274 research outputs found

    Relation between seasonally detrended shortwave infrared reflectance data and land surface moisture in semi-arid Sahel

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    In the Sudano-Sahelian areas of Africa droughts can have serious impacts on natural resources, and therefore land surface moisture is an important factor. Insufficient conventional sites for monitoring land surface moisture make the use of Earth Observation data for this purpose a key issue. In this study we explored the potential of using reflectance data in the Red, Near Infrared (NIR), and Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) spectral regions for detecting short term variations in land surface moisture in the Sahel, by analyzing data from three test sites and observations from the geostationary Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite. We focused on responses in surface reflectance to soil- and surface moisture for bare soil and early to mid- growing season. A method for implementing detrended time series of the Shortwave Infrared Water Stress Index (SIWSI) is examined for detecting variations in vegetation moisture status, and is compared to detrended time series of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). It was found that when plant available water is low, the SIWSI anomalies increase over time, while the NDVI anomalies decrease over time, but less systematically. Therefore SIWSI may carry important complementary information to NDVI in terms of vegetation water status, and can provide this information with the unique combination of temporal and spatial resolution from optical geostationary observations over Sahel. However, the relation between SIWSI anomalies and periods of water stress were not found to be sufficiently robust to be used for water stress detection

    Precipitation products from the hydrology SAF

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    Abstract. The EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H-SAF) was established by the EUMETSAT Council on 3 July 2005, starting activity on 1 September 2005. The Italian Meteorological Service serves as Leading Entity on behalf of twelve European member countries. H-SAF products include precipitation, soil moisture and snow parameters. Some products are based only on satellite observations, while other products are based on the assimilation of satellite measurements/products into numerical models. In addition to product development and generation, H-SAF includes a product validation program and a hydrological validation program that are coordinated, respectively, by the Italian Department of Civil Protection and by the Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. The National Center of Aeronautical Meteorology and Climatology (CNMCA) of the Italian Air Force is responsible for operational product generation and dissemination. In this paper we describe the H-SAF precipitation algorithms and products, which have been developed by the Italian Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (in collaboration with the international community) and by CNMCA during the Development Phase (DP, 2005–2010) and the first Continuous Development and Operations Phase (CDOP-1, 2010–2012). The precipitation products are based on passive microwave measurements obtained from radiometers onboard different sun-synchronous low-Earth-orbiting satellites (especially, the SSM/I and SSMIS radiometers onboard DMSP satellites and the AMSU-A + AMSU-B/MHS radiometer suites onboard EPS-MetOp and NOAA-POES satellites), as well as on combined infrared/passive microwave measurements in which the passive microwave precipitation estimates are used in conjunction with SEVIRI images from the geostationary MSG satellite. Moreover, the H-SAF product generation and dissemination chain and independent product validation activities are described. Also, the H-SAF program and its associated activities that currently are being carried out or are planned to be performed within the second CDOP phase (CDOP-2, 2012–2017) are presented in some detail. Insofar as CDOP-2 is concerned, it is emphasized that all algorithms and processing schemes will be improved and enhanced so as to extend them to satellites that will be operational within this decade – particularly the geostationary Meteosat Third Generation satellites and the low-Earth-orbiting Core Observatory of the international Global Precipitation Measurement mission. Finally, the role of H-SAF within the international science and operations community is explained.</p

    Quantifying the Uncertainty of Land Surface Temperature Retrievals From SEVIRI/Meteosat

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    Empirical approach to satellite snow detection

