42 research outputs found

    The role that sound spatialization plays in improving performance in an interactive installation : study of the correlation between gesture and localization of sound sources in space

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    The main objective of this research work is to study the correlation between gesture and localization of sound sources in space within the framework of interactive installations, based on theories of hearing and gesture. We have therefore chosen the experimental method by developing an interactive installation with which we carry out three different experiments, in which a subject’s hand is tracked by a Microsoft Kinect depth camera (motion capture) and a deictic gesture is used to trigger recorded music sounds and identify their localization in the horizontal plane. Thus, we manipulate the direction of sound and we measure the percentage of correct perceptual sound source localizations resulting from the participant’s responses in an Inquiry Mode Questionnaire in comparison with the actual directions of the gesture and perceptual sound sources provided by software. Descriptive and inferential statistics is applied to the collected data. The main results show that it is easier to define the origin of sound and that auditory perception is more accurate when its incidence is frontal in the horizontal plane, just as sound source localization theory predicts. Whereas 86.1% of all volunteers consider that their gesture coincides with the origin of sound in experiment 1, in which the use of their gesture in a certain direction produces a sound from that direction, only 58.1% admit the same in experiment 3, in which the same gesture is used to identify the system-predetermined localization of a perceptual sound source in an angle of 260o around a subject. At least 55.9% of all participants do not perceive that their gesture cannot coincide with the origin of sound in experiment 2, since sound is produced from the opposite surround direction, which seems to demonstrate that, when sounds are produced frontally or from the back and a person has the task of controlling their motion with a deictic gesture at the same time, his or her ability to identify the origin of sound generally diminishes, in addition to the already well-known reduced ability to identify it when it is in the median plane, if the head is not rotated. We therefore conclude that there is a relatively high correlation between gesture and localization of sound sources in space, but this is not as perfect as it could be owing to the limitations of the human auditory system and to the natural dependence of head movement on gesture.O objectivo principal deste trabalho de pesquisa é o de estudar a correlação entre gesto e localização de fontes sonoras no espaço, no âmbito das instalações interactivas, com base nas teorias da audição e do gesto. Na ocasisão em que começamos a nossa investigação verificámos que havia vários estudos que abordavam os assuntos “gesto” e “localização de fontes sonoras” de diversas maneiras: 1) de forma independente um do outro e/ou noutros contextos distintos dos das instalações interactivas, como por exemplo em Blauert (1997), Pulkki (1999) Pulkki & Karjalainen (2001), Pulkki (2001a), Bates et al. (2007), Hammershøi (2009), McNeill (1992), Coutaz & Crowley (1995), Choi (2000), Cadoz & Wanderley (2000), Nehaniv (2005), Campbell (2005), ou Godøy & Leman (2010); 2) de um ponto de vista mais técnico, como por exemplo em Harada et al. (1992), Jensenius et al. (2006), Marshall et al. (2006), Schacher (2007), Neukom & Schacher (2008), Zelli (2009), Marshall et al. (2009), Bhuiyan & Picking (2009), ou Schumacher & Bresson (2010); ou 3) de um ponto de vista mais artístico, como em Bencina et al. (2008) ou Grigoriou & Floros (2010). Havia, no entanto, muito poucos estudos a envolver ou a abordar ambos os assuntos e a analisar de maneira conjugada as suas relações de um ponto de vista mais perceptual, como por exemplo em Gröhn (2002), de Götzen (2004) ou Marentakis et al. (2008). Foi esta última perspectiva que decidimos seguir e que aqui exploramos. Desta forma, optámos pelo método experimental, aplicando um desenho de medidas repetidas e desenvolvendo uma instalação interactiva com a qual realizamos três experiências diferentes, em que a mão de um sujeito é rastreada por uma câmara de profundidade Microsoft Kinect (captação de movimento) e um gesto díctico é usado para activar sons de música gravada e para identificar as suas localizações no plano de escuta horizontal. Assim, manipulamos a direcção do som e medimos a percentagem de localizações de fontes sonoras perceptuais correctas, resultante das respostas dos participantes num Inquérito Por Questionário em comparação com as direcções reais do gesto díctico e das fontes sonoras perceptuais fornecidas pelo software que utilizamos no nosso trabalho. Para população-alvo pensámos em pessoas com conhecimentos musicais e pessoas com poucos ou nenhuns conhecimentos musicais, o que nos levou a solicitar a um grande número de pessoas a sua participação voluntária, anónima e sem constrangimentos no nosso estudo. Isso foi levado a cabo sobretudo através do envio de correio electrónico para amigos, para estudantes de diferentes áreas a frequentar e para colegas a trabalhar na Escola de Artes