1,842 research outputs found

    Amazon hydrology from space : scientific advances and future challenges

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    As the largest river basin on Earth, the Amazon is of major importance to the world's climate and water resources. Over the past decades, advances in satellite-based remote sensing (RS) have brought our understanding of its terrestrial water cycle and the associated hydrological processes to a new era. Here, we review major studies and the various techniques using satellite RS in the Amazon. We show how RS played a major role in supporting new research and key findings regarding the Amazon water cycle, and how the region became a laboratory for groundbreaking investigations of new satellite retrievals and analyses. At the basin-scale, the understanding of several hydrological processes was only possible with the advent of RS observations, such as the characterization of "rainfall hotspots" in the Andes-Amazon transition, evapotranspiration rates, and variations of surface waters and groundwater storage. These results strongly contribute to the recent advances of hydrological models and to our new understanding of the Amazon water budget and aquatic environments. In the context of upcoming hydrology-oriented satellite missions, which will offer the opportunity for new synergies and new observations with finer space-time resolution, this review aims to guide future research agenda toward integrated monitoring and understanding of the Amazon water from space. Integrated multidisciplinary studies, fostered by international collaborations, set up future directions to tackle the great challenges the Amazon is currently facing, from climate change to increased anthropogenic pressure

    Análise espaço-temporal dos sedimentos em suspensão em reservatório de baixa concentração por meio de sensoriamento remoto

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    O estudo de pequenos reservatórios e com baixa concentração de sedimentos em suspensão (CSS) ainda é um desafio para o sensoriamento remoto. Neste trabalho estimamos a CSS a partir das propriedades óticas da água e de imagens orbitais. Realizamos campanhas em datas escolhidas em função do calendário de passagem dos sensores, sazonalidade das chuvas e hidrograma do reservatório para coleta de amostras de água superficial e espectrorradiometria de campo. A calibração entre a CSS e o comportamento espectral gerou modelos de estimativa de CSS a partir de dados MODIS e Landsat 8, permitindo investigação do seu comportamento temporal e espacial. O modelo MODIS gerou uma série temporal de CSS desde 2000 a 2017, apresentando R2 = 0,8105 e RMSE% = 39,91%. O modelo Landsat 8 permitiu a análise espacial da CSS, apresentando R2 = 0,8352 e RMSE% = 15,12%. A combinação dos modelos propostos permitiu a análise temporal e espacial da CSS e seus relacionamentos com o regime de chuvas e variação de cota do reservatório do Descoberto (DF). Os resultados demonstraram que o uso de dados orbitais complementam as informações da CSS obtidas pelos métodos tradicionais de coleta e análise de qualidade da água em reservatórios de baixa CSS.The study of small reservoirs with low suspended sediment concentration (CSS) is still a challenge for remote sensing. In this work we estimate CSS from the optical properties of water and orbital imagery. Campaigns were carried out at selected dates according to the calendar of sensor passages, rainfall seasonality and hydrograph of the reservoir for the collection of surface water samples and field spectroradiometry. The calibration between CSS and spectral behavior generated CSS estimation models from MODIS and Landsat 8 data, allowing investigation of their temporal and spatial behavior. The MODIS model generated a time series of CSS from 2000 to 2017, presenting R2 = 0.8105 and RMSE% = 39.91%. The Landsat 8 model allowed the spatial analysis of CSS, with R2 = 0.8352 and RMSE% = 15.12%. The combination of the proposed models allowed the temporal and spatial analysis of the CSS and its relationships with the rainfall regime and the quota variation of the Descoberto reservoir (DF). The results showed that the use of orbital data complements the CSS information obtained by the traditional methods of collecting and analyzing water quality in low CSS reservoirs

    Remote Sensing of Floodpath Lakes and Wetlands: A Challenging Frontier in the Monitoring of Changing Environments

