224 research outputs found

    A survey on bio-signal analysis for human-robot interaction

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    The use of bio-signals analysis in human-robot interaction is rapidly increasing. There is an urgent demand for it in various applications, including health care, rehabilitation, research, technology, and manufacturing. Despite several state-of-the-art bio-signals analyses in human-robot interaction (HRI) research, it is unclear which one is the best. In this paper, the following topics will be discussed: robotic systems should be given priority in the rehabilitation and aid of amputees and disabled people; second, domains of feature extraction approaches now in use, which are divided into three main sections (time, frequency, and time-frequency). The various domains will be discussed, then a discussion of each domain's benefits and drawbacks, and finally, a recommendation for a new strategy for robotic systems

    Classification of Myoelectric Signal using Spectrogram Based Window Selection

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    This paper presents a study of the classification of myoelectric signal using spectrogram with different window sizes. The electromyography (EMG) signals of 40 hand movement types are collected from 10 subjects through NinaPro database. By employing spectrogram, the EMG signals are represented in time-frequency representation.  Ten features are extracted from spectrogram for performance evaluation. In this study, two classifiers namely support vector machine (SVM) and linear discriminate analysis (LDA) are used to evaluate the performance of spectrogram features in the classification of EMG signals. To determine the best window size in spectrogram, three different Hanning window sizes are examined. The experimental results indicate that by applying spectrogram with optimize window size and LDA, the highest mean classification accuracy of 91.29% is obtained

    Quantifying the Effects of Knee Joint Biomechanics on Acoustical Emissions

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    The knee is one of the most injured body parts, causing 18 million patients to be seen in clinics every year. Because the knee is a weight-bearing joint, it is prone to pathologies such as osteoarthritis and ligamentous injuries. Existing technologies for monitoring knee health can provide accurate assessment and diagnosis for acute injuries. However, they are mainly confined to clinical or laboratory settings only, time-consuming, expensive, and not well-suited for longitudinal monitoring. Developing a novel technology for joint health assessment beyond the clinic can further provide insights on the rehabilitation process and quantitative usage of the knee joint. To better understand the underlying properties and fundamentals of joint sounds, this research will investigate the relationship between the changes in the knee joint structure (i.e. structural damage and joint contact force) and the JAEs while developing novel techniques for analyzing these sounds. We envision that the possibility of quantifying joint structure and joint load usage from these acoustic sensors would advance the potential of JAE as the next biomarker of joint health that can be captured with wearable technology. First, we developed a novel processing technique for JAEs that quantify on the structural change of the knee from injured athletes and human lower-limb cadaver models. Second, we quantified whether JAEs can detect the increase in the mechanical stress on the knee joint using an unsupervised graph mining algorithm. Lastly, we quantified the directional bias of the load distribution between medial and lateral compartment using JAEs. Understanding and monitoring the quantitative usage of knee loads in daily activities can broaden the implications for longitudinal joint health monitoring.Ph.D

    Novel finger movement classification method based on multi-centered binary pattern using surface electromyogram signals

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    The number of individuals who have lost their fingers in our world is quite high and these individuals experience great difficulties in performing their daily work. Finger movements classification and prediction are one of the hot-topic research areas for biomedical engineering, machine learning and computer sciences. This study purposes finger movements classification and prediction. For this purpose, a novel finger movements classification method is presented by using surface electromyogram (sEMG) signals. To accurately classify these movements, a novel binary pattern like textural feature extractor is presented and this textural micro pattern is called as multi-centered binary pattern (MCBP). In the MCBP, five odd-indexed values of a block are utilized as center. The proposed MCBP based multileveled finger movements classification method evaluate by three cases. In the first case, the raw sEMG signals are utilized as input. In the second and third case, sEMG signals are divided into frames and these frames are utilized as input. A two-layered feature selector is used to choose the most valuable features. The purpose of using these two feature selectors together is to choose the optimum number of features. In the classification phase, two fine-tuned classifiers have been used and they are k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) and support vector machine (SVM). The proposed MCBP based method achieved 99.17%, 99.70% and 99.62% classification rates using SVM classifier according to Case 1, Case 2 and Case3 respectively. The results show that the study is a highly accurate method.</p

    Techniques of EMG signal analysis: detection, processing, classification and applications

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    Electromyography (EMG) signals can be used for clinical/biomedical applications, Evolvable Hardware Chip (EHW) development, and modern human computer interaction. EMG signals acquired from muscles require advanced methods for detection, decomposition, processing, and classification. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the various methodologies and algorithms for EMG signal analysis to provide efficient and effective ways of understanding the signal and its nature. We further point up some of the hardware implementations using EMG focusing on applications related to prosthetic hand control, grasp recognition, and human computer interaction. A comparison study is also given to show performance of various EMG signal analysis methods. This paper provides researchers a good understanding of EMG signal and its analysis procedures. This knowledge will help them develop more powerful, flexible, and efficient applications

    XXII International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology - Abstracts Book

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    This book contain the abstracts presented the XXII ICMMB, held in Bologna in September 2022. The abstracts are divided following the sessions scheduled during the conference

    Biomedical Sensing and Imaging

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    This book mainly deals with recent advances in biomedical sensing and imaging. More recently, wearable/smart biosensors and devices, which facilitate diagnostics in a non-clinical setting, have become a hot topic. Combined with machine learning and artificial intelligence, they could revolutionize the biomedical diagnostic field. The aim of this book is to provide a research forum in biomedical sensing and imaging and extend the scientific frontier of this very important and significant biomedical endeavor


