47 research outputs found

    Extension of MIH for FPMIPv6 (EMIH-FPMIPv6) to support optimized heterogeneous handover

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    Fast handover for Proxy Mobile IPv6 (FPMIPv6) can optimize the handover performance compared with PMIPv6 in terms of handover delay and packet loss. However, FPMIPv6 cannot handle heterogeneous handovers due to the lack of unified Layer 2 triggering mechanism. While Media Independent Handover (MIH) can provide heterogeneous handover support, and a lot of MIH-based integration solutions have been proposed. However, most of these solutions are based on the integration of MIH and PMIPv6, and require additional mechanisms such as L2 scanning, handover coordinator or neighbor discovery, which are out of the scope of MIH and difficult to be standardized. Furthermore, the direct integration of MIH and FPMIPv6 will cause redundant signaling cost due to the similar functions such as MIH handover commit procedure in MIH and inter-MAG (Mobility Access Gateway) tunnel setup in FPMIPv6. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on these solutions and compares each solution's functionality and characteristic, and then proposes an integration scheme based on Extension of MIH for FPMIPv6 (EMIH-FPMIPv6) to support optimized heterogeneous handover, which extends the existing MIH standard and reduces the redundant messages interaction caused by FPMIPv6 and MIH. This paper adopts the city section mobility model and heterogeneous networks model to analyze and compare the performance of EMIH-FPMIPv6 under different heterogeneous handover scenarios. The analytical results show that EMIH-FPMIPv6 is capable of reducing the handover delay and the signaling cost compared to the solution specified in MIH standard (noted as standard handover solution) and FPMIPv6. © 201

    Seamless Infrastructure independent Multi Homed NEMO Handoff Using Effective and Timely IEEE 802.21 MIH triggers

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    Handoff performance of NEMO BS protocol with existent improvement proposals is still not sufficient for real time and QoS-sensitive applications and further optimizations are needed. When dealing with single homed NEMO, handoff latency and packet loss become irreducible all optimizations included, so that it is impossible to meet requirements of the above applications. Then, How to combine the different Fast handoff approaches remains an open research issue and needs more investigation. In this paper, we propose a new Infrastructure independent handoff approach combining multihoming and intelligent Make-Before-Break Handoff. Based on required Handoff time estimation, L2 and L3 handoffs are initiated using effective and timely MIH triggers, reducing so the anticipation time and increasing the probability of prediction. We extend MIH services to provide tunnel establishment and switching before link break. Thus, the handoff is performed in background with no latency and no packet loss while pingpong scenario is almost avoided. In addition, our proposal saves cost and power consumption by optimizing the time of simultaneous use of multiple interfaces. We provide also NS2 simulation experiments identifying suitable parameter values used for estimation and validating the proposed mode

    Descoberta de serviços independentes do acesso para redes heterogéneas

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaA recente proliferação de nós móveis com múltiplas interfaces sem fios e a constituição de ambientes heterogéneos possibilitaram a criação de cenários complexos onde os operadores de rede necessitam de disponibilizar conectividade para diferentes tipos de redes de acesso. Assim, a norma IEEE 802.21 foi especificada de forma a facilitar e optimizar os procedimentos de handover entre diferentes tecnologias de acesso sem perda de conectividade. Para cumprir o seu propósito, a norma disponibiliza serviços chamados Media Independent Handover e que permitem o controlo e a obtenção de informação de diferentes ligações. A configuração estática destes serviços por parte do nó móvel torna-se ineficiente devido aos múltiplos cenários possíveis. Desta forma, o nó móvel deve descobrir nós da rede que providenciem serviços de mobilidade e as suas capacidade de uma forma dinâmica. Nesta dissertação, um conjunto de mecanismos para descoberta de serviços de handover independentes do acesso são analisados, implementados e avaliados em termos de duração e quantidade de informação trocada. Um novo mecanismo de descoberta de entidades locais é também proposto e avaliado, demonstrando que a sua utilização aumenta o desempenho e requer a troca de menos quantidade de informação.The recent proliferation of mobile nodes with multiple wireless interfaces, in addition to the creation of heterogeneous environments, created complex scenarios where network operators need to provide connectivity for di erent kinds of access networks. Therefore, the IEEE 802.21 standard has been speci ed to facilitate and optimize handover procedures between di erent access technologies in a seamless way. To ful l its purpose, it provides Media Independent Handover services which allow the control and gathering of information from di erent links. The static con guration of these services by the MN becomes ine cient due to the amount of possible scenarios. Thus, the MN must discover the network-supporting nodes and their capabilities in a dynamic way. In this work, a series of proposed Media Independent Handover discovery procedures are analyzed, implemented and evaluated in terms of duration and amount of exchanged information. In addition, a novel discovery procedure for local entities is proposed and evaluated, showing that its deployment increases the performance and requires less information exchanged

