables us to overlay succession of moments seized from time on top of each other, in order to create a storyline spread in time that is otherwise not possible to express in a single photograph, unless properly staged. Truth with the capital T is not taken as the departure point in this article; on the contrary, personal delineations of temporary yet experienced smaller realities is suggested