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    Lumipeitteellä on huomattava vaikutus säähän, ilmastoon, luontoon ja yhteiskuntaan. Pelkästään sääasemilla tehtävät lumihavainnot (lumen syvyys ja maanpinnan laatu) eivät anna kattavaa kuvaa lumen peittävyydestä tai muista lumipeitteen ominaisuuksista. Sääasemien tuottamia havaintoja voidaan täydentää satelliiteista tehtävillä havainnoilla. Geostationaariset sääsatelliitit tuottavat havaintoja tihein välein, mutta havaintoresoluutio on heikko monilla alueilla, joilla esiintyy kausittaista lunta. Polaariradoilla sääsatelliittien havaintoresoluutio on napa-alueiden läheisyydessä huomattavasti parempi, mutta silloinkaan satelliitit eivät tuota jatkuvaa havaintopeittoa. Tiheimmän havaintoresoluution tuottavat sääsatelliittiradiometrit, jotka toimivat optisilla aallonpituuksilla (näkyvä valo ja infrapuna). Lumipeitteen kaukokartoitusta satelliiteista vaikeuttavat lumipeitteen oman vaihtelun lisäksi pinnan ominaisuuksien vaihtelu (kasvillisuus, vesistÜt, topografia) ja valaistusolojen vaihtelu. Epävarma ja osittain puutteellinen tieto pinnan ja kasvipeitteen ominaisuuksista vaikeuttaa luotettavan automaattisen analyyttisen lumentunnistusmenetelmän kehittämistä ja siksi empiirinen lähestymistapa saattaa olla toimivin vaihtoehto automaattista lumentunnistusmenetelmää kehitettäessä. Tässä tyÜssä esitellään kaksi EUMETSATin osittain rahoittamassa H SAFissa kehitettyä lumituotetta ja niissä käytetyt empiiristä lähestymistapaa soveltaen kehitetyt algoritmit. Geostationaarinen MSG/SEVIRI H31 lumituote on saatavilla vuodesta 2008 alkaen ja polaarituote Metop/AVHRR H32 vuodesta 2015 alkaen. Lisäksi esitellään pintahavaintoihin perustuvat validointitulokset, jotka osoittavat tuotteiden saavuttavan määritellyt tavoitteet.Snow cover plays a significant role in the weather and climate system, ecosystems and many human activities, such as traffic. Weather station snow observations (snow depth and state of the ground) do not provide highresolution continental or global snow coverage data. The satellite observations complement in situ observations from weather stations. Geostationary weather satellites provide observations at high temporal resolution, but the spatial resolution is low, especially in polar regions. Polarorbiting weather satellites provide better spatial resolution in polar regions with limited temporal resolution. The best detection resolution is provided by optical and infra-red radiometers onboard weather satellites. Snow cover in itself is highly variable. Also, the variability of the surface properties (such as vegetation, water bodies, topography) and changing light conditions make satellite snow detection challenging. Much of this variability is in subpixel scales, and this uncertainty creates additional challenges for the development of snow detection methods. Thus, an empirical approach may be the most practical option when developing algorithms for automatic snow detection. In this work, which is a part of the EUMETSAT-funded H SAF project, two new empirically developed snow extent products for the EUMETSAT weather satellites are presented. The geostationary MSG/SEVIRI H32 snow product has been in operational production since 2008. The polar product Metop/AVHRR H32 is available since 2015. In addition, validation results based on weather station snow observations between 2015 and 2019 are presented. The results show that both products achieve the requirements set by the H SAF

    Spatio-temporal constraints for emissivity and surface temperature retrieval: Preliminary results and comparisons for SEVIRI and IASI observation

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    Infrared instrumentation on geostationary satellites is now rapidly approaching the spectral quality and accuracy of modern sensors flying on polar platforms. Currently, the core of EUMETSAT geostationary meteorological programme is the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG). However, EUMETSAT is preparing for the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG). The capability of geostationary satellites to resolve the diurnal cycle and hence to provide time-resolved sequences or times series of observations is a source of information which could suitably constrain the derivation of geophysical parameters. Nowadays, also because of lack of time continuity, when dealing with observations from polar platforms, the problem of deriving geophysical parameters is normally solved by considering each single observation as independent of past and future events. For historical reason, the same approach is currently pursued with geostationary observations, which are still being dealt with as they were with polar observations. In this study we show some preliminary results on emissivity and surface temperature retrieval for SEVIRI observations, using the Kalman filter methodology (KF) and compare the retrievals with those obtained using IASI observations co-localized with SEVIRI ones using the times accumulation approach (Optimal Estimation OE). The Sahara desert was chosen as target area, and both SEVIRI and IASI data (infrared radiances and cloud mask) were acquired. The time period considered is that of July 2010 (the whole month). ECMWF analyses for the same date and target area have also been acquired, which comprise Ts, T(p), O(p), Q(p) for the canonical hours 0:00, 6:00, 12:00 and 18:00. Moreover, for the purpose of developing a suitable background for emissivity, the Global Infrared Land Surface Emissivity database developed at CIMSS, University of Wisconsin, derived by MODIS observations was used and was available from the year 2003 till 2011. Concerning the performance of the two methodologies, the retrieval of skin temperature is almost equivalent. The agreement between OE and KF is fairly good if compared with ECMWF analysis for sea surface, while for land surface, OE and KF agree fairly well with ECMWF during the night, but at midday ECMWF shows a cold bias of 10 K and more. For emissivity the comparison with the UW/BFEMIS database for the same date and location is fairly good for both methods