    Host mobility management with identifier-locator split protocols in hierarchical and flat networks

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    Includes abstractIncludes bibliographical references.As the Internet increasingly becomes more mobile focused and overloaded with mobile hosts, mobile users are bound to roam freely and attach to a variety of networks. These different networks converge over an IP-based core to enable ubiquitous network access, anytime and anywhere, to support the provision of services, that is, any service, to mobile users. Therefore, in this thesis, the researcher proposed network-based mobility solutions at different layers to securely support seamless handovers between heterogeneous networks in hierarchical and flat network architectures

    Middleware de comunicações para a internet móvel futura

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    Doutoramento em Informática (MAP-I)A evolução constante em novas tecnologias que providenciam suporte à forma como os nossos dispositivos se ligam, bem como a forma como utilizamos diferentes capacidades e serviços on-line, criou um conjunto sem precedentes de novos desafios que motivam o desenvolvimento de uma recente área de investigação, denominada de Internet Futura. Nesta nova área de investigação, novos aspectos arquiteturais estão ser desenvolvidos, os quais, através da re-estruturação de componentes nucleares subjacentesa que compõem a Internet, progride-a de uma forma capaz de não são fazer face a estes novos desafios, mas também de a preparar para os desafios de amanhã. Aspectos chave pertencendo a este conjunto de desafios são os ambientes de rede heterogéneos compostos por diferentes tipos de redes de acesso, a cada vez maior mudança do tráfego peer-to-peer (P2P) como o tipo de tráfego mais utilizado na Internet, a orquestração de cenários da Internet das Coisas (IoT) que exploram mecanismos de interação Maquinaa-Maquina (M2M), e a utilização de mechanismos centrados na informação (ICN). Esta tese apresenta uma nova arquitetura capaz de simultaneamente fazer face a estes desafios, evoluindo os procedimentos de conectividade e entidades envolvidas, através da adição de uma camada de middleware, que age como um mecanismo de gestão de controlo avançado. Este mecanismo de gestão de controlo aproxima as entidades de alto nível (tais como serviços, aplicações, entidades de gestão de mobilidade, operações de encaminhamento, etc.) com as componentes das camadas de baixo nível (por exemplo, camadas de ligação, sensores e atuadores), permitindo uma otimização conjunta dos procedimentos de ligação subjacentes. Os resultados obtidos não só sublinham a flexibilidade dos mecanismos que compoem a arquitetura, mas também a sua capacidade de providenciar aumentos de performance quando comparados com outras soluÇÕes de funcionamento especÍfico, enquanto permite um maior leque de cenáios e aplicações.The constant evolution in new technologies that support the way our devices are able to connect, as well the way we use available on-line services and capabilities, has created a set of unprecedented new challenges that motivated the development of a recent research trend known as the Future Internet. In this research trend, new architectural aspects are being developed which, through the restructure of underlying core aspects composing the Internet, reshapes it in a way capable of not only facing these new challenges, but also preparing it to tackle tomorrow’s new set of complex issues. Key aspects belonging to this set of challenges are heterogeneous networking environments composed by di↵erent kinds of wireless access networks, the evergrowing change from peer-to-peer (P2P) to video as the most used kind of traffic in the Internet, the orchestration of Internet of Things (IoT) scenarios exploiting Machine-to-Machine (M2M) interactions, and the usage of Information-Centric Networking (ICN). This thesis presents a novel framework able to simultaneous tackle these challenges, empowering connectivity procedures and entities with a middleware acting as an advanced control management mechanism. This control management mechanism brings together both high-level entities (such as application services, mobility management entities, routing operations, etc.) with the lower layer components (e.g., link layers, sensor devices, actuators), allowing for a joint optimization of the underlying connectivity and operational procedures. Results highlight not only the flexibility of the mechanisms composing the framework, but also their ability in providing performance increases when compared with other specific purpose solutions, while allowing a wider range of scenarios and deployment possibilities

    Improving initiation, decision and execution phases for vertical handover in heterogeneous wireless mobile networks

