240 research outputs found

    Path-Based Epidemic Spreading in Networks

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    Conventional epidemic models assume omnidirectional contact-based infection. This strongly associates the epidemic spreading process with node degrees. The role of the infection transmission medium is often neglected. In real-world networks, however, the infectious agent as the physical contagion medium usually flows from one node to another via specific directed routes ( path-based infection). Here, we use continuous-time Markov chain analysis to model the influence of the infectious agent and routing paths on the spreading behavior by taking into account the state transitions of each node individually, rather than the mean aggregated behavior of all nodes. By applying a mean field approximation, the analysis complexity of the path-based infection mechanics is reduced from exponential to polynomial. We show that the structure of the topology plays a secondary role in determining the size of the epidemic. Instead, it is the routing algorithm and traffic intensity that determine the survivability and the steady-state of the epidemic. We define an infection characterization matrix that encodes both the routing and the traffic information. Based on this, we derive the critical path-based epidemic threshold below which the epidemic will die off, as well as conditional bounds of this threshold which network operators may use to promote/suppress path-based spreading in their networks. Finally, besides artificially generated random and scale-free graphs, we also use real-world networks and traffic, as case studies, in order to compare the behaviors of contact- and path-based epidemics. Our results further corroborate the recent empirical observations that epidemics in communication networks are highly persistent

    Modelling Spreading Process Induced by Agent Mobility in Complex Networks

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    Most conventional epidemic models assume contact-based contagion process. We depart from this assumption and study epidemic spreading process in networks caused by agents acting as carrier of infection. These agents traverse from origins to destinations following specific paths in a network and in the process, infecting the sites they travel across. We focus our work on the Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) epidemic model and use continuous-time Markov chain analysis to model the impact of such agent mobility induced contagion mechanics by taking into account the state transitions of each node individually, as oppose to most conventional epidemic approaches which usually consider the mean aggregated behavior of all nodes. Our approach makes one mean field approximation to reduce complexity from exponential to polynomial. We study both network-wide properties such as epidemic threshold as well as individual node vulnerability under such agent assisted infection spreading process. Furthermore, we provide a first order approximation on the agents’ vulnerability since infection is bi-directional. We compare our analysis of spreading process induced by agent mobility against contact-based epidemic model via a case study on London Underground network, the second busiest metro system in Europe, with real dataset recording commuters’ activities in the system. We highlight the key differences in the spreading patterns between the contact-based vs. agent assisted spreading models. Specifically, we show that our model predicts greater spreading radius than conventional contact-based model due to agents’ movements. Another interesting finding is that, in contrast to contact-based model where nodes located more centrally in a network are proportionally more prone to infection, our model shows no such strict correlation as in our model, nodes may not be highly susceptible even located at the heart of the network and vice versa

    Path-Based Epidemic Spreading in Networks

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    Conventional epidemic models assume omni-directional contact-based infection. This strongly associates the epidemic spreading process with node degrees. The role of the infection transmission medium is often neglected. In real-world networks, however, the infectious agent as the physical contagion medium usually flows from one node to another via specific directed routes (path-based infection). Here, we use continuous-time Markov chain analysis to model the influence of the infectious agent and routing paths on the spreading behavior by taking into account the state transitions of each node individually, rather than the mean aggregated behavior of all nodes. By applying a mean field approximation, the analysis complexity of the path-based infection mechanics is reduced from exponential to polynomial. We show that the structure of the topology plays a secondary role in determining the size of the epidemic. Instead, it is the routing algorithm and traffic intensity that determine the survivability and the steady-state of the epidemic. We define an infection characterization matrix that encodes both the routing and the traffic information. Based on this, we derive the critical path-based epidemic threshold below which the epidemic will die off, as well as conditional bounds of this threshold which network operators may use to promote/suppress path-based spreading in their networks. Finally, besides artificially generated random and scale-free graphs, we also use real-world networks and traffic, as case studies, in order to compare the behaviors of contact- and path-based epidemics. Our results further corroborate the recent empirical observations that epidemics in communication networks are highly persistent

    Complex Systems: Nonlinearity and Structural Complexity in spatially extended and discrete systems