da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (EA- -UCP), na Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo do Instituto Politécnico do Porto e na Academia de Música de Espinho. Para além disso, foi também crucial falar-se com amigos e familiares e informar tantas pessoas quanto possíıvel sobre a nossa investigação, através da colocação de cartazes informativos nas paredes dos corredores da Universidade Católica, alguns dias antes de as experiências terem sido realizadas no Laboratório de Captação de Movimento da EA-UCP. Por fim, é efectuada uma análise estatística descritiva e inferencial dos dados recolhidos. Os principais resultados apontam no sentido de ser mais fácil definir a origem do som quando a sua incidência é frontal no plano de escuta horizontal, para além de a percepção auditiva ser mais precisa nessa direcção, tal como a teoria da localização de fontes sonoras prevê. Enquanto 86.1% de todos os participantes consideram que o seu gesto díctico coincide com a origem do som na experiência 1, em que o uso desse gesto numa determinada direcção faz despoletar um som proveniente dessa direcção, apenas 58.1% admitem o mesmo na experiência 3, em que o mesmo gesto é usado para identificar a localização de uma fonte sonora perceptual predeterminada pelo sistema num ângulo de 260º em torno de um sujeito. Esta última percentagem parece dever-se ao facto de a maior parte dos sons ser produzida a partir de direcções laterais na experiência 3, tendo a posição da cabeça voltada para a câmara como referência. Pelo menos 55.9% de todos os voluntários não percebem que o seu gesto não poderia ter coincidido com a origem do som na experiência 2, já que o som é produzido a partir da direcção envolvente oposta. Este facto parece demonstrar que, quando os sons são produzidos frontalmente ou de trás e uma pessoa tem a tarefa de controlar os seus movimentos com um gesto díctico ao mesmo tempo, a sua capacidade para identificar a origem do som é, em geral, ainda mais baixa, para além da já conhecida capacidade reduzida para identificá-la quando o som se encontra no plano mediano, se a cabeça não for rodada. A maior parte dos participantes sente um controlo imediato sobre o som nas experiências 1 e 2, mas os tempos estimados pelos próprios são bastante superiores aos aproximadamente 650 milissegundos necessários para o ser humano ouvir e reagir a um som na nossa instalação interactiva. Descobrimos também que o tempo médio necessário para localizar sons com o uso de um gesto díctico na nossa experiência 3 é de cerca de 10 segundos, o que corresponde a um tempo bastante mais longo do que os 3 segundos que supusemos. Para além disso, os voluntários fazem em média 2 tentativas para localizar sons com os seus gestos dícticos, tendo a necessidade de ouvir apenas uma vez em média cada som na íntegra para o localizar. Os desvios à esquerda e à direita efectuados pela maior parte dos participantes relativamente às direcções verdadeiras do som, quando estes tentam identificar as localizações predeterminadas pelo sistema das fontes sonoras perceptuais com os seus gestos dícticos na zona periférica do corpo, são em média de 7.97º e -7.19º, respectivamente. Desta forma, o desvio médio absoluto é de 7.76º. Comparando esses desvios com aqueles levados a cabo pelos participantes usando a mão esquerda (desvios de 6.86o para a esquerda e -6.35º para a direita das direcções verdadeiras do som) e com aqueles usando a mão direita (desvios de 8.46º para a esquerda e -7.38º para a direita das direcções verdadeiras do som), concluímos que os resultados são bastante parecidos entre si. Descobrimos que a maior parte dos voluntários estima um tempo muito mais longo do que os 2 segundos que supusemos experimentalmente para entender cada uma das três experiências. Para além disso, esse tempo estimado pelos participantes diminui da primeira para a última experiência, aparentemente devido à familiarização, conscientemente provocada por nós através da mesma sequência de realização das experiências imposta a cada participante, com o nosso sistema interactivo, embora considerem ter entendido cada uma das três experiências rapidamente. Acresce que a maioria dos voluntários interage facilmente com a nossa instalação e concorda que o gesto sugerido por nós foi adequadamente seleccionado para qualquer uma das três experiências. Também constatamos que os participantes consideram a resposta do sistema ao gesto como sendo imediata nas nossas três experiências, ou seja, estimam cerca de 1 segundo, o que é consistente com o resultado da medição da latência do sistema de cerca de 470 milissegundos. Além disso, verificamos que a maioria dos voluntários se sente envolvida pelo som na nossa instalação interactiva usando Ambisonics Equivalent Panning. Portanto, concluímos que, usando uma instalação interactiva como a nossa com um público-alvo semelhante aquele que tivemos, há uma correlação relativamente elevada entre o gesto e a localização de fontes sonoras no espaço, mas que esta não é tão perfeita como poderia ser devido às limitações do nosso sistema auditivo e aparentemente à dependência natural do movimento da cabeça do gesto. Assim, parece que a espacialização sonora pode melhorar o desempenho numa instalação interactiva, mas de forma moderada. Mesmo assim, defendemos que um sistema como o nosso pode vir a ser aplicado com vantagem em domínios diversos como os que apresentamos como exemplos