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    Monitoring of changing lake and wetland environments has long been among the primary focus of scientific investigation, technology innovation, management practice, and decision-making analysis. Floodpath lakes and wetlands are the lakes and associated wetlands affected by seasonal variations of water level and water surface area. Floodpath lakes and wetlands are, in particular, sensitive to natural and anthropogenic impacts, such as climate change, human-induced intervention on hydrological regimes, and land use and land cover change. Rapid developments of remote sensing science and technologies, provide immense opportunities and capacities to improve our understanding of the changing lake and wetland environments. This special issue on Remote Sensing of Floodpath Lakes and Wetlands comprise featured articles reporting the latest innovative research and reflects the advancement in remote sensing applications on the theme topic. In this editorial paper, we review research developments using state-of-the-art remote sensing technologies for monitoring dynamics of floodpath lakes and wetlands; discuss challenges of remote sensing in inventory, monitoring, management, and governance of floodpath lakes and wetlands; and summarize the highlights of the articles published in this special issue

    Multi-scale actual evapotranspiration mapping in South America with remote sensing data and the geeSEBAL model

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    O monitoramento preciso da evapotranspiração (ET) é crucial para gerenciar os recursos hídricos, garantir a segurança alimentar e avaliar os impactos das mudanças climáticas. Modelos de Balanço de Energia da Superfície (SEB) que usam dados de sensoriamento remoto são os mais confiáveis para estimar a ET, mas muitas vezes são difíceis de aplicar em grande escala devido ao longo tempo de processamento, necessidade de calibração local, entre outros obstáculos. Esta tese tem como foco a melhoria do geeSEBAL, uma implementação do modelo Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) na plataforma Google Earth Engine (GEE), adaptando-o para modelagem em escala continental, usando imagens do Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). O novo modelo, chamado geeSEBALMODIS, foi usado para gerar uma série temporal de ET a cada 8 dias para a América do Sul com pixels de 500 m. Estudos de validação mostram que o geeSEBAL-MODIS é mais preciso do que outros produtos globais de ET, com uma redução do erro de 13% na escala de campo e 30% na escala de bacia hidrográfica. O conjunto de dados está disponível para o público e pode ser usado para monitorar tanto mudanças climáticas em grande escala quanto as variações locais de ET relacionadas às atividades humanas. A análise de tendências mostra um aumento de 8,4% na ET sobre a América do Sul, associado ao aumento da demanda atmosférica, e à redução da precipitação e disponibilidade de água. Esses resultados destacam a importância de informações precisas sobre os processos do ciclo hidrológico para auxiliar no planejamento e gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos em um cenário de maior escassez. Nesse contexto, projetos como o OpenET, que fornece dados confiáveis e de alta resolução espacial de ET nos Estados Unidos, são cruciais para monitorar o consumo de água e auxiliar no desenvolvimento sustentável. Este trabalho também apresenta uma reprodução parcial do processo do OpenET para a intercomparação de modelos de sensoriamento remoto com dados de torres de fluxo, usando torres micrometeorológicas na América do Sul. Os resultados são promissores e abrem caminho para a expansão do OpenET além dos Estados Unidos e em direção a uma aplicação global.Accurately monitoring evapotranspiration (ET) is crucial for managing water resources, ensuring food security, and assessing the impacts of climate change. Surface Energy Balance (SEB) models that use remote sensing data are the most reliable for estimating ET, but they are often challenging to apply on a large scale due to long processing times, and local calibration requirements, among other obstacles. This dissertation focuses on improving geeSEBAL, an implementation of the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) model on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, by adapting it for continental-scale modeling using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images. The new model, called geeSEBAL-MODIS, was used to generate a temporal series of ET every 8 days for South America with pixels of 500 m. Validation studies show that geeSEBAL-MODIS is more accurate than other global ET products, with a reduction in error of 13% at the field scale and 30% at the basin scale. The dataset is publicly available and can be used to monitor both largescale climate change and local ET variations related to human activities. Trend analysis shows an 8.4% increase in ET over South America, associated with increased atmospheric demand, and reductions in precipitation and water availability. These findings underscore the importance of accurate information on hydrological cycle processes to assist in planning and managing water resources in a scenario of greater scarcity. In this context, projects like OpenET, which provides reliable and high spatial-resolution ET data in the United States, are crucial for monitoring water consumption and aiding in sustainable development. This work also presents a partial reproduction of the OpenET process for intercomparing remote sensing models with flux tower data, using micrometeorological towers in South America. The results are promising and pave the way for expanding OpenET beyond the United States and toward global application