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    Resumen Esta Tesis doctoral aborda el estudio de sistemas de muchos elementos (sistemas discretos) interactuantes. La fenomenología presente en estos sistemas esta dada por la presencia de dos ingredientes fundamentales: (i) Complejidad dinámica: Las ecuaciones del movimiento que rigen la evolución de los constituyentes son no lineales de manera que raramente podremos encontrar soluciones analíticas. En el espacio de fases de estos sistemas pueden coexistir diferentes tipos de trayectorias dinámicas (multiestabilidad) y su topología puede variar enormemente dependiendo de dos parámetros usados en las ecuaciones. La conjunción de dinámica no lineal y sistemas de muchos grados de libertad (como los que aquí se estudian) da lugar a propiedades emergentes como la existencia de soluciones localizadas en el espacio, sincronización, caos espacio-temporal, formación de patrones, etc... (ii) Complejidad estructural: Se refiere a la existencia de un alto grado de aleatoriedad en el patrón de las interacciones entre los componentes. En la mayoría de los sistemas estudiados esta aleatoriedad se presenta de forma que la descripción de la influencia del entorno sobre un único elemento del sistema no puede describirse mediante una aproximación de campo medio. El estudio de estos dos ingredientes en sistemas extendidos se realizará de forma separada (Partes I y II de esta Tesis) y conjunta (Parte III). Si bien en los dos primeros casos la fenomenología introducida por cada fuente de complejidad viene siendo objeto de amplios estudios independientes a lo largo de los últimos años, la conjunción de ambas da lugar a un campo abierto y enormemente prometedor, donde la interdisciplinariedad concerniente a los campos de aplicación implica un amplio esfuerzo de diversas comunidades científicas. En particular, este es el caso del estudio de la dinámica en sistemas biológicos cuyo análisis es difícil de abordar con técnicas exclusivas de la Bioquímica, la Física Estadística o la Física Matemática. En definitiva, el objetivo marcado en esta Tesis es estudiar por separado dos fuentes de complejidad inherentes a muchos sistemas de interés para, finalmente, estar en disposición de atacar con nuevas perspectivas problemas relevantes para la Física de procesos celulares, la Neurociencia, Dinámica Evolutiva, etc..

    The dynamic counter-based broadcast for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Broadcasting is a fundamental operation in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) crucial to the successful deployment of MANETs in practice. Simple flooding is the most basic broadcasting technique where each node rebroadcasts any received packet exactly once. Although flooding is ideal for its simplicity and high reachability it has a critical disadvantage in that it tends to generate excessive collision and consumes the medium by unneeded and redundant packets. A number of broadcasting schemes have been proposed in MANETs to alleviate the drawbacks of flooding while maintaining a reasonable level of reachability. These schemes mainly fall into two categories: stochastic and deterministic. While the former employs a simple yet effective probabilistic principle to reduce redundant rebroadcasts the latter typically requires sophisticated control mechanisms to reduce excessive broadcast. The key danger with schemes that aim to reduce redundant broadcasts retransmissions is that they often do so at the expense of a reachability threshold which can be required in many applications. Among the proposed stochastic schemes, is counter-based broadcasting. In this scheme redundant broadcasts are inhibited by criteria related to the number of duplicate packets received. For this scheme to achieve optimal reachability, it requires fairly stable and known nodal distributions. However, in general, a MANETs‟ topology changes continuously and unpredictably over time. Though the counter-based scheme was among the earliest suggestions to reduce the problems associated with broadcasting, there have been few attempts to analyse in depth the performance of such an approach in MANETs. Accordingly, the first part of this research, Chapter 3, sets a baseline study of the counter-based scheme analysing it under various network operating conditions. The second part, Chapter 4, attempts to establish the claim that alleviating existing stochastic counter-based scheme by dynamically setting threshold values according to local neighbourhood density improves overall network efficiency. This is done through the implementation and analysis of the Dynamic Counter-Based (DCB) scheme, developed as part of this work. The study shows a clear benefit of the proposed scheme in terms of average collision rate, saved rebroadcasts and end-to-end delay, while maintaining reachability. The third part of this research, Chapter 5, evaluates dynamic counting and tests its performance in some approximately realistic scenarios. The examples chosen are from the rapidly developing field of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs). The schemes are studied under metropolitan settings, involving nodes moving in streets and lanes with speed and direction constraints. Two models are considered and implemented: the first assuming an unobstructed open terrain; the other taking account of buildings and obstacles. While broadcasting is a vital operation in most MANET routing protocols, investigation of stochastic broadcast schemes for MANETs has tended to focus on the broadcast schemes, with little examination on the impact of those schemes in specific applications, such as route discovery in routing protocols. The fourth part of this research, Chapter 6, evaluates the performance of the Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol with a route discovery mechanism based on dynamic-counting. AODV was chosen as it is widely accepted by the research community and is standardised by the MANET IETF working group. That said, other routing protocols would be expected to interact in a similar manner. The performance of the AODV routing protocol is analysed under three broadcasting mechanisms, notably AODV with flooding, AODV with counting and AODV with dynamic counting. Results establish that a noticeable advantage, in most considered metrics can be achieved using dynamic counting with AODV compared to simple counting or traditional flooding. In summary, this research analysis the Dynamic Counter-Based scheme under a range of network operating conditions and applications; and demonstrates a clear benefit of the scheme when compared to its predecessors under a wide range of considered conditions