    Proceedings of the EAA Joint Symposium on Auralization and Ambisonics 2014

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    In consideration of the remarkable intensity of research in the field of Virtual Acoustics, including different areas such as sound field analysis and synthesis, spatial audio technologies, and room acoustical modeling and auralization, it seemed about time to organize a second international symposium following the model of the first EAA Auralization Symposium initiated in 2009 by the acoustics group of the former Helsinki University of Technology (now Aalto University). Additionally, research communities which are focused on different approaches to sound field synthesis such as Ambisonics or Wave Field Synthesis have, in the meantime, moved closer together by using increasingly consistent theoretical frameworks. Finally, the quality of virtual acoustic environments is often considered as a result of all processing stages mentioned above, increasing the need for discussions on consistent strategies for evaluation. Thus, it seemed appropriate to integrate two of the most relevant communities, i.e. to combine the 2nd International Auralization Symposium with the 5th International Symposium on Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics. The Symposia on Ambisonics, initiated in 2009 by the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics of the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, were traditionally dedicated to problems of spherical sound field analysis and re-synthesis, strategies for the exchange of ambisonics-encoded audio material, and – more than other conferences in this area – the artistic application of spatial audio systems. This publication contains the official conference proceedings. It includes 29 manuscripts which have passed a 3-stage peer-review with a board of about 70 international reviewers involved in the process. Each contribution has already been published individually with a unique DOI on the DepositOnce digital repository of TU Berlin. Some conference contributions have been recommended for resubmission to Acta Acustica united with Acustica, to possibly appear in a Special Issue on Virtual Acoustics in late 2014. These are not published in this collection.European Acoustics Associatio

    Spatial Multizone Soundfield Reproduction Design

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    It is desirable for people sharing a physical space to access different multimedia information streams simultaneously. For a good user experience, the interference of the different streams should be held to a minimum. This is straightforward for the video component but currently difficult for the audio sound component. Spatial multizone soundfield reproduction, which aims to provide an individual sound environment to each of a set of listeners without the use of physical isolation or headphones, has drawn significant attention of researchers in recent years. The realization of multizone soundfield reproduction is a conceptually challenging problem as currently most of the soundfield reproduction techniques concentrate on a single zone. This thesis considers the theory and design of a multizone soundfield reproduction system using arrays of loudspeakers in given complex environments. We first introduce a novel method for spatial multizone soundfield reproduction based on describing the desired multizone soundfield as an orthogonal expansion of formulated basis functions over the desired reproduction region. This provides the theoretical basis of both 2-D (height invariant) and 3-D soundfield reproduction for this work. We then extend the reproduction of the multizone soundfield over the desired region to reverberant environments, which is based on the identification of the acoustic transfer function (ATF) from the loudspeaker over the desired reproduction region using sparse methods. The simulation results confirm that the method leads to a significantly reduced number of required microphones for an accurate multizone sound reproduction compared with the state of the art, while it also facilitates the reproduction over a wide frequency range. In addition, we focus on the improvements of the proposed multizone reproduction system with regard to practical implementation. The so-called 2.5D multizone oundfield reproduction is considered to accurately reproduce the desired multizone soundfield over a selected 2-D plane at the height approximately level with the listener’s ears using a single array of loudspeakers with 3-D reverberant settings. Then, we propose an adaptive reverberation cancelation method for the multizone soundfield reproduction within the desired region and simplify the prior soundfield measurement process. Simulation results suggest that the proposed method provides a faster convergence rate than the comparative approaches under the same hardware provision. Finally, we conduct the real-world implementation based on the proposed theoretical work. The experimental results show that we can achieve a very noticeable acoustic energy contrast between the signals recorded in the bright zone and the quiet zone, especially for the system implementation with reverberation equalization

