179 research outputs found

    The big five: Discovering linguistic characteristics that typify distinct personality traits across Yahoo! answers members

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    Indexación: Scopus.This work was partially supported by the project FONDECYT “Bridging the Gap between Askers and Answers in Community Question Answering Services” (11130094) funded by the Chilean Government.In psychology, it is widely believed that there are five big factors that determine the different personality traits: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Neuroticism as well as Openness. In the last years, researchers have started to examine how these factors are manifested across several social networks like Facebook and Twitter. However, to the best of our knowledge, other kinds of social networks such as social/informational question-answering communities (e.g., Yahoo! Answers) have been left unexplored. Therefore, this work explores several predictive models to automatically recognize these factors across Yahoo! Answers members. As a means of devising powerful generalizations, these models were combined with assorted linguistic features. Since we do not have access to ask community members to volunteer for taking the personality test, we built a study corpus by conducting a discourse analysis based on deconstructing the test into 112 adjectives. Our results reveal that it is plausible to lessen the dependency upon answered tests and that effective models across distinct factors are sharply different. Also, sentiment analysis and dependency parsing proven to be fundamental to deal with extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness. Furthermore, medium and low levels of neuroticism were found to be related to initial stages of depression and anxiety disorders. © 2018 Lithuanian Institute of Philosophy and Sociology. All rights reserved.https://www.cys.cic.ipn.mx/ojs/index.php/CyS/article/view/275

    Eesti keele üldvaldkonna tekstide laia kattuvusega automaatne sündmusanalüüs

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    Seoses tekstide suuremahulise digitaliseerimisega ning digitaalse tekstiloome järjest laiema levikuga on tohutul hulgal loomuliku keele tekste muutunud ja muutumas masinloetavaks. Masinloetavus omab potentsiaali muuta tekstimassiivid inimeste jaoks lihtsamini hallatavaks, nt lubada rakendusi nagu automaatne sisukokkuvõtete tegemine ja tekstide põhjal küsimustele vastamine, ent paraku ei ulatu praegused automaatanalüüsi võimalused tekstide sisu tegeliku mõistmiseni. Oletatakse, tekstide sisu mõistvale automaatanalüüsile viib meid lähemale sündmusanalüüs – kuna paljud tekstid on narratiivse ülesehitusega, tõlgendatavad kui „sündmuste kirjeldused”, peaks tekstidest sündmuste eraldamine ja formaalsel kujul esitamine pakkuma alust mitmete „teksti mõistmist” nõudvate keeletehnoloogia rakenduste loomisel. Käesolevas väitekirjas uuritakse, kuivõrd saab eestikeelsete tekstide sündmusanalüüsi käsitleda kui avatud sündmuste hulka ja üldvaldkonna tekste hõlmavat automaatse lingvistilise analüüsi ülesannet. Probleemile lähenetakse eesti keele automaatanalüüsi kontekstis uudsest, sündmuste ajasemantikale keskenduvast perspektiivist. Töös kohandatakse eesti keelele TimeML märgendusraamistik ja luuakse raamistikule toetuv automaatne ajaväljendite tuvastaja ning ajasemantilise märgendusega (sündmusviidete, ajaväljendite ning ajaseoste märgendusega) tekstikorpus; analüüsitakse korpuse põhjal inimmärgendajate kooskõla sündmusviidete ja ajaseoste määramisel ning lõpuks uuritakse võimalusi ajasemantika-keskse sündmusanalüüsi laiendamiseks geneeriliseks sündmusanalüüsiks sündmust väljendavate keelendite samaviitelisuse lahendamise näitel. Töö pakub suuniseid tekstide ajasemantika ja sündmusstruktuuri märgenduse edasiarendamiseks tulevikus ning töös loodud keeleressurssid võimaldavad nii konkreetsete lõpp-rakenduste (nt automaatne ajaküsimustele vastamine) katsetamist kui ka automaatsete märgendustööriistade edasiarendamist.  Due to massive scale digitalisation processes and a switch from traditional means of written communication to digital written communication, vast amounts of human language texts are becoming machine-readable. Machine-readability holds a potential for easing human effort on searching and organising large text collections, allowing applications such as automatic text summarisation and question answering. However, current tools for automatic text analysis do not reach for text understanding required for making these applications generic. It is hypothesised that automatic analysis of events in texts leads us closer to the goal, as many texts can be interpreted as stories/narratives that are decomposable into events. This thesis explores event analysis as broad-coverage and general domain automatic language analysis problem in Estonian, and provides an investigation starting from time-oriented event analysis and tending towards generic event analysis. We adapt TimeML framework to Estonian, and create an automatic temporal expression tagger and a news corpus manually annotated for temporal semantics (event mentions, temporal expressions, and temporal relations) for the language; we analyse consistency of human annotation of event mentions and temporal relations, and, finally, provide a preliminary study on event coreference resolution in Estonian news. The current work also makes suggestions on how future research can improve Estonian event and temporal semantic annotation, and the language resources developed in this work will allow future experimentation with end-user applications (such as automatic answering of temporal questions) as well as provide a basis for developing automatic semantic analysis tools