    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Guiding readers through the basics of these rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations, Mobile Ad hoc Networks: Current Status and Future Trends identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Containing the contributions of leading researchers, industry professionals, and academics, this forward-looking reference provides an authoritative perspective of the state of the art in MANETs. The book includes surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as limited resources and the mobility of mobile nodes. It considers routing, multicast, energy, security, channel assignment, and ensuring quality of service. Also suitable as a text for graduate students, the book is organized into three sections: Fundamentals of MANET Modeling and Simulation—Describes how MANETs operate and perform through simulations and models Communication Protocols of MANETs—Presents cutting-edge research on key issues, including MAC layer issues and routing in high mobility Future Networks Inspired By MANETs—Tackles open research issues and emerging trends Illustrating the role MANETs are likely to play in future networks, this book supplies the foundation and insight you will need to make your own contributions to the field. It includes coverage of routing protocols, modeling and simulations tools, intelligent optimization techniques to multicriteria routing, security issues in FHAMIPv6, connecting moving smart objects to the Internet, underwater sensor networks, wireless mesh network architecture and protocols, adaptive routing provision using Bayesian inference, and adaptive flow control in transport layer using genetic algorithms

    Recent Trends in Communication Networks

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    In recent years there has been many developments in communication technology. This has greatly enhanced the computing power of small handheld resource-constrained mobile devices. Different generations of communication technology have evolved. This had led to new research for communication of large volumes of data in different transmission media and the design of different communication protocols. Another direction of research concerns the secure and error-free communication between the sender and receiver despite the risk of the presence of an eavesdropper. For the communication requirement of a huge amount of multimedia streaming data, a lot of research has been carried out in the design of proper overlay networks. The book addresses new research techniques that have evolved to handle these challenges

    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Guiding readers through the basics of these rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations, Mobile Ad hoc Networks: Current Status and Future Trends identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Containing the contributions of leading researchers, industry professionals, and academics, this forward-looking reference provides an authoritative perspective of the state of the art in MANETs. The book includes surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as limited resources and the mobility of mobile nodes. It considers routing, multicast, energy, security, channel assignment, and ensuring quality of service. Also suitable as a text for graduate students, the book is organized into three sections: Fundamentals of MANET Modeling and Simulation—Describes how MANETs operate and perform through simulations and models Communication Protocols of MANETs—Presents cutting-edge research on key issues, including MAC layer issues and routing in high mobility Future Networks Inspired By MANETs—Tackles open research issues and emerging trends Illustrating the role MANETs are likely to play in future networks, this book supplies the foundation and insight you will need to make your own contributions to the field. It includes coverage of routing protocols, modeling and simulations tools, intelligent optimization techniques to multicriteria routing, security issues in FHAMIPv6, connecting moving smart objects to the Internet, underwater sensor networks, wireless mesh network architecture and protocols, adaptive routing provision using Bayesian inference, and adaptive flow control in transport layer using genetic algorithms
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