    Spatio-temporal distribution of temperature, salinity and suspended sediment on the deltaic front of the Magdalena River: Influence on nutrient concentration and primary productivity

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    The characteristics of estuaries depend mainly on the magnitude and variability of river discharge and tidal forcing (Kjerfve, 1994). Estuaries present strong temporal and spatial gradients with respect to their physical, chemical and biological properties, as a result of changes in fluvial contributions (Nogueira et al., 1997). Therefore, biogeochemical processes are extremely complex (Fourqurean et al., 1993; Fernández-Nóvoa et al., 2015). Temperature and salinity are the most relevant features of coastal marine ecosystem dynamics (Urquhart et al., 2013), as variations in these parameters can influence the movement of water masses, water column stratification caused by density differences, transport of sediments, and mixing conditions (Bianchi, 2007; Geyer, 2010; Obeso-Nieblas et al., 2012; Osadchiev et al., 2017). Also, temperature and salinity may play roles in nutrient distributions and concentrations (Windom et al., 2006), and biogeochemical processes and ecological productivity, through alterations in biochemical reactions that regulate the enzymatic processes of respiration and photosynthesis (Xia and Jiang, 2015; Quamrul et al., 2016). The physical dynamics of estuaries/deltas of the micro-tidal domain, which are highly stratified and turbid, have been little studied. Therefore, we lack detailed knowledge regarding relationships among spatio-temporal variations in salinity and temperature, the extent and structure of convergence fronts and the mixed layer, nutrient distribution and primary productivity in this type of estuary

    Remote Sensing of River Discharge: A Review and a Framing for the Discipline

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    Remote sensing of river discharge (RSQ) is a burgeoning field rife with innovation. This innovation has resulted in a highly non-cohesive subfield of hydrology advancing at a rapid pace, and as a result misconceptions, mis-citations, and confusion are apparent among authors, readers, editors, and reviewers. While the intellectually diverse subfield of RSQ practitioners can parse this confusion, the broader hydrology community views RSQ as a monolith and such confusion can be damaging. RSQ has not been comprehensively summarized over the past decade, and we believe that a summary of the recent literature has a potential to provide clarity to practitioners and general hydrologists alike. Therefore, we here summarize a broad swath of the literature, and find after our reading that the most appropriate way to summarize this literature is first by application area (into methods appropriate for gauged, semi-gauged, regionally gauged, politically ungauged, and totally ungauged basins) and next by methodology. We do not find categorizing by sensor useful, and everything from un-crewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) to satellites are considered here. Perhaps the most cogent theme to emerge from our reading is the need for context. All RSQ is employed in the service of furthering hydrologic understanding, and we argue that nearly all RSQ is useful in this pursuit provided it is properly contextualized. We argue that if authors place each new work into the correct application context, much confusion can be avoided, and we suggest a framework for such context here. Specifically, we define which RSQ techniques are and are not appropriate for ungauged basins, and further define what it means to be ‘ungauged’ in the context of RSQ. We also include political and economic realities of RSQ, as the objective of the field is sometimes to provide data purposefully cloistered by specific political decisions. This framing can enable RSQ to respond to hydrology at large with confidence and cohesion even in the face of methodological and application diversity evident within the literature. Finally, we embrace the intellectual diversity of RSQ and suggest the field is best served by a continuation of methodological proliferation rather than by a move toward orthodoxy and standardization

    Pareamento bacia-lagoa usando modelagem hidrológica-hidrodinâmica e sensoriamento remoto