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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between the mechanical impedance of the human ankle and the corresponding lower extremity muscle activity. Three experimental studies were performed to measure the ankle impedance about multiple degrees of freedom (DOF), while the ankle was subjected to different loading conditions and different levels of muscle activity. The first study determined the non-loaded ankle impedance in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse anatomical planes while the ankle was suspended above the ground. The subjects actively co-contracted their agonist and antagonistic muscles to various levels, measured using electromyography (EMG). An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was implemented to characterize the relationship between the EMG and non-loaded ankle impedance in 3-DOF. The next two studies determined the ankle impedance and muscle activity during standing, while the foot and ankle were subjected to ground perturbations in the sagittal and frontal planes. These studies investigate the performance of subject-dependent models, aggregated models, and the feasibility of a generic, subject-independent model to predict ankle impedance based on the muscle activity of any person. Several regression models, including Least Square, Support Vector Machine, Gaussian Process Regression, and ANN, and EMG feature extraction techniques were explored. The resulting subject-dependent and aggregated models were able to predict ankle impedance with reasonable accuracy. Furthermore, preliminary efforts toward a subject-independent model showed promising results for the design of an EMG-impedance model that can predict ankle impedance using new subjects. This work contributes to understanding the relationship between the lower extremity muscles and the mechanical impedance of the ankle in multiple DOF. Applications of this work could be used to improve user intent recognition for the control of active ankle-foot prostheses

    Computational Intelligence in Electromyography Analysis

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    Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. EMG may be used clinically for the diagnosis of neuromuscular problems and for assessing biomechanical and motor control deficits and other functional disorders. Furthermore, it can be used as a control signal for interfacing with orthotic and/or prosthetic devices or other rehabilitation assists. This book presents an updated overview of signal processing applications and recent developments in EMG from a number of diverse aspects and various applications in clinical and experimental research. It will provide readers with a detailed introduction to EMG signal processing techniques and applications, while presenting several new results and explanation of existing algorithms. This book is organized into 18 chapters, covering the current theoretical and practical approaches of EMG research

    Intelligent signal processing for digital healthcare monitoring

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    Ein gesunder Gang ist ein komplexer Prozess und erfordert ein Gleichgewicht zwischen verschiedenen neurophysiologischen Systemen im Körper und gilt als wesentlicher Indikator für den physischen und kognitiven Gesundheitszustand einer Person. Folglich würden Anwendungen im Bereich der Bioinformatik und des Gesundheitswesens erheblich von den Informationen profitieren, die sich aus einer längeren oder ständigen Überwachung des Gangs, der Gewohnheiten und des Verhaltens von Personen unter ihren natürlichen Lebensbedingungen und bei ihren täglichen Aktivitäten mit Hilfe intelligenter Geräte ergeben. Vergleicht man Trägheitsmess- und stationäre Sensorsysteme, so bieten erstere hervorragende Möglichkeiten für Ganganalyseanwendungen und bieten mehrere Vorteile wie geringe Größe, niedriger Preis, Mobilität und sind leicht in tragbare Systeme zu integrieren. Die zweiten gelten als der Goldstandard, sind aber teuer und für Messungen im Freien ungeeignet. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Verbesserung der Zeit und Qualität der Gangrehabilitation nach einer Operation unter Verwendung von Inertialmessgeräten, indem sie eine neuartige Metrik zur objektiven Bewertung des Fortschritts der Gangrehabilitation in realen Umgebungen liefert und die Anzahl der verwendeten Sensoren für praktische, reale Szenarien reduziert. Daher wurden die experimentellen Messungen für eine solche Analyse in einer stark kontrollierten Umgebung durchgeführt, um die Datenqualität zu gewährleisten. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neue Gangmetrik vorgestellt, die den Rehabilitationsfortschritt anhand kinematischer Gangdaten von Aktivitäten in Innen- und Außenbereichen quantifiziert und verfolgt. In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, wie Signalverarbeitung und maschinelles Lernen formuliert und genutzt werden können, um robuste Methoden zur Bewältigung von Herausforderungen im realen Leben zu entwickeln. Es wird gezeigt, dass der vorgeschlagene Ansatz personalisiert werden kann, um den Fortschritt der Gangrehabilitation zu verfolgen. Ein weiteres Thema dieser Arbeit ist die erfolgreiche Anwendung von Methoden des maschinellen Lernens auf die Ganganalyse aufgrund der großen Datenmenge, die von den tragbaren Sensorsystemen erzeugt wird. In dieser Arbeit wird das neuartige Konzept des ``digitalen Zwillings'' vorgestellt, das die Anzahl der verwendeten Wearable-Sensoren in einem System oder im Falle eines Sensorausfalls reduziert. Die Evaluierung der vorgeschlagenen Metrik mit gesunden Teilnehmern und Patienten unter Verwendung statistischer Signalverarbeitungs- und maschineller Lernmethoden hat gezeigt, dass die Einbeziehung der extrahierten Signalmerkmale in realen Szenarien robust ist, insbesondere für das Szenario mit Rehabilitations-Gehübungen in Innenräumen. Die Methodik wurde auch in einer klinischen Studie evaluiert und lieferte eine gute Leistung bei der Überwachung des Rehabilitationsfortschritts verschiedener Patienten. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Prototyp einer mobilen Anwendung zur objektiven Bewertung des Rehabilitationsfortschritts in realen Umgebungen vorgestellt
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