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    Land surface albedo, defined as the ratio of the surface reflected incoming and outgoing solar radiation, is one of the key geophysical variables controlling the surface radiation budget. Surface shortwave albedo is widely used to drive climate and hydrological models. During the last several decades, remotely sensed surface albedo products have been generated through satellite-acquired data. However, some problems exist in those products due to instrument measurement inaccuracies and the failure of current retrieving procedures, which have limited their applications. More significantly, it has been reported that some albedo products from different satellite sensors do not agree with each other and some even show the opposite long term trend regionally and globally. The emergence of some advanced sensors newly launched or planned in the near future will provide better capabilities for estimating land surface albedo with fine resolution spatially and/or temporally. Traditional methods for estimating the surface shortwave albedo from satellite data include three steps: first, the satellite observations are converted to surface directional reflectance using the atmospheric correction algorithms; second, the surface bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) models are inverted through the fitting of the surface reflectance composites; finally, the shortwave albedo is calculated from the BRDF through the angular and spectral integration. However, some problems exist in these algorithms, including: 1) "dark-object" based atmospheric correction methods which make it difficult to estimate albedo accurately over non-vegetated or sparsely vegetated area; 2) the long-time composite albedo products cannot satisfy the needs of weather forecasting or land surface modeling when rapid changes such as snow fall/melt, forest fire/clear-cut and crop harvesting occur; 3) the diurnal albedo signature cannot be estimated in the current algorithms due to the Lambertian approximation in some of the atmospheric correction algorithms; 4) prior knowledge has not been effectively incorporated in the current algorithms; and 5) current observation accumulation methods make it difficult to obtain sufficient observations when persistent clouds exist within the accumulation window. To address those issues and to improve the satellite surface albedo estimations, a method using an atmospheric radiative transfer procedure with surface bidirectional reflectance modeling will be applied to simultaneously retrieve land surface albedo and instantaneous aerosol optical depth (AOD). This study consists of three major components. The first focuses on the atmospheric radiative transfer procedure with surface reflectance modeling. Instead of executing atmospheric correction first and then fitting surface reflectance in the previous satellite albedo retrieving procedure, the atmospheric properties (e.g., AOD) and surface properties (e.g., BRDF) are estimated simultaneously to reduce the uncertainties produced in separating the entire radiative transfer process. Data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard Terra and Aqua are used to evaluate the performance of this albedo estimation algorithm. Good agreement is reached between the albedo estimates from the proposed algorithm and other validation datasets. The second part is to assess the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, analyze the error sources, and further apply the algorithm on geostationary satellite - the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) onboard Meteosat Second Generation (MSG). Extensive validations on surface albedo estimations from MSG/SEVIRI observations are conducted based on the comparison with ground measurements and other satellite products. Diurnal changes and day-to-day changes in surface albedo are accurately captured by the proposed algorithm. The third part of this study is to develop a spatially and temporally complete, continuous, and consistent albedo maps through a data fusion method. Since the prior information (or climatology) of albedo/BRDF plays a vital role in controlling the retrieving accuracy in the optimization method, currently available multiple land surface albedo products will be integrated using the Multi-resolution Tree (MRT) models to mitigate problems such as data gaps, systematic bias or low information-noise ratio due to instrument failure, persistent clouds from the viewing direction and algorithm limitations. The major original contributions of this study are as follows: 1) this is the first algorithm for the simultaneous estimations of surface albedo/reflectance and instantaneous AOD by using the atmospheric radiative transfer with surface BRDF modeling for both polar-orbiting and geostationary satellite data; 2) a radiative transfer with surface BRDF models is used to derive surface albedo and directional reflectance from MODIS and SEVIRI observations respectively; 3) extensive validations are made on the comparison between the albedo and AOD retrievals, and the satellite products from other sensors; 4) the slightly modified algorithm has been adopted to be the operational algorithm of Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) in the future Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series (GOES-R) program for estimating land surface albedo; 5) a framework of using MRT is designed to integrate multiple satellite albedo products at different spatial scales to build the spatially and temporally complete, continuous, and consistent albedo maps as the prior knowledge in the retrieving procedure

    Reference crop evapotranspiration derived from geo-stationary satellite imagery: a case study for the Fogera flood plain, NW-Ethiopia and the Jordan Valley, Jordan

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    First results are shown of a project aiming to estimate daily values of reference crop evapotranspiration ET0 from geo-stationary satellite imagery. In particular, for Woreta, a site in the Ethiopian highland at an elevation of about 1800 m, we tested a radiation-temperature based approximate formula proposed by Makkink (MAK), adopting ET0 evaluated with the version of the Penman-Monteith equation described in the FAO Irrigation and Drainage paper 56 as the most accurate estimate. More precisely we used the latter with measured daily solar radiation as input (denoted by PMFAO-Rs). Our data set for Woreta concerns a period where the surface was fully covered with short green non-stressed vegetation. Our project was carried out in the context of the Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LANDSAF) facility. Among others, the scope of LANDSAF is to increase benefit from the EUMETSAT Satellite Meteosat Second Generation (MSG). In this study we applied daily values of downward solar radiation at the surface obtained from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) radiometer. In addition, air temperature at 2m was obtained from 3-hourly forecasts provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Both MAK and PMFAO-Rs contain the psychrometric "constant", which is proportional to air pressure, which, in turn, decreases with elevation. In order to test elevation effects we tested MAK and its LANDSAF input data for 2 sites in the Jordan Valley located about 250 m b.s.l. Except for a small underestimation of air temperature at the Ethiopian site at 1800 m, the first results of our LANDSAF-ET0 project are promising. If our approach to derive ET0 proves successfully, then the LANDSAF will be able to initiate nearly real time free distribution of ET0 for the full MSG disk

    Towards improved spatio-temporal resolution soil moisture retrievals from the synergy of SMOS and MSG SEVIRI spaceborne observations

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2016.02.048Earth Observation (EO) technology is today at a maturity level that allows deriving operational estimates of Surface Soil Moisture (SSM) from a variety of sensors; yet, such products are provided at present at a coarse spatial and/or temporal resolution, which restricts their use in local or regional scale studies and practical applications. Herein, a methodology to derive SSM estimates from space at previously unattained spatio-temporal resolutions is proposed. The method is based on a variant of thePeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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