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    A gestão de recursos hídricos tornou-se cada vez mais complexa devido ao rápido crescimento sócio-econômico e as mudanças ambientais nas bacias hidrográficas nas últimas décadas. Modelos computacionais são importantes ferramentas de suporte na gestão de recursos hídricos e tomada de decisões devido a sua funcionalidade, provendo informações importantes sobre os principais processos físicos, químicos e biológicos, e permitindo melhorar o entendimento desses processos, os quais ocorrem em diferentes escalas espaciais e temporais. Na presente tese, o objetivo foi compreender o funcionamento hidrológico do sistema integrado bacia hidrográfica - lagoa, e os efeitos na hidrodinâmica do lago, utilizando como suporte o acoplamento da modelagem hidrológica - hidrodinâmica, e o uso de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto para o monitoramento de parâmetros de qualidade da água (e.g., clorofilaa, temperatura da superfície d’água e níveis da água). A área de estudo é a bacia hidrográfica da Lagoa Mirim, localizada no sul do Brasil, possuindo uma área total de 58.000 km2 (56% no Uruguai e o restante no Brasil). Foram propostos e testados modelos empíricos para estimativa de clorofila-a emumlago raso subtropical, baseados em imagens do sensor MODIS e técnicas estatísticas. Além disso, foi desenvolvido e avaliado o acoplamento da modelagem hidrológica-hidrodinâmica de grande escala e o sensoriamento remoto. O modelo hidrológico distribuído de grande escala MGBIPH acoplado com o modelo hidrodinâmico IPH-ECO foi utilizado para simular a bacia hidrográfica e os principais componentes hidrodinâmicos da Lagoa Mirim. O modelo mostrou bom desempenho quando comparado com observações de vazões, além de dados provenientes de sensoriamento remoto, através de altimetria espacial. As simulações mostraram importantes aspectos sobre a estrutura de fluxo, campos de velocidade e níveis d’água na lagoa, assim como a influência de grandes rios, forçantes externas como o vento (intensidade e direção) e o impacto do estressor antrópico (retiradas para irrigação) no sistema. As simulações permitiram avaliar aspectos relacionados com as variações espaciais e temporais (diurna, mensal, sazonal e inter-anual) da temperatura da superfície da água, a dinâmica dos fluxos de calor (sensível e latente) e os efeitos de eventos meteorológicos de pequena escala como frentes frias, os quais têm um impacto significativo sobre a temperatura superficial da água e os fluxos de calor na lagoa. Quanto aos modelos empíricos para estimativa de clorofila-a a partir do MODIS, os resultados mostram que um simples e eficiente modelo desenvolvido a partir de análise de regressão múltipla, apresentou ligeiras vantagens sobre os modelos de redes neurais artificiais, modelos multiplicativos não paramétricos e modelos empíricos (e.g., Appel, Kahru, FAI e O14a) usualmente utilizados na estimativa de Chl-a em ambientes aquáticos. Resultados também indicam que é inapropriado generalizar um único modelo desenvolvido a partir do conjunto total de dados, para estimar concentrações de Chl-a na lagoa, o que corrobora a heterogeneidade espacial na distribuição de Chl-a e as diferenças entre regiões (litoral e pelágica). A modelagem hidrológica-hidrodinâmica de grande escala apoiada por informação de sensoriamento remoto, mostrou ser uma abordagem promissora para o entendimento da estrutura e funcionamento de lagoas rasas de grande porte e longo prazo, úteis para a gestão integrada dos recursos hídricos.The last decade, the water resource management is being complex due to the rapid socioeconomic development and environmental changes in river basins. Computations models are important support tools in water resource management and make decision providing important information and allowing a better comprehension of the physical, chemical and biologic processes, which occur in di erent temporal/spatial scales. In this thesis, the objective was to understand the hydrological functioning of the integrated basin- lake system and its e ects on hydrodynamics, using hydrodynamic - hydrodynamic modeling and water quality monitoring (e.g., chlorophyll-a, water surface temperature and water levels) from remote sensing techniques. The study area is the Lake Mirim basin, located between Brazil and Uruguay (basin total area 58.000 km2). Empirical models were proposed and tested to chlorophyll-a estimation in a shallow subtropical lake, based on MODIS imagery and statistics techniques. In addition, we developed and assessed the coupling of large scale hydrological/hydrodynamic modeling and remote sensing techniques. The large-scale distributed hydrological model MGB-IPH coupled with the hydrodynamic model IPHECO were used to simulate the river basin and the hydrodynamic components of the Lake Mirim. The coupled model showed good performance when compared to in-situ measurements and satellite altimetry data. The simulations showed important aspects relate to flow structure, velocity fields and lake water levels, as well as the influence of large rivers, external forcing as such the wind (intensity and direction), and the impact of anthropogenic stressors (irrigation withdrawals) in the system. The simulations allowed assessing the spatial and temporal variations (diurnal, monthly, seasonal and inter-annual) in the water surface temperature, heat fluxes dynamics (sensible and latent) and the e ects of short time-scale events, as such cold fronts passages over the lake, which cause strong impacts on the water surface temperature and heat fluxes in the lake. Regarding the empirical models developed to chlorophyll-a estimation from MODIS imagery, the results showed that a simple and e cient model developed from multiple regression analysis, performed best in comparison with artificial neural network models, non-parametric multiplicative models, and empirical models (e.g., Appel, Kahru, FAI and O14a) common used in the Chl-a estimation in aquatics environments. Results also indicated that is inappropriate to generalize a single model developed from the total datasets to estimates Chl-a in the lake, which corroborates the spatial heterogeneity (Chl-a distribution) and the di erences among regions (littoral and pelagic). The synergy between large-scale hydrological-hydrodynamic modeling, in situ measurements and remote sensing techniques provided a promising approach to improve the comprehension of the structure and ecosystem functioning of large shallow lakes in long-term time scale, useful to water resources management

    Inundações em múltiplas escalas na América do Sul : de áreas úmidas a áreas de risco

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    South America hosts some of the major river systems on Earth, often associated with large floodplains that are inundated every year, such as the Pantanal and many Amazon wetlands. Interfluvial wetland complexes are also found across the continent, with particular geomorphic settings and unique savanna or grassland vegetation. South American wetlands can provide distinctive ecosystem services such as biodiversity supporting, food provision and flood attenuation. On the other hand, humans have settled around wetlands for millennia, benefiting from all resources they provide, and have adapted to its flood regime as well adapted its landscape, defining what has been called human-water systems. Yet, an increasing number of South American people have been negatively affected by extreme floods. Moving from continental to local scales, this thesis invites the readers to a journey across major South American wetland systems and their unique hydrological dynamics, under the light of the satellite era and the breakthrough advances on hydrologic-hydrodynamic modeling in the last decades. This work is founded on the proposition of a continental wetland research agenda, and based on a comparative hydrology approach. Floods are studied through both natural wetland processes and hazard dimensions. The first part presents a set of studies on the Amazon basin wetlands, from the development of 1D and 2D models to simulate hydrological processes in contrasting wetland types in the Negro river basin to the basin-wide intercomparison of 29 inundation products and assessment of long-term inundation trends. While most wetland studies have been conducted over the central Amazon floodplains, major knowledge gaps remain for understanding the hydrological dynamics of interfluvial areas such as the Llanos de Moxos and Negro savannas, where the inundation is less predictable and shallower. The second part of the thesis leverages satellite-based datasets of multiple hydrological variables (water levels, total water storage, inundation extent, precipitation and evapotranspiration) to address the hydrology of 12 large wetland systems in the continent. It shows the major differences among river floodplains and interfluvial wetlands on the water level annual amplitude, time lag between precipitation and inundation, and evapotranspiration dynamics. Finally, the third part addresses the flood hazard component of human-wetland interactions through large-scale assessments of flood hazard dynamics and effects of built infrastructure (dams) on flood attenuation. The dynamics of the great 1983 floods, one of the most extreme years ever recorded in the continent, is assessed with a continental hydrological model. Then, the capabilities of continental models to simulate the river-floodplain-reservoir continuum that exists across large river basins are assessed with case studies for major river basins affected by human intervention (Itajaí-Açu and upper Paraná river basins in Brazil). While this thesis enlightens some relevant hydrological processes regarding South American floods and their positive and negative effects to human societies and ecosystems in general, major knowledge gaps persist and provide great research opportunities for the near future. The launching of many hydrology-oriented satellite missions, and an ever-growing computational capacity, make the continental hydrology agenda related to wetlands and floods a great research topic for the upcoming years.A América do Sul abriga alguns dos maiores sistemas hídricos do planeta, frequentemente associados a grandes planícies de inundação, como o Pantanal e várias áreas da Amazônia. Áreas úmidas (AU’s) interfluviais são também encontrados no continente, com características geomorfológicas particulares, e vegetações de savana e gramíneas únicas. As AU’s da América do Sul provêm diversos serviços ecossistêmicos, como suporte à biodiversidade, provisão de alimento e atenuação de cheias. Humanos têm se estabelecido ao redor de AU’s por milênios, se beneficiando dos recursos providos por elas. Eles se adaptaram ao seu regime de inundação, e adaptaram sua paisagem, definindo o