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    One of the challenging issues in Next Generation Wireless Systems (NGWS) is seamless Vertical Handover (VHO) during the mobility between different types of technologies (3GPP and non-3GPP) such as Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi), Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) and Long Term Evolution (LTE). Therefore, the telecommunication operators are required to develop aninteroperability strategy for these different types of existing networks to get the best connection anywhere, anytime without interruption of the ongoing sessions. In order to identify this problem accurately, the research study presented in this thesis provides four surveys about VHO approaches found in the literature. In these surveys, we classify the existing VHO approaches into categories based on the available VHO techniques for which we present their objectives and performances issues. After that, we propose an optimised VHO approach based on the VHO approaches that have been studied in the literature and take into consideration the research problems and conclusions which arearisen in our surveys. The proposed approach demonstrates better performance (packet loss, latency and signaling cost), less VHO connection failure (probability of minimising VHO reject sessions), less complexity and an enhanced VHO compared with that foundin the literature. It consists of a procedure which is implemented by an algorithm. The proposed procedure of loose coupling and Mobile Internet Protocol version 4 (MIPv4) provides early buffering for new data packets to minimise VHO packet loss and latency. Analysis and simulation of the proposed procedure show that the VHO packet loss and latency are significantly reduced compared with previous MIPv6 procedures found in the literature.The proposed algorithm is composed of two main parts: Handover Initiation and Optimum Radio Access Technologies (RATs) list of priority. The first part includes two main types of VHO and gives priority to imperative sessions over alternative sessions. IIIThis part is also responsible for deciding when and where to perform the handover by choosing the best RATs from the multiple ones available. Then, it passes them to the decision phase. This results in reducing the signaling cost and the inevitable degradation in Quality of Service (QoS) as a result of avoiding unnecessary handover processes. The second part defines RATs list of priority to minimise VHO connection failure. Analysis and simulation based performance evaluations then demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the traditional algorithms in terms of: (a) the probability of VHOconnection failure as a result of using the optimum RATs list of priority and (b) thesignaling cost and the inevitable degradation in QoS as a result of avoiding unnecessary handover processes

    Distribuição de vídeo para grupos de utilizadores em redes móveis heterogéneas19

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    The evolutions veri ed in mobile devices capabilities (storage capacity, screen resolution, processor, etc.) over the last years led to a signi cant change in mobile user behavior, with the consumption and creation of multimedia content becoming more common, in particular video tra c. Consequently, mobile operator networks, despite being the target of architectural evolutions and improvements over several parameters (such as capacity, transmission and reception performance, amongst others), also increasingly become more frequently challenged by performance aspects associated to the nature of video tra c, whether by the demanding requirements associated to that service, or by its volume increase in such networks. This Thesis proposes modi cations to the mobile architecture towards a more e cient video broadcasting, de ning and developing mechanisms applicable to the network, or to the mobile terminal. Particularly, heterogeneous networks multicast IP mobility supported scenarios are focused, emphasizing their application over di erent access technologies. The suggested changes are applicable to mobile or static user scenarios, whether it performs the role of receiver or source of the video tra c. Similarly, the de ned mechanisms propose solutions targeting operators with di erent video broadcasting goals, or whose networks have di erent characteristics. The pursued methodology combined an experimental evaluation executed over physical testbeds, with the mathematical evaluation using network simulation, allowing the veri cation of its impact on the optimization of video reception in mobile terminalsA evolução veri cada nas características dos dispositivos moveis (capacidade de armazenamento, resolução do ecrã, processador, etc.) durante os últimos anos levou a uma alteração signi cativa nos comportamentos dos utilizadores, sendo agora comum o consumo e produção de conteúdos multimédia envolvendo terminais móveis, em particular o tráfego vídeo. Consequentemente, as redes de operador móvel, embora tendo também sido alvo constante de evoluções arquitecturais e melhorias em vários parâmetros (tais como capacidade, ritmo de transmissão/recepção, entre outros), vêemse cada vez mais frequentemente desa adas por aspectos de desempenho associados à natureza do tráfego de vídeo, seja pela exigência de requisitos associados a esse serviço, quer pelo aumento do volume do mesmo nesse tipo de redes. Esta Tese propôe alterações à arquitetura móvel para a disseminação de vídeo mais e ciente, de nindo e desenvolvendo mecanismos aplicáveis à rede, ou ao utilizador móvel. Em particular, são focados cenários suportados por IP multicast em redes móveis heterogéneas, isto é, com ênfase na aplicação destes mecanismos sobre diferentes tecnologias de acesso. As alterações sugeridas aplicam-se a cenários de utilizador estático ou móvel, sendo este a fonte ou receptor do tráfego vídeo. Da mesma forma, são propostas soluções tendo em vista operadores com diferentes objectivos de disseminação de vídeo, ou cujas redes têm diferentes características. A metodologia utilizada combinou a avaliação experimental em testbeds físicas com a avaliação matemática em simulações de redes, e permitiu veri car o impacto sobre a optimização da recepção de vídeo em terminais móveisPrograma Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe