149 research outputs found

    Is Europe in the Driver's Seat? The Competitiveness of the European Automotive Embedded Systems Industry

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    This report is one of a series resulting from a project entitled ¿Competitiveness by Leveraging Emerging Technologies Economically¿ (COMPLETE), carried out by JRC-IPTS. Each of the COMPLETE studies illustrates in its own right that European companies are active on many fronts of emerging and disruptive ICT technologies and are supplying the market with relevant products and services. Nevertheless, the studies also show that the creation and growth of high tech companies is still very complex and difficult in Europe, and too many economic opportunities seem to escape European initiatives and ownership. COMPLETE helps to illustrate some of the difficulties experienced in different segments of the ICT industry and by growing potential global players. This report reflects the findings of a study conducted by Egil Juliussen and Richard Robinson, two senior experts from iSuppli Corporation on the Competitiveness of the European Automotive Embedded Software industry. The report starts by introducing the market, its trends, the technologies, their characteristics and their potential economic impact, before moving to an analysis of the competitiveness of the corresponding European industry. It concludes by suggesting policy options. The research, initially based on internal expertise and literature reviews, was complemented with further desk research, expert interviews, expert workshops and company visits. The results were ultimately reviewed by experts and also in a dedicated workshop. The report concludes that currently ICT innovation in the automotive industry is a key competence in Europe, with very little ICT innovation from outside the EU finding its way into EU automotive companies. A major benefit of a strong automotive ICT industry is the resulting large and valuable employment base. But future maintenance of automotive ICT jobs within the EU will only be possible if the EU continues to have high levels of product innovation.JRC.DDG.J.4-Information Societ

    Connected Car: technologies, issues, future trends

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    The connected car -a vehicle capable of accessing to the Internet, of communicating with smart devices as well as other cars and road infrastructures, and of collecting real-time data from multiple sources- is likely to play a fundamental role in the foreseeable Internet Of Things. In a context ruled by very strong competitive forces, a significant amount of car manufacturers and software and hardware developers have already embraced the challenge of providing innovative solutions for new generation vehicles. Today’s cars are asked to relieve drivers from the most stressful operations needed for driving, providing them with interesting and updated entertainment functions. In the meantime, they have to comply to the increasingly stringent standards about safety and reliability. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the possibilities offered by connected functionalities on cars and the associated technological issues and problems, as well as to enumerate the currently available hardware and software solutions and their main features

    The Digital Foundation Platform -- A Multi-layered SOA Architecture for Intelligent Connected Vehicle Operating System

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    Legacy AD/ADAS development from OEMs centers around developing functions on ECUs using services provided by AUTOSAR Classic Platform (CP) to meet automotive-grade and mass-production requirements. The AUTOSAR CP couples hardware and software components statically and encounters challenges to provide sufficient capacities for the processing of high-level intelligent driving functions, whereas the new platform, AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform (AP) is designed to support dynamically communication and provide richer services and function abstractions for those resource-intensive (memory, CPU) applications. Yet for both platforms, application development and the supporting system software are still closely coupled together, and this makes application development and the enhancement less scalable and flexible, resulting in longer development cycles and slower time-to-market. This paper presents a multi-layered, service-oriented intelligent driving operating system foundation (we named it as Digital Foundation Platform) that provides abstractions for easier adoption of heterogeneous computing hardware. It features a multi-layer SOA software architecture with each layer providing adaptive service API at north-bound for application developers. The proposed Digital Foundation Platform (DFP) has significant advantages of decoupling hardware, operating system core, middle-ware, functional software and application software development. It provides SOA at multiple layers and enables application developers from OEMs, to customize and develop new applications or enhance existing applications with new features, either in autonomous domain or intelligent cockpit domain, with great agility, and less code through re-usability, and thus reduce the time-to-market.Comment: WCX SAE World Congress Experience 202

    Automotive Intelligence Embedded in Electric Connected Autonomous and Shared Vehicles Technology for Sustainable Green Mobility

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    The automotive sector digitalization accelerates the technology convergence of perception, computing processing, connectivity, propulsion, and data fusion for electric connected autonomous and shared (ECAS) vehicles. This brings cutting-edge computing paradigms with embedded cognitive capabilities into vehicle domains and data infrastructure to provide holistic intrinsic and extrinsic intelligence for new mobility applications. Digital technologies are a significant enabler in achieving the sustainability goals of the green transformation of the mobility and transportation sectors. Innovation occurs predominantly in ECAS vehicles’ architecture, operations, intelligent functions, and automotive digital infrastructure. The traditional ownership model is moving toward multimodal and shared mobility services. The ECAS vehicle’s technology allows for the development of virtual automotive functions that run on shared hardware platforms with data unlocking value, and for introducing new, shared computing-based automotive features. Facilitating vehicle automation, vehicle electrification, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication is accomplished by the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI), cellular/wireless connectivity, edge computing, the Internet of things (IoT), the Internet of intelligent things (IoIT), digital twins (DTs), virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR) and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). Vehicles become more intelligent, connected, functioning as edge micro servers on wheels, powered by sensors/actuators, hardware (HW), software (SW) and smart virtual functions that are integrated into the digital infrastructure. Electrification, automation, connectivity, digitalization, decarbonization, decentralization, and standardization are the main drivers that unlock intelligent vehicles' potential for sustainable green mobility applications. ECAS vehicles act as autonomous agents using swarm intelligence to communicate and exchange information, either directly or indirectly, with each other and the infrastructure, accessing independent services such as energy, high-definition maps, routes, infrastructure information, traffic lights, tolls, parking (micropayments), and finding emergent/intelligent solutions. The article gives an overview of the advances in AI technologies and applications to realize intelligent functions and optimize vehicle performance, control, and decision-making for future ECAS vehicles to support the acceleration of deployment in various mobility scenarios. ECAS vehicles, systems, sub-systems, and components are subjected to stringent regulatory frameworks, which set rigorous requirements for autonomous vehicles. An in-depth assessment of existing standards, regulations, and laws, including a thorough gap analysis, is required. Global guidelines must be provided on how to fulfill the requirements. ECAS vehicle technology trustworthiness, including AI-based HW/SW and algorithms, is necessary for developing ECAS systems across the entire automotive ecosystem. The safety and transparency of AI-based technology and the explainability of the purpose, use, benefits, and limitations of AI systems are critical for fulfilling trustworthiness requirements. The article presents ECAS vehicles’ evolution toward domain controller, zonal vehicle, and federated vehicle/edge/cloud-centric based on distributed intelligence in the vehicle and infrastructure level architectures and the role of AI techniques and methods to implement the different autonomous driving and optimization functions for sustainable green mobility.publishedVersio

    From MANET to people-centric networking: Milestones and open research challenges

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    In this paper, we discuss the state of the art of (mobile) multi-hop ad hoc networking with the aim to present the current status of the research activities and identify the consolidated research areas, with limited research opportunities, and the hot and emerging research areas for which further research is required. We start by briefly discussing the MANET paradigm, and why the research on MANET protocols is now a cold research topic. Then we analyze the active research areas. Specifically, after discussing the wireless-network technologies, we analyze four successful ad hoc networking paradigms, mesh networks, opportunistic networks, vehicular networks, and sensor networks that emerged from the MANET world. We also present an emerging research direction in the multi-hop ad hoc networking field: people centric networking, triggered by the increasing penetration of the smartphones in everyday life, which is generating a people-centric revolution in computing and communications

    A model for mobile, context-aware in-car communication systems to reduce driver distractions

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    Driver distraction remains a matter of concern throughout the world as the number of car accidents caused by distracted driving is still unacceptably high. Industry and academia are working intensively to design new techniques that will address all types of driver distraction including visual, manual, auditory and cognitive distraction. This research focuses on an existing technology, namely in-car communication systems (ICCS). ICCS allow drivers to interact with their mobile phones without touching or looking at them. Previous research suggests that ICCS have reduced visual and manual distraction. Two problems were identified in this research: existing ICCS are still expensive and only available in limited models of car. As a result of that, only a small number of drivers can obtain a car equipped with an ICCS, especially in developing countries. The second problem is that existing ICCS are not aware of the driving context, which plays a role in distracting drivers. This research project was based on the following thesis statement: A mobile, context-aware model can be designed to reduce driver distraction caused by the use of ICCS. A mobile ICCS is portable and can be used in any car, addressing the first problem. Context-awareness will be used to detect possible situations that contribute to distracting drivers and the interaction with the mobile ICCS will be adapted so as to avert calls and text messages. This will address the second problem. As the driving context is dynamic, drivers may have to deal with critical safety-related tasks while they are using an existing ICCS. The following steps were taken in order to validate the thesis statement. An investigation was conducted into the causes and consequences of driver distraction. A review of literature was conducted on context-aware techniques that could potentially be used. The design of a model was proposed, called the Multimodal Interface for Mobile Info-communication with Context (MIMIC) and a preliminary usability evaluation was conducted in order to assess the feasibility of a speech-based, mobile ICCS. Despite some problems with the speech recognition, the results were satisfying and showed that the proposed model for mobile ICCS was feasible. Experiments were conducted in order to collect data to perform supervised learning to determine the driving context. The aim was to select the most effective machine learning techniques to determine the driving context. Decision tree and instance-based algorithms were found to be the best performing algorithms. Variables such as speed, acceleration and linear acceleration were found to be the most important variables according to an analysis of the decision tree. The initial MIMIC model was updated to include several adaptation effects and the resulting model was implemented as a prototype mobile application, called MIMIC-Prototype

    Teknologinen kehitys ja sen vaikutus autoteollisuuden arvoketjuihin

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    This Master’s thesis studies the ways new technologies affect the automotive industry’s value chains. The industry’s revenues are shifting from hardware to software and from products to services, influencing the traditional players’ roles, business models and operations, and attracting new players from other industries. The trends driving these changes are based on connectivity, infotainment, ADAS, autonomous driving, and new mobility services. This thesis also investigates what possibilities these changes can bring to Finland. In this thesis, theory about value creation and value chains was studied from literature. Technology trends and changes in the industry’s value chain structures were studied by getting information from literature and interviews, and by analyzing the traditional players’ activity on acquiring capabilities related to new technologies. Many of the new innovations will come from other industries, and especially the number of agile players entering the automotive market from the ICT-industry are likely to increase. These new technology suppliers and service providers have become a part of the automotive value chain, complementing it to help answer the customer demand and safety regulations. New technologies are shaping the value chain and forming a value network around the traditional tiered value chain. The traditional players need to gain internal and external software know-how and cooperate with the new entrants to succeed in developing intelligent vehicles and bringing new kinds of services to the customers. The broad Finnish expertize on multiple areas can be transferred to answer the needs of the automotive industry on connected cars, autonomous driving and developing new services. However, Finland needs more companies, deeper understanding on how the automotive industry works, and raising awareness about Finland’s innovative ecosystem in order to succeed in the automotive market and to attract foreign investments

    One proposal of software middleware for heterogenous in-vehicle environments

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    Ова докторска дисертација се бави истраживањем из области софтверских платформи у модерним возилима. Са појавом савремених технологија, број и сложеност функција у возилима расте, док произвођачима аутомобила постаје све теже да одржавају такве разноврсне системе због чега конвергирају уједињавању функција, тј. коришћењу што мањег броја савремених чипова на којима би се реализовао што већи број функција. Циљ истраживања у оквиру ове докторске дисертације је да се на основу истраживања стања у области предложи архитектура средњег слоја софтвера за рачунарски систем у возилима, која ће представљати корак напред у поменутој тежњи произвођача аутомобила. Предложено решење треба да омогући и бржи и једноставнији развој апликација у хетерогеном окружењу возила. Решење је реализовано на више платформи са циљем провере функционалности, перформанси решења као и евалуације архитектурних особина које утичу на једноставан развој апликација. Основни допринос се огледа у предложеној спрези која омогућава бржи развој апликација.Ova doktorska disertacija se bavi istraživanjem iz oblasti softverskih platformi u modernim vozilima. Sa pojavom savremenih tehnologija, broj i složenost funkcija u vozilima raste, dok proizvođačima automobila postaje sve teže da održavaju takve raznovrsne sisteme zbog čega konvergiraju ujedinjavanju funkcija, tj. korišćenju što manjeg broja savremenih čipova na kojima bi se realizovao što veći broj funkcija. Cilj istraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije je da se na osnovu istraživanja stanja u oblasti predloži arhitektura srednjeg sloja softvera za računarski sistem u vozilima, koja će predstavljati korak napred u pomenutoj težnji proizvođača automobila. Predloženo rešenje treba da omogući i brži i jednostavniji razvoj aplikacija u heterogenom okruženju vozila. Rešenje je realizovano na više platformi sa ciljem provere funkcionalnosti, performansi rešenja kao i evaluacije arhitekturnih osobina koje utiču na jednostavan razvoj aplikacija. Osnovni doprinos se ogleda u predloženoj sprezi koja omogućava brži razvoj aplikacija.This PhD thesis addressed the problem of the software platforms in the field of heterogeneous in-vehicle environments. With modern technologies, the number and complexity of functions in the vehicle is constantly growing. It becomes harder for OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer) to maintain such different systems, and as a result there is a tendency to use as few modern chips as possible in order to realize as many functions. The goal of the research within this PhD thesis is to propose, based on the research, software middleware architecture for modern vehicle systems, which will be a step forward in the mentioned aspiration of OEMs. The proposed solution should enable faster and easier development of the applications in such environment. The solution is implemented on the multiple hardware platforms in order to check functionality, performance and to evaluate architectural features that affect ease application development. The main contribution of the thesis is the proposed interface that allows faster and easier application development

    The design and implementation of serious games for driving and mobility

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    The automotive and transportation sectors are showing consistent improvements in trends and standards concerning the safe and convenient travel of the road users. In this growing community of road users, the driver performance is a notable factor as many on-road mishaps emerge out of poor driver performance. In this research work, a case-study and experimental analysis were conducted to improve driver performance through the deployment of serious games. The primary motive of this work is to stimulate the on-road user performance through immediate feedback, driver coaching, and real-time gamification methods. The games exploit the cloud-based architecture to retrieve the driver performance scores based on real-time evaluation of vehicle signals and display the outcomes on game scene by reflecting the game parameters based on real-world user performance (in the context of driving and mobility). The deployment of games in cars is the topic of interest in current state-of-the-art, as there are more factors associated with it, such as safety, usability, and willingness of the users. These aspects were taken into careful consideration while designing the paradigm of gamification model. The user feedback for the real-time games was extracted through pilot tests and field tests in Genova. The gamification and driver coaching aspects were tested on various occasions (plug-in and field tests conducted at 5 European test sites), and the inputs from these field tests enabled to tune the parameters concerning the evaluation and gamification models. The improvement of user behavior was performed through a virtuous cycle with the integration of virtual sensors to the serious gaming framework. As the culmination, the usability tests for the real-time games were conducted with 18 test users to understand the user acceptance criteria and the parameters (ease of use and safety) that would contribute to the deployment of games. Other salient factors such as the impact of games, large-scale deployment, collaborative gaming and exploitation of gaming framework for 3rd party applications were also investigated in this research activity. The analysis of the usability tests states that the user acceptance of the implemented games is good. The report from usability study has addressed the user preferences in games such as duration, strategy and gameplay mechanism; these factors contribute a foundation for future research in implementing the games for mobility