    Time for mapping:Cartographic temporalities

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    30th International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases

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    Information modelling is becoming more and more important topic for researchers, designers, and users of information systems. The amount and complexity of information itself, the number of abstraction levels of information, and the size of databases and knowledge bases are continuously growing. Conceptual modelling is one of the sub-areas of information modelling. The aim of this conference is to bring together experts from different areas of computer science and other disciplines, who have a common interest in understanding and solving problems on information modelling and knowledge bases, as well as applying the results of research to practice. We also aim to recognize and study new areas on modelling and knowledge bases to which more attention should be paid. Therefore philosophy and logic, cognitive science, knowledge management, linguistics and management science are relevant areas, too. In the conference, there will be three categories of presentations, i.e. full papers, short papers and position papers

    Cohonina Social Organization And The Role Of Forts In Integration And Interaction: A View From The Pittsberg Community.

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    This thesis explores the role of forts in the sociopolitical organization of a prehistoric people known as the Cohonina through the application of settlement systems analysis and functional studies. The primary objective of this thesis is to test ideas of Cohonina sociopolitical organization through an examination of the functional characteristics of forts and their positions on the landscape using a combination of theory derived from settlement and landscape archaeology, deployed in a geographic information system work environment. A Cohonina fort site known as the Pittsberg Fort Complex, was placed in its community context through broad scale survey. Artifact, architectural, and settlement data from that site were compared with other recognized Cohonina fort sites in order to establish the function of these features on the intra-community level. Visibility analyses between the Pittsberg Fort Complex and other Cohonina sites were conducted to explore the potential of forts as nodes in a regional visual communication network integrating territorially distinct communities. The results of these analyses determined the primary function of Cohonina forts was not defensive, but integrative. Cohonina forts were built environments wherein ritual behavior was acted out that integrated Cohonina society on both the intra- and inter-community scales. These findings support the mountain-centric model of Cohonina social organization which describes semi-autonomous and essentially sedentary communities centered around the major hills and mountains of the Coconino plateau with an economy that was heavily reliant on intra- and inter-regional trade networks that exerted strong integrating forces on a political economic system prone to segmentation and differentiation

    A palaeoecological investigation of long-term stand-scale ecological dynamics in semi-open native pine woods: Contributing to conservation management in east Glen Affric