que tem sido chamado de sistemas sociedade-água. Por outro lado, um número crescente de pessoas têm sido negativamente afetado por cheias extremas. Da escala continental à local, esta tese convida o leitor a uma jornada através de importantes AU’s da América do Sul e suas particulares dinâmicas de inundação, sob a luz da era dos satélites e dos grandes avanços em modelagem hidrológica-hidrodinâmica das últimas décadas. Este trabalho é baseado na proposta de uma escala continental de pesquisa sobre AU’s, e é baseado em uma abordagem de hidrologia comparativa. Inundações são estudadas em múltiplas dimensões, de processos de AU’s naturais à questão do perigo para humanos. A primeira parte apresenta uma série de estudos sobre as AU’s da bacia amazônica, desde o desenvolvimento de modelos 1D e 2D para simular processos hidrológicos em tipos contrastantes de AU’s na bacia do Rio Negro, até a intercomparação de 29 produtos de inundação e avaliação de tendências de inundações de longo prazo para a escala da bacia amazônica. Enquanto a maioria dos estudos de AU’s foi conduzida nas várzeas do rio Amazonas, importantes lacunas do conhecimento permanecem para a compreensão da dinâmica hidrológica de áreas interfluviais como Llanos de Moxos e as savanas do rio Negro, onde a inundação é menos previsível e mais rasa. A segunda parte da tese utiliza dados oriundos de satélites relacionados a múltiplas variáveis hidrológicas (níveis d’água, armazenamento total de água, extensão de áreas inundadas, precipitação e evapotranspiração) para estudar a hidrologia de 12 grandes sistemas de AU’s do continente. São destacadas as grandes diferenças entre planícies de inundação e AU’s interfluviais em termos de amplitude anual de níveis d’água, defasagem entre precipitação e inundação, e dinâmica de evapotranspiração. Por fim, a última parte da tese aborda o componente de perigo de inundação das interações sociedade-água através de avaliações em grande escala da dinâmica de inundação e dos efeitos de infraestruturas construídas (como barragens) na atenuação de cheias. A dinâmica das grandes cheias de 1983, um dos anos mais extremos já registrados no continente, é avaliada com um modelo hidrológico continental. Depois, a capacidade de modelos continentais para simular o continuum entre rios, planícies de inundação e reservatórios que existe em grandes bacias hidrográficas é avaliada com estudos de casos para importantes bacias afetadas pela intervenção humana (bacia dos rios Paraná e Itajaí-Açu). Enquanto esta tese avança a compreensão de relevantes processos hidrológicos relacionados a inundações na América do Sul em múltiplas escalas, bem como seus efeitos positivos e negativos nas sociedades humanas e ecossistemas em geral, importantes lacunas do conhecimento persistem e fomentam importantes oportunidades de pesquisa futuras. O lançamento de várias missões satelitais orientadas a hidrologia, e uma cada vez mais crescente capacidade computacional, faz da agenda continental de hidrologia relacionada a AU’s e inundações um grande tópico de pesquisa para os próximos anos

    Patterns and drivers of evapotranspiration in South American wetlands

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    Evapotranspiration (ET) is a key process linking surface and atmospheric energy budgets, yet its drivers and patterns across wetlandscapes are poorly understood worldwide. Here we assess the ET dynamics in 12 wetland complexes across South America, revealing major differences under temperate, tropical, and equatorial climates. While net radiation is a dominant driver of ET seasonality in most environments, flooding also contributes strongly to ET in tropical and equatorial wetlands, especially in meeting the evaporative demand. Moreover, significant water losses through wetlands and ET differences between wetlands and uplands occur in temperate, more water-limited environments and in highly flooded areas such as the Pantanal, where slow river flood propagation drives the ET dynamics. Finally, floodplain forests produce the greatest ET in all environments except the Amazon River floodplains, where upland forests sustain high rates year round. Our findings highlight the unique hydrological functioning and ecosystem services provided by wetlands on a continental scale