    The development of a design tool for 5-speaker surround sound decoders

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    This thesis presents the development of a software-based decoder design tool (DDT) for producing Ambisonic decoders optimised for playback over 5-speaker layouts. The research specifically focuses on developing decoders for irregular layouts with loudspeakers at a constant radial distance from the central listening position. It was motivated by the desire to provide better surround sound over the standard ITU 5-speaker layout for listeners in the sweet spot and off-centre positions. A wide-ranging literature review is presented revealing the need for such work. The DDT employs the Tabu Search algorithm to seek improved decoder parameters according to a multi-objective fitness function. The fitness function encapsulates criteria from psychoacoustic models as a set of objectives. In order to ensure the objectives were treated equally a method known as „range-removal‟ was used for the first time in Ambisonic decoder design. A companion technique termed „importance‟ allows the systematic prioritisation of range-removed objectives giving a designer control over desired decoder criteria. Additional elements exist in the DDT that can be turned on or off in different combinations. They include: a novel component for producing decoders with even performance by angle, a novel component for producing performance that correlates with the pattern of human spatial resolution estimated in previous Minimum Audible Angle experiments, and the ability to produce frequency dependent or independent decoders of different orders. Moreover, the user of the DDT can optimise performance for a single listener or multiple distributed listeners. To make the DDT as interactive as possible searches can optionally run on a High Performance Computer. This thesis also details the extensive testing of Ambisonic decoders for the ITU layout. Decoders have been assessed subjectively in listening tests and objectively using binaural measurements which has verified the methods developed in this research and the DDT‟s concept. Furthermore, decoders derived by the DDT have been compared to existing decoders and the results show they give equal or better performance. The development of a fully-functioning DDT which incorporates techniques for range-removal, importance, even performance by angle, minimum audible angle, off-centre listeners and their use in any combination represent the key outcomes of this work.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Time, Space, Memory: A portfolio of acousmatic compositions

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    This portfolio comprises of a collection of acousmatic works which investigate the role of source bonding in music – the tendency of listeners to relate sounds to their real-world sources and the signifying implication of such a link – with a particular focus on how spatial design can contribute towards source-bonding in the music’s perception as a holistic spatio-sonic entity. A number of compositional strategies, multichannel formats and spatial audio technologies are investigated, with their merits assessed based on their suitability for shaping the qualities of musical space explored. The discussion in this commentary will show how these holistic spaces can have similar qualities of perceived ‘reality’ and ‘abstraction’ to the individual sounds, and how this is investigated in the musical works. I shall also show how the contrasting environmental qualities of these spaces became a source of of inspiration for structuring the development of my music, and how they might evoke subsequent meaning in their experience based on the listener’s understanding of the spatial source bonds

    The Capture and Recreation of 3D Auditory Scenes

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    The main goal of this research is to develop the theory and implement practical tools (in both software and hardware) for the capture and recreation of 3D auditory scenes. Our research is expected to have applications in virtual reality, telepresence, film, music, video games, auditory user interfaces, and sound-based surveillance. The first part of our research is concerned with sound capture via a spherical microphone array. The advantage of this array is that it can be steered into any 3D directions digitally with the same beampattern. We develop design methodologies to achieve flexible microphone layouts, optimal beampattern approximation and robustness constraint. We also design novel hemispherical and circular microphone array layouts for more spatially constrained auditory scenes. Using the captured audio, we then propose a unified and simple approach for recreating them by exploring the reciprocity principle that is satisfied between the two processes. Our approach makes the system easy to build, and practical. Using this approach, we can capture the 3D sound field by a spherical microphone array and recreate it using a spherical loudspeaker array, and ensure that the recreated sound field matches the recorded field up to a high order of spherical harmonics. For some regular or semi-regular microphone layouts, we design an efficient parallel implementation of the multi-directional spherical beamformer by using the rotational symmetries of the beampattern and of the spherical microphone array. This can be implemented in either software or hardware and easily adapted for other regular or semi-regular layouts of microphones. In addition, we extend this approach for headphone-based system. Design examples and simulation results are presented to verify our algorithms. Prototypes are built and tested in real-world auditory scenes