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    This thesis investigates past structure and dynamics of native Caledonian pine woodland, representing part of the western fringes of the northern European boreal woodlands. The biogeographical extent and Holocene history of the Scottish pine woods are well studied, yet questions remain at finer scales. This thesis is concerned with two factors over the recent Holocene oceanic period; (i) the long-term ecology within the woods; the spatio-temporal dynamics, the canopy structure, and community composition and continuity; and (ii) the former extent of the woods, especially the temporal pattern of the inferred easterly contraction in woodland over recent history. The importance of these factors - to ecologists, challenged with understanding the theories of equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes in long-lived woodland communities - and to conservation managers - challenged, by policy directives, with implementing the restoration and expansion of native woodlands - is discussed. Equally the identification and quantification of ecological detail over ecologically relevant temporal and spatial scales is an important challenge for palaeoecology. The thesis therefore applies fine spatial resolution pollen analyses over a network of sites, within, and at the western edge of, the extant woodland zone in east Glen Affric. Correlation between these individual site histories develops a detailed view of the grain and extent of woodland within the landscape, previously missing from western pine woods. Careful attention is paid to the interpretive potential and limitations of fine resolution palaeoecology; especially with regard (i) to techniques that can identify and spatially quantify stand-scale structure and community composition via reference to modern analogues; and (ii) to defining chronologies and elucidating rates and patterns of temporal change. The opportunities and limitations of the technique are explored and discussed, to ensure an understanding of the rigour and potential of the palaeoecological contribution to ecological research and to provide an evidence base for conservation. The application of 210Pb dating using the CRS and CIC models is explored. The CRS model is confirmed as suitable for peat deposits, but its use may mask fluctuations in peat sedimentation rate, which may be illustrated by the CIC model. The value of multiple 14C assays for each core and a need for a new approach to chronologies for application to fine-scale palaeecological studies is discussed. The relevant source area around the small basins in this semi-open pinewood is tentatively confirmed at 20 m from the pollen source. Tentative pollen productivity estimates for five key taxa in this ecosystem are presented. The temporal stability of native woodland in Glen Affric is confirmed to the eastern part of the extant woodland zone; but challenged to the west, where the open and semi-open landscape has a long history. Woodland diversity decreased over the last c. 200 years, and past woodland also shows a greater ground flora diversity. The western extent of the Caledonian woodland in this landscape may have changed little in the last c. 4000 years. Fluctuations, some clearly cyclical, in heath, and in woodland, communities are identified in the pollen record. The former may be aligned to changes in grazing regime or climatic shifts; and the latter to autochthonous shifts important in the maintenance of suitable edaphic conditions for the continuity of woodland. Former woodland is confirmed as likely to have been open in structure and mixed in tree species composition. The results presented here suggest that some caution should be applied to use of the term Caledonian, or native ‘pine’ forest: ‘Caledonian forest’ may better reflect the heterogeneity of past forests, particularly the importance, and persistence, of birch. The implications for conservation management and restoration are discussed. It may be difficult to establish a sustainable woodland to the west of the extant stands, and any pine woodland here may need to be mixed with stands of broadleaved trees to maintain or restore soil structure and ecological function. The landscape to the west may have been open for several thousands of years, and consideration of this is required when managing for the future to prevent loss of biodiversity.University of Stirling Forest Researc

    Listening from within a Digital Music Archive : Metadata, Sensibilities, and Music Histories in the Danish Broadcasting Corporation's Music Archive

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    This thesis examines how digital music archives can facilitate different versions of the history of recorded music. It argues that digital technologies and metadata enable coexisting historical narratives of recorded music that move across time and musical genre, and that can cross geographical and cultural space. The study sees a correlation between archival strategies and the presentation of recorded music. It exemplifies this by examining the development and structuration of the digital music archive of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR). The thesis amplifies that the presentation of recorded music on DR’s in-house digital music platform /Diskoteket can impact how the music is perceived. It is asserted that music streaming experiences are directed by imaginaries of the history of recorded music, which can be guided by metadata. As this study is the first to have an explicit focus on DR’s music archive, it also offers a historical perspective alongside its more practical and technological analyses. The thesis traces the inner workings of DR’s digital music archive and assesses how its architecture makes for multiple and parallel histories of recorded music. It concludes that formations of metadata have the capability to deepen and change the perception and reception of music releases. The thesis argues that metadata give structure to DR’s digital music archive while also giving it meaning and purpose, and it suggests that this applies to all types of digital music archives